Chief food of mosquito larva is micro organism found in water.

               Chief food of butterfly larva is leaves of plants.

               Corn adds more oxygen to the atmosphere than it removes.

               Euspongia is known as natural bath sponge.

               Live Fluke, biologically called Fasciola, is found in liver of sheep.

               Earthworm is a bi-sexual.

               Eyes of insects are compound.

               Silk is obtained from cocoon of silk worm.

               Clinical thermometer usually measures in Fahrenheit.

               Tube light emits radiation even after it is disconnected. It is due to Fluorescence.

               The conversion of gases into liquid under high pressure and low temperature is called regulation.

               If a green leaf is seen in a red light its color will be black.

               Emerge of VIBGYOR from one side of the prism is due to refraction and dispersion of light.

               Skin does not excrete oil.

               Plants growing in extremely dry condition are called Xerophytes.

               Roots absorb water from soil which is Hygroscopic.

               Legumes increase the fertility of the soil by adding nitrogen to the soil.

               New varieties of organisms can be brought about by hybridization.

               Male child is born if xy chromosomes are united.

               Fertilization is fusion of two game tics of different strains.

               Fruit developed from single ovary is called simple fruit.

               Seeds are developed from Ovule.

               Parthenocarpic fruits are seedless fruits.

               Grains swell in water due to imbibitions.

               Chlorophyll contains magnesium.

               Mahalanobis model laid great emphasis on development of heavy industries.

               Oxidation is the process in which electron is lost.

               The rate of transpiration depends upon frequency of Stomata.

               Light is necessary for photosynthesis because it produce ATP and reducing substance.


               Oxygen liberated from photosynthesis comes from water.

               Red light is most suitable for photosynthesis.

               Respiration means food oxidation and evolution of energy.

               Chemical preservation of dead organisms in liquid is called Cryo-Bilogy.

               The organisms which are the only living membrane of their group and link two major groups are called Living Fossil.
               Mammals cannot be cold blooded.

               Trypanosome a parasite causing sleeping sickness.

               Half-time is a time of radioactive substance taken by that substance to decompose radioactivity to half of its weight.
               Structure of DNA was given by Watson and Crick.

               In Nuclear DNA is concentrated in chromatin.

               Proteins are synthesized by golgi bodies.

               Cellulose respiration is done by Mitochondrion.

               Light energy is stored in the form of chemical energy due to the activity of Chloroplast.

               Protoplasm is a colloidal solution.

               Voltammeter is an electrolytic cell for conducting electrolytic dissociation of electrolyte.

               In cryptograms, the sex organs are primitive and hidden.

               Thallophytia include algae, fungi, and lichens.

               Carl Linneus is famous for binomial system of nomenclature.

               Angiosperm includes the plants which have covered flowers and covered seed.

               Plant cells resembles animal cell because having a cell membrane made up of protoplasm.

               Snake have been evolved from lizard.

               Plants in which seed are outside the fruit are called Gymnosperms.

               0.200 grams are equal to one carat.

               One million cycles per second is called Megahertz.

               Linseed oil is used while oil painting.

               Smell is the weakest sense in Birds.

               Owl can rotate his head to 180 degrees on either sides.

               Ostrich eat pebbles for helping digestion by grinding up the ingested food.


               The cuckoo sneaks its eggs into other birds’ nest to hatch.

               Dyne is a unit of Force.

               Birds are warm blooded animals.

               Birds bones are hollow.

               Oven birds build strong nests.

               Weaver birds are called to the birds who build their nests.

               Male birds are more colorful than females.

               Birds do not fly are penguins, emus, kiwis, ostriches.

               Breitling orbiter 3 was the first balloon to fly non-stop around the world.

               Aircraft designers test their model of aircraft in with tunnel.

               Flaps are used as air brakes.

               Amphibians were the first vertebrate.

               There are three stages of frog. Egg-tadpole-adult frog.

               Metamorphosis - > a series of changes.

               Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989) was one of the first to study animal behavior.

               Survive very cold weather or very dry weather by going into a deep sleep. Surviving cold condition like this is called hibernation. Sleeping through hot, dry condition is called aestivation.
               A.D means in the year of our Lord.

               Amal is radical Lebanese Shi’ite military force established in 1970 by Musa Sadr.

               Balfour Declaration was issued in 2 Nov: 1917.

               Yugoslavian city Skopije was destroyed by earthquake in 1963.

               Bootlegging is a form of smuggling.

               Religion of Chinese people is Confucianism.

               Frescois a method of painting on plaster (usually a wall) meaning fresh.

               Kleptomania is an irrational urge to steal.

               Intifada is Palestinian uprising.

               Long March was 9600 km journey organized by Mao Tse Tang in the year of 1931-1934.

               Vnukovo Airport is located at Moscow.

               Mercury Project first manned space programme of USA, carry the first American into space lauched on 5th May, 1961.


               Pan-Islam originated in 1880 in Ottomon Empire was a movement for uniting the Islamic Nations.

               Paper was invented in 3500 BC by Chinese.

               Printing was invented by Chinese.

               Unity, faith & discipline was used by Quaid on Dec: 28, 1947.

               Philately is the hobby of stamp collection.

               Oscar Award was introduced by Louis B Mayer of Metro Goldwin-Mayer Academy Award in 1927.

               First black president of South Africa was Nelson Mandela his party was banned in 1961 and he was imprisioned.
               Feminism is the belief that women subordination to men should end.

               Balfour Declaratoin issued in 2 Nov: 1917.

               Yougoslavian city Skopije was destroyed by earthquake in 1963.

