Yellow Books are the official records of France.

               Grey Books are the official policy as well as reports of the Japanese government.

               Green Books are the official reports of the Italian government.

               Orange Books are the official publication of the Netherlands.

               Lenin wrote ‘the state and revolution’.

               Ibn-e-Khaldun retired as a judge.

               Al Ghazali is known as Hujatul Islam.

               The name of the book which Al-Farabi wrote is ‘Ara Madinatul Fazila’.

               Plato wrote ‘the laws’.

               Aristotle founded ‘the lyceum’.

               Mao wrote ‘On contradictions’.

               J.S. Mill wrote ‘On liberty’.

               Witness to surrender=Siddique Saliq.

               A short history of Pak:=I.H.Qureshi.

               Discovery of Pak:= A.Aziz.

               Foundation of Pak: = Sharifuddin Pirzada.

               Five Thousand Years of Pak::= R.E.M. Wheeler.

               History of Freedom Movement=I.H.Qureshi.

               Jinnah of Pak: = Stanley Woolpert.

               Jinnah as I know him= Abdul Hassan Isphahani.

               The Making of Pakistan= Richard Symonds.

               The Making of Pakistan=K.K.Aziz.

               Jinnah:Creator of Pak:=Hector Bolithio.

               Quaid-e-Azam: The Story of A Nation=G.Allana.

               India wins Freedom= Abdul Kalam Azad.

               Emergence of Pak:=Ch: Rahmat Ali.

               Towards Pakistan=Wahiduzaman

               Transfer of Power in India=V.P.Memon.

               Pak: Nagozeer Tha= Syed Hasan Raza.


               Quaid-i-Azam & Pakistan=Ahmed Hassan Dani.

               Friends not Masters=Ayub Khan.

               The Pakistan Issue= Nazir Yar Jung.

               Quid wrote the preface of “My Leader”=Ziauddin Ahmed.

               Muslim Nationalism in India= Malik Hafeez.

               Pathway to Pak: = Ch: Khaiquzzaman.

               The Indian Musalimans= W.W.Hunter.

               Our Struggle=Mohd: Noman.

               Evolution of Pak: Sharifuddin Pirzada.

               Mohd: Ali Jinnah=G.Allana.

               Birth of Pak: =Dr. Sachin.

               Pak: the Heart of Asia= Liaquat Ali Khan.

               Incomplete Partition = Alastair Lamb.

               Birth of a tragedy= Dr. Tahir Amir.

               My Last day with Quaid=Ilahi Bux

               Outline of a scheme of Indian Federation=Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan.

               Thought on Pakistan= Ambedkar.

               'Freedom' at Midnight= Larry Collins

               Hayat-e-Javed was written by Altaf Hussain Hali.

               The Forgotten Years is an autobiography of from Foreign Minister Sir Zafarullah Khan.

               Mission with Mountabatten=Alan Campbell Johnson.

               Religious Thought of Sayyid Ahmed Khan==Bahir Ahmad Dar.

               The Cambridge History of the British Empire=H.H.Dodwell.

               Oxford History of India=Vincent Smith.

               India, Pakistan & the West=Percival Smith.

               The book “party politics in Pakistan’ (1947-58) is written by K.K.AZIZ.

               Alice in Wonderland is a book written by Lewis Carrol.

               Edwina and Nehru is written by Catherine Clement.

               Beloved is a novel authored by Toni Morrison.


               Conquest of Happiness was authored by Bertrand Russel.

               Crossing the Threshold of Hope was authored by Pope John Paul II.

               Gulliver’s Travel is authored by Jonathan Swift in which there is description of the island of Lilliputs.

               Higher than Hopes is biography of Nelson Mandela.

               India Divided is a book written by Dr. Rajenra Parsad.

               Indian War of Independence is a book written by V.D. Savarkar.

               Kubla Khan is a poem by Coleridge.

               Life Divine is a book written by Sri Aurobindo.

               Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus is the book written by John Gray.

               Mother India is a book written by Katherine Mayo.

               My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir is written by Jagmohan.

               Unto This Last is written by Ruskin.

               Who wrote Gone with the Wind: Margaret Mitchell

               Who wrote "History of God"? Karen Armstrong

               Raghuvasma was written by Kalidas.

               Grief and Hope is a book written by Noa Ben Artizi-Plossof, grand-daughter of slain Israili PM Yitzak Rabin.
               Freedom Behind Bars is a book written by Kiran Bedi.

               Hayat-e-Jawaid, written by Altaf Hussain Hali, is on the life of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

               “The Sun also Rises” is written by Earnest Hemingway.

               Khadija Mastoor wrote Angan.

               Imam Ghazali is the author of Ihya-ul-Uloom.

               Montesquieu wrote ‘the spirit of laws’.

               Who wrote the book - Call of the Wild-Jack London

               Who wrote “Voyage through History”? Musarrt Hussain Zuberi

               Who is the author of “Preparing for the Twenty First Century”? Paul Kennedy

               Who wrote “Supreme Court and Human Rights”? Tamizuddin

               The author of famous book, “Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy” is Henry Kissinger.

               ‘Rise and Fall of Great Powers’ is the work of Paul Kennedy.


               My Experiments with Truth is autobiography of Mahtma Gandhi.


               Battle of Jhelum was fought b/w Alexandar the Great and Raja Porus in 326 B.C. The latter was defeated.
               Mahumud Ghaznavi invaded on Somnath in 1025 A.D.

               Battle of Tarain was fought b/w Mohd: Ghouri and Prithvi Raj in 1192 A.D. The former won the battle.

               First battle of Panipat was fought b/w Ibrahim Lodhi and Babur in 1526. Babur won the battle.

               Second battle of Panipat was fought in 1556. Akbar won the battle.

               Third battle of Panipat was fought b/w Ahmad Shah Abdali and Marahttas in 1760. Ahmed Shah defeated the latter.
               West Bank was occupied in 1967.

               Japan attacked Pearl Harbour located in Hawaii on 7 Dec: 1941.

               Israel occupied Golan Heights from Syria.

               West Bank is located b/w Isreal & Jordan.

               West Bank was occupied in 1967.

               Iran & UAE dispute over Persian Gulf islands, Greater & lesser Tunbs.

               Sakhalin Island is dispute b/w Russia & Japan.

               Iran & UAE dispute over Persian Gulf islands, Greater & lesser Tunbs.

               Sakhalin island is dispute b/w Russia & Japan.

               In Battle of Sabroan, English defeated Sikhs and captured Lahore.

               Nickname of Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 was Little Boy and on Nagasaki=Fat Man.

               The hundred year war actually lasted for 114 years.

               Sir William Howard Russell was the first Great War correspondent.

               Hundred years war fought between France and Britain during 1338-1453.

               Cease fire between Iran and Iraq took place in 1988, by the intervention of U.N.

               The place named Normandy became worlds famous due to the D.Day landing during the Second World War on 6th June 1944. Normandy is located in France.
               Pearl Harbor incident took place on 7th Dec 1941.


               In 1982 the Falklands war was fought between Britain and Argentina.

               Civil War of USA lasted from 1861-1865.

               The famous British Naval commander, who defected the French Naval Fleet at Nile in 1788 and at Trafalgar in 1805 was Horatio Nelson.
               Doer war fought between South Africa and British.

               Fighting broke out between Greeks and the Turks in July 1974.

               At the end of Second World War in 1945, Germany was divided among 4 major powers.

               In Opium war Britain fought against China.

               Gulf war Jan 1991 stopped in Feb 28, 1991.

               Iran-Iraq was started in Sep 1980 and ended in Aug1988.

               Lloyd George of Great Britain represented in treaty of Versailles.

               Germany remained in grip of allied occupation from 1994 to 1952.

               The American general who acted as the supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe during the second world war was D.D Eisenhower.
               The criminals of the Second World War were trailed in the city of Nuremburg.

               Break up of Germany occurred on 1945 and merger on Oct 3, 1990.

               Iraq occupied Kuwait on 2nd Aug 1990.

               USA dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima on 6th August 1945.

               First World War begun on 1914 A.D. and Second World War started in 1939 when Germany attacked on Poland, it is also considered as greatest war.
               Germans call a WW1 sea fight Battle of Skagerrak what in UK:       Battle of Jutland

               Operation Thunderbolt was the nickname given to which raid          Israeli raid on Entebbe

               In WW2 the Germans launched operation Bernhard - what Counterfeit British Notes

               In WW2 what was the German codename for invasion of Russia- Barberossa

               Operation Dracula in WWII freed what city- Rangoon Burma

               Which 19th century battle UK / USA fought after peace signed-       Battle of New Orleans

               Waterloo is now in... Belgium

               The Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

               What famous battle was fought at Pancenoit-Waterloo - (four miles away)

               The third battle of Panipat was fought between Marathas and Afghans.


               In Battle of Sabroan, English defeated Sikhs and captured Lahore.

               Iraq occupied Kuwait in August 1990.

               Afghan Mujahideen took power in Kabul on April 20,1991

               North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950.

               Japan attacked Pearl Harbour located in Hawaii on 7 Dec: 1941.

               Nickname of Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 was Little Boy and on Nagasaki=Fat Man.

               Darfur conflict is in Sudan.


               Highest military award of Britain is Victoria Cross.

               Highest military award of Germany is Iron Cross.

               Highest military award of India is Pardam Vir Chakra.

               Highest military award of Japan is Order of the Rising Sun.

