DISEASES and their CURE Objectives

  TB tuberculosis is a bacterial disease

  Bacillus causes TB
  Salmonella Typhus are bacteria causing Typhoid
  Vibrio cholera cause Cholera
  Clostridium Tetni cause Tetanus

  Athlete’s foot is caused by Fungi
  Presbypia is an old age eye disease
  Mycobacterium are bacteria causing T.B

  Myxovirus cause Influenza
  Anopheles (mosquito) causes malaria, parasite is plasmodium
  Astigmation is fault of eye
  Thalasemia is an hereditary disease causing deficiency of hemoglobin

  Long-sightedness is called Hyper metrophia
  Shortsightedness is called Myopia
  Largest acquired disease is of tooth

  Low sugar in blood is called Hypoglycemia
  High sugar in blood is called Hyperglycemia
  Plague is caused by Yersina Pests
  Hemophilia is a bleeding disease

  Parasomia is sleep walking.
  In Leukemia there is an abnormal increase in number of White blood cells
  Parkinson is a disease of Brain
  An Aids patient can live for 2 years

  Aids virus has single stranded RNA
  Meaningitis disease affects Centaral Nervous System
  Diabetes is a disease in which the urine lacks insulin

  Improper function of Thyroid gland causes Myxedema
  Scurvy is the disease of swelling and bleeding of gums
  Hook worm enters human body through soles of feet
  Tuberculosis usually spreads though milk

  Malaria affects spleen and liver
  Trachoma is a disease of ees
  Mymps is caused by virus

  Lock jaw is a condion of Tetanus virus attack
  A person suffering from Beri- Beri should use citrus fruit , mangoes, grapes
  Pneumonia is caused by Cocci.
  Common Cold is caused by Virus.

  Chief food of mosquito larva is micro organism found in water.
  Chief food of butterfly larva is leaves of plants.
  Pneumonia affects respiratory system.
  Rabies affects Nervous system.

  Beri beri affects bones.

  Biopsy is done on tissues taken from a living body
  Oldest known disease in the world is Leprosy
  Lack of oxygen at high altitudes produce bleeding
  Pathogenic is the Disease producing micro organism.

  Antibiotic for inhibit the growth of bacteria.
  Sulfa drugs are used for bacteria.
  An disinfectant is used for destroying micro-organism and rendering the material sterile.

  Encephalitis is a viral disease.
  Trypanosome a parasite causing sleeping sickness.
  Immunization is the method in which the cure of disease is done by Vaccine.
  Sleep sickness is transmitted by tse-tse-fly.

  typical bacterial cell is about 1000 times smaller than an animal cell
  Viruses are not made up of cells
  Viruses cause common cold, measles, Aids
  Bacteria move with Flagella

  Bacteria cause cholera, tetanus, typhoid
  Bacteria can produce two in every 30 minutes and 8 million bacteria a day (?)

  Viruses called Bacteriophages invade the cell of bacteria and hijack its chemical process so instead of working normally the cell makes copies of the virus
  SARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is a pneumonia like disease
  Mad cow disease = BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)

  Louis Pasteur, a French chemist, was the first to realize that diseases are caused by germs
  In 1881, Louis Pasteur founded a vaccine for anthrax, a fatal disease of animals.
  The Pasteur Institute in Paris was founded in 1888 to investigate rabies.

  Morphine used in drugs is extracted from opium poppy, it is a powerful painkiller.
  Antibiotics are substances produced naturally by certain moulds and bacteria.

  A vaccine is made of dead or weakened micro-organisms to fight the invading virus. The body produces antibodies to fight the invading virus. Later, if the body is exposed to real virus the antibodies are already there to attack it before it multiplies.

  English doctor Edward Jener made vaccine of smallpox.
  Analgesic drugs prevent or reduce pain
  Jaundice is a yellowness of skin which is caused by disease of the liver or gall blader.

