First artificial satellite was Sputnik-I sent by Soviet Union on October 4, 1957

               Sputnik-II on November 3, 1957 took a female dog Laika into space

               On July 20, 1969 US Apollo 11 touched down the moon

               Skylab was launched in 1973 by US.

               What country launched its first space rocket January 1961-Italy


               What happened to Laika first dog in space    Suffocated no air burned re-entry

               A Russian space programs name meant East what was it Vostok

               What was the first man made object to leave the solar system         Pioneer 10

               Voyager I, spacecraft introduced ring system of Jupiter.

               Escape velocity is 24800 miles/hour or 7 miles/sec

               First human in space is Yuri Gagrin 1961 on USSR

               Appolo crew returned to earth with 382 kg of moon soil

               First space scientist was Henry Quendish

               Man entered in space on 14 October 1957

               First American shuttle to land on moon named “Bamini” in March, 1966

               First woman in space was Valentine Khurachoof in 14 June, 1963

               America launched its first space station in 1973

               In 1979 Sky Lab was destroyed in earth’s atmosphere

               In 1986, Russia launched its space station Mir

               Hubble telescope launched in April 243, 1990 through Discovery Shuttle

               Apollo XI enabled man to step on moon

               Russian cosmonaut Valery Polyakov holds the record for the longest stay in space. He spent 437 days in orbit in the Mir Space Station.
               The first American Astronaut to go into space was Allen Shepherd.

               First space vehicle to land on moon was Luna-9

               Voyager I, spacecraft introduced ring system of Jupiter.

               Pioneer 10 and 11 launched in 1973 and 1974, voyager 1 & 2 in 1979 and Galileo in 1995 were missions sent to Jupiter
               Astronomers know of over 50 moons orbiting Jupiter.

               Vostok I carried first man in space.

               Telstar, the world’s first communication satellite was launched in 1962.

               Mercury project, first manned space programme of USA, carried the first American into space on 5th May 1961.
               Sputnik II, first artificial satellite was launched on 3 Nov: 1957.


               Lovell telescope is at Jodrell Bank (Site for space observatory).

               Yuri Gagarin (Russia) cosmonauts became first traveler in space in 1961.

               The first American Astronaut to go into space was Allen Shepherd

               Russian Cosmonaut valley polyakov holds the record for the longest stay in space. He spent 437 days in orbit in the Mir Space Station.
               What was the first food consumed on the moon in Apollo 11-           Turkey

               The first person to orbit the earth in space. John Glenn

               Columbia Space shuttle broke up on re-entry to Earth on Feb 1, 2003.

               Skylab was space laboratory launched in 1973 by USA.

               First women in space Valentine Tereshkove went into space in Vostoc 6 on 16 June 1963.

               On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldren landed on the moon.

               Geostationary Orbit is at a height of 36,000 km.

               Pathfinder is robot craft that landed on Mars in 1997.


               Taxidermy means stuffing dead animals

               Stenography means short hand writing

               Psoriasis is a learning disability

               Paleontology is study of fossils.

               Hematology is the study of blood.

               Study of earth is geology

               Acoustics is the science of sound

               Cytology is the study of cell

               Entomology is the study of insects.

               Apiculture is science of bee keeping

               Ornithology is the science of birds

               Philology is the science of languages

               Oncology is the study of cancer

               Exobiology is the study of life in outer space

               Numismatics is the study of coins


               Eugenics is the study of altering humans by changing their genes or it refers to Improvement of human race
               Ethology is the study of animal behavior

               Anthropology is the study of origin and physical and cultural development of mankind

               Carpology is the study of fruits and seeds.

               Pathology deals with diseases

               Histology deals with organic tissues

               Pedology is the study of soil

               Cryogenics deals with the production, control and application of low temperatures

               Seismology is study of movements inside earth’s crust

               Ambidextrous is one who can write with both hands.

               Astrophysics is a branch of astronomy which deals with the physical and chemical nature of heavenly bodies.
               . A etiology is the study of causes of disease.

               Concho logy is the study of shells.

               Cryptology is the study of codes.

               Dendrology is the study of trees.

               Ergonomics is the study of relationships between people and their working environment.

               Graphology is the study of handwriting.

               Ichthyology in the study of fish.

               Psychological study of life in artificial environment is called biopsy.

               Forms and features are studies under the branch of Marphology.

               Paleontology is the study of fossils.

               Phycology is the study of Algae.

               Mycology is the study of fungi.

               The art of compiling dictionary is called Lexicography.

               Anthropology is the study of man.

               Cartography is the art of making maps and charts.

               Philately is hobby of stamp collecting.

               The branch of zoology, which deals with the study of insects is called entomology


               The production of generally identical reproduction is called as Cloning

               A petrologist studies what- Rocks history formation etc

               An onomastician studies what            - Names

               Thanatology is the study of what Death

               The study of human population is called Demography.

               What does an otologist study-The ear and its diseases

               Noologists study what-The Mind

               Semiology is the study of what-Signals

               What is silviculture-     Forestry

               What is Xylography- Wood Engraving

               Paleontology is the science of history of life.

               Meteorology is the study of study of weather.

               Cryptography is the study which deals with the secret writing.

               Hydroponics means cultivation of the plants without use of soil.

               Hyetology is the study of rainfall.