               Highest military award of Pakistan is Nishan-i-Haider.

               Highest military award of Russia is Order of the Patriotic War.

               Highest military award of USA is Victory Medal.

               What countries highest award is The Order of the Elephant-Denmark

               Order of Honor and Banner is the award of--- USSR


               Water vapors are formed due to evaporation

               Gas in gobar (cow dung) is ethylene. (chk biogas is natural gas)

               GMT was established in 1884

               Radio broad casting started in 1920

               Calorie requirement sedentary is 2500, light word is 3000, moderate work is 3500 and heavy work is 4000
               Water is 830 times heavier than air


               Driving mirror is usually convex

               Dossier means relevant papers

               In deserts clouds do not precipitate due to low humidity

               Rain drop is shaped like a peer

               Money is made of cotton

               1 liter = 0.9 kg

               Drinker’s apparatus is for measuring the amount of Alcohol in the blood.

               Atomic pile is a place where nuclear fission is made.

               Dewar’s flask is called as thermos.

               Atomic weight of chemical compounds is determined by Mass spectroscopy.

               Tube light emits radiation even after it is disconnected. It is due to Fluorescence

               The conversion of gases into liquid under high pressure and low temperature is called regulation.

               If a green leaf is seen in a red light its color will be black.

               Emerge of VIBGYOR from one side of the prism is due to refraction and dispersion of light.

               510 million square kilometers is the total surface area of the ear

               Linseed oil is used while oil painting.

               During the winter months 90% of fallen leaves are taken underground by earth worm

               Cox orange pippen is a biological name of an apple

               Breitling orbiter 3 was the first balloon to fly non-stop around the world

               Aircraft designers test their model of aircraft in wind tonnel

               Aircrafts are made of alluminium alloys

               Flaps are used as air brakes

               Darwin visited Galapagos Island before giving his theory of Natural Selection.

               Staple food is the basic food

               The crops like legumes and beens and clover form their own fertilizer. Farmers grow these crops and plough into soil as fertilizers. This process is called green manuring.
               Scientists have recently discovered a new taste called Umami.

               Braille system is named after its inventor the Frenchman Louis Brille.

               Isochrones are the lines joining the places of equal labour and transportation costs.



               What is Europe's largest port-Rotterdam

               What was first used at the 1904 St Louis Olympic games-Gold medals silver was first before

               Where is the worlds oldest university- Fez Morocco –founded 859

               What is the largest Island in The Greater Antilles- Cuba

               What is the worlds most polluted major city- Mexico City

               What is the worlds fastest moving insect-Tropical Cockroach

               Where is the largest church in the world-Vatican in Rome

               What was the first country to use postcards- Austria

               Where is the worlds largest Chinese settlement outside Asia            San Francisco – Chinatown

               Which country has no national monetary unit of it's own       Andorra

               Which country has the highest % of women in their legislature         Cuba

               Which country has the most daily newspapers- India

               Which city was built in the design of a union flag       Khartoum

               What was the first country to use TV as a mass info media Germany

               In which country is the worlds longest road tunnel     Switzerland

               Which country has no public toilets- Peru

               Bill gates (USA), founder and chairman of Microsoft Corporation, is currently the richest person in the world and Lillian Bettencourt (France) is the richest woman in the world.
               Nauru, an island located in western Pacific Ocean, is the smallest republic of the world.

               Mount Everest (2759 N 8656 E) is the highest mountain peak which is located on Nepal Tibet border in the Himalayas.
               New Cornelia tailings on ten mile wash Arizona USA with a volume of 209500 million cubic meters is the world’s largest volume dam.
               Taipei-I built in Taiwan is world’s second tallest building..

               The Atacama Desert in Chile is the driest place of the world and Masynram in Assam (India) is the wettest place in the world.


               Canada has the longest coastline which is 151,489 miles in the length and Monaco’s coastline measures only 3.5 miles in length.
               Dalol Danaki depression in Ethiopia with an average annual temperature of 35c (95f) is the hottest place on earth and Plateau station, in Antarctica with an average annual temperature of -56.7c (-71.7f), is the coldest place of the globe.
               Grand central terminal of New York is the largest railway station. It covers an area of 48 acres.

               The Seikan railway tunnel in Japan is the longest railway tunnel in the world, it s length is 33.50 miles (53.9 km)
               Longest road tunnel is St. Goatherd Rd. located in Switzerland 16.3 km long.

               The yellow stone national park (USA) is the largest national park. It has an area of 3350 sq miles.

               The California University (USA) is the biggest university of the world.

               King khalid international airport, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) is the largest airport in the world.

               The port of New York and New Jersey (USA) is the largest seaport in the world.

               Mandarin (Chinese) is the most spoken language of the world. It is estimated that a total number of 999 million ppl speak it.
               The noble prize is the largest prize. Each prize carries an amount of one million dollars.

               Shah faisal mosque located in Islamabad (pak) is the largest mosque.

               Ostrich is the largest bird in the world.

               Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of oil in the world.

               The longest river in Asia is Yangtze

               The world’s largest internet search engine is Google.

               After United states, the largest number of inventions in the last two decades belongs to Germany

               China has the largest population, Russia has largest land area and Vatican city has smallest population and land area in the world
               Lord Clive was the first and Lord Mountbatten was the last British ruler of India.

               Largest continent of the world is "Asia" and smallest is "Australia”. Largest ocean of the world is "pacific ocean” and smallest ocean is "Indian ocean”. The Sahara is the largest desert of the world.
               Kazakhstan is the largest Muslim country in land area in the world. It has an area of 1,049,000 sq.miles. Maldives is the smallest Muslim country in land area of 115 sq. miles.
               Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country and Maldives is less populous Muslim country.

               Antarctica is the uninhabited continent of the world which is without any regular population.

               Seoul (South Korea) is the most populous city of the world.


               The lake Baikal of Russia has the maximum depth of 5315 feet.

               Turkey is the country having its land in two continents

               The world’s longest current reigning monarch is Queen of England.

               Germany is the highest solar energy user in the world.

               Inflation means that money falls in value.

               The Cambodian Language is the language with most Alphabets. It has a total number of 74 alphabets

               The Ostrich of North Africa is the biggest bird. Its height is up to 2.7 meters ( 9 feet ) and weight is up to 160 kgs. While the humming bird is smallest bird. It is 5.5-20 cm in length and weight about 16 grams.
               Glaciers are found on every continent except Africa. The Lambert Glacier enjoys the distinction of being the largest glacier in the world. It is located in the Australia Antarctic Territory. Its length is 440 miles (700 km) and was discovered in 1956-57.
               The largest museum in the world is the American Museum of Natural History

               The lowest mountain range in the world is the Bhieuna Bhaile

               The country known as the Land of Cakes is Scotland

               The place known as the Garden of England is Kent

               The old name of Taiwan was Formosa

               The largest bay in the world is Hudson Bay, Canada

               The largest church in the world is Basilica of St.Peter,Vatican City,Rome

               The tallest statue in the world is the Motherland,Volgagrad Russia

               The world's loneliest island is the Tristan da cunda

               The country whose National Anthem has only music but no words is Bahrain

               The largest cinema in the world is the Fox theatre,Detroit,USA

               The country where there are no Cinema theatres is Saudi arabia

               The world's tallest office building is the Sears Tower,Chicago

               The country where military service is compulsory for women is Israel

               The country which has more than 10,000 golf courses is USA

               The country which built the first powerful long range rockets is Germany

               The largest temple in the world is Angkorwat in Kampuchea

               The largest dome in the world is Louisiana Superdome,New Orleans,USA

               The largest strait in the world is Tartar Strait


               The largest city of Africa is Cairo

               The founder of KODAK Company was Eastman

               The Cape of Good Hope is located in South Africa

               The last letter of the Greek alphabet is Omega

               The place known as the land of Lincoln is Illinois

               The Pentagonian desert is located in Argentina

               The person known as the father of aeronautics is Sir George Cayley

               The most densely populated Island in the world is Honshu

               The two nations Haiti and the Dominion Republic together form the Island of Hisponiola

               The largest auto producer in the USA is General Motors

               The first actor to win an Oscar was Emil Jannings

               The first animated colour cartoon of full feature length was Snow White and Seven Dwarfs

               The first demonstration of a motion picture was held at Paris

               The first country to issue stamps was Britain

               The world's largest car manufacturing company is General Motors,USA

               The world's biggest manufacturer of bicycles is Hero cycles,Ludhiana

               The world's oldest underground railway is at London

               The last French Monarch was Louis Napoleon III

               The first man to reach Antarctica was Fabian Gotileb

               Oldest surviving building in world is pyramids of Egypt.

               K-2 is also known as Godwin Austin, first climbed by Ardito Desio 1956.

               Mount Everest is the highest mountain located in Himalaya (Nepal).

               Tensing and Hillary were the first human beings to set foot on the top of Mt. Everest. Tensing belonged to India and Hillary is a native of New Zealand.
               K2 is the second highest peak located in Korokoram (Pakistan).

               Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest.

               Mozambique has the lowest GNP.

               The biggest airport in the world is King Khalid situated in Saudi Arabia.

               Nauru is the smallest republic of the world.


               Capital with highest elevation La Paz.

               Largest Dam, Grand Coulee Dam is in USA.

               World’s biggest museum is British Museum.

               Volta Lake (Ghana) is the largest artificial lake of the world.

               Largest zoo is in South Africa.

