Recalled 85 questions with answers Assistant Director of IB Test.

1. Who is Senate Deputy Chairmain? Saleem Mandviwala.
2. Current Senate Chairmain is from which province? Baluchistan.
3. How many members supported Objective Resolution? 21.
4. Wheather change due to earth's? Revolution around sun.
5. Foriegn Minster of Pak from 2013-17? PM Nawaz.
6. Who is national security advisor of Pakistan?
Nasir khan Janjua.
7. Supreme Authority of Armed forces of Pakistan? President.
8. Eid ul Fitir in which month? Shawal.
9. Abu Jahl was killed in Battle of Badr by? Mu'awwidh ibn 'Afrā' and Mu'ādh
10. Hazrat Abu Bakr sent whom to attack Syria?Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed.
11. How many members of EU excluding Britian? 27.
12. When UK will leave EU? 29 March 2019.
13. Term of parliament of UK? Five years.
14. Which state is declared nuclear state from Japan, Isreal and South Africa? None of these.
15. Houthi rebels are supported by which country? Iran.
16. Suger cane requires? Excessive water.
17. Law of inertia by? Newton.
18. Why not to sleep under tree? It releases CO2.
19. Speed of light per second? 1860000/miles.
20. Which of following is not Ghazwa? Mutta.
21. When event of Mairaj took place? 27 Rajib.
22. Accelration is defined as? Rate of change of Speed.
23. Which of following is member of BRICS? China.
24. Where 13th ECO Meeting 27 feb 2018? Islamabad Pakistan.
25. Jim Mattis is? US defense secretary of State.
26. Power to declare war in US rests with? Congress.
27. Syprus is disputed between? Turkey and Greek.
28. Old name of ECO? RCD.
29. Last country to join SAARC? Afghanistan.
30. Heart of Quran? Surah Yasin.
31. Ghazwa Tabuk was fought against? Romans.
32. Acid nuteralized by? Alkali.
33. Chief of Air Force? Mujahid Anwar Khan.
34. Natural gas composed of? Corban and Hydrogen.
35. First Speaker of National Assembly? Quaid Azam.
36. Cache means? Hiding place.
37. US attacked Syria with help of? UK and France.
38. Wrong suffix? Skillfull.
38. Who vetoed resolution of investigation in to alleged chemical weapon? Russia.
39. Who was elected president indifinate term? Xi Jinping.
40. Reelected president of Russia? Putin.
41. Antonyom of Mitigate? Increase.
42. Physiology deals with? Functions of organs.
43. Nearest meaning of Harmonized? Synchronized.
44. Light scatter into seven colours when passed through? Prism.
45. If air pressure at the suface of water decreases what is impact on its boiling point?
45. Ice floats on water because it?
46.When Bicamiral System was introduced? 1973 Constitution.
47. Synonym of Dwindle? Lessen.
48. Which of following word has meaning which does not relate to Eleviate? Elate.
49. Event of mairaj is mentioned in Surah? Al-Isra.
50. A force that attracts a body towards its center is called? Centripetal force.
51. Soil good for cultivation of grams? Where there is more rainfall.
52. Cotton is mostly cultivated in which areas of Pakistan? Southen Panjab and Uper Sindh.
53. To make 13 pieces of a twofold wire, how many times we need to cut it?
54. Fertilizer for good crop growth contain? Nitrogen.
55. President powers increased in Turkey through? Refrendum.
56. When Baluchistan became constitutional province of Pakistan? 1973.
57. Law of inheritenc mentioned in Holy Quran in Surah? Nisa.
58. Financial year in Pakistan Starts? 1st July.
59. Return laptop? by Sunday
60.Column writing? Read, make.
61. Correct Spelling (Sacrilegious).
62. Why ice floats over water? Ice is lighter than water.
64. Vegetable ghee (Hydrogenation) is made by? Hydrogen and Nickel (Catalyst).
65. Third angle of the triangle? 75 degree.
66. Raddul Fassaad was started by? Gen Bajwa.
67. Who discovered Peniccilin? Alexander Flemming.
68. Cheapest Source of electricity producing? Hydro-Electric.
69. Shuraah is (essential, effective, optional, none of these)?
70. We went to a restaurant where a beautifjl girl was singing a song.
71. Criterion, criteria
72. Moral, morale
73. Lose, loose (none of these).
74. Stopping a moving body depends on? Its mass and velocity.
75. Status of Shura in Islam?
76. In democracy people participate_____Directly____Indirectly (either, or)
77. "The Pakistani people", author says, "are very hospitable".
78. Bag of flour eaten by 40 people in how many days? ( 15).
79. Base of triangle 4cm, perpendicular 3cm, length of 3rd side? (6 cm ).
80. Average run rate in the last 30 overs to chase 294 target ? ( 7 )
81. Total pages of the book ? (120)
82. Third angle of the triangle having angles of 45 and 60? (75)
83. Income tax on 40 lac, in which the rate of tax on the first 12 laca is 5%, rate of tax on the next 12 lacs ia 10% and rate of tax on the remaining 32lac is 15%? (Answer none of these)
84. Bag of flour eaten by 40 people in how many days? ( 15)
85. Area of a triangle if base is 6 and hypotenuse 8, then area will be, right answer was 24cm2.

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