Computer Mcqs (800 Mcqs)

Computer MCQS BY Mcqs Available

The term ‘Computer’ is derived from__________?
A. Latin
B. Germa
C. French
D. Arabic
Who is the father of Computer?
A. Allen Turing
B. Charles Babbage
C. Simur Cray
D. Augusta Adaming
The basic operations performed by a computer are__________?
A. Arithmetic operation
B. Logical operation
C. Storage and relative
D. All the above
Who is the father of Internet ?
A. Chares Babbage
B. Vint Cerf
C. Denis Riche
D. Martin Cooper
If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as__________?
A. Uni-process
B. Multiprocessor
C. Multi-threaded
D. Multi-programming
A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is___________?
A. Keyboard
B. Scanner
D. None of these
WWW stands for___________?
A. World Whole Web
B. Wide World Web
C. Web World Wide
D. World Wide Web
A collection of system programs that controls and co-ordinates the overall operations of a computer system is called____________?
A. System software
B. Operating system
C. Utility program
D. Device driver
What type of operating system MS-DOS is?
A. Command Line Interface
B. Graphical User Interface
C. Multitasking
D. Menu Driven Interface
Which technology is used in compact disks?
A. Mechanical
B. Electrical
C. Electro Magnetic
D. Laser
1 Gigabyte is equal to ____________?
A. 1024 bits
B. 1000 megabytes
C. 1024 kilobytes
D. 1024 megabytes
The brain of any computer system is___________?
B. Memory
D. Control unit
Which of the following are components of Central Processing Unit (CPU) ?
A. Arithmetic logic unit, Mouse
B. Arithmetic logic unit, Control unit
C. Arithmetic logic unit, Integrated Circuits
D. Control Unit, Monitor
Analog computer works on the supply of ____________?
A.Continuous electrical pulses
B.Electrical pulses but not continuous
C.Magnetic strength
D.None of the above
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which one is Digital device, select from the choices below?
A.Digital Clock
B.Automobile speed meter
C.Clock with a dial and two hands
D.All of them
The computer that process both analog and digital is called____________?
A.Analog computer
B.Digital computer
C.Hybrid computer
D.Mainframe computer

CD-ROM stands for____________?
A. Compactable Read Only Memory
B. Compact Data Read Only Memory
C. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
D. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
ALU is____________?
A. Arithmetic Logic Unit
B. Array Logic Unit
C. Application Logic Unit
D. None of above
VGA is____________?
A. Video Graphics Array
B. Visual Graphics Array
C. Volatile Graphics Array
D. Video Graphics Adapter
MSI stands for___________?
A. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
B. Medium System Integrated Circuits
C. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
D. Medium System Intelligent Circuit
The brain of any computer system is___________?
B. Memory
D. Control unit
Which of the following are components of Central Processing Unit (CPU) ?
A. Arithmetic logic unit, Mouse
B. Arithmetic logic unit, Control unit
C. Arithmetic logic unit, Integrated Circuits
D. Control Unit, Monitor
Analog computer works on the supply of ____________?
A.Continuous electrical pulses
B.Electrical pulses but not continuous
C.Magnetic strength
D.None of the above

which one is Digital device, select from the choices below?
A.Digital Clock
B.Automobile speed meter
C.Clock with a dial and two hands
D.All of them
The computer that process both analog and digital is called____________?
A.Analog computer
B.Digital computer
C.Hybrid computer
D.Mainframe computer

CD-ROM stands for____________?
A. Compactable Read Only Memory
B. Compact Data Read Only Memory
C. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
D. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
ALU is____________?
A. Arithmetic Logic Unit
B. Array Logic Unit
C. Application Logic Unit
D. None of above
VGA is____________?
A. Video Graphics Array
B. Visual Graphics Array
C. Volatile Graphics Array
D. Video Graphics Adapter
MSI stands for___________?
A. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
B. Medium System Integrated Circuits
C. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
D. Medium System Intelligent Circuit
You can organize files by storing them in__________?
A. archives
B. folders
C. indexes
D. lists
What type of resource is most likely to be a shared common resource in a computer Network?
A. Printers
B. Speakers
C. Floppy disk drives
D. Keyboards
Which device is required for the Internet connection?
A. Joystick
B. Modem
C. CD Drive
D. NIC Card
What is a light pen?
A. A Mechanical Input device
B. Optical input device
C. Electronic input device
D. Optical output device
UNIVAC is___________?
A. Universal Automatic Computer
B. Universal Array Computer
C. Unique Automatic Computer
D. Unvalued Automatic Computer
The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk was__________?
A. 1.40 MB
B. 1.44 GB
C. 1.40 GB
D. 1.44 MB
MICR stands for_________?
A. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
B. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
C. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
D. None
EBCDIC stands for__________?
A. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
B. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
C. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
D. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit?
A. Printer
B. Key board
C. Mouse
D. Arithmetic & Logic unit
CAD stands for_________?
A. Computer aided design
B. Computer algorithm for design
C. Computer application in design
D. Computer analogue design
Junk e-mail is also called_________?
A. spam
B. spoof
C. sniffer script
D. spool
which statement describe “Hackers”?
A. all have the same motive
B. break into other people’s computers
C. may legally break into computers as long as they do not do any damage
D. are people who are allergic to computers
What type of computers are client computers (most of the time) in a client-server system?
A. Mainframe
B. Mini-computer
C. Microcomputer
A computer cannot ‘boot’ if it does not have the__________?
A. Compiler
B. Loader
C. Operating System
D. Assembler
The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called___________?
A. double-space
B. line spacing
C. single space
D. vertical spacing
Example of non-numeric data is_________?
A. Employee address
B. Examination score
C. Bank balance
D. All of these
What is embedded system?
A. The programme which arrives by being wrapped in box.
B. The programme which is the permanent part of the computer
C. The computer which is the part of a big computer
D. The computer and software system that control the machine
First page of Website is termed as__________?
A. Homepage
B. Index
C. JAVA script
D. Bookmark
When a file is saved for the first time?
A. a copy is automatically printed
B. it must be given a name to identify it
C. it does not need a name
D. it only needs a name if it is not going to be printed
Where are data and programme stored when the processor uses them?
A. Main memory
B. Secondary memory
C. Disk memory
D. Programme memory

