International Relations Paper - 2002
Solved MCQs

1. Present Secretary General of the U.N belongs to:

a) Nigeria
b) Ghana
c) Chile 
d) None of these

b) Ghana (Kofi Anan)

2. Leader of Taliban Government in Afghanistan was:

a) Hekmatyar
b) Mullah Umar
c) Hamid Karzai
d) None of these

b) Mullah Umar

3. Patrice Lumamba was the Prime Minister of:

a) Congo (Zaire)
b) Zimbabwe
c) Ghana
d) None of these

a) Congo (Zaire)

4. Kwama Nkramah was one of the leaders of:

a) Asia 
b) Europe 
c) Africa 
d) None of these

c) Africa

5. Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan:

a) Liaquat Ali Khan 
b) Nizamuddin
c) Chundrigar
d) None of these

a) Liaquat Ali Khan

6. Pakistan’s Highest Military award is:

a) Hila-e-Jurat
b) Hilal-e-Imtiaz
c) Nishan-e-Haider
d) None of these

c) Nishan-e-Haider

7. Pakistan became a member of CENTO in: 

a) 1954
b) 1955
c) 1958
d) None of these

b) 1955

8. Pakistan exploded her first nuclear bomb on:

a) 28th May 1998
b) 14th August 1998
c) 4th April 1998
d) None of these

a) 28th May 1998

9. Who is Muhammad VI:

a) President of Tunis
b) King of Morocco
c) King of Jordan
d) None of these

b) King of Morocco

10. The author of “Politics Among Nations” is:

a) Mogenthau
b) Pervaiz Cheema
c) Palmer and Perkins
d) None of these

a) Mogenthau

11. The idea of SAARC originated in the mind of:

a) Zia-ul-Haq
b) Zia ur Rehman
c) Rajiv Gandhi
d) None of these

b) Zia ur Rehman

12. Iraq occupied Kuwait in:

a) July 1990
b) August 1990
c) December 1990
d) None of these

b) August 1990

13. Non Permanent member of the Security Council are:

a) 5
b) 7
c) 10
d) None of these

c) 10

14. ‘Rise and Fall of Great Powers’ is the work of:

a) Paul Kennedy
b) Holsti
c) Morgenthau
d) None of these

a) Paul Kennedy

15. Pakistan left Commonwealth in 1972 and rejoined in:

a) 1988
b) 1989
c) 1985
d) None of these

b) 1989

16. U.S. has agreed to write of Pakistan’s debt to the tune of:

a) U.S. $ 2 billion
b) U.S. $ 1 billion
c) U.S. $ 4 billion
d) None of these

c) U.S. $ 4 billion

17. The 1956 Constitution of Pakistan came into effect on:

a) 28th February 1956
b) 23rd March 1956
c) 14th August 1956
d) None of these

b) 23rd March 1956

18. The U-2 incident occurred in:

a) 1960
b) 1962
c) 1965
d) None of these

a) 1960

19. Which country of the world borders most neighbours:

a) Russia
b) China
c) Canada 
d) None of these

The answer is A and B. China and Russia each share a common border with 14 other countries.

20. Which of these countries Field Castro rules:

a) Brazil
b) Cuba
c) Haiti
d) None of these

b) Cuba

International Relations Paper - 2003
Solved MCQs

1. Paul Bremer:

a) A Hollywood Actor
b) A British politician
c) U.S. Administrator in Iraq
d) None of these

c) U.S. Administrator in Iraq

2. Javier Solana:

a) Spanish Foreign Minister
b) President of Argentina
c) Foreign Policy spokesman of the European Community
d) None of these

a) Spanish Foreign Minister

3. Saeed-ul-Sahaf:

a) A Saudi Minister
b) Palestinian leader
c) Information Minister of Ex-President Saddam
d) None of these

c) Information Minister of Ex-President Saddam

4. Saeb Erekat:

a) Palestinian negotiator
b) Turkish Minister of Tourism
c) President of Cyprus
d) None of these

a) Palestinian negotiator

5. Abdul Kalam:

a) Minister of Bangladesh
b) Pak. Rep in Geneva
c) Indian President
d) None of these

c) Indian President

6. Maliha Lodhi:

a) Pak. Ambassador to U.S.A.
b) Editor of the NEWS
c) Pak. High Commissioner to U.K.
d) None of these

c) Pak. High Commissioner to U.K.