               Bootleggin is a form of smuggling.

               River boat Gondola is used in Italy’s city Venice.

               Hydaspes River is now called the Jhelum River.

               Dinosaur means “Terrible” lizard.

               The name of heaviest dinosaur was Branchiosaurus.

               Fresco is a method of painting on plaster it means fresh.

               Kleptomania is an irrational urge to steal.

               Ikhwan as Safa, a secret Arab organization was founded in Basra, Iraq.

               Intifada is Palestinian uprising.

               Long March, a 9600-km journey in 1934 was undertook by Chinese Communists under Mao De Tong.

               Vnukovo airport is in Moscow.

               Pan-Islam, a movement for uniting the Islamic Nations was started in 1880 in Ottoman Empire.

               Paper was invented in 3500 B.C by Chinese.

               Great Pyramid at Giza is the largest Pyramid built in Egypt.

               St. Vitus’s Dance is a disease.

               Resin is sticky liquid that emits from plants.

               Pyramids of Egypt are the oldest and only survived wonder.

               Guru (teacher) Nanak was the founder of Sikhism.


               Silk was made firstly in China.

               Skylab was space laboratory launched in 1973 by USA.

               The first tanks were used in 1916 during WW-I by British.

               Harward University is in USA, Cambridge is in UK

               Titanic sank on 14 April, 1912 on voyage from Southampton to New York City in North Atlantic.

               Tour De France is French cycle race.

               First women in space Valentine Tereshkove went into space in Vostoc 6 on 16 June 1963.

               Watergate scandal involved President Richard Nixon in 1972.

               Parses follow Zoroastrianism.

               Seatle is the seaport of USA.

               Dickson is the seaport of Malaysia.

               At Hyde Park London public meetings are assembled.

               Red Square is in Moscow.

               Eskimos live in Igloo.

               Blitzkrieg means sudden attack.

               Dragon is the symbol of China.

               Bear is the symbol of Russia.

               Christopher Coloumbus belonged to Italy.

               Caspian Sea water is shared by Iran, Russia & Azerbaijan.

               Magna Carta is known as the Bible of English Constitution.

               Russian equivalent of Pentagon is Kremlin.

               East Timore, the Colony of Portugal, was captured by Indonesia in 1975.

               Tiwan separated from China in 1949.

               American Naval Base “Diego Garcia” is in Indian Ocean.

               Ulster Unionists wanted to retain British rule in Northern Ireland.

               Anti-Semitism means animosity towards Jews.

               Lens at the end of the compound microscope is called objective.

               Protoza was first observed in compound microscope.

               Francisco Fernandez introduced Tobacco in Europe.


               Mobile phones started in 1977.

               Penology is the study, theory and practice of prison management & criminal rehabilitation.

               Length of India-China border is 3,380 km.

               Cyprus gained independence from Britain in 1960.

               Cyprus was divided into Turkish Repbublic of Northern Cyprus and Greek Cyprus in 1974.

               Al-Azhar University I located in Cairo, Egypt.

               Fortress of Grenada, known as Alhamra is in Spain.

               Capital of ancient Babylonia was Babylon.

               Hanging gardens were in Babylon.

               Babylon was on the bank of Euphrates.

               Alma-Ata (Father of Apples) is the capital of Kazakhstan.

               Turkey and Russia are both in Europe & Asia.

               Ireland is also called Eire.

               Largest earthquake fatalities occurred in Izmir, Turkey in 1999.

               Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginai state.

               Pentagon was designed by George Burgstrom.

               Takla Makan is in China is the driest desert in Asia.

               Cathy Pacific is an island.

               Among the Seven Wonders, Church of Saint Sophia is located in Istanbul.

               Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized Suez Canal in 1956.

               Qutub Minar is in New Delhi.

               Shah Jahan built Taj Mehl for Mumtaz Mehal is located in Agra.

               Capital of Tebet is Lhasa.

               White House is in Washington DC.

               Frigid Zone is the area withing the polar circle area around the South Pole.

               Guantanamo Bay is in Cuba.

               Tartus is the seaport of Syria.

               Statue of Liberty was gifted to US by France in 1884

               Voctoria falls are on the border b/w Zimbabwe & South Africa.


               House of U.S Congress in Washington D.C is on Capitol Hill.

               Saddam Hussain executed on 30 Dec: 2006.

               The idea of SAARC originated in the mind of Zia ur Rehman.

               Pakistan left Commonwealth in 1972 and rejoined in 1989.

               Mustafa Kamal Pasha gave 6 Principles of Kemalism.

               Dayton Accord was signed to solve the problem of Bosnia.

               MI-5 is the secret agency of UK.

               The Chinese communist party was founded in 1921.

               After 27 years of imprisonment, Mr. Nelson Mandela was released in 1990.

               Scandinavia constitutes 3 states.

               Karl Mark and Engels presented the Communist Manifesto in 1848.

               Soviet Union was replaced by Russian federation in December, 1991.

               Anti-governmental protests in China by students, workers and some government officials took place: Tiananmen Square, in 1989
               The British Secretary of Foreign Affairs A. Balfour announced British support to establish Jewish state in Palestine in November 2, 1917.
               LAIA stands for Latin American Integration Association.

               World population was one billion in 1803.

               Mani was the Judge of world court.

               The Batista regime in Cuba was overthrown by Fidel Castro in January 1959.

               Rasko mountain is situated in Baluchistan

               Singapore became independent in 1965

               The ‘Aid to Pakistan Consortium’ meets every year in: Paris

               One US barrel is equal to: 159 litres

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