GENE/CELL objectives

  The genetic material of chromatin is DNA
  Hereditary material is DNA

  Gender of a person is determined by 23rd chromosome
  Autosome are sex chromosome = 23

  Nucleus of human body cell contains about 20,000 genes, half of which being contributed by each parent
  Term gene was coined by Johannsen in 1909
  DNA = Deoxy ribose nucleic acid
  RNA = Ribose nucleic acid

  Histones are on chromosomes
  Chromosomes word was coined by Waldeyer in 1888
  Number of chromosomes in human being is 46
  Chromosomes in spermatozoa are 23

  Smallest part of a gene is Mutton

  Mitochondria are power house of cells
  Golgi bodies are involved in cell secretions
  Ribosome are rich in DNA and prepare protein
  Plastids are found in Plant cells only and contain chlorophyll

  Centrosomes help in cell division
  Proteins are synthesized by Golgi bodies.
  Cellulose respiration is done by Mitochondrion

  Light energy is stored in the form of chemical energy due to the activity of Chloroplast.
  Protoplasm is a colloidal solution.

  Most cells are microscopic but the egg cell of an ostrich is 15-20 cm long and some giraffe nerve cells reach more then 4 m long

  Mitochondria do work of cell respiration.
  The nucleus, mitocondria and chloroplast have double membranes

  Bacteria have no nucleus and no mitochondria they have just a single loop of DNA cell nucleoid as well as food granules and ribosome which produce proteins

  Each cell has the same set of about 30,000 genes.
  Genes are arranged along a long and thin thread-like structure called chromosomes.
  Snakes have 36 chromosomes, horse has 63 while some ferns have 500 or more

  Humans have a total of 46 chromosomes- 23 pairs in every cell. The only exception are sperm and egg cells which have 23 unpaired chromosomes.
  Genes are made of a chemical called deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA
  DNA tells a cell how to make the proteins

  Every cell in a body contains at least 10,000 different kinds of proteins.

  The machinery for making these proteins is on structures called ribosome which are outside the nucleus.

  RNA carries the instructions for making a particular protein to the ribosome.
  A permanent change to a piece of DNA is called a mutation.
  Nearly a third of a human being’s genes are the same as the genes of a lettuce.

  DNA is shaped like a twisted ladder called double helix. The rungs of the ladder are made up of four chemical building blocks Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, and Cytosine
  Amoeba is a unicellular organism
  A structure present in all cells is called cell membrane
  The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is 310.

  ELISA is Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay- for HIV/AIDS.
  Rh- blood is very rare compared to Rh+.
  The pancreatic duct releases its contents into duodenum.

  Right hepatic artery supplies nutrient rich blood from stomach and small intestine to the liver.
  Human cranium contains 6 bones.
  In the human body, spleen stores extra blood for release when shortage occurs.

  Mitochondria contain enzymes for cellular respirations.
  In the human body, rotator cuff muscle is to be found in the shoulder.

  Reproductive cells in normal human beings are produced in greater numbers for a longer period of time in the male

  Which vessels bring blood back to heart? Inferior venacava and Superior venacava bring blood back to heart from lower parts and upper parts of body respectively.
  Where in your body is your patella: Knee ( it's the kneecap

  80% of household dust is actually what material-Dead skin
  Babies are born without what-Knee Caps - form at 2-6 years
  In Nuclear DNA is concentrated in chromatin.
  Proteins are synthesized by golgi bodies.

  Cellulose respiration is done by Mitochondrion.

  Protoplasm is a colloidal solution.
  Man is Homoeothermic.
  Hydrosis is the medical term for what -Sweating
  An IVP is used to detect what medical condition- Kidney Stones- Intravenuspylorigram

  What part of the body ages the fastest-The Hands
  In medicine what is nicknamed a blue pipe-A Vein
  What is the name of the cranial bone just above your ear Temporal

  What is the name of the scale measuring depth of coma (GCS)- Glasgow Coma Scale

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