Islamic study

what was the significant event of 27 Rajab of 11th year of  Prophethood ?
a. Miraj b. Migration
c. Boycott
d. Pledge of Aqaba

who did accompany the Holy Prophet SAW in the migration to Medina?
a. Hazrat Abu Bakr RAb. Hazrat Ali RA
c. Hazrat Usman RA
d. Hazrat Umar RA

what is the name of the camel which the Holy Prophet SAW was riding in the migration of Medina?
a. Buldul
b. Anza
c. Qaswa d. Zulifqar 

when did Hazrat Hamza RA embrace Islam?
a. fifth Nabvi b. sixth Nabvi
c. seventh Nabvi
d. Fourth Nabvi 

when five prayers became Farz?
a. 12th Nabvi
b. 10th Nabvi
c. 13th Nabvi
d. 11th Nabvi

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