__________represents raw facts, where-as__________is data made meaningful?
A. Information, reporting
B. Data, information
C. Information, bits
D. Records, bytes
What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM) makes it useful?
A. ROM information can be easily updated.
B. Data in ROM is non-volatile, that is, it remains there even without electrical power.
C. ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive data storage.
D. ROM chips are easily swapped between different brands of computers.
What do you call the programs that are used to find out possible faults and their causes?
A. operating system extensions
B. cookies
C. diagnostic software
D. boot diskettes
Which programming languages are classified as low level languages?
A. BASIC, COBOL, Fortran
B. Prolog
C. C, C++
D. Assembly languages
Which of the following is not anti- viruses software?
A. Avira
B. Kaspersky
C. Oracle
D. McAfee
What does DMA stand for?
A. Distinct Memory Access
B. Direct Memory Access
C. Direct Module Access
D. Direct Memory Allocation
Which of the following is a storage device?
A. Tape
B. Hard Disk
C. Floppy Disk
D. All of the above
When did John Napier develop logarithm?
A. 1416
B. 1614
C. 1641
D. 1804
MIS is designed to provide information needed for effective decision making by?
A. Consumers
B. Workers
C. Foremen
D. Managers
ASCII stands for__________?
A. American Stable Code for International Interchange
B. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
C. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
D. American Standard Code for Interchange Information
Which of the following is first generation of computer?
B. IBM-1401
C. CDC-1604
D. ICL-2900
IBM 1401 is_________?
A. First Generation Computer
B. Second Generation Computer
C. Third Generation Computer
D . Fourth Generation Computer
Chief component of first generation computer was__________?
A. Transistors
B. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
C. Integrated Circuits
D. None of above
Second Generation computers were developed during___________?
A. 1949 to 1955
B. 1956 to 1965
C. 1965 to 1970
D. 1970 to 1990
The computer size was very large in__________?
a. First Generation
b. Second Generation
c. Third Generation
d. Fourth Generation
Microprocessors as switching devices are for ___________generation computers?
A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation
Which of the following devices can be sued to directly image printed text?
D. All of above
The output quality of a printer is measured by____________?
A. Dot per inch
B. Dot per sq. inch
C. Dots printed per unit time
D. All of above
In analogue computer_____________?
A. Input is first converted to digital form
B. Input is never converted to digital form
C. Output is displayed in digital form
D. All of above
In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed___________?
A. Parallel only
B. Sequentially only
C. Both sequentially and parallel
D. All of above

Who designed the first electronics computer – ENIAC?
A. Van-Neumann
B. Joseph M. Jacquard
C. J. Presper Eckert and John W Mauchly
D. All of above
Who invented the high level language “C”?
A. Dennis M. Ritchie
B. Niklaus Writh
C. Seymour Papert
D. Donald Kunth
Personnel who design, program, operate and maintain computer equipment refers to__________?
A. Console-operator
B. Programmer
C. Peopleware
D. System Analyst
Human beings are referred to as Homosapinens, which device is called Sillico Sapiens?
A. Monitor
B. Hardware
C. Robot
D. Computer
An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?
A. Leech
B. Squid
C. Slug
D. Glitch
Modern Computer are very reliable but they are not___________?
A. Fast
B. Powerful
C. Infallible
D. Cheap
Personal computers use a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?
A. Daughter board
B. Motherboard
C. Father board
D. Breadboard
What is meant by a dedicated computer?
A. Which is used by one person only
B. Which is assigned one and only one task
C. Which uses one kind of software
D. Which is meant for application software
The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except:
A. Microprocessor
B. Disk controller
C. Serial interface
D. Modem
A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an
A. Interpreter
B. Simulator
C. Compiler
D. Commander
A computer program that translates one program instructions at a time into machine language is called a/an___________?
A. Interpreter
C. Compiler
D. Simulator
A small or intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a________?
A. Computer
B. Microcomputer
C. Programmable
D. Sensor
A fault in a computer program which prevents it from working correctly is known as___________?
A. Boot
B. Bug
C. Biff
D. Strap
A self replicating program, similar to a virus which was taken from a 1970s science fiction novel by John Bruner entitled the Shockwave Rider is__________?
A. Bug
B. Vice
C. Lice
D. Worm
Unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as_________?
A. Spam
B. Trash
C. Calibri
D. Courier
DOS stands for____________?
A. Disk Operating System
B. Disk operating session
C. Digital Operating System
D. Digital Open system
Who is the Current CEO of Microsoft?
A. Babbage
B. Bill Gates
C. Bill Clinton
D. Satya Nadella
Which of the following are input devices?
A. Keyboard
B. Mouse
C. Card reader
D. Any of these
Examples of output devices are?
A. Screen
B. Printer
C. Speaker
D. All of these
Which of the following is also known as brain of computer?
A. Control unit
B. Central Processing unit
C. Arithmetic and language unit
D. Monitor
____________translates and executes program at run time line by line?
A. Compiler
B. Interpreter
C. Linker
D. Loader
RAM stands for___________?
A. Random origin money
B. Random only memory
C. Read only memory
D. Random access memory
1 Byte =___________?
A. 8 bits
B. 4 bits
C. 2 bits
D. 9 bits
The device used to carry digital data on analogue lines is called as_________?
A. Modem
B. Multiplexer
C. Modulator
D. Demodulator
BIOS stands for__________?
A. Basic Input Output system
B. Binary Input output system
C. Basic Input Off system
D. all the above
Father of “C‘ programming language?
A. Dennis Ritchie
B. Prof John Keenly
C. Thomas Kurtz
D. Bill Gates
The instructions that tell a computer how to carry out the processing tasks are referred to as computer___________?
A. programs
B. processors
C. input devices
D. memory modules
An area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed is___________?
B. Memory
C. Storage
D. File
___________ is the key to close a selected drop -down list; cancel a command and close a dialog box.
D. F10
___________is the key we use to run the selected command?
____________Is the functional key to display save-as box?
A. F5
B. F6
C. F9
D. F12
Data becomes____________when it is presented in a format that people can understand and use.
A. processed
B. graphs
C. information
D. presentation
The term___________designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality.
A. digital device
B. system add-on
C. disk pack
D. peripheral device
A ____________is a microprocessor -based computing device?
A. personal computer
B. mainframe
C. workstation
D. server
RAM can be treated as the____________for the computer’s processor?
A. factory
B. operating room
C. waiting room
D. planning room
Which of the following are the functions of a operating system?
A. Allocates resources
B. Monitors Activities
C. Manages disks and files
D. All of the above
To move a copy of file from one computer to another over a communication channel is called?
A. File transfer
B. File encryption
C. File modification
D. File copying
The primary function of the__________is to set up the hardware and load and start an operating system?
A. System Programs
D. Memory
What kind of memory is both static and non -volatile?
_____________is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide platform for running application software?
A. Application software
B. System software
C. Software
D. Operating system
The______________is the amount of data that a storage device can move from the storage medium to the Computer per second?
A. data migration rate
B. data digitizing rate
C. data transfer rate
D. data access rate
A device, which is not connected to CPU, is called as___________?
A. land-line device
B. On-line device
C. Off-line device
D. Device
What is the other name for programmed chip?
On-line real time systems become popular in______________generation?
A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation
You use a(n)___________such as a keyboard or mouse, to input information?
A. output device
B. input device
C. storage device
D. processing device
_______________is the ability of a device to “jump” directly to the requested data?
A. Sequential access
B. Random access
C. Quick access
D. All of the above
_________________provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously?
A. Multitasking
B. Multithreading
C. Multiprocessing
D. Multicomputing
The task of performing operations like arithmetic and logical operations is called____________?
A. Processing
B. Storing
C. Editing
D. Sorting
ALU and Control Unit jointly known as__________?
RAM is an example of___________?
A. Secondary memory
B. Primary memory
C. Main memory
D. Both (1) and (2)
Magnetic disk is an example of____________?
A. Secondary memory
B. Primary memory
C. Main memory
D. Both (1) and (2)
Which one of the following is NOT a computer language?
A. MS-Excel
D. C++
___________Store data or information temporarily and pass it on as directed by the control unit?
A. Address
B. Register
C. Number
D. Memory
Select the Odd one from the following
A. Operating system
B. Interpreter
C. Compiler
D. Assembler
A________________is an additional set of commands that the computer displays after you make a selection from the main menu?
A. dialog box
B. submenu
C. menu selection
D. All of the above
COBOL is an acronym for________________?
A. Common Business Oriented Language
B. Computer Business Oriented Language
C. Common Business Operated Language
D. Common Business Organized Language
All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT____________?
A. hackers
B. Spam
C. Viruses
D. identity theft
Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer?
A. gathering data
B. processing data into information
C. analyzing the data or information
D. storing the data or information
All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT____________?
A. hard disk drives
B. printers
C. floppy disk drives
D. CD drives
The CPU and memory are located on the__________?
A. expansion board
B. motherboard
C. storage device
D. output device
______________is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do?
A. Nanoscience
B. Nanotechnology
C. Simulation
D. Artificial intelligence (Al)
Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a___________?
A. network
B. mainframe
C. supercomputer
D. client
When creating a computer program, the____________designs the structure of the program?
A. End user
B. System Analyst
C. Programmer
D. All of the above
Computers process data into information by working exclusively with____________?
A. multimedia
B. word
C. numbers
D. characters
Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called___________?
A. upgrading
B. processing
C. batching
D. utilizing
The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal’s computer is an example of a law enforcement speciality called___________?
A. robotics
B. simulation
C. computer forensics
D. animation
Where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy ?
The_____________data mining technique derives rules from real-world case examples?
A. Rule discover
B. Signal processing
C. Neural nets
D. Case-based reasoning
_____________are used to identify a user who returns to a Website?
A. Cookies
B. Plug-ins
C. Scripts
Codes consisting of lines of varying widths or lengths that are computer-readable are known as__________?
A. an ASCII code
B. a magnetic tape
C. an OCR scanner
D. a bar code
Why is it unethical to share copyrighted files with your friends?
A. It is not unethical, because it is legal.
B. It is unethical because the files are being given for free.
C. Sharing copyrighted files without permission breaks copyright laws.
D. It is not unethical because the files are being given for free.
Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym________?
The most common type of storage devices are_________?
A. Steel
B. optical
C. magnetic
D. flash
A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be___________?
A. Distributed
B. free
C. centralized
D. none of these
A person who used his or her expertise to gain access to other people’s computers to get information illegally or do damage is a____________?
A. Hacker
B. spammer
C. instant messenger
D. programmer
To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is_____________?
A. Dragging
B. dropping
C. right-clicking
D. shift-clicking
A DVD is an example of a (n)___________?
A. hard disk
B. optical disc
C. output device
D. solid-state storage device
The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called_____________?
A. Downloading
B. uploading
___________is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors?
A. Tracking
B. Formatting
C. Crashing
D. Allotting
ASCII is a coding system that provides_____________?
A. 256 different characters
B. 512 different characters
C. 1024 different characters
D. 128 different characters
Which part of the computer is directly involved in executing the instructions of the computer program?
A. The scanner
B. The main storage
C. The secondary storage
D. The processor
When a computer is switched on, the booting process performs___________?
A. Integrity Test
B. Power-On Self-Test
C. Correct Functioning Test
D. Reliability Test
A computer system that is old and perhaps not satisfactory is referred to as a(n)____________?
A. Ancient system
B. Historical system
C. Age old system
D. Legacy system
Which of the following is not a binary number?
A. 001
B. 101
C. 202
D. 110
Which of the following does not store data permanently?
C. Floppy Disk
D. Hard Disk
Which of the following is the smallest storage?
A. Megabyte
B. Gigabyte
C. Terabyte
D. None of these

