complete solved MCQS ABOUT HUMAN BODY

•           Normal temperature of body is 98.4 deg: F = 37 deg: C

           Corrine is used as paralyzing agent

           A nerve cell is called neuron. Each neuron has several inputs called dendrites and a single output called axon
           Weakest bone is clavicle bone

           Hardest bone is collar bone

           The part of small intestine that joins large intestine is colon

           Hardest part of body is tooth

           Most abundant element in human body is carbon (chk Oxygen or calcium)

           Systole is heart contraction

           Diastole is heart relaxation

           Dendrites are connected with neurons

           Epidermis = outer skin is called the True skin, it is free from blood vessels and its cells are nourished by lymph
           Muscles are held to the bones by Tendons.

           The largest part of the human brain is the Cerebrum

           Blood fails to clot in the absence of Calcium

           the two most abundant elements by mass found in Earth's crust are Oxygen and Silicon

           Eardrum helps in keeping balance of the body

           In general, the probability of flooding decreases when there is an increase in the amount of infiltration

           Where is the 'Atlas' bone in the human body located? Neck

           What does intelligent people have more in their hair? zinc and copper

           Which base differentiates DNA and RNA? Uracil

           Eye is filled with                  liquids: two

           What is the name of bones of human finger? Phalanges

           Pons varolii is found in brain

           Human brain contains 4/5th of water

           % of water in body is 70%

           Carbon in human body is 18%

           Heart is conical in shape

           Weight of heart is 9 ounces with 4 cavities

           Weight of kidney is 41/2 ounces

           Weight of brain is 1.4 kg and it consists of 14 billion nerve cells

           Right kidney is shorter and little lower than left

           Kidneys are supplied blood though renal arteries

           Liver receives blood from the alimentary canal through Heptic Portal vein

           Coronary artery supplies blood to heart

           Each kidney contains about one million nephrons

           Eye ball is moved by six muscles

           Most active muscle of human body is eye muscle

           Digestion of food takes 3 to 4 hours in stomach

           Capacity of stomach is one and a half kilo of food

           Clavicle is the collar bone

           Scapula is the shoulder bone

           Sternum is the chest bone

           There are 24 ribs

           Spinal cord has 33 disks

           Bones in hand are 27

           Ulna is the bone of forearm

           Radius is the second bone of forearm

           Carpal are 8 small bones of wrist

           Tarsal is the ankle bone

           Femur and patella (knee cap), tibia and fibula are bones of lower limbs

           Femur is the longest bone

           Head or skull has 29 bones

           Total bones are 206
           Total muscles are 600 (chk 650)

           60 thousand miles of capillaries of blood

           Chemically finger nails are made of protein

           Nails are made of a tough material called keratin

           Average body has 2 square yards of skin

           Weight of skin is 6 pounds

           Smallest bone is stirrup in the ear about 1/10th of an inch

           A newborn baby has 300 bones

           In 22 weeks baby is formed completely

           Ovum is a female germ cell

           The sensation of skin is perceived by epidermis

           Number of systems in body are of 7 types

           Man breathes 20,000 times in a day

           Root of hair is called follicle

           More than 2/3rd of body weight is made of fluids/water

           Messages sent in brain at 240 miles/hour

           Weight of eyes is 1 ½ ounces each

           There are 100,000 hairs

           Muscle of jaw exerts 219 kg weight

           Circadian rhythm is a medical term of heart beat

           Atmosphere exerts a pressure of 15 pounds per square inch on human body

           Iris of eye regulates the quantity of light admitted into the eye ball

           Outer layer of eyeball is called sclerotic

           The front portion of sclerotic is called cornea

           In eye a convex lens is placed

           Cornea is the only part of body without blood supply

           In front of eye is Cornea which bends light as it passes into the eyeball. It is covered by a thing membrane called Conjunctiva.
           Image made on ratina is upside down, but our brain turns it right.
           Behind the Cornea is a sheet of muscles called the Iris with the small hole in the middle called the pupil.

           Iris manages the amount of light entry into eye. In dark it relaxes to let pupil enter light as much as possible and in bright light it contracts.
           The muscles attached to the lens are Ciliary muscles. These muscles can contract the lens thin to see distant objects and for close objects these muscles relax.
           Retina contains cone shaped cells that can detect colors.

           Retina contains rod shaped cells that can see dim light.

           In the centre of retina is a small yellow area called the fovea where each cell has its own connection to the brain.
           Skeleton word comes from a Greek word meaning dried up.

           The defect of vision because of which a person cannot see distant objects clearly : Myopia or Short sightedness
           Where on your body are the most sweat glands-Feet

           Your eyeballs are 3.5% what-Salt

           The human bodies got 45 miles of them – what-Nerves

           Where is your zygomatic bone-Cheek

           Pancreas lies partly on the left side and partly on the right side of the body.

           Development of calf muscles in ladies who wear high heels is a common example of: Use and disuse of organ
           Cerumen is the technical name for what body part-Earwax

           Skin does not excrete oil.

           Male child is born if xy chromosomes are united.

           Liver receives blood from the alimentary canal through hepatic portal vein.

           For short-sightedness (man cannot see distant objects) a concave lens is used

           For long-sightedness (man cannot see near objects) a convex lens is used

           Concave mirrors are used as shaving mirrors, doctors use concave mirrors for the examination of ear, nose or eyes of a patient
           Concave mirrors are used to focus light in case of search lights and headlights of automobiles.

           Cerebellum co-ordinates movements, conscious control and balance, allowing you to move smoothly.

           The largest and most complicated part of brain is cerebrum. It controls conscious actions, speech and all your senses. It also does all your thinking and is the centre of memory and learning. It has two halves linked
by bundles of nerve fibres. Its right side does artistic, creative tasks while the left is responsible for understanding, reading and thinking
           A reflex action is controlled by the nerves of the spinal cord without involving brain.

           Skeleton word comes from a Greek word meaning dried up

           Most abundant mineral in human body is calcium

           Strongest muscle is Thigh muscle (chk Heart muscle and cheek muscle)

           Iris in the eye contracts on the entry of light.

           Retina acts as a lens in the entry of light.

           Weight of heart is 300 gram.

           Water in human body is 85%

           A human being drinks 27 tons of water in a year

           Peritoneum is a membrane

           Unused fat in body is converted into animal fat and stored in different parts of body

           Substances which bring down body temperature are Antipyretics

           Antibodies are proteins

           Most easily breakable bone of body is Collar bone

           There is 21/2 pounds of calcium in human body

           A human body has 236 joints

           Dental enamel is the hardest thing present in human body

           A man breathes 18 times in a minute

           A 9 inch nail can be made from the iron available in a body

           Average weight of man’s brain is 4.8 ounces and femal’s 4.4 ounces

           About 900 pencils can be made from the carbon preserved in human body

           Skin does not excrete oil.

           New varieties of organisms can be brought about by hybridization.

           Male child is born if xy chromosomes are united.

           Total teeth = 32, eight flat incisors at the front, fount pointed canine and 20 flat-topped pre-molars and molars at the back of the mouth.
           Tooth is covered by tough white enamel
           Enamel is the hardest substance in the body and resists almost everything except the acid produced by certain bacteria
           Liver is the body’s chemical factory.