               Mycology is the study of fungus and fungi diseases.

               Numismatics is the study of coins.

               Petrology is the study of rocks in the earth’s crust.

               Amniocentesis is a method for determination of foetal sex.

               What is Steganography: Invisible ink writing

               Ichthyologists study what Fish

               What does a psephologist study: Voting – Elections

               What is studied in Aerology-Planet Mars

               What does a philologist study- Languages

               Orthoepy is the study of what-Word pronunciation

               A philomath has a love of what- Learning

               What is a nidologist interested in-Birds nests

               What is philography- Autograph collecting

               Agronomy is the science of soil management.


               Penology is the study, theory and practice of prison management & criminal rehabilitation.

               Chemical preservation of dead organisms in liquid is called Cryo-Bilogy.

               Orthoepy is the study of what-Word pronunciation

               What does a philologist study- Languages

               Chlama domonas is unicellular plant


               Chemical union of two or more molecules of the compound to form larger molecules is called Polymerization.
               The process by which plants take food is photosynthesis

               Reduction is the removal of oxygen atoms

               Oxidation is the combination of oxygen or removal of hydrogen

               Horticulture is the cultivation of flowers, fruits and vegetable

               Pastevurization is the protection of food by heating

               Method of preparation of warnish was discovered by Jabir bin Hayaan

               If temperature rises gradually up to 40 deg: C, the rate of photosynthesis may stop altogether


               Deficiency of vitamin A causes dryness of skin and night blindness

               Skin food is Vitamin C

               Vitamin C is also called Ascorbic Acid it prevents scurvy

               Vitamin C is also necessary for utilization of iron

               The food which contains largest amount of Vitamin C is tomato

               Cod liver oil contains Vitamin D

               Collagen is the substance that gives elasticity to skin

               Vitamin E promotes oxygenation and acts as anti aging


               Carbon dioxide we release comes from food we eat

               Vitamin B2 has what other name       Riboflavin

               Fats are made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

               Vitamin E is called anti-aging agent

               Vitamin E helps in fertility process

               Vitamin B helps maintain normal appetite and good digestion

               Protein found in milk is Casein, in beans is Legumes, in meat is myosin and in eggs is albumin

               Water soluble vitamin are B and C and all other are fat soluble

               Vitamin A is stored as Ester in liver

               Vitamin A is found in carotene bearing plants

               Vitamin K helps to form prothrobin (fibro gin) one of the enzymes helpful in blood clotting

               Vitamin E is necessary for iron utilization; normal reproductive function. Vitamin E is for reproduction.

               Vitamin A is found in Dairy products

               Deficiency of Vitamin A causes Night blindness.

               Too much presence of the Potassium salt in human blood increase the risk of heart attack.

               The lack of calcium in the diet causes what condition-Rickets

               Celluloses are carbohydrates.

               Milk contains lactose.

               Vitamin C is a preventor of infectious disease

               Vitamin C is also called Skin food

               Vitamin C can easily be lost in cooking and food storage

               Vitamin D is essential for calcium metabolism.

               Vitamin C hastens healing of wounds

               Vitamin capable of formation of blood is B12

               Riches source of Vitamin D is code liver oil

               Riches source of Vitamin A is eggs

               Deficiency of Calcium leads to rickets

               Vitamin B1 is available is yeast.

               Scury, arising due to deficiency of vitamin C, it is related to Gastro-intestinal disorder.


               Sodium is necessary of nervous system.

               Vitamin D is essential for calcium metabolism.

               Cheese contains vitamin D.

               Vitamin C can not be stored in human body.

               Scurvy, arising due to deficiency of vitamin C, it is related to Gastro-intestinal disorder.

               Sodium is necessary of nervous system.

               Ground nut has maximum protein

               Digestion of fat in intestine is aided by Emulsification

               Hair, finger nails, hoofs, etc are all make of protein

               Deficiency of sodium and potassium causes muscular cramps, headache and diahrae

               Milk contains 80% water

               Milk is a complete food.

               Cheese contains vitamin D.

               Vitamin E is for reproduction.

               Deficiency of Thiamine causes Beri Beri.

               Glucose is the source of energy for human brain.

               Major component of honey is Glucose

               Three main food nutrients are carbohydrates, protein and fats. Other are vitamins and minerals

               Meat is rich in iron we need to make blood cells

               Eating of coconut increases man’s mental faculties

               Food poisoning can result from the eating of too much toadstools.

               Vitamin c is also known as Ascorbic Acid.

               Celluloses are carbohydrates.

               Milk contains lactose

               Ascorbic acid is essential for the formation of bones and teeth.

               Citric acid is a good substitution for ascorbic acid in our nutrition.

               A guava contains more vitamin C than an orange

               Vitamin not stored in human body..... C



               Ibn baitar was a Botanist

               Kitab al Manazar on optical works was written by Ibn al Haitham

               Mamoon observatory was established during the reign of Caliph Mamoon

               Circulation of blood was described by a muslim scientist name Nafis Abdul al-Hasan.

               Al-Khwarizimi was first person who used zero.

               Muslim scientist Ali al Tabari is famous for his work on         (medical sciences)

               Al Beruni discovered that light travels faster than sound.


               Astronomers cannot be nominated for noble prize

               Marie curie twice won Noble Prize.