Which of the following contains permanent data and gets updated during the processing of transactions?
A. Operating System File
B. Transaction file
C. Software File
D. Master file
A modem is connected to_____________?
A. a telephone line
B. a keyboard
C. a printer
D. a monitor
Large transaction processing systems in automated organisations use___________?
A. Online processing
B. Batch Processing
C. Once-a-day Processing
D. End-of-day processing
Which of the following is not a storage medium?
A. Hard disk
B. Flash drive
D. scanner
The computer abbreviation KB usually means____________?
A. Key Block
B. Kernel Boot
C. Kilo Byte
D. Kit Bit
The typical computer criminal is a(n)____________?
A. Young hacker.
B. Trusted employee with no criminal record.
C. Trusted employee with a long, but unknown criminal record.
D. Overseas young cracker.
The common name for the crime of stealing passwords is____________?
A. Jacking.
B. Identity theft.
C. Spoofing.
D. Hacking.
Collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual is known as the crime of_____________?
A. Spooling.
B. Identity theft.
C. Spoofing.
D. Hacking.
Malicious software is known as____________?
A. Badware.
B. Malware.
C. Maliciousware.
D. Illegalware
A program that performs a useful task while simultaneously allowing destructive acts is a___________?
A. Worm.
B. Trojan horse.
C. Virus.
D. Macro virus
An intentionally disruptive program that spreads from program to program or from disk to disk is known as a_____________?
A. Trojan horse.
B. Virus.
C. Time bomb.
D. Time-related bomb sequence.
In 1999, the Melissa virus was a widely publicised:____________?
A. E-mail virus.
B. Macro virus.
C. Trojan horse.
D. Time bomb.
What type of virus uses computer hosts to reproduce itself?
A. Time bomb
B. Worm
C. Melissa virus
D. Macro virus
The thing that eventually terminates a worm virus is a lack of:
A. Memory or disk space.
B. Time.
C. CD drives space.
When a logic bomb is activated by a time-related event, it is known as a____________?
A. Time-related bomb sequence.
B. Virus.
C. Time bomb.
D. Trojan horse.
What is the name of an application program that gathers user information and sends it to someone through the Internet?
A. A virus
B. Spybot
C. Logic bomb
D. Security patch
____________is the measurement of things such as fingerprints and retinal scans used for security access?
A. Biometrics
B. Bio measurement
C. Computer security
D. Smart weapon machinery
What is the most common tool used to restrict access to a computer system?
A. User logins
B. Passwords
C. Computer keys
D. Access-control software
Hardware or software designed to guard against unauthorized access to a computer network is known as a(n)___________?
A. Hacker-proof program
B. Firewall
C. Hacker-resistant server
D. Encryption safe wall
The scrambling of code is known as___________?
A. Encryption
B. a firewall
C. Scrambling
D. Password proofing
To prevent the loss of data during power failures, use a(n)_____________?
A. Encryption program
B. Surge protector
C. Firewall
__________is defined as any crime completed through the use of computer technology?
A. Computer forensics
B. Computer crime
C. Hacking
D. Cracking
___________refers to electronic trespassing or criminal hacking?
A. Cracking
B. Jacking
C. Spoofing
D. Smarming
The first electronic computer was developed by____________?
A. J.V. Attansoff
B. Bill Gates
C. Simur Cray
D. Winton Serf
_____________computers operates essentially by counting?
A. Portable computer
B. Hybrid computer
C. Analog computer
D. Digital computer
____________computer is small general purpose micro computer, but larger than portable computer?
A. Hybrid
B. Digital
C. Desktop
D. Laptop
Cathode Ray Tube is a form of__________?
A. Keyboard
B. Mouse
C. Monitor
D. Mother board

