Solved the most important mcqs of all organizations Of the world UNO, SCO etc

1.The United Nations was founded on _________.
A. March 24, 1945
B. October 24, 1945 .(A)
C. March 24, 1949
D. October 24, 1950
2• Which country from the following is NOT the member of UNO?
A. Vatican City.(A)
B. Afghanistan
C. North Korea
D. Vaitnam
3• The International Court of Justice is located in _________.
A. New York
B. Washigton
C. Geneva
D. The Hague.(A)
4• There are __________ members of SAARC.
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8.(A)
5• Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has __________ official languages.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3.(A)
D. 4
6• There are _________ non-permanent members of the security council.
A. 5
B. 7
C. 10.(A)
D. 15
7• The currency of Indonesia is _________.
A. rupiah.(A)
B. dinar
C. rangit
D. riyal
8• The D-8 is an organization of eight ________ countries.
A. developed
B. developing.(A)
C. Asian
D. African
9• The European Union's working capital is in _________.
A. London
B. Lisbon
C. Austria
D. Brussels.(A)
10• The headquarter of NATO is located in _________.
A. New York
B. Paris
C. Geneva
D. Brussels.(A)

11. The motto of UNO is _________.
A. It's your world!.(A)
B. Life for All!
C. Peace!
D. Love and Peace!
12• The world's highest mountain is in __________.
A. China
B. Pakistan
C. Nepal.(A)
D. India
13• The headquarter of Red Cross is in _________.
A. New York
B. Washigton
C. Geneva. (Ans)
D. The Hague
14• World Trade Organization was established in __________.
A. 1980
B. 1985
C. 1990
D. 1995.(A)
15• The North Atlantic treaty (NATO) was signed in __________.
A. 1945
B. 1947
C. 1949.(A)
D. 1951
16• Which country, on the map of world, appears as "Long Shoe"?
A. Portugal
B. Italy.(Ans)
C. Greece
D. Hungary
17• Which from the following countries is NOT a member of D-8?
A. India.(A)
B. Pakistan
C. Nigeria
D. Turkey
18• The largest ocean of the world is __________.
A. Atlantic
B. Pacific.(A)
C. Indian
D. None of these
19• Which from the following countries does NOT yeild veto-power?
A. United States
B. United Kingdom.
C. Canada (A)
D. France
20• OIC changed its name from Organisation of the Islamic Conference to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in _________.
A. 1991
B. 1999
C. 2001
D. 2011.(A)
21• The most powerful organ of United Nations is _________.
A. General Assembly
B. Security Council.(A)
C. Secretariat
D. International Court of Justice
22• The headquarter of Green Peace International is located in _________.
A. Amserdam.(A)
B. Geneva
C. Lisbon
D. Austria
23• 3 May is observed Internationally as _________.
A. Labour Day
B. Environment Day
C. Earth Day
D. Press Freedom Day.(A)
24• Suez Canal is between __________.
A. Arabian Sea and Red Sea
B. Red Sea and North Sea
C. Mediterranean Sea and North Sea
D. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea.(A)
25• The Capital of Canada is __________.
A. Tirane
B. Ottawa.(A)
C. Athens
D. Luxembourg
26• The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is located in __________.
A. Islamabad, Pakistan
B. New Delhi, India
C. Kathmandu, Nepal.(A)
D. Colombo, Sri Lanka
27• Which from the following countries is NOT a member of European Union?
A. Norway.(A)
B. Ireland
C. Malta
D. Estonia
28• The currency of Israel is _________.
A. Euro
B. Shekel.(A)
C. Forint
D. Krone
29• The largest democratic country in the world is _________.
A. United States
B. United Kingdom
C. China
D. India.(A)
30• The permanent Secretariat of OIC is located in _________.
A. Makkah
B. Madina
C. Jaddah.(Ans)

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