Solved Sub Inspector Paper

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Solved Sub Inspector Paper Open marit
1.Quaid e Azam addressed First constitutional assembly of Pakistan for first time ?______ 11 August 1947
2. Founder of microsoft? ______ Bill Gates
3. Youm-e-Takbir is celebrated on ? ______28 May 1998
4. To cover wider area which network is used? ______WAN
5. In which country Russian Ambassador was killed ? ______ Ankara , Turkey
6. Obama was ---- President of America ? ______ 44th
7. Viceroy of India from 1943-1947 ? ______ Lord Wavel
9. Faraizi Movement was started at which place ? ______ Dhaka ,Bengal
10. To be, or not to be is the opening phrase of a soliloquy spoken by? ______ Hamlet Shakespeare
11. Which coating is applied on Iron ? ______ Zinc
12. The Government of Pakistan has ratified ILO core Conventions related to? ______ Labourer ,Descent work for workers
13. Synonym of Devilish ? ______ Satanic
14. Synonyms of infinitesimal? ______ miniscule
15. What is isthmus? ______ Small stripof land connecting two larger land areas
16. Soan and Haro rivers are situated on which plateau ? ______Pothohar Plateau
17. JPG format is used for which file ? ______ Image
19. To bold text in microsoft office which command is used ? ______ Ctrl+B
20. What is hypothermia ? ______ Extreme Cold
21. Haali Wrote Hayat-e-Javed on ? ______ Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
22. bicameral federal legislature in Pakistan was adopted in which constitution ? ______ 1973
24. When Quaid resigned from the Imperial Legislative Council? ______ 1919
26. Current President of India ? ______ Ram Nath Kovind
27. Islamia College for Women Cooper Road Lahore was established in ? ______ 1939
28. Owner of Wikipedia ? ______ Jimmy wiles
29. Which article of 1973 constitution declares Urdu as national language ? ______251 Article
30. Antonym of Pacific? ______ aggresive
31. who sold hotmail to microsoft? ______ Sabeer Bhatia
32. Schengen Agreement? ______ Luxemburg
33. state secretary of USA "Rex W. Tillerson" was CEO of which company ? ______ Exxon Mobil
34. How many muslim countries are in ASEAN ? ______ 3
35. Antonym of Inert ? ______Active
36. When Fatima Jinnah joined All India Muslim league? ______1937
37. When first round table conference was held? ______Hindus accepted for the first timeRight of Separate electrorate? ______ Lucknow Pact 1916
39. Synonym of Cheeky=______ Impudent
40. If 10 people meet each other and each shakes hands only once with each of the others, how many handshakes will there be? ______45
41. Which pass connect Gilgit with Chitral ? ______ Shandur Pass
42. Widespread disease in cattles now a days? ______Rinderpest
43. The disease which is spread over large area is called? ______EpidemicDisease
44. Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barelvi was martyred at ? ______ Balakot
45. Group of----is called School? ______ Fish
46. "And You see people are entering into religion in multitudes" this translated verse belong to which Surah ? ______Sura Al-Nasar
47. Who provides basic rights ? Supreme Court, High court, ______Both 
48. To whom Quaid-e-Azam called his "Right Hand and True lieutenant" ______Liaqut Ali khan
49. 2+2*2/2 = ? ______ 4
50. Titanic survivors were mostly? ______ Young men
51. How many deaths occured in Titanic ? ______ 1500 mostly were women nchildren
52. Butterfly stroke is term used in ? ______Swimming
53. Trachoma disease is related to ? ______Eye
54. What is "Meeqat" in Hajj ? ______Start point of Hajj
55. Magna Carta was signed in ? ______1215 AD
56. Author of "A short history of saracens? ______Syed Ameer Ali
57. Speelings of______ superintendent
58. Philately is study of ? ______Stamp Collection
59. Contraband meanings? ______ Banned , smuggled
60. Shadow cabinent is called? ______ Opposition group
61. Ibn e batuta was from ? ______ Morroco
62. When was balochistan declared as a province? ______1970
63. Cholestrol is absent in ? ______ white of egg
64. What is barzakh ….______period between deth and day of judgement 65. Silvio berlusconi was? ______ Ex Prime minster of Italy
66. Curriculum Vitae is of which language? ______Latin
67. Synonym of Obdurate? ______Stubborn
68. 0.7/10= ? ______0.07
69. Hammas was founded by ? ______Sheikh Ahmed Yasin
70. Who was Otto von bismarck? ______German historian of german empire
71. Capital of bosnia herzogova? ______ Sarajevo
72. Human rights organisation in new york? ______ Human Rights Watch
73. Computer contains ? Hardware, Software, ______ Both
74. What is Microsoft Excel ? ______Spread Sheet programe
75. Process of removing unwanted part of image from Microsoft office is called ? ______ Cropping
76. When Pakistan included in Nuclear States? ______28-05-1998
77. Fleet street london is famous for ? ______ Newspapers
78.Taxable animal ? ______ Sheep
77. One person writes 10 pages in 5 minutes and other 5 in ten minutes.How many pages will they write in 30 minutes ? ______ 75
78.If R is Husband of Q and S is mother of Q. Whats the relation between R and S? Mother in Law
79. Sine die means ? ______Without fixing date
80. A person turns left and walks 3m towards west, then turns right walk again 3m then again 3m walk towards east.What is his direction with respect to starting point? ______East , opposite
81. Roger Federer is famous for ? ______Tennis player
82. Saleem said" I don't eat mangoes" ? ______ Ans: Saleem said that he didn't eat mangoes.
83. Statue of Liberty of USA was gifted by ? ______France ml84. Storting is the parliament of ? ______Norway
85. Treatment of Kindney stones by shockwaves? lithotripsy
86. Adis ababa has headquarter of which union? ______ UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission Africa)
87. World Wide Web founderby______ Tim Berners Lee
88. Abullah Yousuf ali ______principle of Islamia college Lahore
89. Radiant Synonym is ______glowing
90.Rebate Synonym is ______Discoun
91. in a 600 kms flight, plane average speed reduced to 300 km/h and time increase by 30 minutes what actually time flight take to reach on destination______ 2 hours
92. Sequence 4,11,7,14,10.17,___? ______ 13
93. 2,5,10,12,24,26........---52
94. 4,10,12,30,42 ______ans 56
95. paragraph stated that there is proper number of boats on titanic
96. When was 1st wahi revealed date. ______ 17th Ramzan
97. Antonym of pacific …hostile

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