           Liver is the largest organ in the body.

           Liver carries out more than 500 different tasks.

           Liver recycles old red blood cells.

           Liver takes up and stores glucose from blood.

           Liver also absorbs and stores fat and some vitamins.

           Liver uses vitamin B12 for making new red blood cells.

           Nearly two third of our body is water.

           We loose about a liter and a half of water each day in sweating, breathing and urination.

           Each kidney is made up of millions of tiny filtering units called Nephrons.

           The nephrons can filter about 4 liters of blood every 5 minutes.

           Each day about 200 liters of water leaves the blood and passes into the filters most of it is then reclaimed and return to the blood.
           Only about a liter of water per day stays in the nephrons to leave the kidney and flow into the bladder as urine.
           Urea is poisonous so the kidneys remove all of it from the blood.

           The liquid which leaves the kidney as urine is about 96% water and just 4% salts and urea.

           The urinary bladder can hold about half a liter of urine before we must empty it.

           Amniotic sac is a protective bag of fluid in which the baby floats.

           A baby is attached to the side of the womb by placenta.

           Homo erectus means upright man

           Homo sapiens mean wise man

           Cells in intestine are easily worn away and live for only a few days.

           Bone cells can last for 30 years.

           The left ventricle pumps blood all round the body.

           Capillaries are so small that they can fit between cells.

           A living bone has layers of hard calcium phosphate on the outside and a heycomb of hard bone of living cells inside
           Bone marrow supply blood cells over 2 millin every second

           In the inner chamber of ear called cochlea, the vibrations send waves of movement through a fluid.

           The cochlea is liked with thousands of sensitive hairs.

           Thumping of heart or break out of sweat are caused by adrenaline.

           From the age of about 5 years a child’s body grows steadily

           Protein is a natural polymer

           Muscles along the digestive system contract in a sequence called peristalsis to squeeze food along

           Nutrients of food are absorbed in blood in a long section of intestine called ileum. If uncoiled, ileum is 5- 6 meters long
           Eye contains only three types of color-sensitive cells. These cells (called cones) are on retina. The cones respond to red, green and blue light. Brain makes out other colors by combining the signals from these cells.
           Ophthalmology deals with Eyes

           ORBIS is mobile eye hospital

           Synovial fluid is the “joint oil” between bones

           The smallest bone in human body is stapes or stirrup bone. It is one of the three auditory ossicles in the middle ear. Its length is 0.10 to 0.13 inch.
           Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end

           You use 14 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.

           A living bone has layers of hard calcium, phosphate on the outside and a honeycomb of hard bone are living cells within.
           Every second, hundreds of tiny pulses of electricity shoot through your body along living wires called nerves.
           There is a place in the retina where the light sensitive cells are interrupted by the presence of the optic nerve head. It is known as The Retinal Neural Transmission Layer_
           The cavity of Ascaris is known as Coelom.

           The membranous labyrinth of the ear is filled with Endolymph.

           Crura-cerebri is found in Mid-brain.

           The strongest muscle of the body is the masseter muscle, which is located in the jaw. (Chk)

           Muscles account for 40 percent of one's body weight.

           There are 230 joints in the body.

           Kids have 20 first teeth. Adults have 32 teeth.
           The small intestines are about 25 feet long.

           The large intestines are five feet long and are three times wider than the small intestines.

           Most people shed 40 pounds of skin in a lifetime.

           Your body is 70 percent water.

           Normal body temperature is 98.6° Fahrenheit.

           When you sneeze, air rushes through your nose at a rate of 100 mph.

           An eyelash lives about 150 days before it falls out.

           Your brain sends messages at the rate of 240 mph.

           About 400 gallons of blood flow through your kidneys in one day.

           You blink your eyes about 20,000 times a day.

           Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day.

           Humans breathe 20 times per minute, more than 10 million times per year and about 700 million times in a lifetime.
           You have about 100,000 hairs on your head.

           There are 10 million nerve cells in your brain.

           Each of your eyes has 120 million rods, which help you see in black and white.

           Each eye has six million cones, which help you see in color.

           One in 12 men is color blind.

           Brain of a normal human adult weighs about 3lb

           For an adult blood pressure of 120/80 is regarded as ideal and pressure of up to 140/90 is normal.

           Iris in the eye contracts on the entry of light.

           Retina acts as a lens in the entry of light.

           In your body where is the macula- Eye centre of the Retina

           Weight of heart is 300 gram.

           Heart pumps five liters of blood in 1 minute.

           Colon is mainly responsible for water absorption from the undigested residue.

           Right kidney in man is slightly lower in position than the left kidney

           The movement of food through esophagus is by the muscular action known as : peristaltic

           In the human body what is replaced every three months      Eyelashes
           Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing

           The thickness of your skin varies from 1/2 to 6 millimeters, depending on the area of your body

           the temperature of the dead human body on Celsius scale is 25 c_ normally room temperature

           Where in your body is the labyrinth- Ear

           What does a hypodermic literally mean-Under skin

           In the body where would you find your villus Small Intestine

           Where is the dirtiest skin on your body- The face

           the number of the spinal nerves in the man is           pairs (31)

           Part of the human body can expand 20 times its normal size: Stomach 0.5 litres to 5 litres

           In the human body where is your occiput: Back of head

           Central nervous system controls the reflex action in the body.

           The terminal part of vertebral column in man is called Coceyx

           The "Urinary system" of the body consists of 3 organs.

           Haryersion canals are present in Bone.

           The heart bear is initiated and regulated by nodal tissue made of specialized cardiac muscles called Purkinje tusse.
           The gestation period of human being is Nine months.

           The first heart sound is produced when Diastole begins.

           Where would you find Lunate Triquetral and Hamate-Bones in Wrist

           Which part of the human body contains the most gold: Toenails

           In the body luteinizing hormone is produced by what gland Pituitary

           Due to buffer system, human blood has a ph of 7.4.

           The normal temperature of human body is 98.6 F.

           chemical elements most % human body O 65% C 18% and Hydrogen 10%

           Cell membrane is made up of protein and lipid molecules forming a semi permeable membrane.

           Carbohydrates in the cell are in from of glycogen.

           An epithelium is a collection of cells.

           Exoskeleton lies external to the muscles.

           Exoskeleton is commonly found in anthropoids and mollusk.
           Exoskeleton is composed of dead substances secreted by the cells.

           Endoskeleton lies internal to muscles of the body. It is found in all vertebrates. It is formed of bones and cartilages.
           Endoskeleton is composed of living cells.

           Ear has 6 bones- Malleus bone (2), Incus bone (2) & stapes (2).

           Human skull has 22 bones.

           There are 26 vertebrae in the human body.

           Total number of ribs are 24- True Ribs (14), False Ribs (6) and floating ribs (4)

           Sternum is that bone where the ribs meet medially.

           Collar bone are 2, Shoulder bone are 2.

           Carpal bones are those bones which form the wrist numbering 8.