  Head louse transmits the typhoid.
  Cancer cells divide rapidly and form growth called Tumors.
  Radiotherapy is used for killing cancer cells

  Ultra-violet rays from sun can cause cancer
  Strong drugs(Chemotherapy) are used to remove cancer in early stages
  Magic bullets are special antibodies used as a drug to kill cancer cells.
  Oil from the skin contains substances that kill bacteria.

  Inside the nose sticky mucus traps and destroys invaders we inhale.

  We have several different types of infection fighting white cells in the blood. Two of the most important are lymphocytes and macrophages.

  Lymphocytes produce special chemical called antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses.
  By what name is the disease, Varicella, more commonly known? Chicken Pox
  A typical bacterial cell is about 1000 times smaller than an animal cell.
  Viruses are not made up of cells.

  Viruses cause, common cold, measles, aidz.
  Bacteria moves with Flagella.
  Bacteria causes Cholera, Tetanus, Typhoid.
  Bacteria can produce (Two) in every 30 minutes and 8 million bacteria a day.

  Viruses called Bacteriophages invade the cell of bacteria. They ‘hijack’ the cell’s chemical process, so that, instead of working normally, the cell makes copies of the virus.
  Immunization is the method in which the cure of disease is done by Vaccine.
  Small pox is totally eliminated from the world.
  Cancer is a disease which cannot be spread by those who have it

  The drug quinine is used in the treatment of malaria.
  Pollen grains can cause hey fever which is a typical allergic reaction.

  After drinking contaminated water you would be most apt to develop symptoms of ‘typhoid fever’.
  Food poisoning can result from the eating of too much Vitamins. (chk)

  The most infectious disease is Penumonic form of Plague. it has a mortality rate og about 99.99 %

  robert koch worked on TB
  Rust is caused by Fungi.
  Pathogenic is the Disease producing micro organism.
  Antibiotic for inhi the growth of bacteria.

  Sulfa drugs are used for bacteria.
  An disinfectant is used for destroying micro-organism and rendering the materialsterile.
  Pneumonia is caused by Cocci.

  Common Cold is caused by Virus.
  Bacillus causes Cholera.
  Pneumonia affects respiratory system.
  Rabies affects Nervous system.

  Beri beri affects bones.
  Head louse transmits the typhoid.
  Sleep sickness is transmitted by tse-tse-fly.

  Trachoma is a disease of eye.
  Typhoid is caused by bacteria.
  Cancer Cells divide rapidly and form growth called Tumors.

  If cells break away from the tumors they can travel to other part of the body and start new tumors.
  Radiotherapy is used for killing cancer cells.
  Ultra-Violet rays from the sun can damage skin cells and cause cancer.
  Strong drugs (Chemotherapy) is used to remove cancer in early stages.

  Magic bullets are special antibodies used as a drug to kill cancer, they directly attach themselves to cancer cells.

  Anasthetic = prevent patient feeling pain; local anesthetic acts locally; generally anesthetic creates unconsciousness.
  Analgesic = prevents or reduces pain.
  Antibiotic = kills the bacteria that cause disease.
  Antihistamine = relieves symptoms of asthma, hay fever and other allergies.

  Hormone = used to overcome a hormone deficiency in the body.
  Narcotic = helps prevents pain by deadening the whole system.
  Sedative = helps induce sleep.

  Tranquillizer = helps claim a person.

  Vaccine = helps the body fight a virus disease by triggering its natural defenses in advance.
  Encephalitis is a viral disease.

  Muscle stiffness is caused by a disease called ___ (Parkinsons) (chk)
  Wool sorters disease is actually what-Anthrax
  Which disease was once known as white plague Tuberculosis
  Beingn tertain malaria is caused by plasmodium vivax.

