10000 General Knowledge Mcqs

1 What is the most frequently accessed article World Encyclopaedia Snake Information
2 Where would you find a coiffe or muselet Bottle wire cork hold
3 Men average 12 a year women 18 a year - what Read Books
4 What classic novel sold only 50 copies authors lifetime Moby Dick
5 The average human has seven what each day Sex Fantasies
6 If an Australian called you a cadbury what would he mean Cheap Drunk
7 In the language of flowers what does straw mean Agreement
8 A young what is called a Cheeper Grouse Partridge
9 Who is the Patron Saint of authors Saint Paul
10 What does a Caligynephobe fear Beautiful Women
11 Collective nouns - A group of beavers is what Colony
12 58% of people like what during sex Dirty Talk
13 What is a braquette Fake Dick extension
14th century
14 The Walibri tribe central Australia greet each other how Shaking Penises
15 In Tremonton Utah illegal for a woman not man what in ambulance Have sex
16 In Islamic law after having sex with a lamb mortal sin to do what Eat its flesh
17 US Fed laws specify what colour underwear for Crash Dummies Tea Rose
18 Where is your Popliteal Fossa Back of Knee
19 What is the national dish of the Faeroe Islands Puffin stuffed with
20 What is Kumiss made from in Asia Fermented Cows Milk
21 A Mai Tai is a cocktail literally meaning what in Tahitian Out of the World
22 What is chiengora Dog Hair spun into
23 Only 30% of women do what Swallow
24 The chupacabra is a legendary Mexican animal what in English Goat Sucker
25 In Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis Gregor Samsa wakes up as? An Insect
26 Danny Zuko was a main character in what film Grease
27 If you ordered Tori Udon in a Japanese restaurant you get what Thick Noodles broth
with Chicken
28 Who said "Canada? I don't even know what street Canada is on" Al Capone
29 What links Jerry Garcia Buster Keaton Boris Yeltsin Missing a bit of finger
30 What is the literal translation of haute couture High Sewing
31 The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of who Helios the sun god
32 Market research says what colour makes people spend more Light Purple
33 Hack - Hog Line - House are terms in what sport Curling
34 What do Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones have in common At Harvard Together
35 Collective nouns - A tiding of what Magpies
36 You can get 5 years in Kentucky for sending a friend what Bottle beer or booze
37 Hipopota Agravis or guasano is what in Mexican Tequila Not Worm – Butterfly
38 What is the name for a special vibrator worn with straps A Butterfly
39 What is a toque A Canadian winter hat
40 What movie had the line "We're on a mission from God" The Blues Brothers
41 What is the fourth most common language in the USA ASL American Sign
42 60% of women experience what Menstrual Cramps
43 What is Linus last name in the Peanuts cartoons Van Pelt
44 In what movie did Whoopee Goldberg make her debut The Colour Purple
45 Who turned down the Bogart role in Casablanca Ronald Reagan
46 What token was added to Monopoly in 1999 Sack of Money
47 Alcohol comes from the Arabic word Al Kohl meaning what The Essence
48 In Washington state it is specifically illegal to have sex with who Virgins
49 Who is the Patron Saint of brewers Saint Nicholas
50 If an Australian called you a Gumsucker what would he mean You were from
Victoria state
51 In the language of flowers what does oak leaves mean Bravery
52 What does a Coprophobe fear Crap - Shit - Faeces
53 Collective nouns - a leash of what Greyhounds
54 In Lebanon it is legal to have sex with who / what Female animals –
males death
55 Kan Pei - Terveydeksi - Op Je gazonheid 3 ways saying what Good Health - Cheers
56 25% of women regularly do what Shave off pubic hair
57 Who tell of the mythical Bunyips that eat people Australian Aboriginal
58 Who wrote One flew over the Cuckoos Nest Ken Kesey
59 Japanese Soya noodles are made from what Buckwheat
60 What word in English has the most synonyms Drunk