____________computer is a medium sized computer?
A. Micro
B. Mainframe
C. Super
D. Mini
_________computer are of large size?
A. Micro
B. Mainframe
C. Super
D. Mini
Note book, laptop,palm,hand-held computers are coming under the category of__________computer?
A. Digital computer
B. Mainframe computer
C. Portable computer
D. Hybrid computer
Touch Screen is___________?
A. Input device
B. Output device
C. Both A & B above
D. None of these
____________are used for plotting graphs and design on papers?
A. Trackball
B. Joystick
C. Light pen
D. Plotters
_______________are specific to users’ needs?
A. System software
B. Application software
C. Assemblers
D. Compilers
“MAN” stands for_______________?
A. Maximum Area Network
B. Minimum Area Network
C. Main Area Network
D. Metropolitan Area Network
Which of the following is a network topology?
VOIP stands for___________?
A. Voice over IP
B. Video over IP
C. Viruses over IP
D. Virtual over IP
LAN stands for______________?
A. Limited Area Network
B. Logical Area Network
C. Local Area Network
D. Large Area Network
_____________are set of rules and procedures to control the data transmission over the internet?
A. IP address
B. Domains
C. Protocol
D. Gateway
NOS stands for______________?
A. Node operating system
B. Non-open software
C. Network Operating system
D. Non-operating software
_______________are system software to facilitate editing of text and data?
A. MS Word
B. Editors
C. PowerPoint
D. MS publisher
Computers, combine both measuring and counting, are called________________?
A. Analog
B. Digital
C. Hybrid 
D. All of these
In world today, most of the computers are_____________?
A. Digital
B. Hybrid
C. Analog
D. Complex
physical structure of computer is called____________?
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Human ware
D. All of these
In which type of computer, data are represented as discrete signals?
A. Analog computer
B. Digital computer
C. both
D. Hybrid Computer
C’ in CPU denotes___________?
A. Central
B. Common
C. Convenient
D. Computer
E. None of these
Which of the following uses a handheld operating system?
A. supercomputer
B. personal computer
C. Laptop

