Basic General Knowledge In Mcqs

Largest – World
Largest continent ........................................... Asia
Largest ocean ............................................... Pacific
Largest river .............................................. Amazon
Largest river basin ..................................... Amazon
Largest lake (salt water) ....................... Caspian sea
Largest lake (fresh water) ..........Lake Superior (North
Largest artificial lake ..... Lake Mead at Hoover Dam,
(USA). Originally known as Boulder.
Largest bay ................ Hudson Bay (North Canada)
Largest gulf ..................................... Gulf of Mexico
Largest gorge ........................ Grand Canyon (USA)
Largest sea .................................... South China sea
Largest delta....... Sundarbans (India & Bangladesh)
Largest peninsula ........................................ Arabia
Largest island ......................................... Greenland
Largest country (in area) .............................. Russia
Largest country (in population)...................... China
Largest temple` ................... Angkorwat (Cambodia)
Largest archipelago .................................Indonesia
Largest airport ... King Khalid International Airport at
Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Largest church ................St.Peter's Basilica, (Rome)
Largest mosque ...... Sha Faisal Mosque (Islamabad)
Largest embassy............ Russian Embassy (Beijing)
Largest war plane .......................... Mirage (France)
Largest prison ............................. Kharkov (Russia)
Largest hotel ........... MGM Grand Hotel and Casino,
Las Vegas (USA)
Largest desert.................................. Sahara (Africa)
Largest forest ........................Coniferous Forests of
Northern Russia
Largest stadium ................. Strahove (Czech Republic)
Largest library .... United States Library of Congress
Largest museum .................... American Museum of
Natural History (New York)
Largest animal ....................................... Blue whale
Largest land animal ........... The African Bush Elephant
Largest democracy ......................................... India
Largest electorate ........................................... India
Largest town ......................... Mt. Isa (Queensland)

Largest palace ..................... Imperial Palace, Beijing
Largest dam........................... Three Gorges (China)
Largest landmass................The Eurasian Landmass
Largest park .. Wood Buffalo National Park (Canada)
Largest zoo ...... Krugal National Park (South Africa)
Largest river island ......................... Majuli (Assam)
Largest inland sea .......................Mediterranean sea
Largest canal ........................ Keil Canal in Germany
Largest reef ............... Great Barrier Reef, (Australia)
Largest city (population)................... Tokyo (Japan)
Largest estuary..................................... Ob (Russia)
Largest cave ........ Mammoth Cave, Kentucky (USA)
Largest strait ........................................ Tartar strait
Largest wall ......................... The Great Wall (China)
Largest cemetery ....................... Leningrad (Russia)
Largest railway station ......... Grand Central Terminal
(New York)
Largest university building .....................................
University of Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Largest open university ........Indira Gandhi National
Open University (New Delhi)
Largest steel plant ..........Nippon Steel plant (Japan)
Largest wingspan ....................................Albatross
Largest active volcano ............Mauna lao on Hawaii
Largest planet ............................................. Jupiter
Largest bird .................................................Ostrich
Largest sea bird .......................................Albatross
Largest diamond ................................. The Cullinan
Largest parliament . The National People's Congress
of the People's Republic of China
Largest north to south stretch of land ........ America
Largest cold desert ........................Gobi (Mongolia)
Largest plateau ................................... Pamir (Tibet)
Largest mountain range ..................... The Himalaya
Largest statue ............................... Statue of liberty
Largest bank .................... World bank (Washington)
Mammoth Cave is the longest cave system
known in the world. It is situated in USA. It
became a World Heritage Site on October 27,
1981, and an international Biosphere Reserve on
September 26, 1990. It is centered around the
Green River, with a tributary, the Nolin River,
feeding into the Green just inside the park.
Largest army.................................................. China
Largest cricket stadium ......... Melbourne (Australia)
Largest navy .................................................. USA
Largest airforce............................................... USA
Largest natural satellite ............. Ganymede (Jupiter)
Largest port .......................................... New Jersey
Largest book publishing company ..........................
Mc Graw Hill (New York)
Largest Dome in the World... Astrodome, in Housten
Largest Epic ........................................ Mahabharat
Largest carnivorous mammal ................... Polar Bear
Smallest continent .................................... Australia
Smallest ocean .............................................. Arctic
Smallest republic........................................... Nauru
Smallest colony ......................................... Gibraltar
Smallest state ..............................................Vatican
Smallest landmass...............The Australian Mainland
Smallest bird ..................................... Humming bird
Smallest flowering plant ................................Wolfia
Smallest planet..........................................Mercury
World's Smallest Museum .................... Arizona, US
World's Smallest PC ............................. Space Cube
Highest mountain peak - Mt. Everest (Nepal)
Highest mountain - Himalaya
Highest lake - Titicaca (Bolivia)
Highest plateau - Tibet
Highest continent - Antartica
Highest waterfall - Angel Falls, (Venezuela)
Highest active volcano - Guayathiri (Chile)
Highest capital city - La Paz (Bolivia)
Highest town - Wenchuan (Tibet)
Highest volcano - Cotopaxy (Ecuador)
Highest airport - Lhasa Airport (Tibet)
Highest railway station - Condor Station (Bolivia)
Highest river bridge - Royal Gorge (Colorado)
Highest road bridge - Bailey bridge built by the
Indian Army at
Khardungla (Ladakh)
Highest railway - Qinghai - Tibet (5072m)
Highest Bridge - Milau (France) 2.46 km)
Longest river - Nile (Egypt)
Longest road - Pan American Highway
Longest railway platform - Kharagpur, (West Ben-
gal)Longest dam - Hirakud (Orissa)
Longest mountain range - Andes (South America)

Longest railway tunnel - Seikan Rail Tunnel (Ja-
Longest railway line - Trans-Siberian Railway
Longest ship canal - Suez Canal
Longest estuary - Obeestuary (Russia)
Longest road tunnel - St. Gothard Road Tunnel
Longest bridge - Second Lake Pontchar-
train Causeway
Fastest land animal .................................... Cheetah
Oldest national flag................................... Denmark
Fastest bird .................................................... Swift
Shortest river ........ Roe river in Montana (61 m long)
Lowest point on earth .............................. Dead Sea
Most densely populated province ............ Monacco
Least populous city .....................................Vatican
The oldest plant ............................................. Rose
The oldest capital city............................. Damascus
Most poisonous fish .............................. Puffer fish
Coldest place ............................ Vostok,(Antarctica)
Hottest planet............................................... Venus
Strongest natural fibre ...................................... Silk
Lowest temperature .............Absolute Zero (-273oC)
Widest Bridge..................... Sydney Harbour Bridge
Busiest airport Chicago O'Hare International Airport