61 What English word comes from Latin for Sheath for a Sword Vagina
62 At the end of TVs MASH what character stayed in Korea Corp Maxwell Klinger
63 April 20 1896 was the first time people paid to do what See a movie in NY
64 There are 33 words on the back of a bottle of what beer Rolling Rock
65 Brigham Young University offers what unusual Major Ballroom Dancing
66 What product was originally called Baby Gays Q Tips
67 Women do it twice as often as men - what Blink
68 What is the only flavour Jell-o containing any real fruit Cranberry
69 Einstein never wore what if he could avoid it Socks
70 What is a tucket Baseball organ music
71 Beethoven's 9th was his interpretation of what work by Schiller Ode to Joy
72 A standard what contains eight holes Horseshoe
73 What city was chosen but refused the 1976 Winter Olympics Denver
74 Where in Europe can you find wild monkeys Gibraltar
75 70% of Americans have done what Visited Disneyland /
76 What is the name of the Flintstones cat Baby-Puss
77 Muscatel literally means what in Italian With Flies on it
78 A average male will have 2000 what during his lifetime Masturbated
79 What is polenta Cornmeal and water
80 Egg Fu is the enemy of what super hero Wonder Woman
81 Who was the first honorary US citizen Winston Churchill
82 What links Bill Clinton Fidel Castro Alb Einstein Jimmy Hendrix Left Handed
83 According to a survey what is the US top family food Spaghetti – then
84 Urea is only found in humans and what other animal Dalmatian Dogs
85 What group were once called The Warlocks The Grateful Dead
86 What colour is a sunburned turnip Green
87 On Average a West German goes 7 days without doing what Washing his
88 What product put its logo on Dover cliffs - Act Parliament get off Quaker Oats Man
89 Approximately 3 million women in the USA have what Tattoos
90 Harold Sakata was badly burned playing what character Odd Job in Goldfinger
91 In the Flintstones in what county is Bedrock Cobblestone County
92 Ariztid Olt was what early name used by a famed actor Bela Lugosi
93 Who said "Once you are dead you are made for life" Jimmy Hendrix
94 What does Vodka literally mean Little Water
95 In Kingsville Texas its illegal for who/what to shag on airport land Pigs
96 Collective nouns - a hedge of what Herons
97 What does a Erotophobe fear Sexual Love
98 Who is the Patron Saint of Gout Saint Andrew
99 In the language of flowers what does yellow lily mean Falsehood
100 What is the Roman Numerals for 4000 MMMM
1 Put the worlds most common forename and surname together Mohammed Chen
2 King James the IV practiced what (and charged) on subjects Dentistry
3 At the Festival of the Cleaver Spartans nailed what to the wall Sausages for older
men to gnaw
4 43% of Americans regularly do what Attend church
5 Chachi was a character in Happy days whats it mean in Korean Penis
6 Frank Sinatra John Wayne Paul Newman rejected what role Dirty Harry Callahan
7 Who was the first man to set foot on all five continents Captain Cook
8 What idea began in London in 1764 House Numbers
9 Only humans and what have hymens Horses
10 In Connecticut by law restaurants must provide separate what Nose blowing – not
blowing tables
11 DELAG was the worlds first what Oct 16 1909 Airline - by Zeppelin
12 Do ahashya da is Navaho for what I am Stupid
13 Here comes the judge is from what TV show Rowan and Martins
Laugh In
14 What is a Hindi in Turkey A Turkey
15 Each day 3000 Americans do what for the first time Start Smoking
16 Apart from Star Trek Kirk Scott Spock Sulu (actors) what prog The Twilight Zone
17 Elizabeth I had anthrophobia what was she afraid of Roses
18 What did Beethoven do before composing Put head in cold water
19 What gives onions their distinctive smell Sulphur - taken in
when growing
20 Where was the first police force established in 1667 Paris
21 Who is the largest toy distributor in the world McDonalds
22 The average chocolate bar has eight what in it Insects legs