           Small forearm bone is radius and main forearm bone is Ulna. Humerus is upper arm bone.

           Metacarpal bones are found in hand numbering 5.

           Phalanges are small bones present in fingers also called digits. These are 14 in number.

           Each leg is composed of 29 bones.

           Tarsal bone is also known as the ankle bone. These are seven in number.

           Phalanges are toe bones numbering 14.

           Vertebrae are 33 in number. Vertebral column covers spinal cord and protects it from injury.

           Clavicle bones are also known as collar bones. These are two bones.

           Scapula are called shoulder bones.

           Sternum is called chest bone.

           Patella acts like a knee-cap and protects the knee joint.

           Tibia is the main large bone of the lower leg also known as calf-bone.

           Fibula is the smaller part of lower leg.

           Femur bears the weight of the body. It is in upper leg.

           Muscles are composed of threadlike protein structure called myofibril.

           The cardiac muscle continues to contract rhythmically even when it is disconnected from the nervous system.
           Trapizius muscle is responsible for movement of shoulder.

           Sternocleidomastoid muscle is the longest muscle of the body. It bends head and neck.
           Brachialis anticus muscle is responsible for bending forearm to the upper arm.

           Heart is enclosed in a tough membrane called Pericardium.

           There are four chambers of heart.

           Heart is surrounded by a fluid called as pericardial fluid.

           The weight of the heart in females is 25% lesser than in males.

           Excitability and contractility of the heart id due to the presence of myofibrils of actin and myosin.

           Purkinjee fibres are tissues of heart.

           S.A Node and A.V Node are special conducting tissues of the heart.

           S.A. Node was discovered by Keith and Flack in 1907.

           A.V Node functions as Pace-maker.

           Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from body collected by Superior Vena Cava from head and upper parts while from the lower parts by inferior vena cava.
           Right atrium opens into right ventricle through right atrioventricular aperture guarded by bicuspid valve allowing one way flow of blood.
           When right ventricle contracts, the blood is pushed by the way of pulmonary arteries to the lungs for oxygenation.
           The left atrium is that chamber which receives the oxygenated blood from lungs by pulmonary veins.

           Left atrium opens into left ventricle from there blood is pumped into aorta which distributes blood to body.
           Cardiac cycle consists of three events- Auricular Systole, Ventricular Systole and Diastole.

           Each cardiac cycle takes 0.8 seconds.

           Aorta is the largest vessel of the body.

           The biggest artery is aorta with a diameter of one inch.

           Arteries carry blood away from the heart except pulmonary arteries.

           Arteries carry oxygenated blood except pulmonary arteries.

           The smallest artery is called arteriole.

           The walls of veins are much thinner that the arteries.

           Coronary arteries supply blood to heart.

           Carotid arteries supply blood to head.

           Subclavian arteries supply blood to shoulder and forelimbs.
           Coelic artery supplies blood to digestive system.

           Renal artery supplies blood to kidneys.

           Iliac artery supplies blood to legs.

           The most important function of perspiration is to regulate the body temperature.

           The number of chromosomes in the human body is 46.

           First tissue culture was grown in space on Dec: 17, 1997.

           The tiny air sacs in the lung tissues are called alveoli.

           Farmer's lung is a type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis

           Otalgia is what condition-Earache

           Scurvy is a disease resulting from a deficiency of vitamin C, which is required for the synthesis of collagen in humans.
           Scorbutic gums, a symptom of scurvy

           Scurvy leads to the formation of spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from the mucous membranes. The spots are most abundant on the thighs and legs, and a person with the ailment looks pale, feels depressed, and is partially immobilized. In advanced scurvy there are open, suppurating wounds and loss of teeth. It was described by Hippocrates
           Shortsightedness can be corrected with the use of Concave.

           Pancreas lies partly on the left side and partly on the right side of the body.

           In total 25 elements are present in human body.


           Universal donor group is O group

           Total volume of blood in human body is 5.5 liters (chk 6 liters)

           Life span of red blood cells is 120 days

           Life of RBC is 115 days.

           The total quantity of blood in a human body is 7-8 liter.

           80 % water is found in pure blood

           The pH of normal human body is Arteries 7.4

           60% of blood plasma consists of protein.

           Which one of the following substances is obtained by the fractionation of human blood? Gamma globulin
           In the human circulatory system blood returns to the heart from the lungs through Pulmonary Veins.
           First blood transfusion carried out in London

           pH value of water is 7, blood is 7.4 and urine is 5.5-6.5

           when iron is less in body the quantity of RBC decreases

           Leococytosis is the increase in number of white blood cells.

           it takes 30 seconds to blood for a complete circulation in human body

           Blood travels 1000 times through the whole body

           Hemoglobin is chromo-protein

           In lymph main cells are lymphocytes

           Blood has 83% of water

           Blood has 60% plasma, 40% corpuscles

           During sleep a man’s blood pressure fluctuates.

           Fat is a Lipid

           Human blood is 6 times thicker than water

           Heart pumps five liters of blood in 1 minute.

           Antigen is a substance that destroys harmful bacteria

           Blood typing is the way of determine the blood group.

           Platelets help to seal cuts in the skin.

           Almost half of the blood in a body is made up of red blood cells.

           White cells are about one for every 500 red cells.

           A blood donor gives about 500 ml of blood.

           RBC and WBC is bloods are counted by Hemocytometer.

           Of the blood groups A, B, AB and O, which one is transfused into a person whose blood group is A? Group A and O
           Your body contains eight pints of blood.

           Kari Landsteiner discovered the blood groups of man.

           Prothrombin which helps in clotting of blood is released by Blood platelets.

           The main function of white blood cells in the body is to protect the body against diseases.

           In which liquid component do the blood cells move about? Plasma

           Blood can be classified into how many main types of groups? Four
           The fluid portion of blood is known as the plasma.

           Blood contains 91 to 92% waster.

           Blood contains proteins like Serum Albumin, Serum Globulin, Prothrombin and Fibrinogen.

           RBCs in venous blood have bigger size than in arterial blood.

           RBCs due to their Hb content act as O2 carrier.

           RBCs are also known as Erythrocytes.

           WBCs are known as Leucocytes and act as police force of the body.

           WBCs are larger in size as compared to RBCs.

           Life span of WBCs is a few days to a few weeks.

           Platelets have no nucleus.

           Platelets are formed in red bone marrow.

           Life span of platelets varies from 4 to 10 days.

           Platelets are very rich in catecholamine.

           Blood grouping is based on the presence of blood group antigen (agglutinates) on RBCs which are inherited.
           O group comprises of 47% of population while A with 41% is second.

           Hemoglobin is a conjugated protein composed of heme and globulin.

           Quantity of hemoglobin is 16 gms/100 ml of blood in Males and 14 gms/100 ml of blood in females.

           Hemoglobin is basically from acetic acid and glycine.

           Platelets are essential for blood clotting.


           Blood clotting factor is produced by Liver

           Chemical factory of human body is liver

           Urea is produces in liver

           Maximum quantity of water is in eyes

           Largest secretary gland is Liver

           Insulin is produced by pancreas, Insulin is a protein which acts as a hormone

           Amino acids are a product of the digestion of proteins.
           Ptyalin is starch digesting enzyme.