To display the contents of a folder in Windows Explorer you should:
A. click on it
B. collapse it
C. name it
D. give it a password
E. None of these
The CPU comprises of Control, Memory and_______________units?
A. Microprocessor
B. Arithmetic/Logic
C. Output
A(n)_______________appearing on a web page opens another document when clicked.
A. anchor
C. hyperlink
D. reference
_____________is a windows utility program that locates and eliminates unncessary fragments and rearranges filed and unused disk space to optimize operations?
A. Backup
B. Disk cleanup
C. Disk Defragmenter
D. Restore
_______________is the most important/powerful computer in a typical network?
A. Desktop
B. Network client
C. Network server
D. Network station
The software that is used to create text-based documents are referred to as_________________?
B. Suites
C. Spreadsheets
D. Word processors
_______________devices convert human understandable data and programs into a form that the computer can process?
A. Printing
B. Output
C. Solid state
D. Input
What feature adjusts the top and bottom margins so that the text is centered vertically on the printed page?
A. Vertical justifying
B. Vertical adjusting
C. Dual centering
D. Horizontal centering
Which of these is not a means of personal communication on the internet?
A. Chat
B. Instant messaging
C. Insta notes
D. Electronic mail
What is the overall term for creating editing, formatting, storing, retrieving and printing a text document?
A. Word processing
B. Spreadsheet design
C. Web design
D. Database management
Fourth generation mobile technology provides enhanced capabilities allowing the transfer of both____________data, including full-motion video, high-speed internet access, and video conferencing.
A. video data and information
B. voice and non-voice
C. music and video
D. video and audio
Which of these is a point and draw device?
A. Mouse
B. Scanner
C. Printer
A set of rules for telling the computer what operations to perform is called a______________?
A. procedural language
B. structures
C. natural language
D. programming language
A detailed written description of the programming cycle and the program, along with the test results and a printout of the program is called___________?
A. documentation
B. output
C. reporting
D. spec sheets
Forms that are used to organize business data into rows and coloumns are called_____________?
A. transaction sheets
B. registers
C. business forms
D. spread sheets
In power point, the header and footer button can be found on the insert tab in what group?
A. Illustrations group
B. Object group
C. Text group
D. Tables group
A(n)_____________is a set of programs designed to manage the resources of a computer, including starting the computer, managing programs, managing memory and coordinating tasks between input and output devices?
A. application suite
C. input/output system
D. Operating system
E. None of these
A(n)_____________program is one that is ready to run and does not need to be altered in any way.
A. Interpreter
B. High level
C. Compiler
D. Executable
What is the name given to those applications that combine text, sound, graphics, motion video, and/or animation?
A. Motionware
B. Anigraphics
C. Videoscapes
D. Multimedia
E. None of these
A(n)____________language reflects the way people think mathematically.
A. cross-platform programming
B. 3GL business programming
C. event driven programming
D. functional
When entering text within a document, the Enter key is normally pressed at the end of every____________?
A. Line
B. Sentence
C. Paragraph
D. Word
E. None of these
Which of the following software could assist someone who cannot use their hands for computer input?
A. Video conferencing
B. Speech recognition
C. Audio digitizer
D. Synthesizer
Memory unit is one part of____________?
A. Input device
B. Control unit
C. Output device
D. Central Processing Unit
Microprocessors can be used to make________________?
A. Computer
B. Digital systems
C. Calculators
D. All of the above
Which statement is valid about computer program?
A. High level languages must be converted into machine language to execute
B. High level language programs are more efficient and faster to execute
C. It is more difficult to identify errors in high level language program than in low level programs
D. All of above
By programmable machine we mean_____________?
A. computers
B. modern television
C. washing machines
D. anything that can be set to perform different tasks with suitable programs
Which of the following is a secondary memory device?
A. Keyboard
B. Disk
D. All of the above
One of the popular mass storage device is CD ROM. What does CD ROM stand for?
A. Compactable Read Only Memory
B. Compact Data Read Only Memory
C. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
D. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
Identify the true statement about computer.
A. Computers are 100% accurate but it can suffer from GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out)
B. Computers are reliable because they use electronic component which have very low failure rate
C. Computer is never tired and does not suffer from boredom
D. All of above
The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as___________?
A. Hardware
B. Software
C. Firmware
D. ROM ware
Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?
A. Static RAM
B. Dynamic RAM
What do you call the translator which takes assembly language program as input & produce machine language code as output?
A. Compiler
B. Interpreter
C. Debugger
D. Assembler
Serial access memories are useful in applications where:
A. Data consists of numbers
B. Short access time is required
C. Each stored word is processed differently
D. Data naturally needs to flow in and out in serial form
In_______________mode, the communication channel is used in both directions at the same time?
A. Full-duplex
B. Simplex
C. Half-duplex
D. None of the above
Who invented Slide Rules?
A. John Napier
B. William Oughtred
C. Gottfried Leibnitz
D. Blaise Pascal
The proper definition of a modern digital computer is____________?
A. An electronic automated machine that can solve problems involving words and numbers
B. A more sophistic and modified electronic pocket calculator
C. Any machine that can perform mathematical operations
D. A machine that works on binary code
Memory is made up of_____________?
A. Set of wires
B. Set of circuits
C. Large number of cells
D. All of these
Which of the following is the most powerful computers?
A. Mainframe Computer
B. Mini Computers
C. Micro Computers
D. Super Computers
Which of the printers used in conjunction with computers uses dry ink powder?
A. Daisy wheel printer
B. Line printer
C. Laser printer
D. Thermal printer
In which generation Computers vacuum tube were used?
A. First generation
B. Second generation
C. Third generation
D. Fourth generation
IC are classified on the basis of_____________?
A. Manufacturing company
B. Type of computer
C. Number of transistors
D. None of these
What computer virus holds the record for being the most widespread computer virus?
A. I Love You
B. Nimdad
C. Melissa
D. Christmas
Process of loading and fixing or bypassing errors in computer program code is called___________?
A. Debugging
B. Defusing
C. Defragmenting
D. Defrosting
CSS stands for__________?
A. Central Superior Services
B. Cascading style sheets
C. Both
D. None of above
TCP/IP invented by_____________?
A. Robert E. Kahn
B. Vint Cerf
C. Alan turing
D. A & B
Smallest font size in MS-word is____________?
A. 6
B. 8 
C. 10
D. 12
The World Wide Web was invented by____________?
A. Tim Berners-Lee
B. Bob Kahn
C. Steve Jobs
D. Bill Gates
Wifi Stands For_____________?
A. Wireless Fidelity
B. Wireless functioning
C. Wireless function
D. None of the above
What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting toolbar?
A. 6 and 72
B. 6 and 68
C. 8 and 72
D. 7 and 72
Which of the following is true regarding page Orientation of a Document?
A. Page Orientation can be changed at any time 
B. Page Orientation of document determines by printer
C. Page Orientation must be set before start typing
D. Page Orientation of a document cannot be changed
Vector graphics is composed of_____________?
A. Pixels
B. Paths
C. Palette
D. None of above
Shortcut key for Change case is____________?
A. Shift+F3
B. Ctrl+Shift+F3
C. Ctrl+F5
D. Ctrl+Alt
Rearranging data in a new sequence is known as__________?
A. Uploading
B. Updating
C. Sorting
Which device is used to process data?
Pressing F8 key for three time selects____________?
A. A sentence
B. A paragraph
C. A word
D. Entire document
What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character in Ms Word?
A. 160
B. 163
C. 1638
D. 16038
Which of the following types of memory improves processing by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between the memory and the CPU?
D. Cache memory
E. Flash memory
Windows 10 was launched in which year?
A. 2012
B. 2013
C. 2015
D. 2014
Which one is not a nickname of a version of Andriod?
A. Honeycomb
B. Cupcake
C. Gingerbread
D. Muffin
Operating system is like a______?
A. Government
B. Police
C. Parliament
D. All of above
Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have an extension?
A. 123
C. WK1
How many sheets are there in Excel Workbook by default?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Who is the founder of IBM Company?
A. Nolan Bushnell
B. Steve Jobs
C. Thomas J. Watson
D. Bill Gates
Shortcut key to create a New Folder on Windows PC is ___________?
A. Ctrl+N
B. Ctrl+Alt+N
C. Ctrl+Shit+N 
D. None.
The ribbon is used in_________?
A. Laser Printer
B. Plotter
C. Ink-jet printer
D. Dot Matrix printer
The word Computer used for the first time in____________?
A. 1613
B. 1614
C. 1615
D. 1616
Compiler can check___________?
A. Syntax Error
B. Logical Error
C. Both Logical and Syntax Error
D. None of these
Computers that are used in large organizations such as insurance companies and banks, where many people frequently need to use same data, are____?
A. mainframe computers
B. super computers
C. hybrid computers
D. desktop computers
The first completely 64-bit compatible version of Android was____?
A. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
B. Android 5.0 Lollipop
C. Android 3.0 Honeycomb
D. Android 2.3 Gingerbread
In 1940, first electronic computer was invented by_______?
A. Clifford Bery
B. George Boole
C. Atanasoff and Berry
D. John V.Atanasoff
In computer, ALU has____________?
A. 2units
B. 3units
C. 4units
D. 5units
Android was founded in_________?
A. 2005
B. 2003
C. 2004
D. 2006
How many ways you can save a document in Microsoft word?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 5
ISP stands for___________?
A. internet server provider
B. internal server provider
C. internet service provider
D. insta service provider
Handheld computer is also called__________?
A. Palmtop computer
B. Laptop computer
C. Notebook computer
D. None of these
Types of e-commerce____________?
A. Business-to-Business (B2B)
B. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
C. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
D. All of above
An Email is a combination of_____________?
A. Name and Address
B. Name and Phone no
C. User Name and Domain Name
D. User Name and User id
____________is the process of making changes to a document’s existing content.
A. Creating
B. Editing
C. Cutting
D. Forming
A______________is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval and use of that data.
A. File
B. Recordset
C. Database
D. document
DBMS stands for____________?
A. Database management system
B. Database maintaince system
C. Database maintaince and storage
D. Database management Sound
SQL is a query language and has types_______________?
A. Data definition language
B. Data manipulation language
C. Data control language
D. All of the above
Which of the following is non-available memory?
B. Register
MS-Access is program for____________?
A. Presentation
B. Documentation
C. Calculation
D. Data Base
A device through which we enter data in a computer known as ___________?
A. Storage Device
B. Internal Device
C. Prcessing Device
D. Input Device
Ctrl+B is used to?
A. To underline the selected text
B. To save the text
C. To Bold the selected text
D. To itallic the text
The birthplace of the World Wide Web was__________?
B. Pentagon
D. Microsoft
Which language is used to create macros in Excel?
A. Visual Basic
B. C
C. Visual C++
D. Java
Which of the following state has been declared as India’s first digital state________?
A. Kerala
B. Karnataka
C. Delhi
D. Mumbai
” Sure Victory ” is a Sri Lankan counter-insurgency operations against the Tamil Tigers in____________?
A. 1995
B. 1996
C. 1997
D. 1998
Components of computer system are?
A. Hardware
B. Software
C. Applications
D. Both A and B
Which language does MS-Word use to create Macros?
A. Visual C++
B. Visual Java
C. Visual Basic
D. None of the above
FTP stand for__________?
A. File Transfer Post
B. File Transfer Protocol
C. File Transit Protocol
D. None of these
In 1999, the Melissa virus was a widely publicized:_____________?
A. E-mail virus 
B. Macro virus
C. Trojan horse
D. Time bomb
Disk and tape drives are commonly used?
A. Hard copy
B. Soft copy
C. Secondary storage devices
D. none of the above
In peer-to-peer networking:
A. there is only one server and many clients
B. there is only one client and many servers
C. every computer is capable of playing the role of server
D. every computer is capable of playing the role of client, server or both at the same time
UTP stands for
A.  Unshielded Transmission Protocol
B.  Unshielded Twisted Pair
C.  Unshielded Transfer Pair
D.  Unshielded T-line Protocol
OCR stands for____________?
A.  Output Character Recorder
B.  Output Character Recognition
C.  Optical Character Recorder
D.  Optical Character Recognition
DVD Stands For:__________?
A. Digital Versatile Disk
B. Digital Versatile Drive
C. Digital volume disk
D. Digital Video drive
Shortcut key to open Font dialog box is ____________.
A. Ctrl+Shift+D
B. Ctrl+Alt+ D
C. Ctrl+D
D. Alt+D
Who was the World first Computer Programmer?
A. Niklaus Wirth
B. Ada Lovelace
C. Bill Gates
D. Dennis Ritchie
Which shortcut key is used for calculating current sheet in Ms Excel?
A. Ctrl+F9
B. Shift+F9
C. F9
D. F7
Which technology provides a solution for PC virtualization?
A. Hyper-Visor
B. Server Clustering
C. Terminal Services
Shortcut to insert new slide in the current presentation is ______________.
A. Ctrl+N
B. Ctrl+M
C. Ctrl+O
D. Ctrl+D
E.  None
_________ is the shortcut key to select the entire row in Excel.
A. Alt + Space bar
B. Shift + Space bar
C. Ctrl + Space bar
D. None