  The life history of human malarial parasite in Anopheles was first described by Sir Ronald

  The mouth parts of anopheles are adapted to piercing and sucking type feeding.
  Amoebic dysentery in man is caused by Entamoeba histolytica.
  Jaundice is the disease of Liver

  AIDS is caused by HIV virus (human immune deficiency virus ).
  Addison’s disease is caused by the excessive secretion of: Adrenocorticotrophic Harmone
  Consumption was the former name of which disease: Tuberculosis

  If you suffered from pruritus - what would be wrong-Itching
  The word amnesia (forgetfulness) derives from- Greek
  Encephalitis is a viral disease.
  What disease is spread in minute water droplets-Legionnaires Disease

  Which of the following diseases is generally spread by fleas? Yellow fever

  The much dreaded H1N1 virus flu, also known as swine flu, is a respiratory illness in pigs caused by a virus

  Water contaminated by sewage spreads disease such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery and river blindness
  Meningococcal Meningitis is transmitted from person to person by mosquito bites.
  Vomiting and neck pair are two of the symptoms of Meningococcal Meningitis.

  Deficiency of vitamin A causes Xerophthalmia, a disease characterized by dryness of conjunctiva layer of eye.
  Cholera is caused by bacteria vibrio cholerae.
  Colour blindness, Down’s syndrome & Hemophilia are genetic disorders.

  Xerophthalmia is disease of tear glands.

  Leukemia is a type of cancer in which there is an abnormal increase in the number of White Blood Cells.

  Biopsy is a medical diagnostic technique using cells and tissues.
  In which country were antibiotics first used: Egypt - used mouldy bread
  If you suffer from epistaxis what is wrong: Nosebleed
  Deficiency of Vitamin C causes a disease of... Teeth

  Louis Pasteur is called “Father of the Modern Medicine”.
  If you has caries who would you consult Dentist - its tooth decay

  Which of the following is not an attribute of bacterium? Ability to arise from non-living matter

  The comma bacillus causes what disease: Cholera
  If you have Chlorosis what colour does the skin go: Green
  What is the oldest most widely used drug on earth: Alcohol

  What medication discovered in 1928 but introduced 1940: Penicillin
  Flies and humans can both get which condition-Athletes Foot
  Agraphia means inability to write.
  St. Vitus’s dance is a disease.

  Kleptomania is an irrational urge to steal.

  After drinking contaminated water you would be most apt to develop symptoms of ‘typhoid fever’.

  Otalgia is what condition-Earache
  If a doctor gave you an Ishihara test what is he testing-for Colour blindness
  If you suffered from pyrexia what have you got-Fever

  Earth worm is bi-sexual
  Euspongia is known as natural bath sponge.
  Live Fluke, biologically called Fasciola, is found in liver of sheep.

  Eyes of insects are compound.

  Plants growing in extremely dry condition are called Xerophytes.
  Roots absorb water from soil which is Hygroscopic.
  Legumes increase the fertility of the soil by adding nitrogen to the soil.
  New varieties of organisms can be brought about by hybridization.

  Seeds are developed from Ovule.
  Parthenocarpic fruits are seedless fruits.
  Grains swell in water due to imbibitions.

  Chlorophyll contains magnesium.
  Star fish is not a star fish but a spiny-skin (Echinodermata) marine animal.
  Plants store their food in the form of starch.
  Unlike most other fish, sharks have no:

  It is now believed that dinosaurs became extinct because of:
  The platypus and the echidna are the only mammals that Lay eggs
  Lady bird is an insect
  Rust of wheat is a disease caused by Fungi

  Silk is obtained from cocoon of silk worm
  Python Plankton are poisonous plants
  Insects have lived on earth about 4,000,000 years

  Slowest creature on earth is Conch-Shell (shellfish snail)
  Star fish is not a star fish but a spiny-skin (Echinodermata) marine animal.
  Koala bear is the only animal who doesn’t drink water
  A rat can last longer without water than a camel

  Loudest animal is Blue whales
  Peocock is found in 3 colors
  Cockroach is considered ancient insect of world

  Daffodils flower resembles a human eye
  Giant squid is the largest invertiberate
  Angora wool is got from a special variety of rabbit
  Sailfish is the largest fisht

  Distance covered by tortoiose is 4.6 meter in a minute
  Aristotle was the first to classify animals into groups
  Eucalyptus is now considered as environmental hazard
  Light energy is stored in the form of chemical energy due to the activity of Chloroplast.