               First Nobel Prizes were awarded on 10 Dec: 1901.

               What country awards the Nobel peace prize-            Norway

               Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1972-Nobody

               Who refused the Nobel Literature prize in 1958-Boris Pasternak

               Who was the first American to receive the Nobel Literature prize     Sinclair Lewis

               Which Nobel Prize is not awarded annually in Stockholm     Peace

               Mother Teresa was awarded Nobel Prize in the field of peace.

               The New York Times received five Pulitzer prizes of 2009 for investigative, breaking news and international reporting, feature photography and criticism.
               A noted Indian wildlife biologist, Dr M.D. Madhusudan, Director of Nature Conservation Foundation

               Four persons have been awarded Nobel Prize twice.

               Van’t Hoff was the first Nobel Laureate in Chemistry.

               Wole Soyinka is a Nobel Prize winner for literature. He is from Nigeria.

               Which field was not included by Alfred Nobel originally... Economics

               Person getting the nobel peace prize in 2008 was of the country. Finland

               Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden, more than 150 years ago. In what year was he born? Alfred Nobel was born in 1833
               What did Alfred's father, Immanuel, do for a living? Alfred's father was an engineer and inventor.


               Alfred Nobel never married.

               A future Nobel Laureate worked for a short period of time as Alfred Nobel's secretary. Who? Bertha von Suttner
               Alfred Nobel died on 10 December 1896, but not in Sweden, his home country. Where did he die? Alfred Nobel died in San Remo, Italy.
               Why did Alfred Nobel establish a prize in his will? Alfred Nobel wanted to award the greatest benefits to mankind.
               Which Nobel category does not yet have a single female laureate? Economics

               Who won the first Nobel Prize in Physics? Roentgen.

               Which single winner won the most number of Nobel Prizes? International Committee of the Red Cross.

               Who was the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature? Rabindranath Tagore

               Mathematicsis not a valid Nobel Prize category.

               In what year did the most people decline their Nobel Prize? 1939

               Who was the only person to win the Nobel Prize twice -- in Peace and Chemistry? Linus Pauling

               Who was the only person to win the Nobel Prize twice -- in both Physics and Chemistry? Marie Curie

               Name the six categories for which the prizes are awarded. Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace and Economics.
               For which category was a Nobel Prize given starting 1969? Economics.

               Who awards the Peace Prize? The Norwegian Nobel Committee.

               Max Planck received the noble prize in Physics in 1918 for his discovery of: energy quanta

               Climate change campaigner Al Gore and the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have been jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
               Rabindra Nath Tagore was the first Indian/South Asian to win Nobel Prize. (Literature in 1931).

               Former US Vice-President Al Gore has won Noble Peace Prize 2007 for his campaign against Global Warming.
               Mr Gore won an Oscar for his climate change film An Inconvenient Truth

               The first negro to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was Ralph Johnson Bunche

               Rabindarnath Tagore won first Nobel Prize from South Asia.

               The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was: Anwar Sadaat of Egypt

               Nobel Prize holder UN institutions..... UNHCR, UAEA



               National Emblem of Britain is Rose-Lion.

               National Emblem of Bangladesh is Water Lily.

               National Emblem of China is Narcissus.

               National Emblem of Egypt is Lotus.

               National Emblem of France is Lily.

               National Emblem of Iran is Rose.

               National Emblem of Kuwait is Falcon.

               National Emblem of Pakistan is Crescent-Jasmine.

               National Emblem of Syria is Eagle.

               National Emblem of Sri Lanka is Lion.

               National Emblem of Netherlands is Lion.


               What city is known as The worlds chocolate capital: Hershey Pennsylvania

               Which countries name translates as land of the free- Thailand

               The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is Bhutan

               Rome is also known as “City of Seven Hills”.

               Penang is called the “Pearl of East”.

               “Sandwich Island” is called to Hawaii Island.

               Detroit is known as the Motor City.

               Britain of south is called to New Zealand.

               Buffer state of Asia is called to Afghanistan.

               Cockpit of Europe is called to Belgium.


               Crossroad of Western Europe is called to Belgium.

               Emerald Island is called to Ireland.

               Flower garden to Europe is called to Netherlands.

               Gift of Nile is called of Egypt.

               Great Britain of the Pacific is called to Japan.

               Island continent is called to Australia.

               Horn of Africa is called to Somalia.

               Key to Mediterranean is called to Gibraltar.

               Land of contrasts is called to Colombia.

               Land of free people is called to Thailand.

               Land of fertile fields is called to Algeria.

               Land of golden fiber is called to Bangladesh.

               Land of midnight sun is called to Norway.

               Land of milk and honey is called to Lebanon.

               Land of morning calm is called to Korea.

               Land of mighty rivers is called to Nigeria.

               Land of mountain is called to Nepal.

               Land of rising sun is called to Japan.

               Land of Thousand Island is called to Indonesia.

               Land of pure people is called to Pakistan.

               Land of white elephant is called to Thailand.

               Pillars of Hercules is called to Gibraltar.

               Playground of Europe is called to Switzerland.

               Remnant of mighty empire is called to Austria.

               Sorrow of china is called to Hawang Hoo.

               Switzerland of Africa is called to Swaziland.

               Site of Ancient Civilization is called to Iraq.