7. Gerhard Schroeder:

a) Chancellor of Germany
b) Prime Minister of Poland
c) President of Slovakia
d) None of these

a) Chancellor of Germany

8. Dr. Kelly was:

a) British Nuclear Scientist
b) U.s. Secretary of Treasury
c) A minister of South Africa
d) None of these

a) British Nuclear Scientist

9. Winston Chirchill was:

a) An American General
b) Leader of Scottish Labour Party
c) British Prime Minister
d) None of these

c) British Prime Minister

10. Imam Khomini came to power in Iran in:

a) Jan. 1978
b) Feb. 1979
c) Dec. 1980
d) None of these

b) Feb. 1979

11. Mustafa Kamal Pasha gave ____Principles of Kemalism:

a) 6
b) 5
c) 8
d) None of these

a) 6

12. Who gave the idea of ‘Peaceful Co-existence’?

a) Nikita Khrushchev
b) Leonid Brezknev
c) Molotov
d) None of these

a) Nikita Khrushchev

13. When USSR was disintegrated?

a) April, 1990
b) Dec. 1991
c) Jan, 1992
d) None of these

b) Dec. 1991

14. Monoe Doctrine was given in:

a) 1922
b) 1923
c) 1924
d) None of these

d) None of these (1823)

15. Kurt Waldhiem was:

a) A Swiss politician
b) Secretary Geneal of U.N.O
c) President of Germany
d) None of these

b) Secretary Geneal of U.N.O

16. Chou-En-Lai was:

a) Prime minister of China
b) Governor of Hong Kong
c) Vice President of Taiwan
d) None of these

a) Prime minister of China

17. OIC was formed in:

a) 1967
b) 1968
c) 1969
d) None of these

c) 1969

18. NATO was formed in:

a) 1948
b) 1949
c) 1950
d) None of these

b) 1949

19. Israel was created in:

a) 1947
b) 1948
c) 1949
d) None of these

b) 1948

20. Water Gates Scandal resulted in the resignation of:

a) President Johnson
b) President Nixon
c) President Carter
d) None of these

b) President Nixon

International Relations Paper - 2004
Solved MCQs

1) The term nationality is derived from a Latin word:
b) Nation 
d) None of these


2) Eleventh SAARC Summit was held in the year:

a) 2000
b) 2001
c) 2002
d) None of these

c) 2002

3) ECO consists of:

a) 8 members
b) 9 members
c) 10 members
d) None of these

c) 10 members

4) The littoral states around the Indian Ocean are:

a) 25
b) 33
c) 35
d) None of these 

d) None of these

5) The first atom bomb was used in 1945 by:

a) The Germany
b) The USA
c) The USSR
d) None of these

b) The USA

6) Brown Amendment was adopted by the US Senate in the year:

a) 1990
b) 1992
c) 1995
d) None of these

c) 1995

7) Oslo Agreement was signed in the year:

a) 1990
b) 1992
c) 1993
d) None of these

c) 1993

8) Fourth ASEAN Summit was held in: 

a) Singapore
b) Islamabad
c) Jakarta
d) None of these

a) Singapore

9) Pre-partition India consisted of:

a) 579 Princely states
b) 584 Princely states
c) 590 Princely states
d) None of these

b) 584 Princely states

10) India conducted its 2nd nuclear test after a gap of:

a) 20 years
b) 24 years 
c) 34 years
d) None of these

b) 24 years

11) According to Quincy Write the approaches to the study of international politics are:

a) 18
b) 21
c) 23
d) None of these

d) None of these

12) Pattern of political system where center of power are more than two is called:

a) Polycentrism 
b) Bicentrism
c) Multicentrism 
d) None of these

c) Multicentrism

13) Complete cessation of nuclear testing is the sole aim of:

b) NPT
d) None of these


14) Turkey falls in:

a) Asia
b) Europe
c) Asia and Europe
d) None of these

c) Asia and Europe

15) Uzbekistan shares common border with:

a) Azerbaijan
b) Dagestan
c) Georgia
d) None of these

d) None of these

16) Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan were established in:

a) Sep. 1947
b) Feb. 1948
c) Jan. 1949
d) None of these

b) Feb. 1948

17) Dayton Accord was signed to solve the problem of:

a) East Timore
b) Bosnia
c) Kosovo
d) None of these

b) Bosnia

18) MI-5 is the secret agency of:

a) France
b) Germany
c) UK
d) None of these

c) UK

19) Pakistan joined NAM in the year:

a) 1978
b) 1980
c) 1981
d) None of these

d) None of these (1979) 

20) UN Secretary General belongs to:

a) Ghana (Kofi Annan)
b) Uganda
c) Uruguay
d) None of these 

a) Ghana (Kofi Annan)
(New UN Secretary General is Ban Ki Moon and he is from South Korea)

International Relations Paper - 2005
Solved MCQs

(1) The treaty of Westphalia established modern nation states system in: 

(a) 1684 
(b) 1648 
(c) 1664 
(d) None of these

(b) 1648

(2) The first world war started on:

(a) 23rd June, 1914 
(b) 20th June, 1914 
(c) 28th June., 1914 
(d) None of these

(d) None of these
From August 1914 to November 1918.

(3) The treaty of Versailles concluded in:

(a) 1918 
(b) 1920
(c) 1919 
(d) None of these

(c) 1919

(4) The Chinese communist party was founded in:

(a) 1923 
(b) 1921
(c) 1917 
(d) None of these

(b) 1921

(5) The second world war started in:

(a) September 1939
(b) October 1939 
(c) November 1939 
(d) None of these

(a) September 1939

(6) After 27 years of imprisonment, Mr. Nelson Mandela was released in: 

(a) 1991 
(b) 1990 
(c) 1994 
(d) None of these

(b) 1990

(7) Arab Magrib Union consists of:

(a) Seven States 
(b) Five States
(e) Nine States 
(d) None of these

(b) Five States

(8) The principal organs of United Nations are:
(a) Eight 
(b) Five
(c) Six 
(d) None of these

(c) Six

(9) Scandinavia constitutes:

(a) Nine slates 
(b) Five states 
(c) Seven stales 
(d) None of these

(d) None of these (3 states)

(10) The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was proclaimed on: 

(a) 21st September 1932
(b) 18th September 1932
(c) 25th September 1932 
(d) None of these (23rd September 1932) 

(11) Which treaty served as an umbrella for US involvement in Vietnam war: 

(a) Nato 
(b) Seato 
(c) Cento
(d) None of these

(12) The Gulf Cooperation Council consists of:

(a) Six states
(b) Nine states 
(c) Seven states 
(d) None of these

(a) Six states

(13) The league of Arab States was established on:

(a) 23rd March, 1943 
(b) 26th March, 1944 
(c) 22nd March, 1945 
(d) None of these

(c) 22nd March, 1945

(14) The Common Wealth of Australia came into existence in: 

(a) 1901 
(b) 1911
(c) 1905 
(d) None of these

(a) 1901

(15) The Balkan Peninsula is located in:

(a) Central Europe 
(b) South Western Europe 
(c) South Eastern Europe 
(d) None of these

(c) South Eastern Europe

(1 6) Karl Mark and Engels presented the Communist Manifesto in: 

(a) 1845 
(b) 1848 
(c) 1850 
(d) None of these

(b) 1848

(17) Soviet Union was replaced by Russian federation in:

(a) October, 1991 
(b) January, 1991 
(c) December, 1991
(d) None of these

(c) December, 1991

(1 8) "Politics among Nations" was written by:

(a) K. J. Holsti 
(b) Gavin Boyd 
(c) Hans J. Morgenthanu 
(d) None of these

(c) Hans J. Morgenthanu

(19) Article 55 of the UN Charter promotes international:

