islamic study

Name of the Angel who takes out souls of life bearing creatures.
a. Hazrat Izraeel ASb. Hazrat Jibra'eel AS
c. Hazrat Israfeel AS
d. None of them 

Two Angels are appointed on each person , One of them Maintains the good deeds, and the other one records evil deeds,. These two angels are known as ____
a. Kiraman Katibeen ASb. Farishtain AS
c. Mankar and Nakeer AS
d. None of them 

Who is the greatest angel according to the teaching of Islam?
a. Hazrat Mekaeel AS
b. Hazrat Izraeel AS
c. Hazrat Jibra'eel ASd. Hazrat Israfeel AS

In which category Iblees lies?
a. Angel
b. Jinnc. Human Being
d. Animal 

Who is referred in the Qur'an as Roh-al-Qudus?
a. Hazrat Mekaeel AS
b. Hazrat Izraeel AS
c. Hazrat Jibra'eel ASd. Hazrat Israfeel AS

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