               Whiteman’s Grave is called to Guinea.

               Brasilia of Pakistan is called to Islamabad.


               City of angles is called to Bangkok.

               City of bazaars is called to Cairo.

               City of colleges is called to Lahore.

               City of conference is called to Geneva.

               City of cosmonauts is called to Moscow.

               City of eternal spring is called to Quito.

               City of golden temple is called to Amritsar.

               City of Golden Gate is called to San Francisco.

               City of mosques is called to Dhaka.

               City of parks is called to Kiev.

               City of palaces is called to Calcutta.

               City of pope is called to Rome.

               City of space flights is called to Cape Kennedy.

               City of peace is called to Baghdad.

               Forbidden City is called to Lahaska.

               Gateway to the east is called to Beirut.

               Gateway to the gulf is called to Abu Dhabi.

               Gateway to India is called to Bombay.

               Gateway to Pakistan is called to Karachi.

               Little Pakistan is called to Bradford.

               Manchester of Pakistan is called to Faisalabad.

               Pyramid city is called to Cairo.

               Rose pink city is called to Jaipur.

               Windy city is called to Chicago.

               Lusitanian is the alternative name of Portugal.

               Emerald Island is called to Ireland.

               Land of Prophets is called to Palestine.

               Yellow River is known as China’s Sorrow because of devastating floods.

               Gibraltar of the west is said to Quebec.


               Zambia is known as "country of Copper"

               Albania means the “Land of Eagles”.

               Argentian means “Like Silver”.

               Bahrain means two seas.

               Brazil means “Red wood”.

               Costa Rica means “Rich coast”.

               Cyprus means “Land of copper”.

               Guuatnemala mean “Land of Eagles”.

               Jamaica means “Good water”.

               Kuwait means “Fort”.

               Liberia means “Land of free people”.

               Netherlands means “low land”.

               Nigeria means “a great river”.

               Sierra Leone means “Lion Mountains”.

               Singapore means “city of lions”.

               Sudan means “Land of black people”.

               Turkey means “Land of Turks”.

               Which country is popularly called ‘The Land of the Maple Leaf’? Canada

               Mistress of the Eastern Seas is epithet referred to Sri Lanka.

               Hong Kong is called as Pearl of the Orient.

               Which worlds city is known as The Golden City        Prague Czech

               What place was nicknamed "The Pearl of the Orient"-Manilla - Philippines

               What countries name translates as lion mountains- Sierra Leone

               What place is nicknamed "The City of Lilies"-            Florence

               Mesopotamia means- Between two Rivers



Afghanistan | Kabul | Afghani Algeria | Algiers
Argentina | Buenos | Aires

Australia | Canberra | Australian Dollar Austria | Vienna
Azerbaijan | Baku Belgium | Brussels Bhutan | Thimphu
Bosnia Herzegovina | Sarajevo Canada | Ottawa
China | Beijing | Yuan Cuba | Havana Cyprus | Nicosia
Denmark | Copenhagen | Krone Egypt | Cairo | Pound
France | Paris | Franc Gorgia | Tibillsi
Germany | Berlin | Deutsche Mark Greece | Athens
Hungary | Budapest

India | New Delhi | Rupee Indonesia | Jakarta | Rupiah Iran | Tehran Riyal
Iraq | Baghdad | Dinar Ireland | Dublin
Israel | Tel Aviv | Shekel Italy | Rome | Pesso


Japan | Tokyo | Yen Jordan | Oman Kazakhastan | Astana North Korea | Pyongyang South Korea | Seoul | won Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek | Som Lebanon | Beirut
Libya | Tripoli | Dinal

Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | Ringgit Maldives | Male
Morocco | Rabat

Nepal | Kathmandu | Rupaia Netherlands | Amsterdam | Guilder New Zealand | Wellington
Nigeria | Abuja

Norway | Oslo |           Krone Phillippines | Manila
Poland | Budapest Qatar | Doha
Russia | Moscow | Ruble Saudi Arabia | Riyadh | Riyal Bulgaria | Sofia
Singapore | Singapore | Dollar

South Africa | Pretoria and Cape Town | Rand Spain | Madrid
Sri Lanka | Colombo Sudana | Khartoum
Sweden | Stockholm | Krona Switzerland | Bern


Syria | Damascus | Pound Taiwan| Taipei
Tajikistan | Dushanbe Thailand | Bankok Turkey | Istanbul | Lira
Turkmenistan | Ashgabad Ukraine | Kiev
UAE | Abu Dhabi UK | London
US | Washington D.C Uzbekistan | Tashkent Vietnam | Hanoi Yemen | Sanaa Eritrea | Asmara
Bangladesh | Dhaka | Taka


Old Name       New Name

               Pipri | Bin Qasim.

               Lyallapur | Faisalabad.

               Abyssinia | Ethiopia.

               Burma | Myanmar.

               Ceylon | Srilanka.

               Duch-East-Indies | Indonesia.

               French | Sudan Mali.

               Helvetia | Switzerland.


               Mogyarzaq | Hungry.

               Mesopotamia | Iraq.

               Najd and Hejaz | Saudi Arabia.

               New Granda | Colombia.

               Nippon | Japan.

               Persia | Iran.

               Siam | Thailand.

               South Rhodesia | Zimbabwe.