(a) Peace 
(b) Human Rights 
(c) Security 
(d) None of these

(b) Human Rights

(20) The main judicial arm of UN, the 1CJ is located in:

(a) Geneva 
(b) The Hague 
(c) Lisbon 
(d) None of these

(b) The Hague

International Relations Paper - 2006
Solved MCQs

(1) An organization whose members are from national governments is a:

(a) Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)
(b) Intergovernmental Organization (IGO)
(c) World wide Transnational Organization (WTO)
(d) None of these 

(b) Intergovernmental Organization (IGO)

(2) “The national interest is defined as the acquisition of power”. The speaker is a: 

(a) Pluralist 
(b) Idealist 
(c) Structuralist 
(d) None of these

(3) Neoliberals:

(a) Stress the importance of international institutions in reducing conflict in the international system.
(b) Are pessimistic above international operations.
(c) Agree with realists that are unitary actors.
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(e) None of these

(e) None of these

(4) The military industrial complex consists of:

(a) The military, defense contractors and research institutes. 
(b) The military, defense contractors, and the executive branch.
(c) The army, the navy and the air-force.
(d) None of these. 

(d) None of these.

(5) Territorial waters traditionally are recognized to extend how far from a state’s coastline?

(a) 3 miles 
(b) 10 miles
(c) 12 miles 
(d) None of these

(c) 12 miles

(6) A state’s executive economic zone (EEZ) is recognized to extend how far from the coastline?

(a) 3 miles 
(b) 10 miles 
(c) 12 miles 
(d) None of these

(c) 12 miles

(7) States can exclude others from entering which the following?

(a) 12 miles limit from coastline 
(b) Airspace 
(c) Orbital space 
(d) Both (a) and (b) 
(e) None of these

(d) Both (a) and (b)

(8) Weapons of mass destruction include:

(a) Nuclear, chemical and biological weapons 
(b) Nuclear, conventional and biological weapons
(c) Chemical, ballistic and biological weapons
(d) None of these

(a) Nuclear, chemical and biological weapons

(9) Strategic weapons are:

(a) Short-range weapons 
(b) Intermediate range of weapons 
(c) Long-range weapons
(d) None of these

(c) Long-range weapons

(10) The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) attempts to prevent:

(a) The spread of missile technology 
(b) The spread of missile weapons
(c) The spread of biological weapons 
(d) None of these

(d) Non of these

(11) Which of the following is a principle stated in the UN Charter?

(a) States are equal under international law
(b) States have full sovereignty over their own affairs
(c) States should have full independence and territorial integrity
(d) All of above
(e) None of these

(d) All of above

(12) A just war:

(a) Can be waged to change another state’s government, if it is violating human rights. 
(b) Can be waged for ethnic or religious reasons
(c) Can be waged only in response to aggression 
(d) None of these

(a) Can be waged to change another state’s government, if it is violating human rights.

(13) “Sustainable” economic development means:

(a) Development that can be sustained over a period of decades
(b) Development that is supported by the domestic economy and does not involve international trade.
(c) Development that does not deplete resources and destroy ecosystems so quickly that the basis of development itself is undermined. 
(d) None of these

(c) Development that does not deplete resources and destroy ecosystems so quickly that the basis of development itself is undermined.

(14) Which of the following is the greenhouse gas that accounts for most of global warming?

(a) Carbon dioxide 
(b) Methane 
(c) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 
(d) None of these

(a) Carbon dioxide

(15) Which of the following is the major contributor to the destruction of ozone layer?

(a) Carbon dioxide 
(b) Methane
(c) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 
(d) None of these

(c) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

(16) Privatization is:

(a) The concentration of wealth in private hands.
(b) The sale of state-owned industries
(c) A key feature of socialism 
(d) None of these

(b) The sale of state-owned industries

(17) Neocolonialism is:

(a) The transfer of a colony from one colonial power to another 
(b) The new round of colonization of Africa after Latin America gained independence
(c) Colonization which took place in the nineteenth century rather than eighteenth
(d) Non of these

(d) Non of these

(18) Who is responsible for the economic reforms that have been take place in China since the mid- 1970s?

