Nts , Uts Fpsc and Spsc the most important Islamiyait solved Mcqs

• Ibraheem was the uncle of Luut.
• Loot was maternal grandfather of Ayub.
• Hazart Loot was the first to migrate.
• Luut resided at Ur near Mesopotamia.

• Luut migrated to Sodom and Gomorrah
• Ismaeel is called Abu-al-Arab.
• Mother of Ismaeel was Haajrah.
• Ishaaq built boundaries of Masjid-e-Aqsaa.
• Ishaaq was sent to Jews.
• At Muqam-e-Ibraheem, there are imprints of Ibraheem.
• Ibrahim was first person to circumcise himself and his son.
• Sara wife of Ibrahim and mother of Ishaq was sister of Loot.
• Hajra the wife of Ibrahim was daughter of Pharoah of Egypt.
• Ibrahim was 86 years old when Ismael was born.
• Ibrahim was ordered to migrate along with family to valley of Batha meaning Makkah.
• Ibrahim was sent to Jordan after leaving Haajrah and Ismaeel
• Age of Ibraheem at the birth of Ishaq was 100 years and of Saarah was 90 years.
• First wife of Ibrahim resided at Palestine.
• Ibrahim intended to sacrifice Ismaeel at Mina on 10th Zul Hajj.
• As a result of sacrifice of Ismael, Ibrahim was gifted a baby from Saarah named Ishaq.
• Zam Zam emerged from beneath the foot of Hazrat Ismaeel in the valley of Batha (Makkah).
• Hazrat Ismail discovered Hajar-e-Aswad.
• Ismaeel had 15 sons.
• Zabeeullah and Abu al Arab are called to Hazrat Ismaeel.
• Ismael divorced his wife being discourteous.
• Jibrael brought sacred stone to Ismael.
• Original colour of the sacred stone was white.
• Gabriel gave the news of Ishaaq to Ibrahim.
• Ishaq married Rebecca.
• Old name of Makkah was Batha.
• Hazrat Idress was expert in astronomy.
• Uzair became alive after remaining dead for one hundred years.
• Whale Swallowed Hazrat Younus (AS).(chk)
• Hazrat Yaqub has the title of Israel
• 1 Lac 24 thousand- total number of prophets.
• Hazrat Idrees was the first who learnt to write.
• How many Sahifay were revealed to Hazrat Idrees (AS)? 30
• Prophet Yahya A.S was sent to people of Jordan.
• Hazrat Idrees (A.S) set up 180 cities.
• Prophet Ishaq A.S lost his eye sight in old age.
• Hazrat Dawood could mould iron easily with his hand.
• The event of ring is related to Hazrat Sulaiman.
• Hazarat Moosa(A.S) had impediment in his tongue
• Moosa was granted 9 miracles.
• Musa crossed the Red Sea.
• The prophet mentioned in Quran for most of times is Moosa.
• Ten commandments were revealed on Moosa.
• Moosa died on Abareem mountain.
• Grave of Musa is in Israel.
• Teacher of Moosa was Shoaib.
• Moosa was brought up by Aasia Bint Mozahim.
• Elder brother of Moosa was Haroon.

• Moosa had only one brother.

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