               South West Africa | Namibia.

               Soviet | Union Russian Federation.

               Turkmenia | Turkmenistan.

               Upper Volta | Burkina Faso.

               Urumdi | Brumdi.

               Constantinople | Istanbul.

               Christiana | Oslo.

               Formosa | Taiwan.

               Greenland | Kalaallet Nunaat.

               Holland | Netherlands.

               Combodia | Kampuchea.

               Krugn Thep | Bangkok.

               Leningard | St. Petersburg.

               Montgomery | Sahiwal.

               Burma | Myanmar.

               Peiking | Beijing.

               Persia | Iran.

               Rhodesia | Zimbabwe.

               Salisbury | Harare.

               Tripoli | Libya.

               Madras | Chennai.


               Edo | Tokyo.

               Temasek | Singapore.

               Stalinabad | Dushanbe.

               United Arab Republic | Egypt.

               Jabal-i-Tariq | Gibraltar

               Equatorial Africa | Chad

               Ray | Isfahan

               Pataliputra | Patna

               Sankiang | Xinjiang

               Old name of Tamil Nadu is Madras State.

               The earlier name of New York city was New Amsterdam

               Prior to independence, Ghana was called ‘Gold Coast’.

               Afghanistan was known as Ariana.

               The new name of Yalamlam is As-Sadiya.

               The name of Mesopotamia was changes to Iraq in the year 1935.

               The earlier name of New York city was New Amsterdam


Name Founded Member     Headquarter

               ADB- 1986- | Philippines

               Arab League- 1945-  22-       Cairo

               ASEAN-   |      Aug 8, 1967- 9- | Jakarta, founded at Bangkok.

               COMECON-   1948- Havana.

               Colombo Plan-            1st July 1951- Colombo (Srilanka)

               Common Wealth-
1931- 53-
               Council of Europe-
1949- 34-
               CIS-     Jan 1991-

               D8-      15 June 1997- Founded at Turkey, HQ Turkey.

               ECO-  Jan 1985-        8-         Tehran.


6-         Riyadh

               Interpol            1956    Lyon (France)

               NAM    1961

               OIC     22 to 25 Sep 1969-     56- Jeddah established in Rabat (Morocco).

               SAARC           8, 1985- 7-       8          Katmandu-      established at Dhaka.

               NATO- 1949    Brussels.

               SEATO           Sep 8, 1954 founder at Manila, ended in 1977.

               UNO    24 Oct 1945    New York.

               Warsaw Pact 14th May 1955. Dissolved in 1991.

               Term of non-permanent members of the Security Council is 2 years.

               General Assembly and Security Council appoints the judges of International Court of Justice.

               RCD was changed to ECO in Jan 1985.

               G-8 was established on 22 September 1985. G-8 was originally the G-5 but was expanded when Canada, Italy and Russia jointed in June 1997.
               European Union came in to being on January 1, 2000, EU adopted Euro currency in 2001. Its head quarter is in Brussels (Belgium).
               International Energy Agency was founded in 1974; its head quarter is in Paris (France).

               International Olympic Committee was formed in 1984; its head quarter is in Lausanne (Switzerland).

               The head quarter of international Red Cross and Red Crescent is in Geneva (Switzerland).

               Organization of Petroleum and Exporting Countries was founded in Baghdad in 1960; its head quarter is in Vienna (Austria).
               The organization of Economic Cooperation and Development was founded in 1961; its head quarter is in Paris (France).
               The world council of churches was established in 1948 in Amsterdam (Netherlands), its headquarter is in Geneva (Switzerland).
               North American Free Trade Agreement, its origin lies in the free trade agreement signed by the USA and Canada in 1989.
               The organization of African Unity was founded in 1963; its head quarter is in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).

               The organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries was founded in 1968, its headquarter is in Cairo (Egypt).


               Organization of American State was founded in 1948; its heat quarter is in Washington DC (USA).

               There are 76 countries in WTO.

               China became the member of the World Trade Organization on 11 December 2001

               OPANAL stands for Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America.

               OPANAL was formed on 2nd December, 1969, its headquarter is in Mexico City.

               OECS stands of Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, established on 18th June, 1981.

               The head quarter of OECS is in Casries (St. Lucia).

               UN has 6 principle organs.

               Security Council has 5 permanent members.

               The Economic and Social Council acts as coordinating body for the numerous specialized agencies created by the UN. The council has 54 members elected for the term of 3 years.
               The international court of justice comprises 15 judges.

               The IBRD was established in 27th Dec 1945.

               Steel Pact was signed between Italy and Germany on 22nd May 1939 at Berlin.

               Camp David Accord made between Egypt and Israel on 17 Sep 1978.

               Locarno pact signed on 16th October, 1925, signed at Locarno.

               Four Power Pact was signed on 16th July, 1933 at Paris.

               CENTO was signed on 24th Feb, 1955 in Baghdad.

               Balkan Pact was signed on 9th Feb, 1934.

               Eisenhower Doctrine was announced in 1957.

               Entente Cordiale was formed in April 1904, the agreement was signed between England and France.

               Dawes Plan was introduced in 1924.

               CTBT opened for signature from Sep 24, 1996.

               KELLOGG-Briand pact was signed by 15 states on 27th August, 1928, it was signed in Paris.