Tallest fountain ................... Fountain Hills, Arizona
Tallest free standing structure (tower) .... CN Tower,
Toronto (Canada)
Tallest active geyser ................. Steam boat Geyser
Yellowstone National Park, (USA)
Tallest building ..................... Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
Tallest tree ................................The Redwood Tree
Tallest animal ............................................... Giraffe
Tallest road.... Khardungla Pass (Leh Manali, India)
Tallest office building .............. Petronas Twin Tower
(Kualalumpur, Malaysia)
Tallest bridge ...... Royal Gorge Arkansas, America)
Tallest Statue ........... Statue of Motherland (USSR)
Tallest Minaret ...... Sultan Hassan Mosque (Egypt)
Tallest Railwayline .......... Quin - Hai - Tibet (China)BIGGEST –World
Biggest dome ........................... Gol Gumbaz (India)
Gol Gumbaz is the mausoleum of Mohammed Adil
Shah (1627-55) of the Adil Shahi dynasty who ruled
the Sultanate of Bijapur from 1490 to 1686.
Biggest library ..................National Kie Library (CIS)
Biggest palace ..................................Vatican (Italy)
Biggest desert ................................ Sahara (Africa)
Deepest ocean ................................... Pacific Ocean
Deepest lake ........................... Lake Baikal, (Siberia)
Deepest gorge ....................... Hell’s Canyon, (USA)
Deepest point in the ocean ........ Challenger deep of
Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean
Longest fresh water lake - Lake Tanganyika
Longest epic - Mahabharatha
Longest wall - Great Wall of China
Longest non-stop train - Flying Scotsman
Longest drought - Atacama Desert (North
Longest snake - Python
Longest dictionary - Oxford English Dictionary
Longest Airport - Dallas (USA)
Longest Railway Bridge – Lower Zambezi (Africa)
Longest Throughfare – Broadway (New York)
Longest Shipping Canal – Baltic White Sea Canal
Longest day – June 21
Longest Beach – Rio de Janerio (Brazil)
Longest Corridor – Rameswaram Temple
Longest Railway Line – Trans - Siberian Railway
Longest Swimming Canal – English Canal
Biggest reptile ......................... Saltwater Crocodile
Biggest lizard ..............................Komodo Dragons
Biggest bird ................................... African Ostrich
Biggest eggs ..................................... Ostrich Eggs
Biggest flower .........................................Rafflesia.
The Ostrich, Struthio camelus, is a large flightless
bird native to Africa. The Ostrich is the
largest living species of bird
Biggest planet ............................................ Jupiter
Biggest passenger ship.............. Queen Elizebeth II
Biggest diamond mine...... Kimberley (South Africa)
Biggest car manufacturer ............... General Motors
(Detroit, America)
Irrigation scheme ..............Llyod barraye (Pakistan)
Island .......... Greenland (Renamed Kalaallit Nunnat)
Water fall ..........................................Guaira (Brazil)
Hotel ............................................... Conrad Hilton
Biggest Park ................. Yellow stone National Park
Biggest Auditorium.............. Municipal Auditorium
at Atlantic City
Biggest football stadium ............. Marakana (Brazil)
Island continents............... Antarctica and Australia
Lowest mountains ........................... Bheinna Bhaile
Hottest region .... North-West Sahara, Azisia (Libya)
Fastest planet ............................................ Mercury
Coldest planet ........................................... Neptune
Widest Waterfall .................................. Khone Falls
Oldest Religion ........................................ Hinduism
FIRSTin World
 The first persons to reach Mount Everest –
– Sherpa Tenzing, Edmund Hillary
 The first person to reach North Pole
– Robert Peary
 The first person to reach South Pole
– Amundsen
 The first religion of the world – Hinduism
 The first country to print book – China
 The first country to issue paper currency –
 The first country to commence competitive
examination in civil services – China
 The first President of the U.S.A
– George Washington
 The first Prime Minister of Britain – Robert
 The first Governor General of the United Nations
– Trigveli (Norway)
 The first country to prepare a constitution –
 The first Governor General of Pakistan
– Mohd. Ali Jinnah
 The first country to host NAM summit
– Belgrade (Yugoslavia)
 The first European to attack India
– Alexander, The Great
 The first European to reach China
– Marco Polo
 The first person to fly aeroplane
– Wright Brothers
 The first person to sail round the world
– Magellan
 The first country to send man to the moon
– U.S.A
 The first country to launch Artificial satellite in
the space – Russia
 The first country to host the modern Olympics
– Greece
 First human in space - Yuri Gagarin (Russia)
 The first city on which the atom bomb was
dropped – Hiroshima (Japan)
 The first person to land on the moon Neil
Armstrong followed by
– Edwin E. Aldrin
 The first shuttle to go in space – Columbia
 The first spacecraft to reach on Mars – Viking-I
 The first woman Prime Minister of England
– Margaret Thatcher
 The first Muslim Prime Minister of a country
– Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan)
 The first woman to climb Mount Everest
– Mrs. Junko Tabei (Japan)
 The first woman cosmonaut of the world
– Valentina Tereshkova (Russia)
 The first woman President of the U.N. General
– Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
 The first batsman to score three test century in
three successive tests on debut
– Mohd. Azharuddin
 The first man to have climbed Mount Everest
– Nawang Gombu
Slowest animal ................................................ Snail
Heaviest Rainfall....................... Mawsynram (India)
Driest place ....................... Death valley (California)
Hottest place ..................................... Azizia (Libya)
Furthest planet (from the sun) ....................Neptune
Shortest day....................................... December 22
 The first U.S. President to resign Presidency
– Richard Nixon
 Chinese Traveller to India – Fahein
 Foreign Invader to India – Alexander the Great
 Person in Space – Yuri Gagarin
 Person on Moon – Neil Armstrong
 The first woman to climb Mount Everest – Junko
 The first European to visit China – Marco Polo
 Man to walk in Space – Alexei Leonov
 The first woman Prime Minister of a country
– Mrs. Srimavo Bhandarnaike
 The first woman President of a country
– Maria Estela Peron
 The first woman to Command a Space Mission
– Eileen Collins (U.S.A.)
 First talkie movie in the world – “The jazz
Singer” (1927).
 The first residents of International Space station
– Bill Shepherd (USA), Yuri Gidzanko and Sergei
Krikalev (Russia)
 The first blind man to scale Mt. Everest
– Erik Weihenmayer (USA, May 25, 2001)
 The first Muslim woman to become the Secretary
General of Amnesty International
– lrine Zubeida Khan
 The first space astronaut to go into space seven
times till date
– Jerry Ross (U.S.A.)
 The first South African to become the second
space tourist
– Mark Shuttleworth
 The first woman Prime Minister of South Korea
– Ms. Chang Sang
 The first youngest grandmaster of the world in
– Sergey Karjakin (Ukraine)
 The first adventurer flying successfully across
the English Channel without aircraft
– Felix Baumgartner (July 2003)
 China's first man in space
– Yang Liwei
 The first Muslim woman to receive Nobel Prize
– Shirin Ebadi (Nobel Peace Prize 2003)
 The woman with the highest individual Test
score making a new world record
– Kiran Baloch (Pakistani cricketer, scoring 242
runs playing women's cricket test against West
Indies in Karachi in March, 2004)
 The first woman of the world to climb Mt.
Everest four times
– Lakpa Sherpa (Nepali)
 The first woman to cross seven important seas
of the world by swimming
– Bula Chaudhury (India)
 First Asian city to host Olympics
– Tokyo, Japan (1964)
 First woman black tennis player to win a singles
title at Wimbledon
– A Gibson (1957)
 First woman to win a Grand Slam
– Maureen Catherine (195 3)
 First woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal
– Charlotte Cooper, UK, Tennis singles (1900)
 First professional woman bullfighter
– Patricia Mccormick (1952)
 First man to fly solo non stop across the Atlantic
– Charles Lindbergh (1927)
 First person to cross Antarctic Circle
– James Cook (1773)
 First people to reach the North Pole
– Lt Col. Joseph O. Fletcher and
Lt. William P. Benedict (1952)
 First person to conquer the Everest twice
– Nawang Gombu Sherpa(1965)
 First person with only one arm to climb the
– American Gary Guller(2003)
 First woman to fly solo around the world
– jerrie Fredritz Mock.(1964)
 First woman to fly solo across the English
– Hariiet Quimby
 First ascent of Everest without bottled oxygen
– Peter Habeler (Austria) and Reinhold
Messner, (Italy) (1978)
 First woman to set foot on North Pole
– Ann Bancroft, USA (1986)
– Jointly developed by Sony and Philips (1978)
 First Atom Bomb
– “Little Boy” dropped over Hiroshima by the
US during the second world war (1945)
 First manned space vehicle
– Vostok 1,USSR (1961)
 First human to walk on the Moon
– Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11(1969)
 First human to walk in space
– Alexei Arkhovich Leonov (1965)
Christopher Columbus (Italian)................... America
Vasco da Gama (Portuguese) ...... Sea route to India
John Cabot (British) ....................... New foundland
Pedro Alvarez Cabral (Portuguese)................. Brazil
Tasman (Dutch) Island of Tasmania & New Zealand
Captian Cook (British) . Sandwich (Hawaiin) Islands
Robert Peary (USA)............................... North Pole
Amundsun (Norway) ............................. South Pole
Ferdinand de Lesseps (Designed) .......... Suez Canal
David Livingstone (British) ................ Victoria Falls
Bartholomew Diaz (Portuguese)....... Cape of Good Hope
Norseman Eric ........................................... Greenland
Leif Ericsson ....................................... North America
Mungo park ............................... Nigeria river in Africa
Richard Francis Burton ..................... Lake Tanganyika
