FPSC Custom Inspector Past solved paper

FPSC Custom Inspector Past paper
The first constructed barrage of Pakistan: Sukkur barrage
Bhasha dam on which river Indus River
Which theory is used for bridge making ? Grothendieck toposes
HinduKush mountain range connect Pakistan with? Afghanistan
Which Ocean is deepest then others? Pacific Ocean
Comparing human eye with camera which is common in both ? shutter in a camera, and the pupil, at the center of the iris
Why sky looks blue: (A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colors because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.)
Asian Development Bank founded in? August 22, 1966
How many amendments in 1971 constitution of Pakistan
How many Women seats in national assembly of Pakistan? 60 Seats
How many members were there in first constitution 1956?
Zakat money can’t used in? mosque
Tv basics color is? RGB (Red, Green & Blue)
SAARC head Quarter? Kathmandu, Nepal
Sub Continent First Viceroy was? Charles Canning
The Jinnah book was written by? Jaswant Singh
Red Cross Headquarter? Geneva, Switzerland
Pakistan how many times dismissed from his membership in Security Council six times
Who collect the Quran Pak? Abu Bakr (ra)
Islamic sources of sharia ? quran, sunnah, ijmah, qiyas, ijtehad
Surah Ayat without bismillah ? Surah Touba
Who embraced Islam first in woman:? Hazrat Khatija (ra)
Imam Bukhari real name was? Muhammad bin ismail
What is Human body temperature in Fahrenheit Normal? 97.7–99.5 °F
What is Largest organ human body? Skin
Normal heart beat? 72
Study of earthquake is called? Seismology
Light year is a unit of? Astronomy unit of length
Asian Development Bank founded in? August 22, 1966
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