               Rio Summit was held in Rio-de-Janero on 14th 1992.

               According to the young plan (1929) announced after the first world war Germany was required to pay 100 million dollars in installments.
               UN’s resolution 1441about Iraq was passed in Nov 2002.

               Amnesty International is an international organization which works for the release of the political prisoners. It was established by peter Bomenson in the year of 1961.


               In 1941 the Atlantic Charter was signed by Churchill and Roosevelt.

               Truman Doctrine------ announced on 12 March 1947 about the security of Greece and Turkey.

               USSR and its allies signed Warsaw pact in the year 1955.

               The famous Dumbarton Oaks conference, which formulated proposals about UN charter, was held in Dec 1944.
               On 14th August 1941, US president F.D Roosevelt and British Premier W. Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter on a battle ship.
               Veraillies Treaty was signed in 1919.

               Bostan Tea party tool place in 1773.

               The civil right act which was passed in USA in 1964 was the result of the March of 250000 people organized by Martin Luther king in 1963.
               The famous XYZ affair tool place when an American delegation visited England.

               Potsdam conference was held in 1945.

               Mamoon Abdul Gavvum (PM of Maldives) said SAARC is a brain child.

               Napolean I, first person to call English a nation of shopkeepers.

               Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration; these words are said by Thomas A. Edison.
               Hippocrates said that extreme remedies are most appropriate for extreme disease.

               Archimedes said that give me but one firm spot on which to stand, and I will move the earth.

               Leonardo da vinci observed that every man – at three years old- is half his height.

               Darse Ninamia was introduced in Indo-Pak by Mulla Mizam Ud Din.

               Interpol was founded in 1923 in what city- Vienna

               The Asian development bank established in 1966 with headquarter located at MANILA (philipines).

               Eqypt , Iraq , jorden , Lebanon , Saudi Arab , Syria and Yemen are the founder nations of the arab league.
               Asian development bank was established in 1966 with headquarter located at manila(philipine)

               The International court of Justice is located in Hague,Holland

               WHO is not the principal organ of the United Nations.

               Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on Dec: 10, 1948.

               Green Peace has no formal structure and Secretariat.

               Who were the three statesmen who formulated Non-Aligned Movement (NAM): Nehru, Nasser, Tito


               international headquarter of Transparency International (TI}

is located in Berlin, Germany. The founder of the organisation is Peter Eigen

               The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is established at: Khatmandu

               How many official working languages are recognized by UNO:6

               Who was the first Asian Secretary General of the United Nations? U. Thant

               Baden Powel was the founder of Boy Scout and Civil Guides Movement.

               CIS are 11 independent states of the former Soviet Union known as Commonwealth of Independent States.



               The head quarter of Food and Agriculture Organization is in Rome (Italy).

               The head quarter of International Atomic Energy Agency is in Vienna (Austria).

               The heal quarter of International Civil Aviation Organization is in Montréal (Canada).

               The head quarter of International Fund for Agricultural Development is in Rome (Italy).

               The head quarter of International Labor Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).

               The head quarter of International Monetary Fund is in Washington (USA).

               The head quarter of International Maritime Organization is in London (UK).

               The head quarter of International Telecommunication Union is in Geneva (Switzerland).

               The head quarter of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is in Paris (France).
               The head quarter of United Nations Industrial Development Organization is in Vienna (Austria).

               The head quarter of Universal Postal Union is in Berne (Switzerland).

               The head quarter of World Health Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).

               The head quarter of World Intellectual Property Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).

               The head quarter of World Meteorological Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).

               The head quarter of World Bank or IBRD is in Washington (USA).


               The head quarter of World Trade Organization is in Geneva (Switzerland).

               The head quarter of United Nation Development Program is in New York (USA).

               The head quarter of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is in Geneva (Switzerland).

               The head quarter of United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund is in New York (USA).

               The head quarter of United Nations Relief and Works Agency is in Vienna (Austria).

               Head quarters of WWF are in Vienna, Austria.

               SAARC was formed in December, 1985.

               SAARC Human Resource Development Centre is located at Islamabad.

               HQ of Universal Postal Union is in Berne.

               New Zealand’s Don McKinnon is the first secretary general of commonwealth.

               First Islamic Summit was held at Rabat in 1969.

               Second Islamic Summit was held at Lahore in 1974.

               1n 1948 the UN drawn up a charter of civil and political rights.

               First Secretary General of UN was Tregav Lee of Norway.

               Kofi Anan got noble peace price in 2001.

               UNO world was coined by F.D Roosevelt.

               Kofi Anan is the 7th Secretary General of UNO.

               What was the first country to leave the United Nations-Indonesia

               Don McKinnon is the secretary General of Commonwealth.

               The term of the judges of the international court of justice is 9 years.

               ILO is not an organ of the UN.

               First city to be placed under UN was Sarajevo.

               The UN observed 1998 as the human rights year with the theme “ All Human Rights for All”.

               ICJ has 15 judges, any two of whom cannot be of the same nationality.

               Myanmar is not a member of SAARC.

               UN Charter was signed on June 26, 1945 and came into force on October 24, 1945.

               Olive Branch is the emblem of the U.N.

               Five permanent members of U.N Security Council are China, France, Russia, UK and US.

               UN Security Council has five permanent and 10 non-permanent members.