Henry Hudson ....................................... Hudson Bay
Gobot Sebastian ................................ New Foundland
Marco Polo ..................................................... China
Kepler .......................................................... Planets
City River Country
 Alexandria Nile Egypt
 Brussels Seine Belgium
 Chittagong Karnaphuli Bangladesh
 Glasgow Clyde Scotland
 Khartoum Nile Sudan
 Lisbon Tagus Portugal
 Liverpool Mersey England
 Shanghai Yangtze-Kiang China
 Berlin Spree Germany
 Bonn Rhine Germany
 Amsterdam Amsel Netherlands
 Baghdad Tigris Iraq
 Bangkok Menam Thailand
 Belgrade Danube Serbia
 London Thames England
 Montreal Ottawa Canada
 Moscow Moskva Russia
 Budapest Danube Hungary
 Colombo Kaliganga Sri Lanka
 Cairo Nile Egypt
 Karachi Indus Pakistan
 Lahore Ravi Pakistan
 New York Hudson USA
 Paris Seine France
 Yangoon Irawadi Myanmar
 Rome Tiber Italy
 Tokyo Sumida Japan
 Vienna Danube Austria
 Warsaw Vistula Poland
 Washington Potamac U.S.A.
 Basra Eupharates
and Tigris Iraq
 Bristol Avon England
 Cologne Rhine Germany
 Dublin Liphi Ireland
 Hamburg Elbe Germany
 Philadelphia Delawara America
 Prague Vitava Czechoslovakia
 Quebec St. Lawrence Canada
 Stalingrad Volga Russia
EMBLEM ............................................. COUNTRY
Kangaroo ................................................ Australia
Water Lilly .......................................... Bangladesh
White Lilly ........................................ Canada, Italy
Beach ....................................................... Denmark
Lily ............................................................. France
Corn Flower ............................................. Germany
Lioned Capital ................................................ India
Lion ..................................... Sri lanka, Sierra Leone
Rose ......................................................... UK, Iran
Shamrock .................................................... Ireland
White Lilly ...................................................... Italy
Chrysanthemum ............................................ Japan
Kiwi .................................................. New Zealand
Crescent .................................................... Pakistan
Eagle ............................................................. Spain
Elephant .............................................. Ivory Coast
Lion with Crown ..................................Luxembourg
Golden Rod ...................................................U.S.A
Secretary Bird............................................... Sudan
Bauhinia (orchid tree) .......................... Hong Kong
Baobab tree ................................................ Senegal
Lion .......................... Netherland, Norway, Belgium
Crescent and Star ........................................ Turkey
Cedar tree ................................................ Lebanon
The Soyombo.......................................... MongoliaSOBRIQUETS
Britain of the East : Japan
Britain of the South : New Zealand
Battle field of Europe : Belgium
City of Cycles : Beijing
City of Dreaming Spires : Oxford
City of Eternal Springs : Quito (Ecuador)
City of Sky Scrappers : NewYork
City of Magnificent Distances: Washington D.C
City of Golden Gate : San Francisco
City of Seven Hills : Rome (Italy)
Cockpit of Europe : Belgium
Copper Country : Zambia
Dark Continent : Africa
Empire City : New York (U.S.A)
Emerald Island : Ireland
Eternal City : Rome, Italy
Forbidden City : Lhasa, Tibet
Gateway of Tears : Strait of Bab-el
Garden of England : Kent
George Cross Island : Malta
Granite City : Aberdeen
Herring Pond : Atlantic Ocean
Hill Queen : Shimla
Holy Land : Palestine
Hermit Kingdom : Korea
Island of Pearls : Bahrain
Island of Cloves : Madagascar
Key to the Mediterranean : Gibraltar
Land of Eagles : Albania
Land of Golden Fleece : Australia
Land of Kangaroo : Australia
Land of Lilies : Canada
Land of Golden Pagoda : Myanmar
Land of Maple : Canada
Land of Thousand Lakes : Finland
Land of Morning Calm : Korea
Land of Rising Sun : Japan
Land of Setting Sun : Britain
Land of Midnight Sun : Norway
Land of Lakes : Scotland
Land of the Tulips : Netherlands
Land of White Elephant : Thailand
Land of Thunder Bolt : Bhutan
Land of Thousand Elephants : Laos
Manchester of the Orient : Osaka
Never, Never Land : Prairies,
N. Australia
Land of Thunder Dragon : China
Nation of Thousand Hills : Rwanda
Pearl of Arabia : Bahrain
Pearl of Antilles : Cuba
Pillars of Hercules : Strait of Gibraltar
Playground of Europe : Switzerland
Quaker City of USA : Philadelphia,USA
Queen of the Adriatic : Venice, Italy
Roof of the World : Pamirs
Sorrow of China : River Huang Ho
Sickman of Europe : Turkey
Sugar Bowl of World : Cuba
Venice of the North : Stockholm,
White City : Belgrade
Windy City : Chicago
World’s Bread Basket : Paris of N. America
Island of fire : Iceland
Land of windmills : Polland
Land of Perpetual Greenary : Natal
World Loneliest island : Tristanda Cunha
Brazil ................................................:Cruzeiro Real
Bulgaria ......................................................... : Lev
Belgium ......................................................... Euro
China ...........................................: Yuan/Renminbi
Columbia ..................................................... : Peso
Cuba ........................................................... : Peso
Costa Rica ................................................... Colon
Croatia ......................................................... Kuna
Cyprus ........................................... Cyprus pound
Czech Republic.......................................... Koruna
Denmark .................................................... : Krone
Egypt ......................................... : Egyptian Pound
Afghanistan ........................................... : Afghani
Argentina.................................................... : Peso
Australia ................................... : Australian Dollar
Bahrain .......................................................: Dinar
Bangladesh .................................................. : Taka
Bhutan ................................................. : Ngultrum
Hungary..................................................... : Forint
Iran .............................................................. : Rial
Switzerland....................................... : Swiss Franc
Thailand ....................................................... : Bhat
U.K. ............................................. : Pound Sterling
U.S.A. ........................................................ : Dollar
Norway ....................................................... Krone
Vatican City State .......................................... : Lira
Iraq .................................................... : Iraqi Dinar
Israel ......................................................... : Shekel
Japan ............................................................ : Yen
Kazakhstan ............................................... : Tenge
Korea .......................................................... : Won
Kuwait ........................................... : Kuwaiti Dinar
Malaysia ................................................. : Ringgit
Mexico ........................................................ : Peso
Myanmar..................................................... : Kyat
Russia ...................................................... : Rouble
Saudi Arabia................................................ : Riyal
Vietnam ...................................................... : Dong
Mongolia .................................................. : Tugrik
Algeria ............................................. Algeria Dinar
Angola .............................................. New Kwanza
Armenia ........................................................Dram
Azerbaijan ...................................................Manat
Austria .................................................... Schilling
Bahrain ........................................................ Dinar
Georgia ........................................................... Lari
Ghana ............................................................ Cedi
Indonesia ................................................... Rupiah
16 European Countries with Eura as currency are:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
Afganistan : Shora
Australia : Federal Parliament
Bangladesh : Jatiya Sangsad
Bhutan : Tshogdu (National Assembly)
Britain : Parliament (Commons & Lords)
China : National People’s Congress
Denmark : Folketing
France : National Assembly
Hungary : National Assembly
Iceland : Althing
India : Parliament (Lok Sabha & Rajya
Iran : Majlis
Iraq : National Assembly
Israel : Knesset
Japan : Diet
Kuwait : National Assembly
Libya : General People’s Congress
Maldives : Majlis
Myanmar : People’s Assembly
Nepal : National Panchayat
Netherlands : States General
Poland : Sejm
Russia : State Duma
South Africa : House of Assembly
Sweden : Riksdag
Switzerland : Federal Assembly
Germany : Bundestag
Afganistan :Shora
Algeria :National Peoples Assembly
Australia :House of representative of senate
Cuba :National Assembly of people power
Egypt :People’s Assembly
Greenland :Landstraad
Norway :Sterling
Pakistan :National Assembly
USA :Congress
Srilanka :National State
Sudan :National Assembly
Syria :People Council
USA: Congress
Vietnam :National Assembly
New Name ........................................... Old Name
Ankara ..................................................... Angora
Banjail .................................................... Bathurst
Bengalooru........................................... Bangalore
Beijing....................................................... Peking
Belize .........................................British Honduras
Bangladesh ..................................... East Pakistan
Botswana ..................................... Bechuana Land
Burkino Faso ...................................... Upper Volta
Cape Kennedy.............................. Cape Caneveral
Cambodia ........................................... Kampuchia
Djibouti .................................... French Somaliland