               Largest Hydroelectric power station is in Brazil.

               Largest palace is in Brunei.

               Longest railway tunnel is Seikan Railway Tunnel, in Japan.

               The largest railway tunnel in the world is the Oshimzu Tunnel, Japan (chk)

               Longest underground railway Tunnel is in Moscow.

               Grand Central Terminal of New York is the largest railway station of the world.

               Biggest Library is Congress Library in USA.

               Largest Stadium is in Czech Republic.

               Country with largest coast line is Canada.

               Country with largest budget is USA.

               The highest birth rate is of Malawi.

               Peru with lowest birth rate.

               Country with most billionaires is USA.

               Walt Disney is the man with highest number of Oscars.

               The world’s longest platform is known as the Loop, which is located in USA.

               Monaco has the shortest coast line.

               The biggest Square the Tiananmen Square is in China.

               Largest Tomb the mount li tomb is in China.

               The longest cricket match between England and South Africa in 1939 abandoned after 10 days.

               Largest number of school is in China.

               Largest fort, Fort George situated in UK.

               The largest church of the world is in Rome (Italy).

               Largest exhibition centre is in Germany.

               Lake Victoria is the largest lake of Africa.


               The film Ben Hur won the most (11) Oscur Awards in 1959.

               World’s largest mosque is shah faisal mosque.

               Largest capital is Ottawa.

               Tibetan Plateau has highest elevation.

               Smallest continent is Australia.

               Least populated Muslim country is Maldives.

               City with largest elevation is Lhasa.

               Largest Bay is Bay of Bengal.

               Largest delta is in Bengal created by the river Bharamputra and the Ganges.

               Largest gulf is the Gulf of Mexico.

               Largest water reservoir is Own falls (Uganda).

               Largest dam by volume is Kiev dam (Ukrain).

               Biggest dam is Pati dam (Argentina).

               Hottest place is Aziziyah, Libya.

               Coldest place is Plateau station (Antartica).

               Driest place is Atacama Desert in Chile.

               Biggest national park is yellow stone national park.

               Biggest university is California university (USA).

               Largest battle ship is USS Missouri.

               Largest sea port is port of Net York and New Jersey (USA).

               Most spoken language is Mandarin Chinese.

               Largest mosque is Shah Faisal Mosque at Islamabad.

               Largest church is Chatholic Basilica (Vetican Rome).

               Largest university is university of New York USA.

               Oldest civilization is Sumerian civilization (Mesopotamia).

               Oldest town is Jericho (Jordan).

               Largest land mammal is African Elephant.

               Longest strait is the Strait of Malacca.

               Tallest animal is Giraffe.


               Largest bird is ostrich.

               Smallest bird is humming bird.

               Largest bank of the world is Dutch Bank of Germany.

               The country with most refugees is Iran.

               Country with most islands is Indonesia.

               First Muslim dynasty in India is slave dynasty.

               Highest birth rate is of Malawi (Africa).

               Lowest birth rate is of Peru.

               Highest death rate is of Peru.

               Lowest death rate is of Kuwait.

               A richest woman is Queen Elizabeth.

               The largest of oil consumer is USA.

               The largest oil field is Ghawar Oil field (Saudi Arabia).

               Tallest tower is CN Tower Toronto (Canada).

               Busiest airport is O’Hare International Airport (USA).

               Oldest capital city is Damascus (Syria).

               Largest constellation is Hydra.

               Fastest bird is Pregrine Falcon.

               Largest metropolitan is Mexico City.

               Biggest park is the wood Buffalo national park.

               Densest population is of Bangladesh.

               Longest canal is Volga Batlic canal.

               Longest day 21 June and shortest day December 21.

               Largest diamond is Cullinan.

               Longest big ship canal is Suez Canal.

               The smallest ocean is Arctic Ocean.

               Reticulated python is the longest snake in the world.

               Urengoi (Russia) is the largest natural gas reserved.

               The Bamboo has the fastest growth rate. It grows up to 3 feet in 24 hours.


               Trans-Siberian railway line is the longest in the world.

               Roxy is the biggest cinema house of the e world. It is located in New Your (United State).

               The largest telescope of the world called Keck-I, is located in Hawaii (USA).

               Jean Bernard is the deepest cave in France.

               The fastest flying bird in the world is Falcon.

               Largest peninsula is Arabian Peninsula.

               Mariana Trench is the deepest part of Pacific.

               The longest railway station is located in Japan.

               Polus Nedostupnostir is the coldest place on earth.

               Tallest Light house “Steel Marine Tower” is in Japan.

               The biggest delta in the world is the Sunderbans

               The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world is Detroit,USA

               The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is the Mississippi

               Volentina Treshkova (USSR) was the first woman astronaut who orbited the earth in the year 1983.

               The American astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to steps on the surface of moon on 21 July 1969.
               Largest producer of silver is Mexico.

               The largest producer of carpet is Iran.

               The largest producer of cheese is USA.

               The largest producer of cotton is USA.

               The largest producer of Jute is Bangladesh.

               The largest producer of Rice is China.

               The largest producer of Silk is China.

               The largest producer of Steel is USA.

               The largest producer of Sugar is India.

               The largest producer of Tea is India.

               The largest producer of Wheat is USA.

               The largest producer of Wool is Australia.

               The largest producer of gold is South Africa.


               The largest producer of oil is Saudi Arabia.

               The largest producer of coffee

               The largest producer of tin is Malaysia.

               The world’s leading banking center is Zurich.

               Most Spoken Language is Chinese.

               World’s largest fish catching country is China.

               Muhammad Fathullah Khan Kandahari's translation: Printed in 1861, Bhopal, India, It is the first known translation of the holy Qur'an in Pashto
               The first translation of the Quran into a Western language was made into Latin. It was carried out by Robertus Rotenesis and Hermannus Dalmata in 1143
               South China Sea is the largest sea.

               What country is the world leader in Cobalt Mining-Zaire

               What animal has the best hearing-Bats

               What country had the first banknotes-Sweden China paper not banknotes

               Where was the worlds first supermarket built (country)-France

               Which country grows the most sugar-Brazil

               Name the largest Mediterranean island-Sicily

               Who was the first British monarch to visit America    George VI in 1939

               What country consumes the most meat per capita 124 lb-Argentina

               What is the worlds largest food company- Nestle

               Which of the following is the world’s largest city in area? Mount Isa (Australia) /New York (chk)

               Which of the following countries has the largest area of forest? Russia

               Where is the world’s tallest Pagoda located? China

               Which of the following is the largest Gulf in the world? Gulf of Mexico

               In 1901 who first transmitted radio signals across Atlantic: Marconi

               Which country has the smallest birth rate: Vatican City

               Which country was the first to introduce old age pensions: Germany

               Who piloted the first flight across the English channel: Louis Bleriot

               What was the first James Bond film: Dr No

               Which country set up the world’s first chemistry lab in 1650: Netherlands


               Which country was the first to abolish capitol punishment 1826-Russia Czar Nicholas -Siberia instead

               What country is nearest to the North Pole: Greenland

               Who were the first people to measure the year-Babylonians

               Who was Canada's first prime minister-Sir John MacDonald

               What is the worlds oldest monotheistic religion: Judaism

               In what city is the worlds largest carpet manufacturer-Kashmir

               What is the worlds largest herb-Banana

               What country produces the most tobacco in the world-China

               What country has the most elephants-Tanzania

               Who was the first woman to receive The Order of Merit 1907-Florence Nightingale

               What country has the most Post Offices -India

               Where was the first Miss World contest held in 1951-London

               What country has the worlds largest merchant navy-Liberia

               What country consumes the most tea per capita-Ireland

               What country has the worlds oldest National Anthem-Netherlands

               What city has the worlds biggest taxi fleet-Mexico - over 60000

               What animal is mentioned most in the Bible-Sheep

               What is officially the poorest US state-Mississippi

               DELAG was the worlds first what Oct 16 1909-         Airline - by Zeppelin

               Where was the first police force established in 1667-Paris

               What is the world tallest horse            Shire Horse

               What bird lays the largest clutch of eggs        The Grey Partridge – up to 16

               The King Cobra is the only snake that does what-Builds a Nest

               Worlds oldest existing treaty of 1373 between England and who      Portugal

               What is considered to be the worlds fastest team game        Ice Hockey

               What is the worlds largest airline- Aeroflot

               Which city had the world first public bus service- Paris

               Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean.

               The longest highway in the world is the Trans-Canada


               The largest bell in the world is the Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin,Moscow

               The biggest stadium in the world is the Strahov Stadium,Prague

               The country which has the greatest population density is Monaco

               The first President of Egypt was Mohammed Nequib

               The first man to reach North Pole was Rear Peary

               The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was Mujibur Rehman

               The primary producer of newsprint in the world is Canada

               The first explorer to reach the South Pole was Cap.Ronald Amundson

               The airplane was used in war for the first time by Italians(14 Oct.1911)

               United State has most TV stations in the world.

               China has most land frontiers with neighboring countries.

               Tokyo is the largest metropolitan city.

               The first man to circumnavigate the world was Magellan.

               The world’s poorest country with a lowest per capita income is Rwanda.

               Saudi Arabia is no.1 oil producing country in the world

               Hingol is the largest river in the world.

               After USA, France is the biggest arms seller in the world.

               The maximum presentation in the European parliament is held by Germany.

               First test tube baby Louise Brown (England) was born in 1978.

