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The dimension of impulse are the same as that of?

A. Energy
B. Work
C. Power
D. Momentum

The unit of dimensions of which of the following pairs of physical quantities are identical.

A. Impulse and momentum
B. Stress and strain
C. Pressure and density
D. Gravitational potential and energy

Which of the following units not belong to same quantity?

A. ft-Ib/sec
B. Watt
C. Joules-sec
D. Horse Power

The standard of time in S.I system is the clock of?

A. Uranium
B. Cesium
C. Rubidium
D. Radium

An anion is attracted towards:

A. Cathode
B. Anode
C. Electrolyte
D. None of the above

A change in which breaking and making of new bonds involves is called?

A. Physical change
B. Chemical change
C. Structural change
D. Only change

The +ve charged particles is called?

A. Cathode
B. Anode
C. Electron
D. Cation

Which is not a unit of Pressure?

A. Mol
B. Torr
C. Bar
D. atm

The S.I unit of temperature is:

A. Kelvin
B. Celsius
C. Fahrenheit
D. Centigrade

What is the unit of pressure?

A. Newton/meter
B. Newton/meter square
C. Kg m/s2
D. All of these

Any charged particle is called:

A. Atom
B. Molecule
C. Ion
D. Mixture

A pure chemical compound always contains the same elements combined in the same ratio by weight is called?

A. Law of definite proportion
B. Law of multiple proportion
C. Law of mass action
D. Law of equilibrium

The force which the earth equity exerts upon the object is called?

A. Mass
B. Weight
C. Atomic Mass
D. Gravity force

A combination of two or more atoms that can exist independently?

A. Atom
B. Molecule
C. Ion
D. None


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