           Bile secretion does not contain enzymes.

           Pepsin, a digestive enzyme is produced in stomach.

           The hormone secreted by adrenal cortex : aldosterone

           The organ in (the human body which is responsible for the digestion of protein only -Stomach

           Ptyalin is present in the saliva.

           Glycogen is mainly stored in Liver and muscles.

           Pepsin converts protein into peptides in acid media.

           Trypsin is an enzyme produced by pancreas

           Starch is digested by Ptylin

           Gall bladder stores bile from liver and releases it into small intestine after food is consumed

           Pancreas is both endo- and exocrine gland

           Harmones secreted by kidneys are Renin and Erythroprotein

           Lachrymal glands give out tears

           Sweat glands give out sweat

           Salivary glands give out saliva, Saliva contains Amylases

           Ptyalin is the enzyme of Saliva

           Liver converts excessive protein into urea.

           Amino acids are a product of the digestion of proteins.

           Ptyalin is starch digesting enzyme.

           Bile secretion does not contain enzymes.

           Enzymes found in saliva are ptyalin.

           Lachrymal gland is a ductless gland.

           Insulin : Pancreas

           Thyroxin : Thyroid

           Adrenaline ; Adrenal medulla

           Estrogen : Ovaries

           Testosterone : Testes

           Cortisol; Adrenal cortex
           In the body luteinizing hormone is produced by what gland Pituitary

           Mammary gland give out milk

           Liver gives out bile

           Sebaceous gland give out sebum

           Exocrine glands transmit secretions through ducts

           Enzymes are protein in nature

           Hydrolysis of starch gives glucose and fructose

           Fat digested by Lipase

           Starch is a polymer of glucose

           Endocrine glands: Pituitary is in brain and it controls general body growth.

           Thyroid gland produces Thyroxin and it increases rate of cellular metabolism,

           Pancreas produce insulin which metabolizes sugar and fats

           Adrenal gland produce cartosol, Testosterone is produced by Tests and ovaries produce Progesterone

           Pituitary: Controls activity of thyroid, adrenal and reproductive glands. Other hormones stimulate the womb to contract during birth, and stimulate milk production after a baby is born.
           Thyroid: Thyroxin controls the rate at which we grow, and how fast food is converted to energy in our cells.
           Adrenal Glands: Adrenaline speeds up the heart and breathing, causes sweating and diverts blood to the muscles, in response to an emergency.
           Cortisone helps fight stress and shock.

           Aldosterone helps regulate water and salt in the body.

           Pancreas: Insulin controls the body’s use of glucose.

           Ovaries: Estrogens and progesterone control female appearance and the release of eggs, and prepare the body for pregnancy.
           Testes: Testosterone controls the development of male appearance and the production of sperm cells.

           Protein which acts as hormone is Oxatocin

           Hormones are made in glands known as endocrine glands which pour them straight into the blood. Hormones are not released all the time they are produced in short bursts.
           Pituitary gland attached to the underside of brain releases hormones that control the activity of other endocrine glands. It produces hormone that controls the amount of water filtered in the kidneys. Pituitary is attached to the brain by the hypothalamus which links together the nervous system and the hormonal system
           Excessive secretion from the pituitary gland in children results in increased height

           The genetic material of chromatin is DNA

           Hereditary material is DNA

           Gender of a person is determined by 23rd chromosome

           Autosome are sex chromosome = 23

           Nucleus of human body cell contains about 20,000 genes, half of which being contributed by each parent
           Term gene was coined by Johannsen in 1909

           DNA = Deoxy ribose nucleic acid

           RNA = Ribose nucleic acid

           Histones are on chromosomes

           Chromosomes word was coined by Waldeyer in 1888

           Number of chromosomes in human being is 46

           Chromosomes in spermatozoa are 23

           Smallest part of a gene is Mutton

           Mitochondria are power house of cells

           Golgi bodies are involved in cell secretions

           Ribosome are rich in DNA and prepare protein

           Plastids are found in Plant cells only and contain chlorophyll

           Centrosomes help in cell division

           Proteins are synthesized by Golgi bodies.

           Cellulose respiration is done by Mitochondrion

           Light energy is stored in the form of chemical energy due to the activity of Chloroplast.

           Protoplasm is a colloidal solution.

           Most cells are microscopic but the egg cell of an ostrich is 15-20 cm long and some giraffe nerve cells reach more then 4 m long
           Mitochondria do work of cell respiration.

           The nucleus, mitocondria and chloroplast have double membranes

           Bacteria have no nucleus and no mitochondria they have just a single loop of DNA cell nucleoid as well as food granules and ribosome which produce proteins
           Each cell has the same set of about 30,000 genes.

           Genes are arranged along a long and thin thread-like structure called chromosomes.

           Snakes have 36 chromosomes, horse has 63 while some ferns have 500 or more

           Humans have a total of 46 chromosomes- 23 pairs in every cell. The only exception are sperm and egg cells which have 23 unpaired chromosomes.
           Genes are made of a chemical called deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA

           DNA tells a cell how to make the proteins

           Every cell in a body contains at least 10,000 different kinds of proteins.

           The machinery for making these proteins is on structures called ribosome which are outside the nucleus.
           RNA carries the instructions for making a particular protein to the ribosome.

           A permanent change to a piece of DNA is called a mutation.

           Nearly a third of a human being’s genes are the same as the genes of a lettuce.

           DNA is shaped like a twisted ladder called double helix. The rungs of the ladder are made up of four chemical building blocks Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, and Cytosine
           Amoeba is a unicellular organism

           A structure present in all cells is called cell membrane

           The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is 310.

           ELISA is Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay- for HIV/AIDS.

           Rh- blood is very rare compared to Rh+.

           The pancreatic duct releases its contents into duodenum.

           Right hepatic artery supplies nutrient rich blood from stomach and small intestine to the liver.

           Human cranium contains 6 bones.

           In the human body, spleen stores extra blood for release when shortage occurs.

           Mitochondria contain enzymes for cellular respirations.

           In the human body, rotator cuff muscle is to be found in the shoulder.

           Reproductive cells in normal human beings are produced in greater numbers for a longer period of time in the male
           Which vessels bring blood back to heart? Inferior venacava and Superior venacava bring blood back to heart from lower parts and upper parts of body respectively.
           Where in your body is your patella: Knee ( it's the kneecap
           80% of household dust is actually what material-Dead skin

           Babies are born without what-Knee Caps - form at 2-6 years

           In Nuclear DNA is concentrated in chromatin.

           Proteins are synthesized by golgi bodies.

           Cellulose respiration is done by Mitochondrion.

           Protoplasm is a colloidal solution.

           Man is Homoeothermic.

