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which Holy Book is called the Old Testament?
a. The Toraitb. The Zuboor 
c. The Injeel 
d. The Qur'an

which Holy Book is called the Gospel?
a. The Torait
b. The Zuboor 
c. The Injeel 

d. The Qur'an

which is the last Holy Book?
a. The Torait
b. The Zuboor 
c. The Injeel 
d. The Qur'an

which Holy Book is called the New Testament?
a. The Torait
b. The Zuboor 
c. The Injeel 

d. The Qur'an

On which Prophets was/were scrolls (Sahi-fahs) revealed?
a. Hazrat Aadam AS
b. Hazrat Shees AS
c. Hazrat Ibrahim AS
d. All of Them 

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