  Wood is used in manufacturing paper
  In cryptograms, the sex organs are primitive and hidden.
  Thallophytia include algae, fungi, and lichens.

  Carl Linneus is famous for binomial system of nomenclature.

  Angiosperm includes the plants which have covered flowers and covered flowers and covered seed.
  Plant cells resembles animal cell because having a cell membrane made up of protoplasm.

  The king cobra is the only snake who build nest.
  The black Mamba is the fastest snake.
  Snake have been evolved from lizard.

  Fertilization is fusion of two game tics of different strains.
  Fruit developed from single ovary is called simple fruit.
  Seeds are developed from Ovule.
  Parthenocarpic fruits are seedless fruits.

  Commercial cork is obtained from Quercus.
  Grains swell in water due to imbibitions.
  Chlorophyll contains magnesium.
  The rate of transpiration depends upon frequency of Stomata.

  Light is necessary for photosynthesis because it produce ATP and reducing substance.

  Oxygen liberated from photosynthesis comes from water.
  Red light is most suitable for photosynthesis.
  Respiration means food oxidation and evolution of energy.
  Chemical presentation of dead organism in liquid is called Cryo-Bilogy.

  The organisms which are the only living membrane of their group and link two major groups are called Living Fossil
  Red color of tomatos is imparted by Darotionoid

  Amphibians were the first vertrbrata
  There are three stages of frog = egg, tadpole, and adult frog

  There are three groups of amhibians = salamanders(slow moving animals), frogs and toads, caecilians(who look more worm than amphibians)

  Lonrad Lorenz (1903-1989) was the first to study animal behaviour

  Animals survive very cold weather or very dry weather by going into a deep sleep it is called hibernation and sleeping trough hot day condition is called aestivation

  Blue signed octopus very lethal and can kill 10 people it feeds on crabs

  Cheetah is the fastest land animal. It can accelerate from 0-90 km/h in 3 seconds and can run at 100 km/h but has to rest after 20 seconds
  Sponge, beetle, snail, Jelly fish, insects and starfish are cold-blooded animals

  Shark is a cold blooded animal
  Newts (wall lizard) and frog are cold blooded animals
  Lizards, crocodiles, snakes, turtles and tortoises are cold blooded animals

  Invertegrates have 33 groups, fish have 2 goups, amphibians have 3 groups, reptiles havd 3 groups, birds have 28-30 groups and mammals have 21 groups
  Over 90% of animals are invertebrates
  Hard shell of animals is called exoskeleton

  105 million different species of animals have been identified
  Plants growing in extremely dry condition are called Xerophytes.
  Roots absorb water from soil which is Hygroscopic.
  Legumes increase the fertility of the soil by adding nitrogen to the soil.

  Hominoids are Humans + chimpanzees + orungutans + Gorillas
  Felidae means from cat family
  Panthera means big cats
  There are 5 kingdoms in animal kingdom

  Birds are warm blooded
  Birds’ bones are hollow
  Oven birds build strong nests

  Weaver birds are those who build their nests
  Male birds are more colorful than female birds
  Birds that cannot fly are penguins, emus, kiwis and ostriches
  In cryptograms, the sex organs are primitive and hidden.

  Thallophytia include algae, fungi, and lichens.
  Carl Linneus is famous for binomial system of nomenclature.

  Angiosperm includes the plants which have covered flowers and covered flowers and covered seed.
  Plant cells resembles animal cell because having a cell membrane made up of protoplasm.
  Smell is the weakest sense in Birds.
  Owl can rotate his head to 180 degrees on either sides.

  Ostrich eat pebbles for helping digestion by grinding up the ingested food.
  The cuckoo sneaks its eggs into other birds’ nest to hatch.
  Earthworm is a bi-sexual.
  Eyes of insects are compound.