           Hydrosis is the medical term for what -Sweating

           An IVP is used to detect what medical condition- Kidney Stones- Intravenuspylorigram

           What part of the body ages the fastest-The Hands

           In medicine what is nicknamed a blue pipe-A Vein

           What is the name of the cranial bone just above your ear Temporal

           What is the name of the scale measuring depth of coma (GCS)-     Glasgow Coma Scale


           TB tuberculosis is a bacterial disease

           Bacillus causes TB

           Salmonella Typhus are bacteria causing Typhoid

           Vibrio cholera cause Cholera

           Clostridium Tetni cause Tetanus

           Athlete’s foot is caused by Fungi

           Presbypia is an old age eye disease

           Mycobacterium are bacteria causing T.B

           Myxovirus cause Influenza

           Anopheles (mosquito) causes malaria, parasite is plasmodium

           Astigmation is fault of eye

           Thalasemia is an hereditary disease causing deficiency of hemoglobin

           Long-sightedness is called Hyper metrophia

           Shortsightedness is called Myopia

           Largest acquired disease is of tooth
           Low sugar in blood is called Hypoglycemia

           High sugar in blood is called Hyperglycemia

           Plague is caused by Yersina Pests

           Hemophilia is a bleeding disease

           Parasomia is sleep walking.

           In Leukemia there is an abnormal increase in number of White blood cells

           Parkinson is a disease of Brain

           An Aids patient can live for 2 years

           Aids virus has single stranded RNA

           Meaningitis disease affects Centaral Nervous System

           Diabetes is a disease in which the urine lacks insulin

           Improper function of Thyroid gland causes Myxedema

           Scurvy is the disease of swelling and bleeding of gums

           Hook worm enters human body through soles of feet

           Tuberculosis usually spreads though milk

           Malaria affects spleen and liver

           Trachoma is a disease of ees

           Mymps is caused by virus

           Lock jaw is a condion of Tetanus virus attack

           A person suffering from Beri- Beri should use citrus fruit , mangoes, grapes

           Pneumonia is caused by Cocci.

           Common Cold is caused by Virus.

           Chief food of mosquito larva is micro organism found in water.

           Chief food of butterfly larva is leaves of plants.

           Pneumonia affects respiratory system.

           Rabies affects Nervous system.

           Beri beri affects bones.

           Biopsy is done on tissues taken from a living body

           Oldest known disease in the world is Leprosy
           Lack of oxygen at high altitudes produce bleeding

           Pathogenic is the Disease producing micro organism.

           Antibiotic for inhibit the growth of bacteria.

           Sulfa drugs are used for bacteria.

           An disinfectant is used for destroying micro-organism and rendering the material sterile.

           Encephalitis is a viral disease.

           Trypanosome a parasite causing sleeping sickness.

           Immunization is the method in which the cure of disease is done by Vaccine.

           Sleep sickness is transmitted by tse-tse-fly.

           typical bacterial cell is about 1000 times smaller than an animal cell

           Viruses are not made up of cells

           Viruses cause common cold, measles, Aids

           Bacteria move with Flagella

           Bacteria cause cholera, tetanus, typhoid

           Bacteria can produce two in every 30 minutes and 8 million bacteria a day (?)

           Viruses called Bacteriophages invade the cell of bacteria and hijack its chemical process so instead of working normally the cell makes copies of the virus
           SARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is a pneumonia like disease

           Mad cow disease = BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)

           Louis Pasteur, a French chemist, was the first to realize that diseases are caused by germs

           In 1881, Louis Pasteur founded a vaccine for anthrax, a fatal disease of animals.

           The Pasteur Institute in Paris was founded in 1888 to investigate rabies.

           Morphine used in drugs is extracted from opium poppy, it is a powerful painkiller.

           Antibiotics are substances produced naturally by certain moulds and bacteria.

           A vaccine is made of dead or weakened micro-organisms to fight the invading virus. The body produces antibodies to fight the invading virus. Later, if the body is exposed to real virus the antibodies are already there to attack it before it multiplies.
           English doctor Edward Jener made vaccine of smallpox.

           Analgesic drugs prevent or reduce pain

           Jaundice is a yellowness of skin which is caused by disease of the liver or gall blader
           Head louse transmits the typhoid.

           Cancer cells divide rapidly and form growth called Tumors.

           Radiotherapy is used for killing cancer cells

           Ultra-violet rays from sun can cause cancer

           Strong drugs(Chemotherapy) are used to remove cancer in early stages

           Magic bullets are special antibodies used as a drug to kill cancer cells.

           Oil from the skin contains substances that kill bacteria.

           Inside the nose sticky mucus traps and destroys invaders we inhale.

           We have several different types of infection fighting white cells in the blood. Two of the most important are lymphocytes and macrophages.
           Lymphocytes produce special chemical called antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses.

           By what name is the disease, Varicella, more commonly known? Chicken Pox

           A typical bacterial cell is about 1000 times smaller than an animal cell.

           Viruses are not made up of cells.

           Viruses cause, common cold, measles, aidz.

           Bacteria moves with Flagella.

           Bacteria causes Cholera, Tetanus, Typhoid.

           Bacteria can produce (Two) in every 30 minutes and 8 million bacteria a day.

           Viruses called Bacteriophages invade the cell of bacteria. They ‘hijack’ the cell’s chemical process, so that, instead of working normally, the cell makes copies of the virus.
           Immunization is the method in which the cure of disease is done by Vaccine.

           Small pox is totally eliminated from the world.

           Cancer is a disease which cannot be spread by those who have it

           The drug quinine is used in the treatment of malaria.

           Pollen grains can cause hey fever which is a typical allergic reaction.

           After drinking contaminated water you would be most apt to develop symptoms of ‘typhoid fever’.

           Food poisoning can result from the eating of too much Vitamins. (chk)

           The most infectious disease is Penumonic form of Plague. it has a mortality rate og about 99.99 %

           robert koch worked on TB

           Rust is caused by Fungi.
           Pathogenic is the Disease producing micro organism.

           Antibiotic for inhi the growth of bacteria.

           Sulfa drugs are used for bacteria.

           An disinfectant is used for destroying micro-organism and rendering the materialsterile.

           Pneumonia is caused by Cocci.

           Common Cold is caused by Virus.

           Bacillus causes Cholera.

           Pneumonia affects respiratory system.

           Rabies affects Nervous system.

           Beri beri affects bones.

           Head louse transmits the typhoid.

           Sleep sickness is transmitted by tse-tse-fly.

           Trachoma is a disease of eye.

           Typhoid is caused by bacteria.

           Cancer Cells divide rapidly and form growth called Tumors.

           If cells break away from the tumors they can travel to other part of the body and start new tumors.

           Radiotherapy is used for killing cancer cells.

           Ultra-Violet rays from the sun can damage skin cells and cause cancer.

           Strong drugs (Chemotherapy) is used to remove cancer in early stages.

           Magic bullets are special antibodies used as a drug to kill cancer, they directly attach themselves to cancer cells.
           Anasthetic = prevent patient feeling pain; local anesthetic acts locally; generally anesthetic creates unconsciousness.
           Analgesic = prevents or reduces pain.

           Antibiotic = kills the bacteria that cause disease.

           Antihistamine = relieves symptoms of asthma, hay fever and other allergies.

           Hormone = used to overcome a hormone deficiency in the body.