23 Zorro the heroes name means what in Spanish The Fox
24 In Chicago its illegal to fish wearing what Your Pyjamas
25 Vegetarians do what more than carnivore / omnivores Fart
26 What county has a national dog (only one country has one) Netherlands
27 What is the leading cause of death in China Respiratory Disease
28 What product is consumed most in California Bottled Water
29 What flavour is kirshwasser liqueur Cherry
30 Farina is Italian for what Flour
31 Moons of the faithful is the Chinese translation of what fruit Apricot
32 What science ficton author wrote about The Cities in Flight series James Blish
33 What literary character was born on September 22 1290 Hobbit Bilbo Baggins
34 Patsy Mclenny became famous as who Morgan Fairchild
35 What fruits do Elephants eat to get pissed ( ferment inside ) Marula
36 30% of women have done it but only 10% do it regularly - what Multiple Orgasms
37 Its illegal to do what in the French vineyards Land a Flying Saucer
38 What word come from the Latin phrase "to be ashamed of" Pudenda
39 The Travelmate was designed to allow women to do what Pee Standing Up
40 What TV program first used the word hell Star Trek lets get the
hell outa here
41 Termites eat wood twice as fast if what is happening Heavy Metal Music
42 What distinguished the 9th and 10th Cavalry All Black Regiments
43 Choroti women are expected to do what during sex Spit in their partners
44 What links horses rabbits and rats Cannot Vomit
45 An average American does it 2.2 times a week – what Visit a Supermarket
46 How did Queen Victoria ease her menstrual cramp pain Used Marijuana
47 George Washington carried a portable what Sundial
48 What make and model of car was Christine in the book and film Plymouth Fury
49 What liqueur is prepared from cumin and caraway seeds Kummel
50 In Kansas its illegal to eat cherry pie with what Ice Cream
51 Tamarack Idaho can't buy what after dark without sheriff permit Onions
52 73% of what is produced and consumed in the USA Internet Pornography
53 97% of all paper money in the USA has traces of what on it Cocaine
54 Catch 22 had what original name - publisher changed it Catch 18
55 Half the population of China is what Short Sighted
56 What animals name comes from the Sanskrit to steal Mouse - Musha
57 Telephone poles are mostly made from what wood Chestnut
58 The Spanish word Esposa means both wife and what Handcuffs
59 What book was given to all officers in the Confederate army Les Miserables
60 What Canadian city has the most bars per capita Halifax Nova Scotia
61 Ninkasi was the ancient Egyptian goddess of what Beer
62 Who was the voice of Scooby Doo Mickey Dolenz
63 In Glendale Arizona it is illegal for a car to do what Reverse - Back up
64 Who said "Sometimes too much drink is barely enough" Mark Twain
65 Joan Peters became famous as who Carol Lombard
66 Hawaiian Pia Polish Piwo Hungarian Sor - what is it Beer
67 All commercially bred turkeys are what Artificially
Inseminated – males
68 Wimpy was the working title of what classic movie Psycho
69 The longest section American slang dictionary what subject Vomit
70 Climbing boys were banned what did sweeps drop down chimneys Live Chickens
71 What was the Bikini originally called The Atom
72 In Huston Texas they do it most 4.6 times per week - what Eat Out
73 What magazine has the largest unpaid circulation in the US Disney Channel
74 More than 100 women make a living from impersonating who Marilyn Monroe
75 In Omaha Nebraska its illegal for a barber to shave what A mans chest
76 Ancient Chinese thought what fruit a symbol long life immortality Peach
77 Fried Chicken Strawberry Shortcake trad Xmas eve meal where Japan
78 Calgary University offers a two day course in what Igloo Building
79 Cleopatra sometimes wore a fake what Beard – for Official
80 in 1980 the Yellow Pages listed a Funeral Home under what Frozen Food
81 Most Jell-o contains crushed what Hooves
82 What colour are the Amazon river dolphins Pink
