50 World General Knowledge important solved Mcqs

1. Who invented Logarithm tables? – John Napier
2. In which country the Leaning Tower of Pisa located? – Italy
3. Malfunctioning of which organ causes jaundice? – Liver
4. Who started the ancient Olympic Games? – The Greeks
5. Joule is the unit of? – Energy
6. Which international tennis events is played on a grass court? – Wimbeldon
7. In which year a resolution ‘Uniting for Peace’ was adopted by UN General Assembly? – 1950
8. What are the official language of the UNO? – English, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and
9. How many non-permanent Security Council (UNO) members are from Afro-Asian countries? –5
10. Amnestry International is a – Human Rights group
11. Hundred year war was fought between which two countries? – France and England
12. Who is considered as the inventor of the World Wide Web (WWW)? – Tim Berners Lee
13. ICAO stands for? – International Civil Aviation Organization
14. Who was known as “Lady with Lamp”? –
Florence Nightingale
15. In which year Hockey was introduced in the Asian Games? – 1958 (Tokyo)
16. Karl Marx belonged to which country? –
17. Which instrument is used for seeing objects at the surface of water from a submarine under
water? – Periscope
18. Boston Tea Party is associated with? –
American Revolution
19. Fathometer is used to measure? – Ocean depth
20. Napolean Bonaparte belonged to? –
21. World Red Cross day is celebrated on? –
May 8
22. A computer disc (CD) is a database of the type: – Magnetic
23. Golf player Vijay Singh belongs to which country? – Fiji
24. The Bolshevik Revolution is associated with? – Russia
25. Who conducted the first human heart transplant operation? – Dr Christiaan (Chris) Barnard From South Africa
26. The play Godan was written by? – Munshi Prem Chand
27. The control Center of the body is the –
28. Head Office of the Asian Development Bank located in – Manila
29. Main memory is: – Random access memory
30. Which country awards the Noble Prize? –
31. Scientists who study the weather are known as – Meteorologists
32. What was the full name of the person who is associated with Noble Prize? – Alfred Bernhard Noble
33. Who developed the first vaccine? –
Edward Jenner
34. Name the scientist who first declared that the earth revolves around the sun? –
35. Who invented the lift? – Elisha Graves Otis
36. Which lenses are used by the people having short – sightedness? – Concave
37. What is the shape of the earth? – Oblate
38. Which is the hardest substance in the human body? – Enamel
39. Name the ore from which aluminium is extracted? – Bauxite
40. Which branch of Medical Science deals with skin? – Dermatology
41. Sargasso sea is located in: – North Atlantic ocean
42. Which is the largest Gulf in the world? –
Gulf of Mexico
43. There is a submarine ridge in the Bay of Bengal. What is it called? – Ninety east ridge
44. Where is the Dogger Bank, which is a major fishing area, located? – North Sea
45. Verification of a login name and password is known as – Authentication
46. Which star is nearest to sun? – Alpha Centauri A
47. Which is the smallest and fastest computer imitating brain working? –
Quantum Computer
48. Bangladesh was created in which year? –
49. Who won the Miss World 2017 crown at a grand event in China? – Manushi Chhillar
50. Which country will organize the 10th South Asia Economic Summit? – Nepal

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