_________ is the shortcut key to select the entire column in Excel.
A. Alt + Space bar
B. Shift + Space bar
C. Ctrl + Space bar
D. None
Shortcut key to insert a new worksheet in Excel is ____________.
A. Shift + F8
B. Shift + F9
C. Shift + F10
D. Shift + F11
_________ is the largest computer.
A. Mini Computer
B. Micro Computer
C. Mainframe Computer
D. Super Computer
____________ is the shortcut key to display active cell in Excel.
A. Shift + Backspace
B. Ctrl + Backspace
C. Alt + Backspace
D. None
HDMI stands for
A. High-Definition Multimedia Input
B. High-Density Multichip Interconnect
C. High-Definition Multimedia Interface
D. High-Definition Multichip Interconnect
Bit is also called ______________.
A. Small
B. Character
C. Byte
D. Binary Digit
Website is a ___________.
A. Data
B. Address
C. Search engine
D. None
API stands for
A. Algorithmic Protocol Interface
B. Adapter Protocol Interface
C. Application Programming Interface
D. Accellerated Programming Interface
DMA stands for
A. Direct Module Access
B. Distinct Module Access
C. Direct Memory Access
D. Direct Memory Allocation

Which of the following is the largest storage?
A. Megabyte
B. Petabyte
C. Kilobyte
D. Terabyte
E. Gigabyte
Printer is an ________________.
A. Input device
B. Software
C. Output device
D. None of above
SATA stands for
A. Student Athletic Training Association
B. Specialized Assault Tactical Androids
C. Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
D. Student Air Travel Association
Compilers and interpreters are themselves:______________?
A. High-level language
B. Codes
C. Programs
D. Mnemonics
Which is another name for functional language?
A. Machine
B. Application language
C. Low-level language
D. High-level language
HDD stands for
A. High Density Disk
B. Heavy Duty Diesel
C. Heating Degree Days
D. Hard Disk Drive
Programs designed to perform specific task is known as ________________.
A. System software
B. Application software
C. Utility programs
D. Operating system
Which of the following is machine independence program?
A. High level language
B. Low level language
C. Assembly language
D. Machine language
PDA stands for
A. Personal Digital Assistant
B. People’s Digital Assistant
C. Personal Data Assistant
D. People’s Data Assistant
_____ computers are also called personal computers.
A. Super Computers
B. Mini Computers
C. Micro Computers
D. Mainframe Computers

When was the first electro-mechanic Computer developed?
A. 1880
B. 1944
C. 1960
D. 1980
FDD stands for
A. Flight Dynamics Division
B. Feature Driven Development
C. Floppy Disk Drive
D. Frequency Division Duplex
The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called ____________.
A. Classifying
B. Sorting
C. Summarizing
D. Reproducing
BCD stands for
A. Bit Coded Decimal
B. Binary Coded Digit
C. Bit Coded Digit
D. Binary Coded Decimal
RJ45 UTP cable has ______ cables.
A. 2 pair
B. 3 pair
C. 4 pair
D. 5 pair
Word length of a personal computer is _______.
A. 4 bits
B. 8 bits
C. 16 bits
D. 64 bits
Shortcut key to double underline the selected text is _______.
A. Ctrl + Alt + D
B. Shift + Alt + U
C. Ctrl + Shift + U
D. Ctrl + Shift + D
NIC stands for
A. Network Information center
B. Network Identity Card
C. Network Interface Card
D. Network Internet Card
Which generation of computer is still under development?
A. Fourth Generation
B. Fifth Generation
C. Sixth Generation
D. Seventh Generation
LED stands for
A. Light Emission Digit
B. Light Emitting Diode
C. Light Emission Depot
D. Light Emission Direct
What is an interpreter?
A. An interpreter does the conversion line by line as the program is run.
B. An interpreter is the representation of the system being designed.
C. An interpreter is a general purpose language providing very efficient execution.
D. None of these
Shortcut to quit Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Access, Excel etc is ______________.
A. Alt + F4
B. Ctrl + W
C. Shift + F4
D. Alt + W
Abacus was the first __________________.
A. Electronic computer
B. mechanical computer
C. electronic calculator
D. mechanical calculator
ASP stands for
A. Active Start Pages
B. Action Start Pages
C. Active Server Pages
D. Active Standalone Pages
Which file format can be added to a PowerPoint show?
A. .jpg
B. .giv
C. .wav
D. All of the above
Who is the father of personal computer?
A. Edward Robert
B. Allen Turing
C. Charles Babbage
D. None of these
GPS stands for ________?
A. Grade Positioning System
B. Global Post System
C. Guarantee Positioning System
D. Global Positioning System
Who is the father of Computer science?
A. Allen Turing
B. Charles Babbage
C. Simur Cray
D. Augusta Adaming
Physical structure of computer is called __________?
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Human ware
D. All of these
The effect applied to display when slides changes in slide show view is ______?
A.  Custom Animation
B.  Slide Animation
C. Slide Transition
D.  Custom Transition
The first web browser is _______?
A. Mosaic
B. Netscape
C. Internet explorer
D. Collabra
How to start slide show of a presentation?
A. Hit F5 key
B. From Slide Show menu choose View Show option
C. From Slide Show menu choose Rehearse timing
D. Both a & b
Which of the following is/ are operating systems?
A. Windows
B. Unix
C. OS/2
D. All of these
Muhammad Danish
USB stands for ________?
A. Uniform Serial Bus
B. Uniform System Bus
C. Universal Serial Bus
D. Universal System Bus