               Oldest athlete to win Olympic title in 1920 belongs to USA.

               Youngest Olympic champion, Barbara pearl Jones belonged to USA.

               USA is the largest nuclear electric power producing country in the world. It produces 98,784 MW electricity which is about 30% of the total nuclear electricity generated in the world.
               Kilauea situated in Hawaii (US) is the most active volcano of the world

               Robert E. Perry (1856-1920) an American explorer reached North Pole on 6th April, 1909 for the first time in human history.
               In what country was the worlds first wildlife sanctuary set up-Sri Lanka 3rd cent BC

               Longest land frontier is of China.

               Highest % of land under cultivation is in India.

               World’s oldest university al-Azhar is in Egypt.


               Smallest continent is Australia.

               Yum located in Arizona (USA) is the sunniest place of the world. It gets sunshine in 91 % possible hours
               The longest continuous war was the thirty year war between various European countries from 1618 to 1648. While the shortest continuous war was between UK and Zanzibar, which lasted from 90 am to 9:45 am on 27th august 1896.
               China had the maximum number (861878) of primary schools. India was at the top with 241,129 secondary schools in 1994.
               USA is the country with 109 nuclear reactors , followed by france 56, japan 51

               Which country grows the most fruit: China

               Vicolo della virilita of Italy is the world’s narrowest street.

               Canal Street is the widest street in USA.

               Fastest animal is cheetah.

               Slowest animal is Snail 2 to 3 feet per minute.

               Biggest bell is Great bell at Moscow.

               Fastest bird is Indian swift.

               Largest bird is Ostrich.

               Smallest bird is Helena’s humming bird.

               Bird that never makes its nest is Cuckoo.

               Wingless bird is Kiwi.

               Longest canal is the Volga-Baltic.

               Highest capital is La Paz (Bolivia).

               Deepest cave is Reseau Jean Bernard (France).

               Biggest cinema house is Roxy (New York).

               Largest Church is Episcopalian Diocese (New York).

               Biggest city (by population) is Tokyo.

               City largest by area is Kiruna (Sweden).

               Largest continent is Asia.

               Smallest continent is Australia.

               Largest coral formation is The Great Barrier Reef (Australia).


               Longest corridor is Rameshwaram temple corridor.

               Highest country is China (Tibet region).

               Largest country by population is China.

               Largest country by area is Russia.

               Smallest country by area is Vatican City State.

               Highest dam is Rogunsky.

               Largest concrete dam is The Grand Coulee, USA.

               Longest Day in Northern Hemisphere is 21st June.

               Shortest Day in Northern Hemisphere is 22nd Dec:

               Largest Delta is Sundarbands (Bangladesh).

               Hottest desert is Libyan Sahara.

               Largest desert is Sahara (Africa) 33, 20,000 sq. miles.

               Highest desert is Atacama (Chile).

               Largest diamond is Cullinan.

               Largest diamond mine is Kimberley (South Africa).

               Largest dome is of Astrodome, Houston (USA).

               Biggest flower is Rafflesia (Java, Indonesia).

               Lightest gas is hydrogen.

               Longest glacier is Lambert (Antarctica).

               Largest gulf is Gulf of Mexico.

               Largest gorge is Grand Canyon.

               Hottest place is Dalol (Ethiopia).

               Largest Island is Greenland.

               Largest underground lake is Drachenhauchloch cave (Arizona).

               Largest man-made lake is Lake Mead Arizona.

               Biggest library is Congress Library (USA).

               Longest lifespan of animal is of Giant tortoise.

               Largest mammal is Blue whale.

               Highest melting point is of Tungsten, 3410° C.


               Tallest Minaret is Qutub Minar (Delhi) 238 feet.

               Largest mosque is Shah Faisal Mosque, Islamabad.

               Highest mountain peak is Mt. Everest (Himalaya).

               Tallest mountain range is The Himalaya range with 96 of world’s 109 tallest peaks.

               Longest mountain range is Andes (South America).

               Biggest museum is British Museum (London).

               Largest Commercial Ocean is Atlantic Ocean.

               Youngest ocean is Atlantic Ocean.

               Mediterrian sea means ‘sea in the middle of land’.

               Saltiest ocean is Mediterranean Ocean.

               Ocean shrinking and growing is Atlantic Ocean.

               Fastest ocean swimmer is Sailfish (68 mph).

               Biggest palace is Vatican.

               Biggest park is the Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta, Canada.

               Biggest passenger train is Queen Elizabeth (UK).

               Largest peninsula is Saudi Arabia.

               Coldest place is Verkhoyansk (Russia).

               Driest place is Death Valley (California).

               Hottest place is Azizia Libya Africa.

               Longest railway platform is Khargpur, India

               Highest plateau is Pamir, Tibet.

               Longest poisonous snake is King Cobra.

               Largest port is Rotterdam (Netherlands).

               Largest railway station is Grand Central Terminal.

               Longest railway line is Trans-Siberian Railway.

               Rainiest spot is Cherrapunji.

               Largest man-made reservoir is Angara River Russia.

               Largest river basin is Amazon River.

               Longest river dam is Hirakud Dam India.


               Largest river in volume is Amazon (Brazil).

               Longest river is Nile (Egypt).

               Largest sea bird is Albatross.

               Largest space centre is Cape Kennedy (USA).

               Largest stadium is Straho Stadium Prague.

               Tallest statue is Statue of Liberty (NY).

               Largest suspension bridge is Verazano-Narrows, NY.

               Longest swimming course is English Channel, UK.

               Broadest strait is Mozambique.

               Longest strait is Malacca.

               Biggest Telescope is Astro Physical Observatory.

               Largest temple is Angkor Vat (Cambodia).

               Longest non-stop train is Flying Scotman.

               Highest town is Wenchuan, Tibet (China).

               Tallest tower is CNN Tower, Toronto, USA.

               Longest road tunnel is Seikan (Japan).

               Highest volcano is Cotapaxi (Ecuador).

               Largest volcano is Mauna Loa (Hawaii)

               Philippines has the greatest number of volcanoes in the world.

               Longest wall is Great Wall of China 1550 miles long.

               Highest waterfall is Angel (Venezuela)

               Lowest body of water is Dead Sea.

               Biggest zoo is Etosha National Park, Namibia.

               In 2650 the first Pyramid was built in Egypt.

               In 776 First Olympic Games were played in Greece.

               Alexander invaded India in battle of Hydaspes.

               Emperor Theodesius banned the Olympic Games.

               Sun and Moon pyramids are in Mexico.

               Rock temple was built at Jerusalem.


               The largest tea producing country is India.

               USA has the largest production of aluminium.

               Rainfall related to mountains is Orographic rainfall.

               Lakes give the source of terrestrial moisture.

               Bangladesh has a dispute over the construction of a dam on Naaf River with Myanmar.

               A large coral reef containing islands encompassing a sea water lagoon is named Atoll.

               The largest basins in the face of the earth are oceans. Basin is a low land area.

               Sri Lanka is not a landlocked country.

               The thinnest earth layer is Crust.

               The name of the second highest African peak is Mount Kenya.

               Name of the second largest river of Africa is The Congo.

               Sundarbans Forests are world’s largest mangrove forests.

               Khunjra Pass connects Pakistan with China.

               Water source beneath the earth flowing naturally is called spring.

               Canada leads in the world in production of asbestos.

               Bachendri Pal is the first Indian woman to scale Mount Everst.

               Borge Ousland is a Norwegian explorer. He became the first person to walk across the Antarctic continent alone and unsupported.
               Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world.

               Chile is the largest copper producing country in the world.

               The country where death rate is lowest in the world is Japan.

               Largest Ginger producing nation is Indonesia.

               Lithuania was the first Soviet Republic of the former Soviet Union which declared itself independent.

               Madagaskar is the largest island in the Indian Ocean.

               Ferdinand Magellan commanded the first expedition in 15190 to sail round the world and discovered passage to the Pacific from the Atlantic. He proved that the shape of the earth is round.
               India leads in export of Mica in the world.

               Longest Optical Fibre is between Singapore and Marseilles.

               Dr. Ian Wilmut is credited with first cloned sheep.

               New Zealand was the first country to propose Carbon Tax to address global warming.


               Suez Canal is the largest ship canal in the world. It joins Red Sea with Mediterranean Sea. The plan of the Suez Canal was conceived by Ferdinand de Lesseps.
               Largest sugar producing country is India second is Brazil.

               Cuba is the highest producer of sugarcane in the world.

               In November 2005, Africa’s first woman head of state was elected in Mozambique. Her name is Luisa Diogo of FELIMO party.
               Amazon is the largest river of the world.

               The North Atlantic Route is the largest and busiest of the ocean trade routes.

               Most Subways in the country.. USA

               What city has the longest metro system: London

               USA has most roads what country has second most: India

               China started Civil Service Examination first of all in 6 A.D.

               Which of the following is the largest sugar producing country in the world? Brazil

               World’s oldest regligionis Hinduism.

               World’s largest religion is Christianity.

               World’s second most populous city is Mexico city.

               First to sail around the world was Ferdinand Magallan

               Largest number of Palestinian refuges are in Jordan.

               Kazakistan is the largest country in Central Asia.

               Largest landlocked country in world is Mangolia.

               Biggest oil refinery is at Abadan (Iran).

               Detroit (USA) is famous for car manufacturing.

               Glasgow is biggest ship building centre.