Ethiopia ................................................ Abyssinia
Ghana ................................................. Gold Coast
Guyana ........................................... British Guinia
Guianea Bissau ...................... Portuguese Gayana.
Harare .................................................. Salisburry
Hawaiin Islands ......................... Sandwich Islands
Indonesia ............................ The Dutch East India
Iran ............................................................ Persia
Iraq ................................................. Mesopotamia
Istanbul........................................ Constantinople
Jakartha .................................................... Batavia
Japan ....................................................... Nippon
Kinshasa ........................................... Leopoldville
Kiribati ............................................ Gilbert Island
Laos........................................................ Lanxang
Lesotho............................................... Basitoland
Mexico ................................................ New Spain
Malavi................................................. Nyasaland
Mali ............................................... French Sudan
Malaysia .................................................. Malaya
Malabo ............................................. Santa Isabet
Madhya Pradesh ........................ Central Province
Manchuria ........................................... Manchuko
Myanmar.................................................... Burma
Mosambique ......................... Potuguese East Africa
Mumbai................................................... Bombay
Namibia .................................... South West Africa
Nauru ........................................... Pleasant Island
Orissa ...................................................... Kalinga
Papua New Guinea ...... Trust Territory of NewGuinea
Portuguese .............................................Lucitania
Sri Lanka ...................................................Ceylon
St. Petersburg ....................................... Leningrad
Surinam .......................................... Dutch Gayana
Taiwan ................................................... Formosa
Tasmani.................................. Van Diemen’s Land
Thailand ....................................................... Siam
Togo ..................................................... Togoland
Tuvalu ...................................... The Ellice Islands
Varanasi .................................................. Banares
National Flowers
Canada ........................................... Maple leaf
India ..................................................... Lotus
Scotland ...............................................Thistle
Spain .......................................... Pomegranate
Australia .........................................Gold Vatle
China .............................................. Narsissas
Russia .............................................Sunflower
Bangladesh ................................... Water Lilly
France ......................................................Lilly
Germany...................................... Corn Flower
Ireland............................................. Shamrock
Japan .................................... Chrysanthemum
USA ............................................Golden Rose
UK ......................................................... Rose
Volgograd ............................................. Stalingrad
Zaire ......................................................... Congo
Zambia .................................... Northern Rhodesia
Zimbabwe.............................................. Rhodesia
Highest peak - Mt. K2
(Godwin Austin)
Highest water falls - Jog falls (Karnataka)
Highest gate way - Buland Darwaza
(Fathepur sikri)
Highest literacy among state - Kerala
Highest tower - Qutabminar
Highest dam - Bhakra Dam (Punjab)
Highest multiple arch dam
Idukki (Kerala)
Largest populated city - Mumbai
Largest fresh water lake - Kolleru
(Andhra Pradesh)
Largest salt water lake - Chilka (Orissa)
Largest state - Rajasthan
Largest populated state - Uttar Pradesh
Largest museum - Indian museum (Kolkata)
Largest zoo - Zoological Garden (Kolkata)
Largest dome - Gol Gumbaz (Karnataka)
Largest mosque - Jama Masjid (New Delhi)
Largest desert - Thar (Rajasthan)
Largest river Island - Majuli (Brahmaputra)
Largest monastery - Tawang monastery
(Arunachal Pradesh)
Largest cave temple - Ellora (Maharashtra)
Largest animal fair - Sonepur fair (Bihar)
Largest plateau - Deccan plateau
Largest river in South India - Godavari
Largest prison - Puzhal Jail (Chennai)
Largest planetarium - Birla planetarium
Largest G.P.O - Mumbai G.P.O
Largest church - St. Cathedral (Old Goa)
Largest cinema theatre - Thangam Theatre
Largest exhibition ground - Pragati Maidan (New
Delhi)Largest arch dam - Idukki dam (Kerala)
Largest library - National library
Largest aircraft carrier - INS Viraat
Largest landing ship - INS Magrar
Largest union territory - Andaman Nicobar
Largest gurudwara - Golden Temple
Largest residence - Rashtrapati Bhavan
Largest river Barrage - Farakka Barrage
Largest open university - Indira Gandhi Open
University (New Delhi)
Largest Ocean Island - Middle Andaman
Longest Canal - Indira Gandhi canal
Longest River - Ganga
Longest Tunnel - Kharbude
(Konkan Railway)
Longest Dam - Hirakud (Orissa)
Longest National Highway- N.H. 7
Longest Railway platform - Kharagpur (West
Longest Corridor - Rameswaram Temple
Longest Hanging bridge - Howra bridge
Longest Train Service - Himasagar express
Longest Bridge - Anna Indira(Rameswaram
to Mandap)
Longest Glacier - Siachen Glacier
Longest River bridge - Mahatma Gandhi Sethu
Smallest state (Area) - Goa
Smallest state (population) - Sikkim
Smallest state (forest area) - Haryana
Smallest Union Territory - Lakshadweep
Miscellaneous (India)
Biggest hotel .............. Oberoi - Sheraton (Mumbai)
Highest statue ........................ Gomateswara Statue
Light of the world : Jesus
Prince of Pilgrimage : Huien Tsang
The Wizard of Menlopark: Edison
Rascal monk : Rasputin
Good Shepherd : Jesus Christ
Apostle of Free Trade : Richard Cobden
King of Rock & Roll : Elvis Presley
Columbus of Space : Neil Armstrong
Master of Suspense : Alfred Hitchcock
Second Duke : Benitto Mussolini
Iron Duke : Duke of Wellington
Highest award (civilian) ..................... Bharat Ratna
Highest Gallantry award ............... Param vir chakra
Most literate state........................................ Kerala
Least literate state..........................................Bihar
Most densely populated state ............ West Bengal
Least densely populated state ...Arunachal Pradesh
Most populated city ................................. Mumbai
Busiest bridge ............................. Howra (Calcutta)
Oldest Refinery..............................Digboi (Assam)
Most literate Union Territory............. Lakshadweep
Fastest Train ............................... Shatabdi express
Least populated Union Territory........ Lakshadweep
All Seasons State : Himachal Pradesh
Blue Mountains : Nilgiri
City of Palaces : Calcutta
City of Golden Temple : Amritsar
Garden City of India : Bangalore
Gateway of India : Mumbai
Granary of India : Punjab
Land of Five Rivers : Punjab
Pearl of the Orient : Goa
Pink City : Jaipur
Lake City : Udaipur
Switzerland of India : Kashmir
Paradise on Earth : Kashmir
Mini-Switzerland in India : Khajjar (Himachal
Sorrow of Bengal : River Damodar
Sorrow of Bihar : River Kosi
Sorrow of Assam : Brahmaputra
Spice Garden of India : Kerala
Sugar Bowl of India : Uttar Pradesh
Tea Garden of India : Assam
Detroit of India : Pitampur
Land of Sunrise in India : Arunachal
Hi-Tech City : Hyderabad
Manchester of South India : Coimbatore
Manchestor of India : Ahamadabad
Mini Switzerland : Himachal Pradesh
City of orange : Nagpur
Weavers city of India : Panipat
Silicon vally of India : Banglore
Clouds of house : Megalaya
Gods own land of India : Kerala
City of Padala : Jaipur
Holly wood of India : Mumbai
Silent Share : Hadakh
Perly East : Goa
Poet’s Poet : Edmund Spenser
Desert Fox : Erwin Rommel
Lady with the Lamp : Florence Nightingale
G.B.S :George Bernard Shaw
Little Corporal : Napoleon Bonaparte
Maid of Orleans : Joan of Arc
Fuhrer (also Fuehrer) : Adolf Hitler
Man of Blood and Iron : Otto von Bismarck
Maiden Queen : Queen Elizabeth I
Bard of Avon : William Shakespeare
Grand Old Man of Britain : Gladstone
American Gandhi : Martin Luther King
The Daughter of East : Benazir Bhutto
Iron Butterfly : Margaret Thatcher
Iron Lady : Margaret Thatcher
African Gandhi : Dr. Kenneth Kaunda
Prince of Beggars : Madan Mohan Malaviya
Bengali Tiger : Bipin Chandra Pal
Maratha Kesari : Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Punjab Lion : Lala Lajpat Rai
Sage of Sabarmati : Mahatma Gandhi
Indian Machiavelli : Chanakya
Indian Napoleon : Samudragupta
Leopard of the Snow : Ang Rita
Indian Bismarck : Sardar Vallabhai Patel
Light of Asia : Buddha
Lokmanya : Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Loknayak :Jayaprakash Narayan
J.P : Jayaprakash Narayan
C.R. : C. Rajagopalachari
Rajaji : C. Rajagopalachari
Deenabandhu : C.F. Andrews
Deshabandhu : C.R. Das
Grand Old Man of India : Dadabhai Naoroji
Mahamana : Madan Mohan
Mahatma : Gandhiji
Bapu : Gandhiji
Gurudev : Rabindranath Tagore
Guruji : Golwalkar
Iron Lady of India : Indira Gandhi
Priyadarshini : Indira Gandhi
Barefooted painter : M.F. Hussain
Kipper : K.M. Cariappa
Indian Shakespeare : Kalidasa
Badshah Khan : Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Frontier Gandhi : Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Faker-e-Afghan : Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Netaji : Subash Chandra Bose
Prince of Patriots : Subash Chandra Bose
Birdman of India : Salim Ali
Nightingale of India : Sarojini Naidu
Lion of Kashmir : Sheikh Mohammed
T.T.K. : T.T. Krishnamachari
Andhra Kesari : Tangutri Prakasam
Grand Old Man of Indian-
Journalism : Tushar Kanti Ghosh
Acharya : Vinobha Bhave
Sage of Paunar : Vinobha Bhave
Man of Peace : Lal Bahadur Shastri
Babuji : Jagjeevan Ram