___________ is system software to facilitate editing of text and data?
A. MS Word
B. Editors ….
c. PowerPoint
D. MS publisher
A fixed territory in which authority can be exercised is?
A. juristic
B. jurisdiction
C. jurisprudence
D. juristic

To insert a hyperlink in a slide
A. Choose Insert >> Hyperlink
B. Press Ctrl + K
C. Hyperlinks can’t be inserted in slides
D. Both a & b

Pressing F8 key for three times selects ________?
A. A paragraph
B. A word
C. A sentence
D. A whole page
E. None

Which file is responsible to start MS word?
A. Win.exe
B. Word.exe
C. Winword.exe
D. None

VLSI stands for ___________?
A. Very Large Scale Immunisation
B. Very Large Scale Integration
C. Very Large Scale Industry
D. Very Low Scale Immunisation

The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) is?
A. Slide show
B. Slide sorter view
C. Notes page view
D. Outline view

Collection of characters, numbers and symbols is?
A. Data
B. Keyboard
C. Monitor
D. Ram

ANSI stands for _______?
A. Asian Narcotics Standards Institute
B. American National Standards Institute
C. Asian National Standards Institute
D. American Narcotics Standards Institute

How to remove all character formats in MS Word?
A. Shift + Spacebar
B. Shift + Enter
C. Ctrl + Spacebar
D. Ctrl + Enter

How many ways you can save a document?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
What is the default number of lines to drop for drop cap is ______?
A. 3
B. 7
C. 10
D. 15

How many different positions can you set for drop cap?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6

Single spacing in MS-Word document causes ____ point line spacing?
A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16

What is the smallest width of a column in MS Word?
A. 0″
B. 0.5″
C. 1″
D. 1.5″

WhatsApp was founded in 2009 by:_____________?
A. Brian Acton
B. Jan Koum
C. Mark Zuckerberg
D. Both A & B
How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum?
A. 35
B. 45
C. 55
D. 65

In MS Word, What is the maximum scale percentage available in scale drop down box?
A. 400
B. 100
C. 150
D. 200 
E. 300

Shortcut key to split a table is __________________?
A. Ctrl + Alt + Enter
B. Ctrl + Shift + Enter
C. Alt + Shift + Enter
D. Alt + space + Enter

COBOL stands for __________?
A. Common Book Oriented Language
B. Common Basic Oriented Language
C. Common Boot Oriented Language
D. Common Business Oriented Language

What is the maximum number of columns that can be inserted in MS Word Table?
A. 35
B. 45
C. 55
D. 63
E. 65
CD stands for ______?
A. Composite Disk
B. Company Disk
C. Compact Disk
D. Criteria Disk

You can detect spelling and grammar errors by ___________?
A. Press Shift + F7
B. Press Ctrl + F7
C. Press Alt+ F7
D. Press F7

KB stands for ________?
A. Kernel Boot
B. Kit Bit
C. Kilo Byte
D. Key Block

FTP stands for ________?
A. Fix Transfer Protocol
B. File Transfer Procedure
C. File Transfer Protocol
D. First Transfer Protocol

BMP stands for ________?
A. Byte map
B. Bit map
C. Byte map process
D. Bit map process

FORTRAN stands for ________?
A. Formula transistor
B. Formula translation
C. Formula train network
D. Formula translation network

DVI stands for ________?
A. Digital Video Internet
B. Digital Video Interface
C. Disc Video Interface
D. Disc Video Internet

RTF stands for ________?
A. Right Text Format
B. Read Text Format
C. Rich Text Format
D. Royal Text Format

LCD stands for ________?
A. Liquid Clear Display
B. Light Clear Display
C. Light Crystal Display
D. Liquid Crystal Display
AGP stands for ________?
A. Accelerated Group Part
B. Advanced Graphics Port
C. Accelerated Graphics Port
D. Advanced Group Part
ADF stands for ________?
A. All Disc Feeder
B. Automatic Document Feeder
C. Automatic Document Finder
D. Automatic Disc Finder

SWF stands for ________?
A. Shut Wave Flash
B. Shock Wave Player
C. Shock Wave Flash
D. Shut Wave Flash

PHP stands for ___________?
A. Processor Hypertext Program
B. Hypertext Preprocessor
C. Pre Hypertext Processor
D. Pre Processor Hypertext

CRT stands for ______?
A. Crystal Ray Tube
B. Cathode Ray Tube
C. Cabin Ray Tube
D. Carbon Ray Tube

PDF stands for ________?
A. Printed Document Format
B. Public Document Format
C. Portable Document Format
D. Published Document Format

MAC stands for ________?
A. Mass Access Control
B. Media Access Control
C. Mass Access Carraige
D. Media Access Carraige

IP stands for ________?
A. Intranet Process
B. Internet Process
C. Intranet Protocol
D. Internet Protocol

ASCII stands for ________?
A. American Standard Code for Inked Information
B. American Standard Code for Information Inked
C. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
D. Asian Standard Code for Information Interchange

ISDN stands for ________?
A. Integrated Service Digital Network
B. Intelligent Service Digital Network
C. Integrated Service Double Network
D. Integrated Secure Digital Network

NOS stands for ________?
A. New Operating System
B. Network Operating Source
C. Network Operating System
D. Network Original System
TCP stands for ________?
A. Transmission Centric Protocol
B. Transfer Control Protocol
C. Transmission Control Protocol
D. Transmission Control Process

HTML stands for ________?
A. Hyper Text Magic Line
B. Hyper Text Markup Line
C. Hyper Text Markup Language
D. High Text Markup Language

ANSI stands for ________?
A. American Nation Standard Instruction Codes
B. American National Standard Institute
C. Asian National Standard Instruction Codes
D. Asian Nations Standard Instruction Codes

COMPUTER stands for ________?
A. Competent Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education and Research
B. Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education and Research
C. Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Trade Education and Research
D. Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Electron and Research

MODEM stands for ________?
A. Modulation And Demodulation
B. Modulator And Demodulator
C. Modulator And Electronic Demodulator
D. Modulator Or Digital Electronic Demodulator

A combination of 4 bit is called ______?
A. Byte
B. Nibble
C. Gega Byte
D. Mega byte

In Excel which key is used to select entire row?
A. Ctrl+Space
B. Shift+Space
C. Alt+Space
D. None of these

In Excel which key is used to select entire column?
A. Ctrl+Space
B. Shift+Space
C. Alt+Space
D. None of these

Which key is used to enter the current date in Excel?
A. Ctrl+:
B. Ctrl+;
C. Ctrl+Shift+:
D. Ctrl+Shift+;

How many menus has a calculator in the windows?
A. Three
B. Five
C. Four
D. Two
WINDOWS stands for ________?
A. Wide interactive Network Development for Office work solution
B. World interactive Network Development for Office work solution
C. Wide internet Network Development for Office work solution
D. Wide interact Network Development for Office work solution

IMEI stands for ________?
A. International Mobile Equipment Information
B. International Mobile Equipment Identity
C. International Mobile Educational Identity
D. International Machine Equipment Identity

Which key is used to edit the selected cell in excel?
A. F4
B. F10
C. F2
D. Edit

The hardware parts of computer are _______?
A. Firmware components
B. Physical components
C. Logical components
D. All of these

Which of the following basic action is performed with the help of mouse in the word’s environment?
A. Double click
B. Drag and point
C. Single click
D. All of these

In Excel which key is used to Open the Format Cells window?
A. Ctrl+F10
B. Ctrl+6
C. Ctrl+F1
D. Ctrl+1

Which key is used to create chart from selected data in excel?
A. F11
B. F1
C. F10
D. Both A & B

Which key is used for find in excel?