               Havana is famous for cigar manufacturing.

               Europe’s only Islamic state is Albania.

               Newzealand is close to Int: Date Line.

               In which city there is the largest stock exchange of the world? New York.

               Oldest Search Engine is ... Yahoo

               Bird largest in size... Ostrich

               Oldest parliament in the world--- Althing (Iceland)


               The last King of Afghanistan... Zahir Shah

               First person to walk across the Antarctic continent alone was Borge Ousland.

               Aqualine is the world’s longest under-sea tunnel (15.1 km long) bridge and tunnel express-way for motor vehicles across Tokyo Bay.
               Arabia is the larges peninsula.

               Only Hindu kingdom in World is Nepal.

               Who was the first man to fly across the channel: Louis Bleriot

               What is the largest state in the USA: Alaska

               Which of the following countries of South-West Asia leads in the production of oil? Saudi Arabia

               Which country grows the most potatoes: Russia

               What language has the most words: English

               What is the smallest state of Australia-Tasmania

               Paris and What other capital had the worlds first telephone link-Brussels

               What is the largest country in Africa -Sudan

               What was the worlds first passenger jet aircraft-Comet

               In what city was the worlds first blood bank opened 1940-New York – Richard Charles Drew

               What county first used pepper-China

               What is the oldest known science-     Astronomy

               What is the last element – Alphabetically-Zirconium

               What is the worlds most popular first name-Mohammed

               What is the fastest swimming ocean fish over 60 mph-Sailfish – Marlin

               People`s republic of china has the largest army of the world.

               The largest tides of the world occur in Bay of fundy (canada).

               Sudan is the largest country in Africa.

               Mumbai is the most populous city.

               Khan Mehtarzai is the highest railway station in Asia.

               Maximum quantities of diamonds are found in Africa.

               The highest rainfall for one month was recorded at Indian town of Cherapoonje. 366,14 inches rain fell there during the month of july 1861.
               Light is the fastest thing in the universe.It travels at a phenomenal speed of 187,000 miles per second.


               The largest tides of the world occur in Bay of Fundy (canada).

               Takla Makan is in China is the driest desert in Asia.

               Largest earthquake fatalities occurred in Izmir, Turkey in 1999.

               Breitling orbiter 3 was the first balloon to fly non-stop around the world.

               King of Malaysia is the only king in the world who is elected for 5 years term.

               Largest oil company belong to USA is The Ecxon Corporation.

               The busiest shopping centre of London is Oxford Street

               The panch Pokhri Lake situated in the Himalaya Mountains is the highest lake in the world.

               Sierra Leone has the lowest GDP per capita of 510 US dollars and Luxembourg has the highest GDP per capita of 36,400 US dollars.
               People`s republic of china has the largest army of the world.

               The Royal Majesty ship Queen Elizabeth (UK) is the largest passenger ship in the world. It is 314 metres long and 36 metres wide.
               The Cambodian language is a language which has a total number of 74 alphabets.

               The Sumerian civilization is considered to be the oldest civilization of the world.

               Jericho, situated in the Jorden valley is the oldest town of the world.

               The maximum ever temperature of 136.4 F was recorded on september 13,1922 in the city Azizia (Libya) and The minimum temperature of -129.6 F was recorded in the town of Vostok near Antarctica on 24th august , 1960.
               Worldwide most capitol cities begin with which letter- B

               Who built the worlds first film studio- Thomas Alva Edison

               Where is the worlds largest mine-Carletonville South Africa

               What is the biggest tourist attraction in Zambia-Victoria falls

               What country consumes the most coffee per capita 25 Lb-Finland

               Oil is the most traded product in the world what is the second-Coffee

               Which country makes the most films per year- India

               What's the worlds longest rail journey made no train change            Moscow Peking

               What was the first sport to be filmed -Boxing by Thomas Edison 1894

               Name the first film to have its sequel released in the same year-King Kong - Son of Kong

               What cities underground has the most stations-New York


               first man to set foot on all five continents- Captain Cook

               Who was the pilot in the first fatal air crash-Orville Wright

               Where was the worlds first oil well drilled-Pennsylvania

               What country drink the most milk per capita-Iceland

               What country consumes the most fish per capita-Japan

               What was the first country to recognise the US as independent-Morocco

               On what are the worlds smallest paintings painted- Pin Heads

               Who was the first person to wear a wristwatch- Queen Elizabeth 1st


               Father of modern chemistry is Jabir bin Hayyan

               Father of botany is Theofrastus

               Father of biology is Aristotle

               James Hutton is called the father of modern geology.

               Thefrastus is called as father of botany.

               Father of Homeopathy is Heinemann.

               Founder of physical chemistry Arrhenius.

               Copernicus is known as the Father of Astronomy.

               Greek writer Herodotus is called father of History.

               Who is known as The father of English poetry - 1340 - 1400            Geoffrey Chaucer

               ‘Aristophanes’ is called father of comedy.

               Charles babbage is called " Father of computer "

               Adam smith is called " Father of economics "



               Galileo was first to discover rotation of earth

               Kohler and Milstein discovered monoclonal antibodies.

               Photography was invented by Mathew Barry

               Albert Sabin invented Polio vaccine (oral)

               Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev (Russian) published his first version of periodic table in 1869.

               X-ray machine was invented by James Clark

               Arthur Campton discovered x-rays and Cosmic rays.

               Chadwick discovered Neutron

               Telescope was invented by Galileo

               Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming

               Noble gases discovered by Cavendish

               Gun powder was first invented in China

               Velocity of light was measured by Michelson

               Archimedes gave laws about Floatation of Bodies

               Balloon fly up in air according to Archimedes’s principle

               Dr. Christian Bernard was first to perform heart transplant in 1967 in cape town(SA)

               First man to receive artificial heart was Dr. Barney B. Clark

               Barometer was invented by Pascal

               Robert Hook discovered Cell in 1665

               Aspirin discovered by Dresser

               Atomic theory given by Dalton

               Atomic number given by Mosley

               Bacteria by Leeunhock

               Blood circulation by William Harvey

               Calculus by Newton

               Co2 by Fishcer

               Chlorine by K. Scheele

               Oxygen by Priestley


               Hydrogen by Cavandish

               Super conductor by Bendnorz and Muller in 1987 and were awarded Nobel Prize

               Cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney.

               Chloroform by Guthrie

               Deuterium by Harlod

               Dynamite by Alfred B. Nobel

               DNA by Watson Crick

               Gene by Johanson

               Chromosomes by Waldyar

               Electric resistance by Ohm

               Electrolysis by Faraday

               Electron by J.J. Thomson in 1897

               Neutron by Chadwick

               Proton by Rutherford

               Positron by Anderson

               Ozone by Echonbein

               Planetary motion by Kepler

               Radioactivity by Bacquerel

               Radium by Currie

               Insulin by Banting & Best

               Human heart transplant by Bernard

               Vaccine (measles) by Peebles

               Vaccine (polio) by Salk

               Vaccine (rabies) by Louis Pasteur

               Vaccine (small pox) by Edward Jenner

               Cause of Malaria was discovered by Ronald Ross

               Adding machine invented by Pascal

               Atom Bomb by Otto Hahn

               Air Brake by George Washington


               Air Conditioning by H. Carier

               Airplane (with motor) by Wright Bothers

               Airplane (jet engine) by Ohain

               Automobile (electric) by William Morrison

               Automobile (differential gear) by Benz

               Bakelite by Leo Hendricks Backland

               Balloon by Mont Golfer

               Barometer by Torricelli

               Bicycle (modern) by Starley

               Bifocal lens by Benjamin Franklin

               Burner (gas) by Bunsen

               Calculating machine (digital) by Charles Babbage

               Camera (photographic) by Josef N. Niepce

               Carburetor by Daimler

               Cement by Joseph Aspidin

               Circuit breaker by Hilliard

               Computer (electronic) by J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauckly

               Diesel engine by Rudolf Diesel

               Digital camera was invented by Eastman Kodak.

               Gas engine by Daimler

               Electric fan by wheeler

               Electric flat iron by Henry Sealy

               Electric generator by Hippolyte Pixie

               Electric motor by Michael Faraday

               Motor A.C by Tesla

               Motor D.C by Devin Port

               Electric shaver by W.S. Hadaway

               Electric vaccum cleaner by James Spangler

               Electromagnet by William Sturgeon


               Electron Microscope by Vladimir Zwryin

               Microscope (compound) by Janessen and Leeuhock

               Flying shuttle by Johan Kay

               Gun powder by Roger Bacon

               Gas engine (four cycle) by Otto and Daimler

               Helicopter by Sikorsky

               Interneral combustion engine by Daimler

               Jet engine by Frank Whittle

               Knitting Machine by William Lee

               Lamp (incadecent) by Thomas Edision

               Montgoflier invented balloon.

               Talbot invented photographic paper.

               Dickenson invented paper machine.

               Blanchard invented parachute.

               Colt’s invention is pistol.

               Howe was the inventor of sewing machine.