  Dolphins have 700 times more rods in their eyes than humans which help them to see in dim light under water.
  A fly’s compound eye has 400 individual tubes.
  Plants in which seed are outside the fruit are called Gymnosperms.
  Pollen is produced in a part of the flower called the Calyx.

  Squids are the fastest swimming invertebrates or animals without backbone.
  99% of all animals are invertebrates.

  The sailfish can swim at 110 km/hour. It the fastest fish.

  Fishes have a bag of gas called a swim bladder inside their bodies that helps them float and sink.

  Fishes like sharks and rays have skeletons make of tough cartilage and they don’t have a swim bladder.
  Fungi are neither plants nor animals they are classified in their own separate kingdom.

  The cell wall of fungi is made of chitin, the material from which insects make their hard outer skeletons.

  Unlike other green plants fungi cannot use the sun’s energy to make food; instead they absorb their food from other living or dead remains of living things.
  Fungi break down dead and decaying materials so that they can be recycled.

  Fungal infections destroy crops and cause diseases like athlete’s foot and ringworm.

  Plants make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water and we get carbohydrates from plants
  Silk is one of two main fibres we get from animals. The wool from sheep is the other.

  Cotton is the most important plant fibre. It produces fibres in the seed pod or boll.
  Linen is another plant fiber make from flax plant.
  Dinosaurs lived in Mesozoic era.

  Eagle’s eyes have five times more light sensitive cells than ours.
  Eucalyptus trees grow faster than any other trees.
  Three groups of Amphibians
o Salamanders – slow moving animals. Frog and toads.

o Caecilians - look more worms than amphibians.
  Blue signed octopus is very lethal, can kill 10 people, it feeds on crabs.

  Cheetah is the fastest land animal, can accelerate from 0-90 km/h in just three seconds and can run at 100 km/h. But he has to rest after about 20 seconds.

  Sponge, beetle, snails, jelly fish, insects and starfish are cold blooded animals.
  Shark is a cold blooded animal.
  Newts, and frog are cold blooded animals.

  Lizard, crocodiles, snakes, turtiles and tortoises are cold blooded animals.
  Invertebrates have 33 groups.
  Fish 3
  Amphibians 3

  Reptile 3
  Birds 28-30
  Mammals 21

  Over 90% of animals are invertebrates.
  Hard Shell of animals is called -> Exoskeleton.
  105 million different species of animals have been identified.
  Hominoids – Human + Champanzees + Orangutans + Gorillas.

  Felidae ----: from cat family.
  Panthera ----- big cat
  Kestrel is a kind of Eagle.
  Vole is a kind of mouse

  Orca (Killer Whale)

  Word dinosaur means “terrible” Lizard.
  Euspongia is known as natural bath sponge.
  Live Fluke, biologically called Fasciola, is found in liver of sheep.
  Earthworm is a bi-sexual.

  Eyes of insects are compound.
  Silk is obtained from cocoon of silk worm.
  The brown colour of rust is because of : oxidation

  Granite is a form of – rock :
  Cellulose -- is the main chemical substance in the plant cell wall :
  The desert mammal which does not drink water :Knagaroo Rat
  The loudest sound produced by any animal is 188 decibels. The animal is the African

  The primary plant body consists of 3 tissue systems.
  The total weight of a cell in a leaf or a petal,water constitutes about 90%.
  A tissue is a group of cells having similar structure and function.

  The three elements needed for healthy growth of plants are: N, P, K
  What colour is Octopus blood: Blue
  What is the only bird that can smell: Emus

  The eyes of which animal have rectangular pupils-Goat
  What animals eye is larger than its brain-Ostrich
  What fish can blink its eyes -Shark
  Where are a crickets ears located- Front legs

  Which animal sleeps with one eye open-Dolphin
  Vole is a kind of mouse
  Kestrel is a kind of eagle

  Killer whale is Orca
  Corn adds more oxygen to the atmosphere than it removes.
  Euspongia is known as natural bath sponge.
  Live Fluke, biologically called Fasciola, is found in liver of sheep.