83 What pop group said "Were only in it for the volume" Black Sabbath
84 Phonetically spelled out what does Esso mean in Japan Stalled Car
85 If you had aprosexia what would be impaired or reduced Ability to study
86 90% of New York cabbies are what New immigrants
87 In Massachusetts it is illegal to deliver what on Sundays Diapers - Nappies
88 Name the first mailman in Philadelphia Benjamin Franklin
89 US school buses are Chrome Yellow but they used to be what Omaha Orange
90 Harold Edgerton has taken all the worlds photos of what US nuclear bomb
91 15% of American males are what - so are bulls Colour Blind
92 Seattle Rome Edinburgh Sheffield what links them Built on seven hills
93 There are over 800 brands of what for sale in the USA Bottled Water
94 In what country do they answer the phone by saying I'm listening Russia
95 Who captured the first confederate flag in the US civil war George Armstrong
96 Bourbon Miss restaurant by law what must be served with water One Small onion per
97 Mary Leta Dorothy Slaton became famous as who Dorothy Lamour
98 Who said "More people would be alive if we had a death penalty" Nancy Reagan
99 The Chinese apple is another name for what fruit Pomegranate
100 Massachusetts in April the law states that dogs will have what Rear Legs Tied
1 What is Daffy Ducks middle name Dumas
2 In downtown Lima Peru there is a brass statue of who Winnie the Pooh
3 43% of women want to try sadomasochism after smelling what Vanilla extract
4 26% of McDonalds Ontario employees admit doing what Putting bodily fluids
in food
5 What is the name of the elephant headed god in India Ganish
6 The foghorn of the QE2 plays in what note A Flat
7 McDonalds and Burger King put what on their fries Sugar to brown colour
8 Where is a horses poll Between its ears
9 Who rejected the role of Riddler in Batman Forever Robin Williams
10 The Victorians began circumcision of male babies to stop what Masturbation
11 What conc. product carried in tankers has a hazardous sign Coca Cola
12 In Georgia its illegal for a barber to do what Advertise Prices
13 25% of sexually active people have tried what Anal Sex
14 Who said "Losing my virginity was a career move" Madonna
15 Hemeroticism is what Sexual fantasy
16 Depeche Mode the 80s groups name translates as what Fast Fashion
17 Marathon runners have on average 14 a week - what Alcoholic drinks
18 41% of American women believe what nationality best husbands Canadian
19 On Average North American women do what 83 times a year Have Sex
20 46% of women say this is better than sex - what A good nights sleep
21 Where is the fourth most popular place on a ship to have sex The lifeboat
22 And what is the first The Whirlpool
23 10% of men claim to do this regularly – what Shave their pubic hair
24 The word negligee is French and suggests wearer does what Avoids refrains from
25 In Tennessee it is illegal to sell what on a Sunday Bologna
26 Volney was in hundreds of films where can you see him MGM films he was
the lion
27 Alces Alces is the Latin name for what animal Moose
28 Where do Cuckoo clocks come from Black Forest Germany
29 What used to be measured in Gillettes Laser Strength – no
blades drilled
30 O'Shey Jackson became better known as who Ice Cube
31 A talus is what geographical feature Boulders fallen from
32 What is a Godeminche Penis dildo with balls
33 In Virginia its against the law for people to bribe except who Political Candidates
34 In ancient Greece aristocratic women were deflowered with what Stone Penis
35 JRR Tolkein wrote The Lord of the Rings what the JRR stand for John Robert Reuel
36 A Hop Low is the world smallest - what Mushroom
37 What has 121 holes Chinese Checkerboard
38 What was the first video played on MTV Europe Money for Nothing –
Dire Straits
39 Thurl Ravenscroft is the voice of who Tony the Tiger
40 What was Ghengis Khans first job Goatherd
41 In film making what is a martini shot Last of day before pub
42 What flavours root beer Sarsaparilla