               Lamp (mercury) by Hewit

               Laser (practical) by Gordon Gould

               Laser (operable) by T.H.Mainman

               Machine gun by Gatling

               Match (safety) by Pasch

               Microphone by Graham Bell

               Motion pictures (camera) by Edison

               Motor cycle by Daimler

               Motor scooter by Bradsha

               Parachute by Garnerin

               Pen (fountain) by Waterman

               Pen (ball-point) John Loud Biro

               Photoelectric cell by Julius Elster


               Piano by Christopher

               Printing press (screw type) by Guten Berg

               Radar by Watson Watt

               Railway (electric) by Werner Siemens

               Razor safety by Gillette

               Razor (electric) by Jacob Schick

               Refrigerator by Ferdinand Carre

               Revolver by Samuel Solt

               Rifle by August Kotter

               Rifle (automatic) by John Moses Browning

               Rocket Engine by Goddard

               Safety pin by Walter Hunt

               Sewing Machine by Elias Howe and Thomas Saint

               Stainless steel by Herry Brearley

               Stream boat by Abbans

               Submarine by Holland

               Tank military by Swinton

               Telephone by Graham Bell

               Radio by Marconi

               Telescope (reflecting) by Galileo

               Telescope (refracting) by Newton

               Television (mechanical) by J.L. Baird

               Television (electric) by Fransworth

               Thermometer by Galilo

               Termomter (mercury) by Farhenheit

               Tractor by Robert Keeley

               Transformer by William Stanley

               Transistor by William Shockley

               Type writer by Henry Mill


               Washing machine (electric) by Alva Fisher

               Washing machine (manual) by Hamilton E. Smith

               Welding (electric) by E. Thomson

               Zipper (meshed tooth) by Gideon Sundback

               Celcius devised Centrigrade scale

               Bacteria were discovered by Louis Pasture.

               Ramsay discovered inert gas.

               Proton was discovered by Goldstein

               Who is credited with the development of polio vaccine? Jonas Salk

               Christopher Cockerel invented what: Hovercraft

               The electric chair was invented by a dentist

               Bardeen and Brattin discovered Semiconductor

               What was invented by James Dewer in 1872: Vacuum or thermos flask

               Atom Bomb (Uranium Fission) was invented by Otto Hahn in 1941.

               Electron was discovered in 1897.

               Oxygen was discovered in 1774.

               Tomas A Edison was American.

               X-rays and Cosmic rays were discovered by Arthur Compton.

               Printing press was invented by Johann Gutenberg.

               Gramophone was invented by Emile Berliner.

               Blood pressure was discovered by William Harvey.

               Magnifying glass was invented by Roger Bacon.

               Insulin was discovered by Banting.

               Michael Faraday invented Electric Motor in belonged to England.

               ECG invented by Einthogen.

               Columbus Day is observed on 2nd Monday in October.

               In 1774 Oxygen was discovered by Priestly.

               In 1589 William Lee invented knitting machine.

               More than 2000 years ago a Roman Ruler Julius Caesar invented the calendar that we use today.


               Lipstick was first introduced in 1915 in America.

               Zippers were introduced in 1890.

               China was discovered by Marco Polo.

               Sea route from Europe to India was discovered by Vasco-de-Gama.

               Canada was discovered by Jacques Cartier.

               Australia was discovered by William Jon zoon.

               Parachute was invented by L.S Lenormand in 1783.

               Box Camera was invented by G.Eastman in 1988.

               Electric Generator was invented by Hippolyte Pixil in the year 1832. He belonged to France.

               In 1907 Electric Washing Machine was invented by an American named A.J 1916.

               Motorcycle was invented by Gottlieb Daimler in 1885, he belonged to Germany.

               First person to reach North Pole was Robert E.Peray.

               Dynamo was invented by Faraday in the year of 1831.

               On 14th Dec 1911 South Pole was discovered by Armunden.

               America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, he belonged to Italy.

               Sea route to India was discovered by Vasco da Gama in 1498, he belonged to Protugese.

               Sandwich Island (now called Hawaiian Island) was discovered by Captain cook in 1770, he belonged to English.
               Suez Canal was designed by French Engineer Ferdiand de Lesseps in 1869.

               Solar System was discovered by Copernicus in 1540, he belonged to Poland.

               Planery motion was discovered by Kepler in 1600, he belonged to Germany.

               Artificial radioactivity was discovered by Madam Joliet and Irene Curie in 1934.

               Atomic number were discovered by Mosley in 1913.

               Atomic theory was given by Dalton in 1803.

               Who invented wax paper- Thomas Edison

               Atomic Structure was studied by Bohr and Rutherford in 1913.

               Circumference of the earth was calculated by Jean Picard.

               Current Electricity was invented by Volta in 1800, he belonged to Italy.

               Cause of yellow fever was discovered by Reed in 1900.


               Discovery of Oxygen was made by J.Priestly in 1774.

               Deuterium (Heavy Hydrogen) was discovered by H.C Urey in 1932.

               Discovery of Electron was made by J.J Thomson in 1897.

               Dynamite was made my Alfred Noble, he belonged to Sweden.

               Fundamental laws of electrical attraction was made by Coulomb.

               Hydrogen was discovered by Cavendish in 1766.

               Induction of electric current was discovered by Michaed Farraday in 1841.

               Incandescent bulb was made by Edison in 1860.

               Intelligence tests were made by Binet in 1905.

               Laughing gas (Nitrous oxide) was discovered by Priestly.:

               Chromosomes were discovered by Hofmeister.

               Otto Hahm invented A.Bomb.

               Wright Brothers invented Aeroplane.

               W. Shockley discovered transistor.

               Christian Barnard was pioneer in heart transplantation.

               William Harvey discovered Circulation of blood.

               Ramsay discovered inert gas.

               Aristotle was the first to classify animals into groups.

               Theophrastus is regarded as the father of botany.

               Hydrogen was discovered by Henry Cavandish.

               Proton was discovered by Goldstein.

               Thomson discovered electron.

               Commercial cork is obtained from Quercus.

               Bacteria were discovered by Louis Pasture.

               In 1803, the English Scientist John Dalton described the atom as the smallest unit of an element.

               In 1897 J.J Thomson discovered electron, negative charges.

               In 1911 Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealander living in Britain, carried out experiment with atomic particles.
               Scientist use enormous machine called particle accelerator to discover and find out about subatomic particles.


               Ernest Rutherford in 1908, with the equipment discovered the atomic nucleus.

               Hans Geiger (1882-1945) invented the Geiger Counter used to measure radioactivity.

               The scientist who designed the first internal combustion engine used to burn low grade fuel.

Francois Isaac de Rivaz

               The scientist who discovered water: Antoine Lavoisier (Chk)

               Nitric acid     acid was discovered by Jabbar bin Hayyan.(HCL was also discovered by him)

               What calculating aid was invented by William Oughtred in 1662: Slide Rule

               What was invented by James Dewer in 1872: Vacuum or thermos flask

               Fredrick Sanger discovered which medical life saver: Insulin

               Who invented Scissors-Leonardo Da Vinci

               In 1902 What did Mary Anderson invent-Windscreen Wipers

               The technique to produce the first test tube baby was evolved by Patrick Stepote and Robert Edwards

               Sumiton invented Tank.

               The very first electric light was invented in Scotland in 1835 by James Lindsay.

               The molecular theory of matter was experimentally testified by Robert Brown.

               The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was propounded by J.B. Lamarck

               What was invented by Dr Edward Land in 1947: Polaroid

               Dr. James Watson discovered the structure of DNA in 1953.

               Structure of DNA was given by Watson and Crick.

               Air conditioner invented by "willis H. carrier"U.S. in 1902.

               Camera (photographic) has been invented by "Joseph N. Niepce"France in 1822.

               The scientist who designed the first internal combustion engine used to burn low grade fuel. Etienne Lenoir

Pioneers in Science

Anderson—Discovered positive electrons.

Archimedes—Discovery of the Principles of lever and of specific gravity; invention of the famous Archimedean screw.
Avogadro—An Italian scientist known for Avogadro’s Hypothesis.


Bacquerel—Radio-activity of uranium. Baird—Television.
Baron Napier—Logarithms.

Benjamin Franklin—Invented lightning conductor. Bessemer—Steel smelting process.
Bhabha, Dr H.J.—Research in Cosmic rays and Quantum theory. Binet—Intelligence Test.
Birbal Sahni—Researches in Botany.

Bose, J.C.—Invented Crescograph and published many works on plant physiology. He discovered that plants have sense and perception.
Bose, S.N.—Discovery of a group of nuclear particles named after him “Boson”.

Boyle—Boyle’s law; Pressure x volume = constant at a constant given temperature. Boyle was the greatest scientist of England in his time.
Bohr—Electron Theory—Atomic structure. Braun, Dr Wernher von—space flying.
Bunsen—Invention of the spectroscope. Carothers—Nylon plastics.
Cavendish—Discovery of chemical composition of water; discovery of hydrogen (Inflammable Air); ‘rare gases’.
Chadwick—Discovery of the neutron. Chandrasekhar—Mathematical Astrophysics.
Charles Darwin—Theory of Evolution; Origin of Species. Clarke, Arthur C.—Concept of Geostationary Orbit.
Curie, Madame—Discovery of radium.

Dalton—Atomic theory; laws of chemical combination; law of partial pressures; the law of multiple proportions. Democritus—Greek philosopher—(Atomic theory).
Dewar—Invented cordite, liquid oxygen and introduced thermos flask. Einstein—Theory of relativity.
Euclid—Science of geometry.

Fahrenheit—Fahrenheit mercury thermometric scale in which freezing point is –32° and boiling point is 212°.


