Everyday Science About Food And Nutrition Mcqs

Food And Nutrition

Name the nutrient which provides instant energy?
A. Proteins 
B. Carbohydrates
C. Minerals
D. Vitamins

The microorganisms widely used in preparation of butter or cheese is
A. Saccharomyces sp.
B. Mycobacterium sp.
C. Lactobacillus sp.
D. None of these

Fats and their derivatives occurring in living systems are collectively known as
A. Carbohydrates 
B. Proteins 
C. Lipids
D. Vitamins

Fats are long chain organic compounds consisting of several different kinds of
A. Amino Acids
B. Fatty Acids
C. Iodine
D. Accetic Acid

What is the main function of water in human body?
A. Provide Energy
B. Help in growth
C. Control body process 
D. All of the above

Which of the following minerals are very useful for human body?
A. Calcium
B. Phosphorous 
C. Sodium
D. All of above

Name the ready source of energy available for athletes?
A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Minerals
D. Vitamins

Which of the following has been found useful in keeping cholesterol level down?
A. Vitamin A
B. Tulsi
C. Saliva
D. Cheese

Carrot is the rich source of?
A. Vitamin A.
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D

How much protein is recommended for a moderately active women daily?
A. 30g
B. 35g
C. 41g
D. 46g

Water is the largest inorganic component of human food. Name the largest organic component of human body?
A. Protein
B. Fats
C. Carbohydrates
D. Vitamins

Which of the following is true regarding excess of Carbohydrates in human body?
A. They are store as glycogen or converted to fat
B. they are stored in liver and muscle and in fat cells beneath the skin
C. both of these
D. none of these

Select the correct statement 
A. Fruits and Vegetables are 80 to 95 percent water
B. The human body is 65 percent water
C. Meats are made up of 50 percent water
D. All above
Which part of our food is responsible to build body tissue and to synthesize enzyme, some hormones such as enzyme, some hormones such as insulin that regulate communication among organs and cells, and other complex substances that govern body processes?
A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Protein
D. None of them

A deficiency of Zinc:
A. Impair growth
B. Cause dwarfism
C. Both of them
D. None of them

In which part of our body Fluorine is retained?
A. Teeth
B. Bones
C. Both of them
D. None of them

Mention the food in which sodium, cobalt, chloride, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium are present?
A. Milk
B. Pulses
C. Vegetables
D. Fruits

How many peoples worldwide suffer from iodine-deficiency diseases?
A. 50 Million
B. 10 Million
C. 150 Million
D. 110 Million

Copper, Zinc, fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, and selenium are important parts of human food. By which name these are called?
A. Micro elements 
B. Trace elements
C. Essential elements
D. Nano elements

Which of the following is the rich source of iron?
A. Green Vegetables 
B. Soya bean
C. Both of them
D. None of them

Name the substance in stomach that is necessary for easy digestion of proteins?
A. Bile juice
B. Sulphur Acid
C. Hydrochloric acid
D. Hydrochloric Acid

Which of these drinks would normally be lowest in sugar content?
A. Low-calorie squash
B. High-juice squash
C. Fruit-flavored drink
D. Skimmed milk

Which type of milk is generally lowest in fat?
A. Full cream 
B. Powdered
C. Dried
D. Skimmed

What do you call milk that has been deliberately thickened and fermented by the introduction of Lactobacillus?
A. Double cream 
B. Yogurt
C. Pasteurized
D. Skimmed Milk

If in an operation, if the bile duct is removed the digestion of              will be reduced
A. Carbohydrates 
B. Fats
C. Proteins
D. Both a and c

Vitamin B2 is also known as:
A. Riboflavin
B. Calcium
C. Thiamine
D. None of them

The protein content of edible portion of eggs is?
A. 13.3%
B. 14.3%
C. 15.3%
D. 16.3%

Enzymes are 
A. Chemical Catalyst
B. Biological Catalyst
C. Organic Catalyst
D. Inorganic Catalyst

Name the organic compounds which are necessary for normal metabolic functions of human body?
A. Proteins
B. Lipids
C. Vitamins
D. Fats  

Which of the following sweeteners does not provide any energy to the body?
A. Glucose
B. Fructose
C. Maltose
D. Saccharin

Which one of the following is present to larger extent by weight in potatoes?
A. Protein
B. Starch
C. Water
D. Glucose

What is the charming sugar due to?
A. Oxidation
B. Reduction
C. Dehydration
D. Reduction and hydration

What kind of molecules are broken into simple molecules in catabolism?
A. Large organic
B. Complex Organic
C. Large inorganic
D. Complex inorganic

Milk Lacks in one important nutrient which?
A. Calcium
B. Iron
C. Potassium
D. Protein

If one chews an unsweetened chapatti for a short time a distinctly sweetish taste becomes noticeable. This is becomes?
A. Protein is converted into sugar in the mouth
B. Carbohydrate is converted into sugar in the mouth
C. Fats is converted into sugar in the mouth
D. Vitamins are converted into sugar in the mouth

Digestion of fats in the intestines is aided by 
A. Hydrolysis
B. Oxidation
C. De-emulsification
D. Emulsification

Sucrose is dissolved in water due to?
A. Hydrogen bonding
B. Hydration
C. Chemical Reaction
D. None of them

Carbonated drinks are example of 
A. Gas in gas
B. Gas in water
C. Gas in solid
D. Solid in liquid

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