43 30 million people in the USA have diasima - what is it Gap in front teeth
44 In Chaucer's England a mussel was slang for what Vulva
45 In New Jersey what can't be sold on a Sunday Cabbage
46 What is the name for a male ferret Jack
47 Woodpecker Scalps - Porpoise Teeth - Giraffe Tails what links All been used as
48 What was the city symbol of Pompeii A Winged Penis
49 In Old English what is a frieosan A Sneeze
50 Who was supposed to play Betelgeuse in the movie Sammy Davis Junior
51 Psychologist say when a woman wears red she wants what Another Woman
52 67% of dog owners do what at holiday time Buy a present for dog
53 in 1994 314 Americans had what type of surgery Buttock Lift
54 English ships carried limes protect scurvy what US ships carry Cranberries
55 How many tail feathers has a Kiwi None
56 What gem was Cleopatra's signet The Amethyst
57 Cagney shoves grapefruit Mae Clarke face was going to be what An Omelette
58 In North Carolina its against the law for who / what to fight Cats and Dogs
59 Who said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" Sigmund Freud
60 The word stymie originated in what sport Golf ball blocking you
61 What is silviculture Forestry
62 Rosalind Julia Portia Viola Cymbeline what links not obvious Heroines dress as men
63 What medal shows 3 naked men hands on each others shoulders Nobel Peace Prize
64 J Worthington Foulfeather was the name of what Disney character The Fox in Pinocchio
65 What was the only film about Vietnam made during the war The Green Berets
66 What did archers at the ancient Olympics use as targets Tethered Doves
67 What national flag has the largest animal emblem - a lion Sri Lanka
68 If not a bird magician or a spitfire engine What is a Merlin Artificial vagina
69 What is the Badger state Wisconsin
70 In Michigan married couples can be imprisoned unless they what Live Together
71 Arturo Toscanini played what instrument before conducting The Cello
72 After the Bible what book did Americans rate as their favourite Sears Roebuck
73 What are the names of the two cats in Disney's Lady + Tramp Si and Am
74 What is the oldest registered trade mark still used in USA Red Devil Undewoods
devilled ham
75 Whose legs were banned from metro posters too distracting Marlene Dietrich
76 Where would a soldier wear a Havelock Head in Desert
77 Where are the glasshouse mountains Queensland Australia
78 What was Napoleon Bonaparte's official emblem Bumblebee
79 The USA call her the Maid of Honour what do the British call her The Chief Bridesmaid
80 What airport has the code MME Marseilles
81 In Missouri a man must have a permit to do what Shave
82 Clomipramine an anti depressant had what unusual side effect Orgasm when yawn
83 What is the name of Madonna's Chiuhauha Chiquita
84 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez became notorious as who Carlos the Jackal
85 To a golfer what's a frosty Score of 8 on a hole
86 What is Xylography Wood Engraving
87 What is Fonzies full name on Happy Days Arthur Herbert
88 Jacque Cousteau's ship Calypso used to be what before he got it Minesweeper
89 What books original title was Murder in the Calais Coach Murder on the Orient
90 What in reality was Dr McCoy's medical scanner in Star Trek A Salt Shaker
91 In Phoenix Arizona you cant walk through a hotel wearing what Spurs
92 What is tripsophillia Arousal from massage
93 Name first monochrome film converted electronically to colour Yankee Doodle
94 What does the name Mesopotamia mean Between two Rivers
95 What was the name of the baby in Three Men and a Baby Mary
96 What is a Winter Banana A variety of Apple
97 In what movie did Richard Drefus make his one line debut The Graduate
98 What is the meaning of the Sioux word Tonka - used for toys Great
99 What are or were Wix Fibs and Fax Brands of Tampons
100 By law In Washington State a concealed weapon must be what Under 6 foot long –
bigger is illegal

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