Faraday—Electromagnetic induction and laws of electrolysis. Fermi—Discovered artificial splitting of atoms.
Freud—Doctrine of Psycho-analysis. Gay Lussac—Law of gases.
Gauss—System of absolute electric measurements. Good Year—Discovered the art of vulcanising rubber. Herschel, William—Discovered the Planet—Uranus. Hertz—Electrical waves.
Hippalus—Founder of scientific astronomy. Hoffmann—Discovered the first aniline dye. Kelvin, Lord—Dynamical theory of heat.
Khorana, Dr Hargobind—Deciphering the genetic code. Kodak—Film and photographic goods.
Lablanc—Manufacture of washing soda. Lawrence—Invention of cyclotron.
Lockyer—Helium gas.

Louis Braille—Perfected his system of reading and writing for the blind. Marconi—Wireless telegraphy; radio.
Maria-Montessori—‘Montessori’ method of teaching children. Maxwell—Electro-magnetic Theory of Light.
Meghnad Saha—Effect of pressure on Radiation through bodies. Mendel—Laws of heredity.
Mandeleev—Periodic Table.

Morse—Morse system of electric telegraphy. Newton—Laws of gravitation; Law of Motion. Nobel—Dynamite.
Oliver Lodge—Physicist. Researches in wireless communications. Oppenheimer—Researches in atomic theory.
Otto Hahn—Discovery of uranium fission.


Parkes—Celluloid. Parsons—Steam turbine.
Pavlov—Theory of Conditioned Reflex. Perkin—‘Mauve dye’.
Pitman—Founded the Pitman system of phonographic shorthand. Planck—Quantum theory.
Plimsoll—Introduced a line of demarcation on the ships beyond which the ships cannot be loaded. Priestley—Discovery of Oxygen.
Raman, C.V.—“Raman Effect” on polarisation of light and theories on crystals and diamond formation. Ramanathan—Molecular scattering of light in fluids.
Ramanujam—A great Indian mathematician.

Ramsay—Discovery of Inert gases such as Argon, Neon, Helium etc. Ray, P.C.—Researches in chemistry.
Regnault—Experiments in regard to the physical properties of bodies and their relation to heat. Roger Bacon—Gun powder.
Rontgen—Discovery of X-rays. Rohmkorff—Induction coil.
Rutherford—Atomic Research; succeeded in splitting the atom for the first time in 1918. Shalimar—Paints.
Stephenson—British engineer and pioneer in Railways. He was the first to put a locomotive on the line that was able to draw a train of 31 carriages.
Thomson, J.J.—Discovered electron. Travers—Discovery of Neon gas (Working with Ramsay). Urey—Discovery of Heavy Hydrogen.
Volta—Current electricity and electric battery. Pioneers in Mechanical Inventions and Discoveries Austin—Motor Car.
Bell, Graham—Telephone. Berliner—Microphone.


Brequet—Helicopter. Bushwell—Submarine. Caxton—Printing Press. Colt—Revolver.
Daimler—Gas engine. Davy—Miner’s Safety Lamp.
Diesel—Internal Combustion engine (Diesel engine). Dunlop—Pneumatic tyre.
Edison—First electric bulb and gramophone. Faraday—Dynamo.
Fick—Law of Diffusion—Fick’s Law. Frank Whittle—Jet propulsion.
Fulton—Stream boat. Galileo—Telescope. Gillette—Safety razor. Guttenburg—Art of Printing. Hoe—Rotary Printing Press. Howe—Sewing Machine.
Huygens—Pendulum clock.

James Watt—Steam engine (patented in 1769). Landstrom, J.E.—Safety Matches.
Macmillan—Bicycle (1842). Mauser—Magazine of rifle. Mercator—Celestial and a terrestrial globe. Montgolfier—Balloon (1883) Pascal—Calculating Machine.
Puckle, James—Machine gun Shockley—Transistor.


Stephenson—Railway engine. Swinton—Military tank.

Watt, Robert Watson—Radar.

W. & O. Wright (Wright Brothers)—Aeroplane (1903).

Waterman—Fountain pen. Zeiss—Lenses; Camera. Pioneers in
Medical Inventions and Discoveries

               Banting—Insulin (as a palliative for diabetes).

Barnard, Christian—Replacing the human heart. Brahmchari, U.M.—Cure of Kala-a-zar fever.
Davy—Isolation of metals by electricity; studied properties of chlorine. Domagk—Sulpha drugs as bactericides.
Eijkman—Cause of Beri-Beri.

Finsen—Discovered curative effect of ultra violet rays; photography. Fleming, Alexander—Penicillin (in 1929).
Harvey—Circulation of blood. Hahnemann—Homoeopathy (founder). Hopkins, Frederick Gowland—Vitamin D. Jenner—Smallpox Vaccination.
Koch—Tubercle Bacillus. Lainnec—Stethoscope.
Lister, Lord—Antiseptic treatment.

Pasteur, Louis—Treatment of rabies; cure of hydrophobia. Ronald Ross—Malaria Parasite.
Salk, Jonas E.—Anti-polio Vaccine. Simpson and Harrison—Chloroform. Waksman—Streptomycin.



               Hydrometer measures humidity

               Barometer measures atmospheric pressure

               Purity of milk is measured by lactometer

               Fathometer measures the depth of oceans.

               Sextant is used for measuring altitude of Sun and other heavenly bodies

               Chronometer records accurate time on ships

               Algesimeter indicates the degree of sensitiveness of skin

               Altimeter measures altitudes

               Ammeter measures current

               Anemometer records velocity of wind

               Cyamometer measures blueness of sky or ocean

               Dasymeter measures density of gas

               Galvanometer measures small electric current

               Hydrometer measures relative density of liquids

               Hygrometer measures humidity in atmosphere

               Hypsometer measures atmospheric pressure to ascertain elevations by determining boiling point of liquid. Or Hypsometer is an instrument for measuring the height above sea level.
               Manometer measures pressure of gases

               Micrometer measures minute distances

               Periscope is used for viewing objects above eye level

               Cyclotron is used for electromagnetic acceleration of charged atoms

               Geiger counter is used for detecting and recording radioactivity. It was invented by Hans Geiger (1882- 1945)
               Pyrometer measures high temperatures

               Refrectometer measures refractive index of a substance

               Seismograph measures intensity of earthquake


               Telstar transmits wireless or T.V broadcast

               Viscometer measures viscosity of liquids

               Spiro graph records the movement of lungs

               Photometer measures rate of transpiration

               Scotograph is used for enbling blind to write

               Eratosthenes measures distance round the earth

               Kaldio-scopes have proved helpful in finding the amount of dampness in soil

               Mohr’s scale measures degree of hardness of minerals

               RBC and WBC is bloods are counted by Hemocytometer.

               Manometer is the instrument of measuring gas pressure.

               Spectrometer instrument for measuring the spectrum of light.

               The variation in the blood flow can be heard with an instrument called _ stethoscope _

               What is measured by an interferometer-Wavelength of light

               Hydrophone is used for measuring sound under water.

               Magnometer is an instrument designed to compare the magnetic movement and field.

               Potometer is used to measure the rate of respiration in animal and plants.

               For measuring solar radiation we use pyrheliometer.

               Actimometer measures direct heating power of the Sun.

               Ammeter is use for measuring current strength.

               Manometer is the instrument of measuring gas pressure.

               Spectrometer instrument for measuring the spectrum of light.

               The measurement of rainfall is made by an instrument known as rain gauge

               What is measured with an ombrometer-Rainfall

               The instrument used to measure very high temperature: Infrared pyrometers

               Mechanical energy into electrical energy: Generator

               Heat energy into mechanical energy: Heat engine or steam engine.

               Electrical energy into mechanical energy: Electrical Motor

               Electrical energy into sound energy: Loudspeaker

               Sound energy into electrical energy: Microphone


               The device used to measure radioactivity: Geiger-Muller tube

               The device which converts the chemical energy into electrical energy: Battery

               The device used to measure radioactivity. Geiger counter

               Hygrometer is instrument used for measuring humidity of air.

               Heliscope is used for viewing the sun.

               What does a potometer measure- Water intake

               Clinical thermometer usually measures in Fahrenheit.

               Actimometer measures direct heating power of the Sun.

               Ammeter is use for measuring current strength

               Voltammeter is an electrolytic cell for conducting electrolytic dissociation of electrolyte.

               What does a drosomoter measure: Dew

               Relative density of an atmosphere is measured by hygrometer.

               Spirograph is an apparatus used for recording the movement of the lungs.

               The maximum limit of sound beyond which a person can become deaf is 129 lbs.

               Charles K Rhodes developed an X-Ray emitting laser in 1990.

               Son meter is an instrument used to study the behavior of vibrating string.

               The instrument used for measuring the velocity of wind is known as anemometer.

Altimeter: an apparatus used in aircraft for measuring altitudes. Ammeter: is used for to measure intensity of sound.
Anemometer: is an instrument for measuring the force and velocity of wind. Audiometer: an instrument to measure intensity of sound.
Audiophone: is an instrument required for improving imperfect sense of hearing. Barograph: for continuous recording of atmospheric pressure.
Barometer: is an apparatus used for measuring the atmospheric pressure.

Binoculars: is an instrument used for seeing distant objects, the rays of light are twice reflected by means of right-angled prisms.
Callipers: a compass with legs for measuring the inside or outside diameter of bodies. Calorimeter: an instrument used for measuring quantities of heat.


Carburettor: is an apparatus for charging air with petrol vapours in an internal combustion engine. Cardiogram: a medical instrument used for tracing the movements of the heart.
Cardiograph: is a medical instrument for tracing heart movements.