           Narcotic = helps prevents pain by deadening the whole system.

           Sedative = helps induce sleep.

           Tranquillizer = helps claim a person.
           Vaccine = helps the body fight a virus disease by triggering its natural defenses in advance.

           Encephalitis is a viral disease.

           Muscle stiffness is caused by a disease called         (Parkinsons) (chk)

           Wool sorters disease is actually what-Anthrax

           Which disease was once known as white plague       Tuberculosis

           Beingn tertain malaria is caused by plasmodium vivax.

           The life history of human malarial parasite in Anopheles was first described by Sir Ronald Ross.

           The mouth parts of anopheles are adapted to piercing and sucking type feeding.

           Amoebic dysentery in man is caused by Entamoeba histolytica.

           Jaundice is the disease of Liver

           AIDS is caused by HIV virus (human immune deficiency virus ).

           Addison’s disease is caused by the excessive secretion of: Adrenocorticotrophic Harmone

           Consumption was the former name of which disease: Tuberculosis

           If you suffered from pruritus - what would be wrong-Itching

           The word amnesia (forgetfulness) derives from-       Greek

           Encephalitis is a viral disease.

           What disease is spread in minute water droplets-Legionnaires Disease

           Which of the following diseases is generally spread by fleas? Yellow fever

           The much dreaded H1N1 virus flu, also known as swine flu, is a respiratory illness in pigs caused by a virus
           Water contaminated by sewage spreads disease such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery and river blindness
           Meningococcal Meningitis is transmitted from person to person by mosquito bites.

           Vomiting and neck pair are two of the symptoms of Meningococcal Meningitis.

           Deficiency of vitamin A causes Xerophthalmia, a disease characterized by dryness of conjunctiva layer of eye.
           Cholera is caused by bacteria vibrio cholerae.

           Colour blindness, Down’s syndrome & Hemophilia are genetic disorders.

           Xerophthalmia is disease of tear glands.
           Leukemia is a type of cancer in which there is an abnormal increase in the number of White Blood Cells.
           Biopsy is a medical diagnostic technique using cells and tissues.

           In which country were antibiotics first used: Egypt - used mouldy bread

           If you suffer from epistaxis what is wrong: Nosebleed

           Deficiency of Vitamin C causes a disease of... Teeth

           Louis Pasteur is called “Father of the Modern Medicine”.

           If you has caries who would you consult Dentist - its tooth decay

           Which of the following is not an attribute of bacterium? Ability to arise from non-living matter

           The comma bacillus causes what disease: Cholera

           If you have Chlorosis what colour does the skin go: Green

           What is the oldest most widely used drug on earth: Alcohol

           What medication discovered in 1928 but introduced 1940: Penicillin

           Flies and humans can both get which condition-Athletes Foot

           Agraphia means inability to write.

           St. Vitus’s dance is a disease.

           Kleptomania is an irrational urge to steal.

           After drinking contaminated water you would be most apt to develop symptoms of ‘typhoid fever’.

           Otalgia is what condition-Earache

           If a doctor gave you an Ishihara test what is he testing-for Colour blindness

           If you suffered from pyrexia what have you got-Fever


           Earth worm is bi-sexual

           Euspongia is known as natural bath sponge.

           Live Fluke, biologically called Fasciola, is found in liver of sheep.

           Eyes of insects are compound.

           Plants growing in extremely dry condition are called Xerophytes.

           Roots absorb water from soil which is Hygroscopic.

           Legumes increase the fertility of the soil by adding nitrogen to the soil.
           New varieties of organisms can be brought about by hybridization.

           Seeds are developed from Ovule.

           Parthenocarpic fruits are seedless fruits.

           Grains swell in water due to imbibitions.

           Chlorophyll contains magnesium.

           Star fish is not a star fish but a spiny-skin (Echinodermata) marine animal.

           Plants store their food in the form of starch.

           Unlike most other fish, sharks have no:

           It is now believed that dinosaurs became extinct because of:

           The platypus and the echidna are the only mammals that Lay eggs

           Lady bird is an insect

           Rust of wheat is a disease caused by Fungi

           Silk is obtained from cocoon of silk worm

           Python Plankton are poisonous plants

           Insects have lived on earth about 4,000,000 years

           Slowest creature on earth is Conch-Shell (shellfish snail)

           Star fish is not a star fish but a spiny-skin (Echinodermata) marine animal.

           Koala bear is the only animal who doesn’t drink water

           A rat can last longer without water than a camel

           Loudest animal is Blue whales

           Peocock is found in 3 colors

           Cockroach is considered ancient insect of world

           Daffodils flower resembles a human eye

           Giant squid is the largest invertiberate

           Angora wool is got from a special variety of rabbit

           Sailfish is the largest fisht

           Distance covered by tortoiose is 4.6 meter in a minute

           Aristotle was the first to classify animals into groups

           Eucalyptus is now considered as environmental hazard
           Light energy is stored in the form of chemical energy due to the activity of Chloroplast.

           Wood is used in manufacturing paper

           In cryptograms, the sex organs are primitive and hidden.

           Thallophytia include algae, fungi, and lichens.

           Carl Linneus is famous for binomial system of nomenclature.

           Angiosperm includes the plants which have covered flowers and covered flowers and covered seed.

           Plant cells resembles animal cell because having a cell membrane made up of protoplasm.

           The king cobra is the only snake who build nest.

           The black Mamba is the fastest snake.

           Snake have been evolved from lizard.

           Fertilization is fusion of two game tics of different strains.

           Fruit developed from single ovary is called simple fruit.

           Seeds are developed from Ovule.

           Parthenocarpic fruits are seedless fruits.

           Commercial cork is obtained from Quercus.

           Grains swell in water due to imbibitions.

           Chlorophyll contains magnesium.

           The rate of transpiration depends upon frequency of Stomata.

           Light is necessary for photosynthesis because it produce ATP and reducing substance.

           Oxygen liberated from photosynthesis comes from water.

           Red light is most suitable for photosynthesis.

           Respiration means food oxidation and evolution of energy.

           Chemical presentation of dead organism in liquid is called Cryo-Bilogy.

           The organisms which are the only living membrane of their group and link two major groups are called Living Fossil
           Red color of tomatos is imparted by Darotionoid

           Amphibians were the first vertrbrata

           There are three stages of frog = egg, tadpole, and adult frog

           There are three groups of amhibians = salamanders(slow moving animals), frogs and toads, caecilians(who look more worm than amphibians)
           Lonrad Lorenz (1903-1989) was the first to study animal behaviour

           Animals survive very cold weather or very dry weather by going into a deep sleep it is called hibernation and sleeping trough hot day condition is called aestivation
           Blue signed octopus very lethal and can kill 10 people it feeds on crabs

           Cheetah is the fastest land animal. It can accelerate from 0-90 km/h in 3 seconds and can run at 100 km/h but has to rest after 20 seconds
           Sponge, beetle, snail, Jelly fish, insects and starfish are cold-blooded animals

           Shark is a cold blooded animal

           Newts (wall lizard) and frog are cold blooded animals

           Lizards, crocodiles, snakes, turtles and tortoises are cold blooded animals

           Invertegrates have 33 groups, fish have 2 goups, amphibians have 3 groups, reptiles havd 3 groups, birds have 28-30 groups and mammals have 21 groups
           Over 90% of animals are invertebrates

           Hard shell of animals is called exoskeleton

           105 million different species of animals have been identified

           Plants growing in extremely dry condition are called Xerophytes.