               Bangladesh is not a member of ASEAN.

               As per SAFTA agreement, India, Pakistan & Sri Lanka have to decrease their custom duties to 0-5% by 2013.
               Estonia is not a member of CIS.

               Portuguese is not an official language of UN.

               ICJ has issued the arrest warrant of ... Omar al Basher of Sudan

               The United States of America has used its veto power more than any other permanent member

               G-7 is the group of seven rich industralial nations- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US.
               The UNO originated during the second world war.Its charter was drawn up from 25th April to 26th June, 1945 at San Francisco which was signed by 51 countries.
               In 1971 the people republic of china was given membership of UNO by expelling Taiwan.

               The UN Industrial Development Organization has its headquarters at Vienna.

               Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.

               Initially, Arab league has seven countries.

               Headquarter of Arab League is located in Cairo. Arab League was established on 22nd March 1945.

               Amnesty International was established in London by the British Lawyer, Peter Benenson in 1961

               The International court of justice was constituted on 26th June 1945

               The Charter of United Nations consists of 111 articles.

               The Common Wealth of Australia came into existence in 1901.

               Article 55 of the UN Charter promotes international Human Rights.

               Territorial waters traditionally are recognized to extend how far from a state’s coastline? 12 miles.

               A state’s executive economic zone (EEZ) is recognized to extend how far from the coastline? 12 miles

               ECOSOC has been established under chapter 10 of the UN charter

               United Arab Emirates is a federation of 7 Emirates.

               Switzerland joined the UN during 2002.

               African Development Bank was established in 1964.

               The principal organs of United Nations are Six.

               United Nations spends a lion’s share of its budget on Refugees rehabilitations


               The UNO originated during the Second World War. Its charter was drawn up from 25th April to 26th June, 1945 at San Francisco which was signed by 51 countries.
               What famous battle was fought at Pancenoit-Waterloo - (four miles away)

               Transparency International is based in Berlin.

               Where is the headquarter of the Amnesty International located: London

               Arab Magrib Union consists of Five States.

               Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.

               ESCAP is Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific. Its head office is at Bangkok.

               Human Right Watch dog headquarter is in.. New York

               In which city World Economic forum usually holds its meetings? The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a Geneva-based non-profit foundation best known for its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland


               International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination is observed on 21 March.

               World environment day is observed on 5th June.

               International day of peace is observed on 3rd Tuesday of September.

               World food day is observed on 16 October.

               International women’s day is observed on 8th March.

               World health day is observed on 7th April.

               Universal children’s day is observed on 20 November.

               World’s aids day is observed on 1 December.

               United nation’s day is observed on 24th October.

               International day of disabled person is observed on 3 December.

               Human rights day is observed on 10 December.

               Press day is celebrated on 3rd May.

               Kashmir Solidarity Day is observed on 5 Feb.

               In France the Bastille Day is celebrated on 14th July.

               International Literacy day is observed on 8 Sep.


               World children day is observed on 8th March.

               Human rights day is observed on 10th Dec.

               Day against drug trafficking is observed on 26 June.

               22 March is celebrated as the world day for water.

               11th July is known as World Population Day.

               Kashmir solidarity day is celebrated all over the country on 5th February.

               World`s teacher day was observed on october 5, 2005 in pakistan.

               International Literacy Day is celebrated on September 8.

               International Ozone Day is observed on September 16.

               The year 1998 was observed as the International Year of Ocean.

               Commonwealth Day is observed on May 24 every year.

               Human Rights Day is observed on 10th December every year.

               No Smoking Day is observed on April 7.

               World Book Day is observed on April 23.

               World Environment Day is observed on June 5.

               3rd may... world press freedom day

               World literacy day is celebrated on 8th September


               Shahnama-i-Islam was written by Hafeez Jalandri.

               Man who ruled India was written by Philip Woodruff.

               The book confession was written by Rousseau.

               Quaid –e-Azam Jinnah. The story of a Nation is written by G.Allana.

               Heroes and Hero-Worship was written by Carlyle.

               Foundation of Pakistan was written by Sharif ud din Pirzada.

               Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam was written by Edward Fitzgeranld.

               Gitanjali was written by Rabindranath Tagore.

               Asrar-e-khudi is written by Allama Iqbal

               Bal-e-Jibril is written by Allama Iqbal


               Bang-e-dara is written by Allma Iqbal

               Bostan is written by Sheikh Saadi

               Darbar-i-Akbari is written by Azad, Muhammad Hussain

               Gulistan is written by Sheikh Saadi

               Hayat-i-Jawid is written by Hali

               Javaid Nama is written by Allama Iqbal

               Jawab-e-Shikwah is written by Allama Iqbal

               Ktab al Shifa is written by Ibn Sina

               Mirat ul Aroos is written by Nazir Ahmed

               Muqaddamah is written by Ibn Khaldun

               Shaer o Shaeri is written by Altaf Hussain Hali

               Mussaddas-i-Hali is written by Altaf Hussain Hali

               Naqsh-e-Faryadi is written by Faiz Ahmed Faiz

               Payam-e-Mashriq is written by Allama Iqbal

               Shahnama is written by Firdausi

               Tehzeeb al Ikhlaq is written by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

               Tafhim ul quran is written by Syed Abdul ala Maudoodi.