YAHOO stands for ________?
A. Yet Another Hierarchical Officio Oracular
B. Yahoo Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
C. Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracular
D. Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle

PSTN stands for ________?
A. Process Switched Telephone Network
B. Public Switched True Network
C. Public Serial Telephone Network
D. Public Switched Telephone Network
In Microsoft Word, Ctrl+1 is used for which of the following?
A. To set 1.5 line spacing
B. To set 0.5 line spacing
C. Double line spacing
D. Single line spacing

Which of the following color graphics display has the highest resolution?

Which of the following contains the control panel program in the start menu?
A. Program
B. Help
C. Run
D. Settings

Which of the following shortcut key is used to close the program?
A. Crt+F3
B. F4
C. Shif+F4
D. Alt+F4

URL stands for ________?
A. Uniform Retention Location
B. Uniform Resource Locator
C. Universal Resource Locator
D. Uniform Retention Locator

JPEG stands for ________?
A. Joint Photo Electronic Group
B. Joint Picture Electronic Group
C. Joint Photo Expert Group
D. Joint Picture Expert Group
Which key is used to insert new worksheet in excel?
A. Alt+F2
B. Alt+F1
C. Alt+Shift+F1
D. Alt+Shift+F2

Dot-matrix is a type of?
A. Printer
B. Disk
C. Tape
D. Bus

FM stands for ________?
A. Frequent Modulation
B. Frequency Modulation
C. Frequency Method
D. Frequency Molecules

Which shortcut key is used to Fill Down?
CPU is an example of ______?
A. Software
B. A program
C. An output unit
D. Hardware

In Excel which key is used to open the excel formula window?
A. Shift+F6
B. Shift+F3
C. Alt+Shift+F3
D. Alt+Shift+F6

FAT stands for ________?
A. Frequent Allocation Table
B. File Allocated Table
C. File Allocation Table
D. File Allocation Theory

A network which is used for sharing data, software and hardware among several users owning microcomputers is called __________?

The speed of communications between any two devices on the Ethernet LAN is __________?
A. 10 Mbps
B. 100 Mbps
C. 10000 Mbps
D. Both A and B

BASIC stands for ________?
A. Basic All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
B. Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
C. Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Intelligent Codes
D. Beginners Anti Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes

XML stands for ________?
A. Extensible Meria Letters
B. Extensible Media Language
C. Xtensible Markup Language
D. Extensible Markup Language

In Excel which key is used for create a formula to sum all of the above cells?
A. Ctrl+=
B. Alt+-
C. Alt+=
D. Ctrl+-

In Excel which key is used for format number in comma format?
A. Ctrl+Shift+1
B. Ctrl+Shift+4
C. Ctrl+1
D. Shift+1

SQL stands for ________?
A. Straight Query Langauge
B. Structured Query Langauge
C. Structured Query Laison
D. Structured Query Linear
Which of the following tab is not present in the control panel program in the start menu?
A. Web
B. Index
C. Search
D. Contents

ARP stands for ________?
A. Address resolution protocol
B. Allied resolution protocol
C. Address resolution process
D. Address rectification protocol

In Excel which key is used for format number in currency format?
A. Ctrl+Shift+1
B. Ctrl+Shift+4
C. Ctrl+1
D. Shift+1

In Excel which key is used for format number in date format?
A. Ctrl+Shift+6
B. Ctrl+Shift+4
C. Ctrl+Shift+3
D. Shift+1

In Excel which key is used for format number in percentage format?
A. Ctrl+Shift+6
B. Ctrl+Shift+3
C. Ctrl+Shift+5
D. Ctrl+1

In Excel which key is used for format number in scientific format?
A. Ctrl+Shift+6
B. Ctrl+Shift+3
C. Ctrl+Shift+5
D. Ctrl+Shift+4

In Excel which key is used for format number in time format?
A. Ctrl+Shift+6
B. Ctrl+Shift+3
C. Ctrl+Shift+5
D. Ctrl+Shift+2

CC stands for __________?
A. Cut Copy
B. Common Copy
C. Combined Copy
D. Carbon Copy

BCC stands for __________?
A. Binary Common Copy
B. Basic Carbon Copy
C. Blind Carbon Copy
D. Business Common Copy

WWWW stands for _________?
A. World Wide Web Wireless
B. World Wide Web Worm
C. World Wide Wonderful Wine
D. World Wide Web Wrestling
WMA stands for _________?
A. Windows Medium Audio
B. Windows Media Video
C. Windows Media Audio
D. Windows Medium Video

DHCP stands for _________?
A. Dynamic Host Control Protocol
B. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
C. Digital Host Configuration Protocol
D. Digital Host Control Protocol

ACL stands for ___________?
A. Access Control List
B. Access Central List
C. Access Check List
D. Adoptic Control List

GIF stands for ________?
A. Graphic Interchangeable File
B. Graphic Internet File
C. Graphic Interchangeable Format
D. Graphic Internet Format

DSL stands for ________?
A. Disc Super Line
B. Digital Subscriber Line
C. Digital Super Line
D. Disc Subscriber Line

PNG stands for ________?
A. Portable Network Graphic
B. Portable Network Group
C. Project Network Graphics
D. Plain Network Graphics

ALU stands for ________?
A. Arithmetic Longest Unit
B. Arithmetic Logic Unit
C. Arithmetic Longest United
D. None of these

Window key + F1
A. show system properties
B. Help
C. Show Desktop (toggle)
D. Run

Which key is between the Ctrl and Alt keys?
A. Shift
B. Enter
C. Window
D. Space bar

Window key + U
A. Show system properties
B. Utility Manager
C. Show Desktop (toggle)
D. Lock Desktop
Window key + M
A. Show system properties
B. Help
C. Find Computers
D. Minimize all applications

Window key + E
A. Windows Explorer
B. Utility Manager
C. Show Desktop (toggle)
D. Run

Window key + D
A. Show system properties
B. Find Computers
C. Show Desktop (toggle)
D. Lock Desktop

Window key + F
A. Show system properties
B. Find Computers
C. Find files or folders
D. Run

Window key + L
A. Windows Explorer
B. Help
C. Show Desktop (toggle)
D. Lock Desktop

Window key + Ctrl + F
A. Find Computers
B. Find files or folders
C. Show Desktop (toggle)
D. Run

Window key + Shift + M
A. Minimize all applications
B. Utility Manager
C. Un-Minimize all applications
D. Show system properties

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