           Roots absorb water from soil which is Hygroscopic.

           Legumes increase the fertility of the soil by adding nitrogen to the soil.

           Hominoids are Humans + chimpanzees + orungutans + Gorillas

           Felidae means from cat family

           Panthera means big cats

           There are 5 kingdoms in animal kingdom

           Birds are warm blooded

           Birds’ bones are hollow

           Oven birds build strong nests

           Weaver birds are those who build their nests

           Male birds are more colorful than female birds

           Birds that cannot fly are penguins, emus, kiwis and ostriches

           In cryptograms, the sex organs are primitive and hidden.

           Thallophytia include algae, fungi, and lichens.
           Carl Linneus is famous for binomial system of nomenclature.

           Angiosperm includes the plants which have covered flowers and covered flowers and covered seed.

           Plant cells resembles animal cell because having a cell membrane made up of protoplasm.

           Smell is the weakest sense in Birds.

           Owl can rotate his head to 180 degrees on either sides.

           Ostrich eat pebbles for helping digestion by grinding up the ingested food.

           The cuckoo sneaks its eggs into other birds’ nest to hatch.

           Earthworm is a bi-sexual.

           Eyes of insects are compound.

           Dolphins have 700 times more rods in their eyes than humans which help them to see in dim light under water.
           A fly’s compound eye has 400 individual tubes.

           Plants in which seed are outside the fruit are called Gymnosperms.

           Pollen is produced in a part of the flower called the Calyx.

           Squids are the fastest swimming invertebrates or animals without backbone.

           99% of all animals are invertebrates.

           The sailfish can swim at 110 km/hour. It the fastest fish.

           Fishes have a bag of gas called a swim bladder inside their bodies that helps them float and sink.

           Fishes like sharks and rays have skeletons make of tough cartilage and they don’t have a swim bladder.
           Fungi are neither plants nor animals they are classified in their own separate kingdom.

           The cell wall of fungi is made of chitin, the material from which insects make their hard outer skeletons.

           Unlike other green plants fungi cannot use the sun’s energy to make food; instead they absorb their food from other living or dead remains of living things.
           Fungi break down dead and decaying materials so that they can be recycled.

           Fungal infections destroy crops and cause diseases like athlete’s foot and ringworm.

           Plants make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water and we get carbohydrates from plants

           Silk is one of two main fibres we get from animals. The wool from sheep is the other.

           Cotton is the most important plant fibre. It produces fibres in the seed pod or boll.
           Linen is another plant fiber make from flax plant.

           Dinosaurs lived in Mesozoic era.

           Eagle’s eyes have five times more light sensitive cells than ours.

           Eucalyptus trees grow faster than any other trees.

           Three groups of Amphibians

o              Salamanders – slow moving animals. Frog and toads.

o              Caecilians - look more worms than amphibians.

           Blue signed octopus is very lethal, can kill 10 people, it feeds on crabs.

           Cheetah is the fastest land animal, can accelerate from 0-90 km/h in just three seconds and can run at 100 km/h. But he has to rest after about 20 seconds.
           Sponge, beetle, snails, jelly fish, insects and starfish are cold blooded animals.

           Shark is a cold blooded animal.

           Newts, and frog are cold blooded animals.

           Lizard, crocodiles, snakes, turtiles and tortoises are cold blooded animals.

           Invertebrates have 33 groups.

           Fish 3

           Amphibians     3

           Reptile 3

           Birds    28-30
           Mammals        21

           Over 90% of animals are invertebrates.

           Hard Shell of animals is called -> Exoskeleton.

           105 million different species of animals have been identified.

           Hominoids – Human + Champanzees + Orangutans + Gorillas.

           Felidae------ from cat family.

           Panthera------ big cat

           Kestrel is a kind of Eagle.

           Vole is a kind of mouse

           Orca (Killer Whale)
           Word dinosaur means “terrible” Lizard.

           Euspongia is known as natural bath sponge.

           Live Fluke, biologically called Fasciola, is found in liver of sheep.

           Earthworm is a bi-sexual.

           Eyes of insects are compound.

           Silk is obtained from cocoon of silk worm.

           The brown colour of rust is because of : oxidation

           Granite is a form of – rock :

           Cellulose -- is the main chemical substance in the plant cell wall :

           The desert mammal which does not drink water :Knagaroo Rat

           The loudest sound produced by any animal is 188 decibels. The animal is the African Elephant

           The primary plant body consists of 3 tissue systems.

           The total weight of a cell in a leaf or a petal,water constitutes about 90%.

           A tissue is a group of cells having similar structure and function.

           The three elements needed for healthy growth of plants are: N, P, K

           What colour is Octopus blood: Blue

           What is the only bird that can smell: Emus

           The eyes of which animal have rectangular pupils-Goat

           What animals eye is larger than its brain-Ostrich

           What fish can blink its eyes    -Shark

           Where are a crickets ears located- Front legs

           Which animal sleeps with one eye open-Dolphin

           Vole is a kind of mouse

           Kestrel is a kind of eagle

           Killer whale is Orca

           Corn adds more oxygen to the atmosphere than it removes.

           Euspongia is known as natural bath sponge.

           Live Fluke, biologically called Fasciola, is found in liver of sheep.

           Banana plant is shrub
           Rubber is obtained from latex

           Tobacco contains Nicotine

           Kharif crops are sown in Summer season

           Pesticides kill insects that attck crops

           Herbicides kill weeds

           Seedless Fruits are formed by pathanogenesis.

           Cotton fiber is routed from seed.

           Horticulture is the cultivation of fruit crops.

           Late blight is a disease of potato and tomato plants.

           The fertility of soil can be increased by growing legumes.

           Olive trees and Cork-oak grow in the regions having the Mediterranean type of climate.

           Coniferous forests are found in a region having low mean temperature and a long cold winter.

           In the Northern Hemisphere, the geographical belt of coniferous forest south of Tundra is called Steppe.
           Silverfish is a wingless insect.

           Guinea pig is a stocky tailless rodent used in experimental work.

           What kind of animal is a lurcher: Dog

           With which organ does a snake hear: Tongue

           What fish can hold objects in its tail: Sea Horse

           The leach has 32 what - humans only got one-Brains

           The primary producers of organic matter in nature are Green plants.

           The edible portion of mango is Mesocarp.

           The rice grain is a seed.

           Bamboo is Grass.

           Cork cells are impervious to water because of the presence of Suberin.

           The biotic relationship between insects and plants with reference to pollination is called Mutualism.

           Historically, Joseph Priestley, recognized in 1727 A.D. that sunlight and air are important for the growth of plants.
           Carbon dioxide is required during photosynthesis process in addition to sunlight and water.

           Man is Homoeothermic.
           The compound eye of insect produces Mosaic vision.