               Yadgar-i-Galib is written by Hali

               Zabur-e-Anjam is written by Dr. Allama Iqbal

               Zarb-e-Kaleem is written by Dr. Allama Iqbal

               Arabian Nights is written by Sir Richard Buton

               An Ideal Husband is written by Oscar Wilde

               A woman of No importance is written by Oscar Wild

               Animal Farm is written by George Orwell

               Anthony Cleopatra is written by W. Shakespeare

               As you like it is written by W. Shakespeare

               Caesar and Cleopatra is written by G.B Shaw

               Comedy of Errors is written by W. Shakespeare

               Daughter of the East is written by Benazir Bhuto


               Decline and Fall of Roman Empire is written by Edward Gibbon

               Doctor’s Dilemma is written by G.B Shaw

               East of Aden is written by John Steinbeck

               French Revolution is written by Tomas Carlyle

               Freedom at Midnight is written by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapiere

               Gone with the Wind is written by Margaret Mithchel

               Great Expectations is written by Charles Dickens

               Gulliver’s Travels is written by Jonathan Swift

               Hamlet is written by W.Shakespeare

               Ibn Battuta Travels in Asia and Africa is written by Ibn Battuta

               Jungle book is written by Rudyard Kipling

               Jinnah of Pakistan is written by Stanley Wolpert

               Myth of independence is written by Z. A Bhutto

               World War is written by W. Churchill

               Merchant of Venice is written by Shakerpeare

               Muhammad Ali Jinnah is written by M.H Saiyid

               Much Ado About Nothing is written by Shakespeare

               Nine Days Wonder is written by John Masefield

               Nineteen Eighty Four is written by George Orwell

               Old man and the Sea is written by Ernest Hamingway

               Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens

               Origin Of species is written by Charles Darwin

               Paradise Lost is written by John Milton

               Pickwick papers is written by Charles Dickens

               Pride and Prejudice is written by Jane Austen

               Robinson Crusoe is written by Daniel Defoe

               Sense and Sensibility is written by Jane Austin

               Sohrab and Rustam Mathew Arnold

               Social Contact is written by Rousseau


               Treasure Island is written by R.L Stevenson

               Tropic of Cancer is written by Henry Miller

               Twelfth Night is written by W. Shakespeare

               A Tale of Two Cities is written by Charles Dickens

               Vanity of Human Wishes is written by Samuel Johnson

               Wealth of Nation is written by Adam Simith

               Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan is written by Stanley Wolpert

               Faust is written by Goethe

               Mein Kampf is written by Hitler

               Divine Comedy is written by Dante

               Odyssey (Greek) is written by Homer

               Utopia is written by Thomas Mooore

               War and Peace is written by Leo Tolstoy

               Crime and Punishment is written by F.M Dostovsky

               Communist Manifesto is written by Karl Marx and Eagles

               Das Capital is written by Karl Marx

               The idiot is written by Dostoevsky

               Don Quixoto is written by Miguel De Cervates

               The Prince is written by Machiavelli

               Constitutional Development of Pakistan is written by G.W Choudhry

               Five Thousand Years of Pakistan is written by Wheeler R.E.M

               Foreign Policy of Pakistan is written by Zulifkar Ali Bhutto

               Jinnah, Creator of Pakistan is written by Hecor Bolitho

               Muslim Separatism in India and Pakistan is written by Abdul Hamid

               Pakistan the Formative Phase is written by Lawrence Ziring

               Political Syetem in Pakistan is written by Khalid B. Saeed

               Politics in Pakistan is written by Khalid B. Saeed

               Quaid-i-Azam and Pakistan is written by Ahmad Hasan Dani

               Struggle for Pakistan is written by I.H Qureshi


               The Emergence of Pakistan is written by Mohammad Ali Choudhry

               The Making of Pakistan is written by K.K Aziz

               Towards Pakistan is written by Whaeed-uz-Zaman

               World Politics Since 1945 is written by P. Calvocrassi

               Khusboo is written by Parveen Shakir

               Laila Majnoo is written by Amir Khusro

               Akbar nama is written by Abu Fazal

               Al Qanoon fil Tib is written by Ibne Sina

               Green Book is written by Presisdent Moamoor Gadafi

               Republic is written by Plato

               Revolution and Independence is written by Words Worth

               Road to Freedom is written by Bertrand Russel

               Romeo and Juliet is written by Shakespeare

               Joan of Arc is written by G.W Shaw.

               Foust was written by Goethe.

               “Profiles in Courage” is written by Henry Kissinger.

               Pickwick Papers were written by Charles Dickens.

               “East and Eden” was written by John Steinback.

               A farewell to Arms is written by Earnest Hemingway.

               Travel in Arabian Desert was written by C.M Doughty.

               The spirit of Islam was written by Syed Ameer Ali.

               The poem Shikwah and Jawab-e-Sikwah was written by Allama Iqbal.

               Five Thousand Years of Pakistan was written by REM Wheeler.

               Struggle of Pakistan was written by I.H Qureshi.

               The poem “Ancient Mariner” is the work of Coleridge.

               White Papers are policy statements published by the British parliament on the subject of tremendous public importance.
               Blue Books are the official reports of the British Government.

               White Books are the official publications of the countries like Portugal, China, and Germany.

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