Little Master : Sunil Gavaskar
Flying Sikh : Milkha Singh
Mysore Tiger : Tippu Sultan
Sage of Kanchi : Sankaracharya
Saint of Gutters : Mother Theresa
Man of the Masses : K. Kamaraj
Golden Girl of Indian Athletics: P.T. Usha
Anna : C.N. Annadurai
Akbar of Kashmir : Zian-ul-Abideen
Kuvembu : K.V. Puttappa
Rani of Jhansi : Lakshmibai
Shahid : Bhagat Singh
Kathal Mannan : Gemini Ganesan
Natikar Tilakam : Sivaji Ganesan
Chachaji : Jawaharlal Nehru
Sher-e-Punjab : Ranjit Singh
Punjab Kesari : Lala Lajpat Rai
Milkman of India : Varghese Kurian
Bharat Kesari : Mannathu Padmanabhan
Beypore Sultan : Vaikam Mohammed Bashir
Mayyazhi Gandhi : K.P. Kumaran Master
Kerala Simham : Pazhassi Raja
Swadeshabhimani : Ramakrishna Pillai
Pulayaraja : Ayyankali
Valiya Diwanji : Raja Keshavadas
Kerala Kalidasa : Kerala Varma Valiya
Kerala Panini : A.R. Rajaraja Varma
Kerala Vyasa : Kodungalloor
Kunhikuttan Thampuran
Kerala Chaucer : Chiramakavi
Kerala Orphuse : Changampuzha Krishna
Kerala Gandhi : K. Kelappan
Kerala Valmiki : Vallathol Narayana Menon
Kerala Scott : C.V. Raman Pillai
United Nations : Joseph Stalin (USSR),
Winston Churchill (UK)
and Franklin Delano
Roosevelt (USA)
Red Cross : Jean-Henri Dunant
Boy Scouts : Baden Powell
Y.M.C.A. : Sir George Williams
Kindergarten : Froebel
Lion’s Club : Melvin John
Salvation Army : William Booth
Nursing System : Florence Nightingale
Fascism : Benito Mussolini
Protestant Religion : Martin Luther
Nazism : Adolf Hitler
Montessori System : Maria Montessori
Cubism : Pablo Picasso
Amnesty International : Peter Berenson
Kerala Ibsen : N. Krishna Pillai
Kerala Mauppasant : Thakazhi Sivasankara
Kerala Thulasidas : Vennikulam Gopala Kurup
Kerala Hemmingway : M.T. Vasudevan Nair
Kesari : A. Balakrishna Pillai
Deshabhimani : Ramakrishna Pillai
Sahitya Panchanan : P.K. Narayana Pillai
Father of Psychology.................. Sigmund Freud
Father of Cloning ............................... Ian Wilmut
Father of Printing .............................. Guttenberg
Father of History ............................... Herodotus
Father of Economics ........................ Adam Smith
Father of Philosophy ............................ Socrates
Father of Sociology ................. Augustus Comte
Father of English Poetry .......... Geoffrey Chaucer
Father of Biology.................................. Aristotle
Father of Essay................................. Montaigne
Father of Medicine.......................... Hippocrates
Father of Homeopathy .............. Samuel Haniman
Father of Socialism......................... Robert Owen
Father of Scientific Socialism.................Karl Marx
Father of Co-operation ................... Robert Owen
Father of Jurisprudence.................. John Locke
Father of Atom Bomb .......................... Otto Hahn
Father of Genetics........................ Gregor Mendel
Father of Motor Car ......................... Henry Ford
Father of Reformation ................... Martin Luther
Father of Greek Democracy .............. Clesthenes
Father of Bangladesh . Sheikh Mujibur Rehman
Father of Pakistan ............. Muhammed Ali Jinnah
Father of Tanzania ......................... Julius Nyrere
Father of Mathematics ...................... Pythagorus
Father of Modern Cartoon ........ William Hogarth
Father of Modern Computer.......... Charles Babbage
Father of Nuclear Physics ...... : Ernest Rutherford
Father of Modern Drama ............. Henrik J. Ibsen
Father of Modern Tourism ............ Thomas Cook
Father of Painting .................. Leonardo Da Vinci
Father of Green Revolution ........Norman Borlaug
Father of Renaissance ............................ Petrarch
Father of the Nation ...................Mahatma Gandhi
Father of Ayurveda ................................ Athreya
Father of Astronomy....................... Varahamihira
Father of Sanskrit Drama ....................... Kalidasa
Father of Indian Renaissance . Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Father of Surgery.................................... Susruta
Father of Indian Unrest .............Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Father of Indian Budget ........ Professor Mahalanobis
Father of Indian Painting............... Nandalal Bose
Father of Indian Cinema .............. Dada Saheb Phalke
Father of Indian Engineering ............ M.Visweswariah
Father of Indian Green Revolution ..........................
Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
Father of Indian Railway ............. Lord Dalhousie
Father of Co-operative Movement in India ..........
Frederic Nicholson
Father of Indian Printing ................ James Hickey
Father of Local Self Government in India ... Lord Ripon
Father of Malayalam Language ........ Ezhuthachan
Father of Modern Travancore ... Marthanda Varma
Father of Kerala Renaissance .... Sree Narayana Guru
Father of Modern Hinduism .. Adi Shankaracharya
Jainism : Vardhamana Mahavira
Taoism : Lao Tse
Bahaism : Mirza Hussain Ali
Confucianism : Confucius
Sikhism : Guru Nanak
Zorastrianism (Parsis) : Zoraster
Bhoodan Movement : Vinoba Bhave
Sarvodaya Movement : Jaya Prakash Narayan
Ramakrishna Mission : Swami Vivekananda
Arya Samaj : Dayananda Saraswathi
Brahma Samaj : Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Dev Samaj : Siva Narayan Agnihothri
Prarthana Samaj : Kesab Chandra Sen
Suddhi Movement : Swami Shradhanand
Chinmaya Mission :Swami Chinmayananda
Servants of India Society: Gopalakrishna Gokhale
Indian Association : Surendranath Banerji
Peoples Education Society :Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Vana Mahothsav : K.M. Munshi
Theosophical Society of India : Annie Besant
Mongolians living in Assam regions........ Abhors
The Dutch born in South Africa ............ Afrikaners
The people of England ......................Anglo Saxon
Ancient Dravidians living in central India and
Rajastan ........................................................ Bhils
Dutch settlers in South Africa .......................Boers
People of Croatia, Slovenia ..........................Croats
People in south east frontiers of Russia .. Cossacks
Inhabitants of Greenland and of Arctic regions... Eski-
Natives of the Philippine Islands ............. Flemings
Hill tribes of Assam ........................ Khasis / Garos
People of W.Asia. (Turkey, Iran and Iraq) ... Kurds
Natives of New Zealand ............................. Maoris
Short sized people found in the forests of Africa ....
.. Pygmies
Original inhabitants of North America . Red Indians
Aborigines of West Bengal, Bihar & Orissa.... ...........
Natives of Nilgiri Hills (South India)............. Todas
People of South Africa living in certain parts of Natal
The people of Nagaland .............................Angami
Arunachal Pradesh ................................. A palamis
Tamil Nadu .............................................. Badagas
Uttar Pradesh ............................................ Bhotias
Hazaribagh .................................................. Birhor
Himachal Pradesh ....................................... Gaddis
Orissa ...................................................... Khonds
Madhya Pradesh ............................................. Kol
Manipur ........................................................ Kuki
Sikkim ........................................................ Labora
Tripura ...................................................... Lushais
Bihar ......................................................... Munda
Kerala ........................................................ Ooralis
Maharashtra .............................................. Warlies
 Red crystal flag : Red Cross
 Black Flag : Protest
 Yellow flag : Put on ship carrying people
with infectious disease
 Dove : Peace
 Olive branch : Peace
 Red Flag : Revolution
 Red triangle : Family planning
 White Flag : Peace
 Maharaja : Air India
 Lotus : Culture and Civilization
 Wheel : Progress
 Red Cross : Hospital / Medical Service
 Black band arm : Sign of Mourning, in
 Blind folded woman : Justice
holding a Balance Scale
 Flag at a half most :National Mourning
 Flag up side down :Distress
 Blue Book : British
 Green Book : Italy & France
 Orange Book : Netherlands
 White Book : Germany & China
 White Paper : India
 Gray Book : Japan & Belgium
Air Brake ........................... George Westinghouse
Aniline Dyes .......................................... Hoffman
Adding Machine ............................. Balise Pascal
Aeroplane .................................: Wright Brothers
Air Conditioner ....................................... : Carrier
Atom Bomb....................................... : Otto Hahn
Aspirin .................................................... : Dreser
Alcohol Thermometer .......................... : Farenheit
Atomic Thermometer .................................. : Bohr
Atomic Theory ........................................ : Dalton
Atomic Number ....................................... Mosley
Atomic Structure ................. Bohr and Rutherford
Automobile ............................................: Daimler
Antiseptic Surgery ..................Lord Joseph Lister
Archimedean Screw..........................Archimedies
Avogadro's Hypothesis........................Avogadro
Ball Pen ..................................................... : Loud
Balloon ......................................... : Montogolfier
Blood Circulation ................................... : Harvey
Barometer ............................................ : Torricelli
Bicycle ............................................. : Mac Millan
Braily System ................................. : Louis Braille
Beri - Beri ................................................ Eijkman
Blood Circulation ..................................... Harvey
Boson ................................................... S.N.Bose
Boyle's law................................................. Boyle
Braille ............................................... Louis Braille
Computer ................................ : Charles Babbage
Chloroform ...................... : James Young Simpson
Cinema .................................... : Lumiere Brothers
Cinema Projector ............... : Thomas Alva Edison