           The post embryonic stages in the life history of cockroach are known as Nymphs.

           Amphibians were the first vertebrate.

           There are three stages of frog. Egg-tadpole-adult frog.

           Smell is the weakest sense in Birds.

           Owl can rotate his head to 180 degrees on either sides.

           Ostrich eat pebbles for helping digestion by grinding up the ingested food.

           The cuckoo sneaks its eggs into other birds’ nest to hatch.

           Birds are warm blooded animals.

           Birds bones are hollow.

           Oven birds build strong nests.

           Weaver birds are called to the birds who build their nests.

           Male birds are more colorful than females.

           Birds do not fly are penguins, emus, kiwis, ostriches.

           Thallophytia include algae, fungi, and lichens.

           Angiosperm includes the plants which have covered flowers and covered seed.

           Plant cells resembles animal cell because having a cell membrane made up of protoplasm.

           Snake have been evolved from lizard.

           Plants in which seed are outside the fruit are called Gymnosperms.

           Linseed oil is used while oil painting.

           In cryptograms, the sex organs are primitive and hidden.

           The rate of transpiration depends upon frequency of Stomata.

           Light is necessary for photosynthesis because it produce ATP and reducing substance.

           Oxygen liberated from photosynthesis comes from water.

           Red light is most suitable for photosynthesis.

           Respiration means food oxidation and evolution of energy.

           The organisms which are the only living membrane of their group and link two major groups are called Living Fossil.
           Mammals cannot be cold blooded.
           Trypanosome a parasite causing sleeping sickness.

           Chief food of mosquito larva is micro organism found in water.

           Chief food of butterfly larva is leaves of plants.

           Corn adds more oxygen to the atmosphere than it removes.

           Fruit developed from single ovary is called simple fruit.

           Pollen is produced in a part of the flower called the Calyx.

           Edible part of tomato is whole fruit.

           The primary producers of organic matter in nature are Green plants.

           Historically, Joseph Priertley , recognized in 1727 A.D. that sunlight and air are important for the growth of plants.
           Carbon dioxide is required during photosynthesis process in addition to sunlight and water.

           The compound eye of insect produces Mosaic vision.

           The post embryonic stages in the life history of cockroach are known as Nymphs.

           In the animal kingdom what creatures are in the order—Chiroptera-            Bats

           90% of bird species are what Monogamous

           Kangaroos and Emus can't do what-Walk backwards

           Aleuronic layer: is that part of the grain in cereals where much of the protein lies.


           Substance which changes readily into vapor upon heating is called volatile

           Selenium is a non metal

           Most elastic among carbon, rubber, glass and paper is glass

           Quartz is chemically silicon dioxide

           Highest electrical conductivity is of Silver

           Vinegar contains Acetic Acid.

           Lightest element found in nature is hydrogen

           Heaviest atom is uranium with atomic weight 92 amu

           Molasses is a by-product of sugar industry.
           Formic Acid is used in dying, tanning and electroplating.

           Sodium Benzoid is used for the preservation of grains.

           Which gas discovered in 1898 has a name meaning new     Neon.

           The metal known as quick silver: Mercury

           Ethylene is a gas concerned with Ripening of fruits.

           Opium is obtained from seed capsule of opium poppy.

           Dry Ice is solid Carbon dioxide

           The most common element in the universe is Nitrogen.

           Geologists have classified nearly 3000 minerals.

           Igneous rocks are solidified form of molten magma.

           Sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposition of sediments in water.

           Metamorphic rocks are the rocks transformed by the action of intense heat or great pressure or chemical activity.
           Shale is a metamorphic rock.

           Sedimentary rocks cover about 75% of world’s land area.

           Moon rocks collected by astronauts are igneous in type.


           Ore of Aluminum is Bauxite

           Pyrolusite is an ore of manganese

           Myrolusite is an ore of Manganese.

           Ore of Gold is Native Gold

           Argentite is an ore of silver

           Magnetite and hematite are iron ores.

           The important ore of Chromium is Chromite

           Bauxite is an ore of aluminum. It contains mineral alumina, or aluminum oxide.

           Diaspore, Felspar, Alurite, Zibcite, and Bauxite are the ores of Aluminum.

           Malachite is an ore of Copper

           Radium is extracted from an ore called Pitch Blonde

           Which element is extracted from the ore Sphalerite-Zinc
          Saccharine is obtained from coal tar

           What is extracted from the ore cinnabar-Mercury

           What is extracted from the ore caserite-Tin

           Aqua Regia is the mixture of Nitric Acid and HCL in 1:3.


           Bronze is the mixture of Copper and tin.

           Brass is an alloy of Copper and Zinc

           Bronze is an alloy of copper and Tin

           Stainless steel is an alloy of carbon +Iron with Chromium and Nickel

           German silver is an alloy of copper with nickel and zinc

           Solder is an alloy of lead and tin

           Dental amalgam = mercury +silver, Tin, Zinc, Copper

           Duralumin = aluminium + copper + magnesium

           Pewter is an ancient alloy made of tin and lead

           Aluminum is used mostly in aircrafts

           Camphor exhibits the property of sublimation.

           The alloy which consists of copper and tin.Bronze

           Excessive use of fertilizers causes death of pants due to exomosis.

           Stainless steel => Carbon + Iron + Chromium + Nickel.

           Bronze does not rust.

           Dental Amalgem => mercury + Silver, Tin, Zinc, Copper.

           Duralumin => aluminum+Copper+magnesium.

           Brass => Copper + Zinc.

           Pewter => an ancient alloy made up to tin and lead.

           Aluminum is used mostly in aircrafts.

           Australia has the largest bauxite deposits.

           Aluminum metal is obtained from aluminia by electrolysis – passing electricity through it. This process was discovered independently in 1886 by Charles Hall in the USA and Paul Heroult in France.
           Asbestos does not burn and it is a mineral fiber
           Amalgam is a mixture of metal and mercury

           Nickel is used as a catalyst while manufacturing ghee

           After persistent decay, radium would be finally changed into Lead.

           Mercury is a liquid with greatest density

           Noble metal are non-reactive metals example Gold, Silver and Platinum

           Mica is an excellent insulator

           Purest form of iron is wrought iron

           Cast iron has highest carbon content

           Sodium, potassium and magnesium are reactive metals

           Sodium burns in water not in kerosene

           Conductivity level      1)silver, 2)copper, 3)aluminum, 4)iron

           PVC = Ployvenyl Chloride

           First synthetic materials was Celluloid in 1868

           Second synthetic material by Bakelite invented by Leo Hendricks Backland

           Largely limestone is used in the production of cement

           Granite can be found in igneous rocks.

           Coal and petroleum are found in Sedimentary rocks

           Gold and copper are mostly found in old Igneous rocks

           Magnesium is abundant in sea

           Sources of uranium in Pakistan is Dera Ghazi Khan

           What type of acid is used in car batteries Sulphuric

           Copper can be converted into gold by: Artificial radioactivity

           Tungsten has the highest melting point = 3410 deg: C

           The coil used in a heater is made of Nichron

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