World History and Politics MCQS

1. Which former country was originally called The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes?
2. The Knesset is the legislature of which country? – Israel
3. At which grace-and-favour residence was John Prescott infamously photographed playi croquet? – Dorneywood
4. Who is the Prime Minister of Russia? –
Vladimir Putin
5. According to legend, how did Alfred the Great upset a swineherder’s wife while worryi about how to deal with the invading Danes? –
He burnt her cakes by not keeping proper watch on them whilst cooking
6. Who said “Dr Livingstone, I presume?” at Ujiji? – Henry Morton Stanley
7. Appointed in 1721, who is held to be the fir man to be Prime Minister of the UK? – Sir Robert Walpole
8. What name was given to the women who campaigned to have the vote in the first two decades of the 20th century? – Suffragettes
9. Who had himself crowned King of Scotland at Scone in 1306? – Robert the Bruce
10. Which famous battle was fought on June 1815? – The Battle of Waterloo
11. Who led the Luftwaffe in the Second Worl War? – Hermann Goering
12. How many MPs are there in the House of Commons? – 650
13. The Battle of Edgehill was the first and the Battle of Worcester the last of which conflict?
The Civil War
14. As well as being the first woman mayor in England, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was the first woman to qualify in which profession? –
As a doctor
15. What word denoted the new policy of openness adopted by Mikhail Gorbachev’s government in the Soviet Union? – Glasnost
World History and Politics MC
16. How was a fishing dispute between Britain and Iceland in the Sixties and Seventies nicknamed? – The Cod War
17. Who led the Seventh Cavalry to its doom the Battle of Little Bighorn? – Lt-Col George Armstrong Custer
18. What aviation first was performed by Ellen Church in 1930? – She was the first air hoste
19. Famed for her eloquence, beauty and learning, who was the astronomer and mathematician murdered by a mob set on her by the Bishop of Alexandria? – Hypatia
20. Which has got a Lt. Governor in India? –
22. Total number of union territories in India i – 07
23. Where is the head-quarters of the World Health Organisation? – Geneva
24. Where is the head-quarters of the Food an Agricultural Organisation? – Rome
25. Who is the propounded of the theory of General Will ? – Rousseau
26. State and Association can be best distinguished from each other on the basis of
27. What kind of ‘equality’ will be affected if a country adopts the policy of racial discrimination? – Social equality
28. It is “an association established by nature for the supply of man’s every day wants.” Abo which Aristotle said these words? – Family
30. A subject is said to be in the concurrent li when a law can be passed on it by – The Central and State Government both
31. The General Assembly of the U.N.O. holds its meetings – Once a year
33. The maximum strength of the Lok Sabha i India has become – 545
34. If the President of India wants to resign from his office he way resign by writing to –
The Vice-President of India
World History and Politics MC
35. Who is acknowledged as the father of Scientific Socialism? – Karl Marx
36. The Mac Mohan Line is the line that demarcates the boundary between – India, Myanmar and China
37. Referendum, Recall, Initiative and plebicit are the procedures adopted in – Direct Democracy.

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