Crescograph........................................ : J.C. Bose
Celluloid ................................................... Parkes
Chloroform ............................ James Harrison and
James Young Simpson
Cholera Bacillus .................................. Robert Koch
Coloured Photography ...............................Lippman
Cosmic Rays ....................................... R.A.Millikan
Cyclotron ................................................. Lawrence
Diesel Engine ............................... : Rudolf Diesel
Dynamo ................................... : Michael Faraday
Dynamite ........................................ : Alfred Nobel
Deuterium (Heavy Water) ...................... H.C.Urey
Diesel Oil Engine ............................ Rudolf Diesel
Discovery of Solar System ...... Copernicus (1540)
Discovery of Specific Gravity ........... Archimedes
Electric Battery .............................................Volta
Electric Lamp ............................................ Edison
Electricity................................................ Faraday
Electron Theory ...........................................Bohr
Electrical Waves.......................................... Heitz
Electric Measurement .................................Gauss
DDT ........................................... : Dr. Paul Muller
Electron ....................................... : J.J. Thompson
Electric Lamp ..................... : Thomas Alva Edison
Elevator.......................................... : Elisha G Otis
Fountain Pen ...................................... : Waterman
Fahrenheit Scale ................................. Fahrenheit
Film & Photographic goods....................... Kodak
Glider .......................................... : George Cayley
Generator ............................................. : Piciontti
Gramaphone ...................... : Thomas Alva Edison
Gun Powder .................................. : Roger Bacon
Hydrogen .......................................... : Cavendish
Helicopter ..............................................Broquett
Helium Gas.............................................. Lockyer
Homoeopathy .................................. Hahnemann
Hovercraft ............................................... Cockrell
Hydrophobia .................................. Louis Pasteur
Jet Engine ............................... : Sir Frank Whittle
Intelligence Tests ...................................... : Binet
Insulin ................................................ : F. Banting
Induction of Electric Current .................... Faraday
Incandescent Bulb ................................... Edison
Induction Coil ................................... Rohm Korff
Insulin .................................................. F.Banting
Intelligence test ........................................... Binet
Jet Propulsion ................................ Frank Whittle
Law of Gravitation ........................ : Issac Newton
Law of Heredity.................................. : G. Mendal
Laser ..................................... : Theodore Maiman
Lightning Conductor .............. : Benjamin Franklin
Logarithm ....................................... : John Napier
Laughing Gas.........................................Priestley
Life Boat .................................. Henry Great Head
Lift (Elevators) .............................................. Otis
Linotype ........................................ Mergenthaler
Line of demarcation (ship) ....................... Plimsoll
Laws of Electrical Resistance ........................ Ohm
Law of Electrolysis .................................. Faraday
Law of gases ..................................... Gay Lussac
Laws of Gravitation ................................. Newton
Laws of Heredity ........................ Gregory Mandel
Laws of Motion ....................................... Newton
Laws of Natural Selections ....................... Darwin
Laws of Multiple Proportion ...................... Dalton
Liquid Oxygen ........................................... Dewar
Machine Gun ...................... : Dr. Richard Gattling
Maser ...................................: Charles H. Townes
Microphone .................................... : Graham Bell
Measurement of Electrical Energy............... Joule,
James Prescoft
Meson .......................................... Hideki Yakawa
Microscope ................................................ Janes
Molecular Scattering of light in fluid . Ramanathan
Neon Gas ...................................Ramsay, Travers
Neutron ................................................ Chadwick
Nuclear Fission .......... Otto Hahn, Bohr and Fermi
Nylon Plastic ........................................ Carothers
Oxygen ............................................ : J.B.Preistly
Origin of Species ..........................Charles Darwin
Parachute ..................................... : A.J. Garnerian
Pencillin ................................ : Alexander Fleming
Photography (Film)........................ : John Carbutt
Periodic Law....................................... Mendeleef
Phonograph ............................................. Edison
Phonographic Shorthand ........................... Pitman
Photograph ......................................... Dauguerre
Principle for lever (S.P.Gravity).......... Archimedes
Phototherapy ..................................... N.R.Finsen
Positive Electrons.................................Anderson
Powerloom .......................................... Cartwright
Pneumatic Tyre.........................................Dunlop
Printing for the Blind ..................................Braille
Printing Press........................................... Caxton
Printing Types........................... John Guttenberg
Psycho-analysis...................... Dr.Sigmund Freud
Rayon ...................................... : Sir Joseph Swan
Radio-activity of Uranium.......... Henry Becquerel
Raman effect ....................................... C.V.Raman
Radium .......................................... Madame Curie
Railway Engine................................. Stephenson
Radio transmitter ............................Alexanderson
Rare Gas............................................. Cavandish
Replacing human heart ............. Christian Barnard
Revolver .......................................................Colt
Quantum Theory ................................. Max plank
Refrigerator ................................ : James Harrison
Safety Lamp ................................ Humphry Davy
Safety Match .................................... Land Strom
Safety Pin........................................ William Hunt
Safety Razor ............................................. Gillette
Sewing Machine............... Barthelling Thimonnier
Short Hand................................................ Pitman
Solar System ..................................... Copernicus
Steam Engine .................................... James Watt
Steam Turbine ......................................... Parsons
Spectroscope .......................................... Bunsen
Stethoscope .................................. Rene Laennee
Submarine ................................... David Bushnell
Seismograph ................................ Roberts Mallet
Sextant ..................................................... Hadley
Steam boat ................................................ Fulton
Submarine ............................................. Bushwell
Talkies............................................. Lee-de-Frost
Tank ....................................................... Swinton
Telegraphy .. William F.Cooke & Charles Wheatstone
Telegraph Code ......................................... Morse
Telephone .........................Alexander Graham Bell
Telescope.................................................. Galileo
Television .............................................J.L. Baird
Thermosflask ............................................ Dewar
Transistor ...........................Shockly and Bardeen
Typewriter ................................................. Sholes
Theory of Evolution .....................Charles Darwin
Theory of Relativity ..................... Albert Einstein
Uranium fusion .................................... Oho Hahn
Uranus (Planet) ......................... Herschel William
Vaccination ............................................... Jenner
Vaccum Flask ............................. Sir James Dewar
Vulcanisation ...................................... Good Year
Washing Soda ......................................... Lablanc
Wireless Communication ................. Oliver Lodge
Wireless Telegraphy .............................. Marcony
Wireless ................................................. Marconi
X-ray............................................. W.C. Rontgen
Started by Indians
 Young India, Harijan: Mahatma Gandhi
 National Herald: Jawaharlal Nehru
 Vande Matharam, Karma Yogi: Aurobindo Ghosh
 New India: Annie Besant
 Voice of India: Dadabhai Naoroji
 Al-Hilal: Edited by Abdul Kalam Azad
 Kesari: Bal Gangadhar Tilak
 Indian Opinion: Gandhiji
 Kerala Kaumudi: K. Sukumaran
 Malayala Manorama: Kandathil Vargheese
 Mathrubhumi: K.P. Kesava Menon
Place Person
Rajghat ........................................ Mahatma Gandhi
Santhivan .....................................Jawaharlal Nehru
Chaithrabhoomi .............................. B. R. Ambedkar
Shakthisthal ...................................... Indira Gandhi
Ekthasthal .............................................. Zail Singh
Kisanghat ......................................... Charan Singh
Veerbhoomi ........................................ Rajiv Gandhi
Abhyaghat ........................................ Morarji Desai
Narayanghat.................................. Gulzarilal Nanda
Samathasthal ......................................Jagjivan Ram
Vijayghat ................................... Lal Bahadur Shastri
Nigam Bodhghat..................................Kishan Kant
Karmabhumi .................................. K. R. Narayanan
Shantivan ......................................... Sanjay Gandhi
Budha Purnima Park ..................... P. V. Narasimha Rao

• Boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan:
Durand Line
• Boundary between India and China: McMohan Line
• Line between India and Pakistan: Radcliff Line
• Line between North and South Vietnam: 17th Par-
• Line between North and South Korea: 38th parallel
• Border between France and Germany: Maginot Line
• The line which Pakistan claims to be the boundary
line between India and Pakistan (Not acceptable to

India): 20th Parallel
• The border between USA and Canada: 49th Paral-
• The border between Germany and Poland: Oder
Niesse Line
• Boundary between Germany and Poland :
Hindenberg Line
• Boundary between Namibia and Angola : 16th Par-
• Boundary between Russia and Finland : Mannar
Haime Line

World Laughter Day ............................. January 10
World Customs Day ............................. January 26
Valentine’s Day.................................... February 14
World Mother Language Day .................February 21
World Women’s Day................................. March 8
World Consumer Day ............................. March 15
World Disabled Day ............................... March 15
World Forestry Day ................................ March 21
International Day for the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination ........................................ March 21
World Day for Water............................... March 22
World Meteorological Day .........................................March 23
World Tuberculosis Day ......................... March 24
World Theatre Day ................................. March 27
World Ship Day .......................................... April 5
World Health Day ....................................... April 7
World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day ......April 12
International Special Librarians Day ...........April 15
World Haemophilia Day .............................April 17
World Heritage Day ................................... April 18
World Secretaries Day ...............................April 21
World Earth Day ........................................ April 22
World Book and Copy Right Day ...............April 23
International Dance Day ............................April 29
May Day, International Labourers Day ......... May 1
World Solar Energy Day .............................. May 3
World Press Freedom Day............................ May 3
World Red Cross Day .................................. May 8
International Nurses Day ........................... May 12
International Mothers Day.. 2