(a) Mao Zedong 
(b) Jiang Zemin 
(c) Deng Xiaoping 
(d) Non of these

(c) Deng Xiaoping

(19) Ante-governmental protests in China by students, workers and some government officials took place:

(a) Tiananmen Square, in 1989 
(b) Tiananmen Square, in 1992
(c) Shenzhen, in 1989 
(d) Non of these

(a) Tiananmen Square, in 1989

(20) A nation is:

(a) Territorial entity controlled by a government and inhabitant by a population
(b) Group of people who share characteristics such as language and culture
(c) Set of relationships among the world’s states.
(d) None of theses

International Relations Paper - 2007
Solved MCQs

(1) The Great Britain and Russia agreed to make Afghanistan a buffer statebetweentheir empires in:

(a) 1879
(b) 1897
(c) 1869
(d) None of these

(a) 1879

(2) Amnesty International was established in London by the British Lawyer, Peter Benenson in:

(a) 1961
(b) 1951
(c) 1971
(d) None of these

(a) 1961

(3) The ANZUS Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and United States was signed in:

(a) 1951
(b) 1945
(c) 1950
(d) None of these

(a) 1951

(4) The Treaty of Versailles settled peace in:

(a) Europe
(b) Middle East
(c) Africa
(d) None of these

(a) Europe

(5) The Commonwealth of independent states was established in:

(a) 1991
(b) 1990
(c) 1989
(d) None of these

(a) 1991

(6) International Monetary fund was formed after Bretton Woods Conference in:

(a) 1944
(b) 1943
(c) 1945
(d) None of these

(a) 1944

(7) “Issues in Global Politics” was written by:

(a) E. H. Corr
(b) Gavin Boyed
(c) James N Rosenau
(d) None of these

(b) Gavin Boyed

(8) South West Asia is popularly known as:

(a) Near East
(b) Middle East
(c) Arab World
(d) None of these

(b) Middle East

(9) Nato was organized in:

(a) 1948
(b) 1949
(c) 1950
(d) None of these

(b) 1949

(10) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was established in:

(a) 1960
(b) 1968
(c) 1970
(d) None of these

(a) 1960

(11) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation consists of:

(a) 7 states
(b) 8 states
(c) 5 states
(d) None of these

(b) 8 states (Including Afghanistan)

(12) Suez crises between Egypt, France, Britain, Israel began in:

(a) 1956
(b) 1955
(c) 1954
(d) None of these

(a) 1956

(13) The International court of justice was constituted on:

(a) 26th June 1945
(b) 21st June 1946
(c) 23rd June 1948
(d) None of these

(a) 26th June 1945

(14) The Charter of United Nations consists of:

(a) 108 articles
(b) 101 articles
(c) 111 articles
(d) None of these

(c) 111 articles

(15) The British Secretary of Foreign Affairs A. Balfour announced British support to establish Jewish state in Palestine in:

(a) November 2, 1917
(b) October 7, 1916
(c) December 2, 1918
(d) None of these

(a) November 2, 1917

(16) To cripple British Communication with India, Napoleon organized military expedition to Egypt in:

(a) 1798
(b) 1789
(c) 1898
(d) None of these

(a) 1798

(17) LAIA stands for:

(a) Latin American Integration Association
(b) Latin American Information Agency
(c) Latin American Investment Association
(d) None of these

(a) Latin American Integration Association

(18) Arab League was established on:

(a) 22nd March 1945
(b) 22nd April 1945
(c) 22nd February 1945
(d) None of these

(a) 22nd March 1945

(19) The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT-I) was signed in:

(a) 1972
(b) 1971
(c) 1974
(d) None of these

(a) 1972

(20) The headquarter of Asian Development Bank (ADB) is located in:

(a) Bangkok
(b) Manila
(c) Singapore
(d) None of these

(b) Manila

International Relations Paper - 2008
Solved MCQs

(i). International Relations during 1648—1945 were characterized by:

a. Bi-polar system
b. Multi-polar system
c. Uni-polar system
d. None of these

b. Multi-polar system

(ii). French revolution occurred in:

a. 1787
b. 1789
c. 1798
d. None of these

b. 1789

(iii). World population was one billion in:

a. 1800
b. 1803
c. 1850
d. None of these

b. 1803

(iv). Versailles Peace Conference was held in:

a. 1918
b. 1919
c. 1920
d. None of these

b. 1919

(v). Germany invaded Poland in:

a. 1938
b. 1939
c. 1940
d. None of these

b. 1939

(vi). Bretton Woods Conference was concluded in:

a. July 1944
b. August 1944
c. September 1944
d. None of these

a. July 1944

(vii). ECOSOC has been established under chapter______of the UN charter:

a. V
b. VII
c. X
d. None of these

c. X

(viii). The UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim belonged to:

a. Austria
b. Poland
c. Belgium
d. None of these

a. Austria

(ix). “Politics among Nations” was written by:

a. K.J.Holstai
b. Hans Morgenthau
c. Frederick Hartman
d. None of these

b. Hans Morgenthau

(x). United Arab Emirates is a federation of:

a. 5 Emirates
b. 6 Emirates
c. 7 Emirates
d. None of these

c. 7 Emirates

(xi). The ICJ is located at:

a. Washington
b. Geneva
c. The Hague
d. None of these

c. The Hague

(xii). Cuban Missiles Crisis occurred during:

a. 1958
b. 1960
c. 1962
d. None of these

c. 1962

(xiii). German reunification occurred in:

a. 1990
b. 1991
c. 1992
d. None of these

a. 1990

(xiv). The WTO began in:

a. 1993
b. 1994
c. 1995
d. None of these

c. 1995

(xv). Switzerland joined the UN during:

a. 2000
b. 2001
c. 2002
d. None of these

c. 2002

(xvi). OIC is an organization of:

a. 48 states
b. 57 states
c. 60 states
d. None of these

b. 57 states

(xvii). African Development Bank was established in:

a. 1962
b. 1964
c. 1969
d. None of these

b. 1964

(xviii). Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone consists of ______ members:

a. 11
b. 12
c. 13
d. None of these

a. 11

(xix). The author of famous book, “Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy” is:

a. Gerald Ford
b. Henry Kissinger
c. Ronald Reagan
d. None of these

b. Henry Kissinger

(xx). Mauritius and Seychelles are located in ______ ocean:

a. Pacific
b. Western Indian
c. Mediterranean
d. None of these

b. Western Indian

International Relations Paper - 2009
Solved MCQs

(i) Sarah Palin is the governor of:

(a) New York
(b) Alaska
(c) Illinois
(d) None of these

(b) Alaska

(ii) President De Gaulle withdrew France from NATO in:

(a) 1966
(b) 1950
(c) 1962
(d) None of these

(a) 1966

(iii) Pearl Harbor, USA, naval base in Hawain Islands, during WWII was attacked by:

(a) Germany
(b) Japan
(c) Cuba
(d) None of these

(b) Japan

(iv) According to Brandt Report, 'The South consists of:

(a) Third world countries
(b) Australia
(c) China
(d) None of these

(a) Third world countries

(v) In 1933 Hitler signed an agreement with pope known as:

(a) Brandeus
(b) Concordat
(c) Peace Pact
(d) None of these

(b) Concordat

(vi) The current president of Russia is:

(a) Vladimir Putin
(b) Nicolas Sarkozy
(c) Dmitry Medvedev
(d) None of these

(c) Dmitry Medvedev

(vii) North Korea invaded South Korea in:

(a) 1948
(b) 1950
(c) 1959
(d) None of these 

(b) 1950

(viii) Indian Congress came into power under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi in:

(a) 2000
(b) 2004
(c) 2006
(d) None of these

(b) 2004

(ix) The UN charter in 1945 was drawn up in:

(a) New York
(b) San Francisco
(c) Washington
(d) None of these

(b) San Francisco

(x) Owen Young, who gave the young plan was:

(a) An American banker
(b) German President
(c) British Ambassador
(d) None of these

(a) An American banker

(xi) Windock is the capital of:

(a) Ziganda
(b) Namibia
(c) Luxembourg
(d) None of these 

(b) Namibia

(xii) CENTO was dissolved in:

(a) 1979
(b) 1981
(c) 1998
(d) None of these

(a) 1979

(xiii) The first Hague Conference was held in:

(a) 1890
(b) 1907
(c) 1914
(d) None of these 

(d) None of these (1899)

(xiv) NPT is not signed by:

(a) China
(b) Israel
(c) Russia
(d) None of these

(b) Israel

(xv) Afghanistan has vice-presidents:

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) None
(d) None of these 

(c) None

(xvi) Current Foreign Secretary of Pakistan is:

(a) Shah Mehmood Qureshi
(b) Salman Bashir
(c) Sherry Rehman
(d) None of these

(b) Salman Bashir

(xvii) ASEAN summit 2008 took place in:

(a) Bangkok
(b) Malaysia
(c) Philippines
(d) None of these

(a) Bangkok

(xviii) Faroe Island is:

(a) A Scandinavian state
(b) Darwin's birth place
(c) an American prison
(d) None of these

(a) A Scandinavian state

(xix) Ronald Reagan was a presidential candidate of:

(a) Republican
(b) Democrat
(c) Both
(d) None of these

(a) Republican

(xx) " Politics among nations" was written by:

(a) K.J. Holsti
(b) Gavin Boyd
(c) Hans.J.Margenthau
(d) None of these

(c) Hans.J.Margenthau

International Relations Paper - 2010
Solved MCQs

i. UNO was formed in:

a) 1944 
b) 1945 
c) 1946 
d) None of these

b) 1945

ii. The cold war between USA and USSR started in:

a) 1942 
b) 1945
c) 1946 
d) None of these

both a and b are correct. 1942 Manhattan project was completed, cold war started. 1945 WWII was ended, cold war started.

iii. Peaceful co-existence between USA and USSR was initiated by:

a) Stalin 
b) Brezhnev 
c) Khruschev 
d) None of these

c) Khruschev 

iv. Detente between USA and USSR started between:

a) 1959-69 
b) 1969-79 
c) 1980-90 
d) None of these

b) 1969-79

v. Perestroika was started by:

a) Brezhnev 
b) Podgorny 
c) Gorbachev 
d) None of these


vi. The Taliban came to power in Afghanistan in:

a) 1990 
b) 1992 
c) 1996 
d) None of these

c) 1996

vii. Ismail Hania is:

a) President of Palestine 
b) Lebanese Minister 
c) Leader of Hamas 
d) None of these

c) Leader of Hamas

viii. Natan Yahu is:

a) President of Taiwan 
b) Defence Minister of China 
c) Prime Minister of Israel 
d) None of these

c) Prime Minister of Israel 

ix. USSR was disintegrated in:

a) 1989 
b) 1990 
c) 1991 
d) None of these

c) 1991

x. Theory and Practice of International Relations is written by:

a) Padelford and Lincoln 
b) Palmer and Perkins 
c) Hans j.Morganthau 
d) None of these

b) Palmer and Perkins

xi. Kim El Jong is:

a) President of South Korea 
b) Foreign Minister of Burma 
c) President of North Korea 
d) None of these

d) None of these (Supreme Leader of North Korea)

xii. Javiar Solana is:

a) Foreign Minister of Spain 
b) President of Namibia 
c) Foreign Policy adviser of European Union 
d) None of these

c) Foreign Policy adviser of European Union

xiii. Ronald Reagan an actor became the President of:

a) Mexico 
b) USA
c) France 
d) None of these

b) USA

xiv. NPT was signed in:

a) 1966 
b) 1968 
c) 1970 
d) None of these

b) 1968

xv. CTBT was signed in:

a) 1990 
b) 1944
c) 1995
d) None of these

d) None of these (1996)

xvi. People's Republic of China came into being in:

a) 1947 
b) 1948
c) 1949 
d) None of these

c) 1949

xvii. WTO was formed in:

a) 1990
b) 1993 
c) 1995 
d) None of these

c) 1995

xviii. Cuban Missile Crisis took place in:

a) 1960 
b) 1961
c) 1962 
d) None of these

c) 1962

xix. NATO was singed in:

a) 1945 
b) 1948 
c) 1949 
d) None of these

c) 1949

xx. UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon is from:

a) Burma 
b) Mauritius 
c) South Korea
d) None of these 

c) South Korea

International Relations Paper - 2011
Solved MCQs

(i) The author of the book “The End of History and the Last Man” is:

a. Fukuyama

b. Huntington
c. Kissinger
d. Christine Faire
e. None of these

(ii) The author of the book “Twenty Years Crisis” is:

a. Rosenau
b. Harold J Laski
c. E. H. Carr
d. John Dewey
e. None of these

(iii) Balance of power is based on:

a. Realist Paradigm

b. Liberal Paradigm
c. Marxist Paradigm
d. Post Modernism
e. None of these

(iv) Emmanuel Kant and John Locke provides the philosophical basis for:

a. Realism
b. Liberalism
c. Post Modernism
d. Behaviouralism
e. None of these

(v) Pre Emptive Strike Doctrine confers upon states the:

a. Right to attack any potential threat to its security.

b. Right to attack when they are actually attacked
c. The responsibility to intervene in the domestic affairs of other states for humanitarian protection
d. Duty to respond to the calls of UN.
e. None of these

(vi) Modern State System is believed to have started with:

a. End of Second World War
b. Versailles Treaty
c. End of Cold War
d. Peace of Westphalia
e. None of these

(vii) The 1979 summit meeting which led to peace between Egypt and Israel was held at:

a. Camp X-Ray
b. Camp Roger
c. Camp New York
d. Camp David
e. None of these

(viii) Apartheid was a policy of the:

a. State of Israel
b. State of West Africa
c. State of South Africa
d. State of North Africa
e. None of these

(ix) Pakistan joined NAM in:

a. 1955
b. 1978
c. 1988
d. 1985
e. None of these (1979)

(x) In Pakistan:

a. All treaties must be ratified by Senate to become binding.
b. The government can bind Pakistan to any treaty without informing the Parliament.
c. Constitution requires referendum on each treaty before it becomes binding.
d. All provincial governments must also agree with the federal government before a treaty becomes binding.
e. None of these

(xi) SAARC was established in:

a. 1993
b. 1985
c. 1990
d. 1998
e. None of these

(xii) NATO has announced to hand over all security operations in Afghanistan to Afghans in:

a. 2011
b. 2012
c. 2013
d. 2014
e. None of these

(xiii) Intifada refers to:

a. The Russian revolution
b. The spontaneous popular uprising of the Palestinians beginning in the late 1980s
c. Palestinian relations with Jordan
d. The popular uprising of the Arab people for democracy
e. None of these

(xiv) Through Balfour Declaration 1917:

a. USA announced its support for creation of Israel
b. Britain announced its support for creation of independent Palestine
c. Britain announced its commitment to the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East
d. Soviet Union announced its support ofr World Revolution
e. None of these

(xv) The current row between US and Iran is about:

a. Iran’s system of Education
b. Iran’s Democracy
c. Iran’s Nuclear Program
d. Iran’s relations with Pakistan
e. None of these

(xvi) Kerry Lugar Bill is about:

a. Aid specifically to Pakistani flood victims
b. Aid to Pakistan
c. Aid to Pakistan Army
d. Aid to Muslim countries
e. None of these

(xvii) Indo-Chinese war occurred in:

a. 1965
b. 1962
c. 1971
d. 1948
e. None of these

(xviii) Ho Chi Minh was:

a. Leader of Vietnam

b. Leader of Laos
c. Leader of Thailand
d. Leader of Japan
e. None of these

(xix) Missile crisis of 1962 was between:

a. USA, USSR and Cuba

b. USA, USSR and Argentine
c. USA, USSR and Egypt
d. USA, USSR and Iran
e. None of these

(xx) New International Economic Order:

a. Is Economic System structured after the end of Cold War.
b. Was the demand of the rich countries to change the International Economic System
c. Was the demand of the Global South to restructure the International Economic System.
d. Is the International Economic System based on technological revolution
e. None of these.
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