  Banana plant is shrub
  Rubber is obtained from latex
  Tobacco contains Nicotine
  Kharif crops are sown in Summer season

  Pesticides kill insects that attck crops
  Herbicides kill weeds
  Seedless Fruits are formed by pathanogenesis.

  Cotton fiber is routed from seed.
  Horticulture is the cultivation of fruit crops.
  Late blight is a disease of potato and tomato plants.
  The fertility of soil can be increased by growing legumes.

  Olive trees and Cork-oak grow in the regions having the Mediterranean type of climate.

  Coniferous forests are found in a region having low mean temperature and a long cold winter.

  In the Northern Hemisphere, the geographical belt of coniferous forest south of Tundra is called Steppe.
  Silverfish is a wingless insect.
  Guinea pig is a stocky tailless rodent used in experimental work.

  What kind of animal is a lurcher: Dog
  With which organ does a snake hear: Tongue
  What fish can hold objects in its tail: Sea Horse
  The leach has 32 what - humans only got one-Brains

  The primary producers of organic matter in nature are Green plants.

  The edible portion of mango is Mesocarp.
  The rice grain is a seed.
  Bamboo is Grass.
  Cork cells are impervious to water because of the presence of Suberin.

  The biotic relationship between insects and plants with reference to pollination is called Mutualism.

  Historically, Joseph Priestley, recognized in 1727 A.D. that sunlight and air are important for the growth of plants.

  Carbon dioxide is required during photosynthesis process in addition to sunlight and water.
  Man is Homoeothermic.

  The compound eye of insect produces Mosaic vision.
  The post embryonic stages in the life history of cockroach are known as Nymphs.
  Amphibians were the first vertebrate.
  There are three stages of frog. Egg-tadpole-adult frog.

  Smell is the weakest sense in Birds.
  Owl can rotate his head to 180 degrees on either sides.
  Ostrich eat pebbles for helping digestion by grinding up the ingested food.

  The cuckoo sneaks its eggs into other birds’ nest to hatch.
  Birds are warm blooded animals.
  Birds bones are hollow.
  Oven birds build strong nests.

  Weaver birds are called to the birds who build their nests.
  Male birds are more colorful than females.
  Birds do not fly are penguins, emus, kiwis, ostriches.

  Thallophytia include algae, fungi, and lichens.
  Angiosperm includes the plants which have covered flowers and covered seed.
  Plant cells resembles animal cell because having a cell membrane made up of protoplasm.
  Snake have been evolved from lizard.

  Plants in which seed are outside the fruit are called Gymnosperms.
  Linseed oil is used while oil painting.
  In cryptograms, the sex organs are primitive and hidden.
  The rate of transpiration depends upon frequency of Stomata.

  Light is necessary for photosynthesis because it produce ATP and reducing substance.
  Oxygen liberated from photosynthesis comes from water.
  Red light is most suitable for photosynthesis.

  Respiration means food oxidation and evolution of energy.

  The organisms which are the only living membrane of their group and link two major groups are called Living Fossil.
  Mammals cannot be cold blooded.

  Trypanosome a parasite causing sleeping sickness.
  Chief food of mosquito larva is micro organism found in water.
  Chief food of butterfly larva is leaves of plants.

  Corn adds more oxygen to the atmosphere than it removes.
  Fruit developed from single ovary is called simple fruit.
  Pollen is produced in a part of the flower called the Calyx.
  Edible part of tomato is whole fruit.

  The primary producers of organic matter in nature are Green plants.

  Historically, Joseph Priertley , recognized in 1727 A.D. that sunlight and air are important for the growth of plants.
  Carbon dioxide is required during photosynthesis process in addition to sunlight and


  The compound eye of insect produces Mosaic vision.
  The post embryonic stages in the life history of cockroach are known as Nymphs.
  In the animal kingdom what creatures are in the order—Chiroptera- Bats
  90% of bird species are what Monogamous

  Kangaroos and Emus can't do what-Walk backwards
  Aleuronic layer: is that part of the grain in cereals where much of the protein lies.


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