World day to combat desertification

and drought .............................................. June 17
Father’s Day.............................................. June 20
UN Charter Signing Day ............................ June 25
International Day against Drug Abuse
and Illicit Trafficking .................................. June 26
World Architectural Day ...............................July 1
World Population Day ................................ July 11
World Breast Feeding Day ...................... August 1
International Friendship Day................... August 3
Hiroshima Day........................................ August 6
Nagasaki Day ......................................... August 9
World Youth Day.......................... August 12 (UN)
World Folklore Day................................August 22
World Sanskrit Day................................August 22
World Enforced Disappearance Day .......August 31
World Coconut Day............................ September 2
World Literacy Day............................. September 8
World Ozone Day ............................. September 16
U.N. Peace Day................................. September 20
World Alzheimer’s Day ..................... September 21
World Tourism Day........................... September 27
World Heart Day.................. Last Sunday September
World Animal Welfare Day...................... October 4
World Postal Day ................................... October 9
Territorial Army Day ............................... October 9
World Standards Day ........................... October 14
World Blind Day (World white cane day) October 15
World Food Day ................................... October 16
Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders Day October 21
U.N Day ............................................... October 24
World Information Development Day .... October 24
World Thrift Day .................................. October 30
World Diabetes Day ..........................Novemebr 14
World Citizen Day..............................November 14
World Environmental .............................................
Protection day ................................... November 25
World AIDS Day.................................. December 1
World Human Rights Day .................. December 10
World Asthma Day ............................ December 11
Marconi Day .................................... December 12
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas ........................... January 9
National Youth Day ............................... January 12
Army Day ............................................. January 15
Netaji Day ............................................. January 23
India Tourism Day ................................. January 25
Republic Day......................................... January 26
Martyr’s Day ......................................... January 30
Panchayat Day ..................................... February 19
Arunachal Day ..................................... February 20
Central Excise Day ................................ February 24
National Science Day............................ February 28
National Security Day ................................ March 4
Ordinance Factories Day (India) ............... March 18
Orissa Day .................................................. April 1
National Maritime Day ................................. April 5
Jallianwala bagh Day .................................. April 13
National Technology Day ........................... May 11
National Mother Security Day.....................April 11
Solidarity Day............................................. May 13
Fire force day............................................. April 14
Sikkim Day ................................................. May 16
Anti Terrorism Day (Death anniversary of
Rajiv Gandhi).............................................. May 21
Everest Day................................................ May 29
Doctor’s Day ................................................. July 1
Kargil Vijay Day........................................... July 26
Quit India Day ......................................... August 9
Independence Day ................................. August 15
Sadbhavana Day ........... (Birth anniversary of Rajiv
Gandhi) .................................................. August 20
National Sports Day (Dhyanchand’s Brithday) ........
August 29

 Kisan Divas celebrated on the birth day of Sri
Charan Singh.

 Children’s day is being celebrated on the birth-
day of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

 Teachers Day is being celebrated on the birth-
day of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

 National youth Day is being celebrated on the
birthday of Vivekananda
 National Sports day is being celebrated on the
birthday of Dhyan Chand.
 National Technology day is being celebrated
to commemorate India’s achievements on
nuclear capability.
 National Science Day is celebrated on the day
in 1928 C. V. Raman discovered Raman Effect.
 Doctor’s Day is celebrated on the birthday of
Dr. B. C. Roy
 National Broadcasting Day is celebrated on
that day when Gandhiji addressed the nation.

Refugees year............................................. 1959-60
Co-operation Year ............................................ 1965
Tourism year.................................................... 1967
Human Rights Year .......................................... 1968
Education Year ................................................ 1970
Fight against Racial discrimination Year ............ 1971
Book Year ........................................................ 1972
Copper Nicus Year ........................................... 1973
Population Year ............................................... 1974
Women’s Year.................................................. 1975
Fight Against Untouchability ........................... 1978
Childrens Year ................................................. 1979
Handicapped year............................................ 1981
Communication Year ........................................ 1983
Youth Year....................................................... 1985
Peace Year ....................................................... 1986
AIDS Year ....................................................... 1988
Literacy Year.................................................... 1990
Space Year....................................................... 1992
Sports and Family Year .................................... 1994
Poverty Eradication Year .................................. 1996
Ocean Year ...................................................... 1998
Old Age Year ................................................... 1999
Peace and Cultural Year.................................... 2000
Self Service Year .............................................. 2001
Mountains Year ............................................... 2002
Eco Tourism Year ............................................. 2002
Fresh Water Year ............................................. 2003
International Rice Year ..................................... 2004
International Micro Credit Year......................... 2005
International Physics Year ................................ 2005
International Sports and Physical Education ..... 2005
International Dolphin – Pole Year ..................... 2007
International Potato Year.................................. 2008
International Earth Year.................................... 2008
International Natural Fibre Year ........................ 2009
Bio Diversity Year ............................................ 2010
Forest Year ...................................................... 2011

National Childrens Museum .................... New Delhi
Calico Textile Museum ....................... Ahemadabad
Visvesarayya Industrial And Technological Museum
Tippu Sulthan Museum ............... Sreerangapatnam
Sree Chithra Art Gallery........... Thiruvananthapuram
Birla Industrial & Technological Museum .... Kolkata
Birla Planetorium......................................... Kolkata
Nethaji Museum ......................................... Kolkata
National Gallery of Modern Art ............... New Delhi
Indian Museum .......................................... Kolkata
National Museum ....................................... Kolkata
Salarjung Museum ................................. Hyderabad
Nehru Museum....................................... New Delhi
Archeological Museum........................... New Delhi
Victoria Memorial Hall ................................. Kolkata
Rail Transport Museum .......................... New Delhi
National Museum of Natural History ....... New Delhi
Indian War Memorial Museum ................ New Delhi
Prince of Wales Museum ........................... Mumbai
Indian President .....................Rashtrapathi Bhavan
Indian Prime Minister ........ No. 7, Race Course Road
Pope ................................................. Vatical Palace
Governor .............................................. Raj Bhavan
American President............................ White House
Britain Prime Minister ................ 10, Downing Street
King & Queen of Britain ............Bekkingham Palace
South Korean President ........................ Blue House
Sreelankan President.......................... Temple Trees
Nepal King ............................. Narayan Hithi Palace
Kongo President................................ Marbil Palace
Pakistan President ............................... Ivane Sadan
French President............................... Eleesee Palace
Ambassador ..................................................... Car
Nicon ..........................................................Camera
Alvin .................................................... Refrigerator
Amul ...................................................Milk Powder
Usha ..................................... Fan, Sewing Machine
Merit ............................................ Sewing Machine
Bush, Murphy ............................................... Radio
Philips, Panasoni .......................Radio & Television
Kelvinator ............................................ Refrigerator
Prestige ......................................... Pressure Cooker
Chandrika, Lux, Pears, Radhas, Lifeboy ........... Soap
Sunlight ............................................... Soap Power
Shalimar, Nerolac ............................................ Paint
Lactogen, Lactose ...............................Milk Powder
Ashok, Zenith ............................................... Blade
Fiat, Premier, Standars....................................... Car
Ciat, Dunlop, Bridgestone ................................ Tyre
Crompton, Rally, GEC........................................ Fan
Hero ................................................................. Pen
Colgate, Cibaca, Forehands, Close up... Tooth Paste
Signal .................................................. Tooth Paste
Wills, Charminar, Panama, Scissors............ Cigarette
Rolex, Titan, Ceeko, Favourluba ....................Watch
Citizen, Omega, Jovial ...................................Watch
Jumbo ....................................................... Jet Plain
Avro ...................................................... Aero Plain
Raj Dooth, Bullet, Royal Enfield ...........Motor Cycle
Benze, Leyland ................................ Bus, Car, Lorry
Sakthiman ..................................................... Treck
Jubily, Bismi ..................................................... Pen
Everady, Jeep, Toshiba Anand, Nippo ..........Battery
Hercules, BSA, Hero ...................................... Cycle
Bata ............................................................. Shoes
Chethak, Lamby, Vijay ................................. Scooter
Remington, Halda, Godrej ...................... Typewriter
Bajaj ............................................................... Bulb
Bruke Bond ...........................................Coffee, Tea
Lipton .............................................................. Tea

Newyork Times......................................... Newyork
Washington Post ................................. Washington
International Herald Tribune ..................... Newyork
The Don ..................................................... Karachi
Pakistan Times ........................................... Karachi
Kabool Mail ................................................Kabool
Outlook ...................................................... Karachi
Red Flag ..................................................... Beejing
China Times ................................................Tai Pey
Rudepravo .................................................. Pregue
Limonde ......................................................... Paris
Pravda ...................................................... Moscow
Isestya ..................................................... Moscow
Straight Times ........................................ Singapore
Akbar Al Kuwait .......................................... Kuwait
Al thavara .............................................. Demascus
Peoples Daily ............................................. Beejing
Statesman ................................................ Colombo
Ashi Shimban ............................................... Tokyo
Australian ................................................ Canberra
Mainichi Shimban .......................................... Japan
Times of India................................................. India
Morning News ..................................... Bangladesh
Sydney Morning News............................... Sydney
Reference News............................................. China
Rising Nepal ........................................... Katmandu

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