Chronometer: is an instrument kept on board the ships for measuring accurate time.

Cinematograph: It consists of a series of lenses arranged to throw on a screen an enlarged image of photographs. The lens system which forms the image on the screen is termed the focusing lens.
Commutator: split ring which forms the main part of a D.C. Dynamo.

Compass needle: for knowing approximately the North-South direction at a place. Crescograph: is an instrument for use in recording growth of plants; invented by J.C. Bose.
Dip Circle: It is an instrument used to determine the angle between the direction of the resultant intensity of earth’s field and the horizontal component at a place. This particular angle is know as the dip of that place.
Drinker’s apparatus: to help breathing in infantile paralysis.

Dynamo: The origin of electricity in a Dynamo is the transformation of mechanical energy into electrical energy. It depends on the principle of electro-magnetic induction whereby a current is produced on traversing a magnetic field.
Electroencephalograph (EEG): It is the technique of recording and interpreting the electrical activity of the brain. Records of the electrical activity of the brain, commonly known as “brain waves”, are called electroencephalograms or electroencephalographs. EEG is the common abbreviation for both the technique and the records.
Epidiascope: for projecting films as well as images of opaque articles on a screen.

Eudiometer: It is a glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical reactions between gases. Fathometer: is an instrument used for measuring depth of the ocean.
Galvanometer: an instrument for measuring currents of small magnitude.

G.M. Counter (Geiger Muller Counter): This special device is used for detecting the presence of radiation and counting certain atomic particles.
Gramophone: an instrument with which we can reproduce the sound recorded by a suitable recording apparatus. It is fitted with a special type of apparatus known as sound box invented by Berliner.
Gravimeter: is an instrument for recording measurement under water and to determine the presence of oil deposits under water.
Gyroscope: is an instrument used to illustrate dynamics of rotating bodies. It is a type of spinning wheel fixed to the axle.
Hydrometer: is an instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids. Hydrophone: is an instrument used for recording sound under water.


Hygrometer: is an instrument used for measuring humidity in air.

Kymograph: is an instrument used to record graphically various physiological movements i.e., blood pressure, heart beating, study of lungs etc in living beings.
Lactometer: is an apparatus used for measuring the purity of milk. Manometer: for determining the pressure of a gas.
Mariner’s Compass: is an apparatus which is used to guide the sailors. The needle always points north-south. Micrometer: is an instrument used for converting sound i.e., fraction of the lowest division of a given scale.
Microphone: is an instrument used for converting sound waves into electrical vibrations. Microscope: is an instrument which is used for magnifying minute objects by a lens system. Microtome: is used for cutting an object into thin parts for microscopic inspection.
Odometer: is an instrument by virtue of which the distance covered by wheeled vehicles is recorded.

Periscope: It is usually used by the crew of a submarine to survey the ships etc, on the surface of the sea while the submarine is under water. It also enables the sailors to observe objects on the other side of an obstacle without exposing themselves.
Phonograph: is an instrument used for reproducing sound.

Photometer: is an apparatus used to compare the illuminating power of two sources of light. Pipette: It is a glass tube with the aid of which a definite volume of liquid may be transferred.
Potentiometer: is used for comparing the e.m.f.s, of cells, measurements of the thermal e.m.f.s, large potential differences and currents. It is also used for measuring low resistances.
Psychrometer: is an instrument for measurement of the humidity of the atmosphere.

Pyrometer: is an instrument for recording high temperatures from a great distance (i.e., for recording temperature of the sun etc.) by making use of the laws of radiation.
Radar: Radio, Angle, Detection And Range is used to detect the direction and range of an approaching aeroplane by means of radio microwaves.
Rain Gauge: is an apparatus for recording of rainfall at a particular place. Radiometer: is an instrument for measuring the emission of radiant energy. Refractometer: is an instrument to measure refractive indices.
Saccharimeter: is an instrument for determining the amount of sugar in a solution. It is used in breweries. Seismometer or Seismograph: is an instrument used for recording earthquake shocks.
Sextant: is an instrument invented by John Hadley used for measuring the altitude of the sun and of other inaccessible heavenly bodies.


Spectrometer: (1) It is a type of spectroscope suitable for the precise measurements of refractive indices. (2) An instrument for measuring the energy distribution of a particular type of radiation.
Speedometer: is an instrument which indicates speed at which a vehicle is moving. Spherometer: is an instrument for measuring curvature of surfaces.
Sphygmomanometer: an instrument used for measuring arterial blood-pressure. Sphygmophone: an instrument, with the help of which a pulse beat makes a sound. Sphygmoscope: an instrument, by virtue of which, arterial pulsations become visible.
Stereoscope: It is a special type of binocular, through which a double photograph snapped from two different angles by a two-lensed camera is viewed in solid relief.
Stethoscope: is an instrument to hear and analyse movements of heart and lungs.

Stop watch: for recording small intervals of time in the laboratory, in races and other events.

Stroboscope: is an instrument for viewing objects moving rapidly with a periodic motion and to see them as if they were at rest.
Tachometer: is an instrument for determining speeds of aeroplanes and motor boats.

Telephone: a device by virtue of which two persons at two different places can communicate. It consists of two main parts (i) a microphone and (ii) a receiver.
Teleprinter: an instrument which prints automatically messages sent from one place to another, on telegraph lines.
Telescope: is an apparatus used for observing distant objects. Theodolite: is an instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles.
Thermocouple: an instrument based on thermo-electricity used for measuring temperatures. Thermometer: is an apparatus used for measuring temperature.
Thermostat: It is an instrument used to regulate the temperature to a particular degree. Viscometer: is an instrument to measure viscosity.



               Half byte = 1nibble = 4 bits

               Bit means Binary Digit

               1 byte = 8 bits

               1 mega byte = 1048576 bytes

               1 kilo byte = 1024 bytes

               A combination of 16 bits are called word.

               A terabyte = 1 trillion bytes

               Our PC belongs to 4th generation

               Fred Cohen coined the word computer virus

               First computer virus was created in 1970 at Bell laboratories

               WORM means Write Once Read Many

               Power of a super computer is measured in FLOPS (Floating Point Operations per Second)

               WWW/http: (hypertext transfer protocol) was created by Tim Burner Lee in 1992

               Intel means Integrated Electronics

               1 worksheet contains 256 columns

               G.W.Basic G.W stands for Gate Way

               Super Computer was created by J.H.Van Tassel

               CORBA is Common Object Request Broker Architecture

               URL is Uniform or Universal Resource Locator

               Intel invented RAM chip

               Information stored on disk as series of bumps on its shiny side.

               DVDs hold more information than CDs. They use smaller bumps and have two reflective layers

               Recordable CDs do not have bumps. There are patches of color on disk to change the reflected laser light
               In 1951 Univac – 1, the world’s first commercial computer was designed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. They built ENIAC, the first electronic computer in 1946
               In 1968 mainframe was built.

               In 1976 first supercomputer the Cray-1 was developed


               In 1981 IBM produce the IBM PC.

               In 1998 IBM made quantum computer

               Super computers uses parallel processing

               In 1974, computer games were introduced.

               PROM is the abbreviation of programmable read only memory

               What was the world’s first high level programming language 1957: IBM FORTRAN

               A JPEG is a picture file format - what does JPEG stand for: Joint Photographic Experts Group

               During World War II, IBM built the computers the Nazis used to manage their death/concentration camps
               Registers are temporary storage areas within the CPU.

               First apple computer was built in garage.

               The language of small talk is object oriented.

               Shell is an operating environment.

               Virtual memory is also known as virtual page.

               NOS refer to operating systems for a network.

               In EBCDIC each character is denoted by 8 bits.

               Diodes are used in analog computer circuits as limiter.

               Wetware stands for any organic intelligence.

               GIGO stands for garbage in garbage out.

               Application of flip-flap are counters, shift register and transfer register.

               Bootstrap is associated with computer.

               FORTRAN stands for formula translator.

               A group of character that is termed as a single entity is called word.

               Clip art is a computer prepared art.

               Mark sensing is another term for OMR.

               Authorization to make multiple software copies is called site licensing.

               Antivirus is also known as vaccines.

               Free software is also known as public domain software.


               In computer DFD stands for Data Flow Diagram.

               Cyber Space is called to Virtual world of the computer.

               What does the sun in SUN Microsystems stand for Stanford University Network

               What does Intel stand for- Integrated Electronics

               All PCs have a BIOS what does bios stand for-Basic Input Output System

               What is the common name for an integrated circuit A Chip

               In WWW terms what does i.e. mean on a domain name-Ireland

               What company introduced the first commercial minicomputer 65    DEC

               Name the first web browser publicly available NCSA Mosaic

               The world’s most powerful super computer is called ASCI white.

               World Wide Web was invented in 1993 by Tim Bareness Lee.

               The B-programming language was developed by Ken Thompson.

               The 1st commercially produced and sold computer (1951) was UNIVAC.

               The transformation from heavy computers to PCs was made possible using microprocessors.

               The first microprocessor was developed in 1971 by Intel.

               A pentium 4 (P-4) employs roughly 40 million transistors.

               Mark-1, Apple-1, and collossus were initial desktop computers.

               Binary digits are briefed as bit.

               A collection of bits is called byte.

               The first home computer (1977), which was sold in millions of units was Apple II.

               ‘PARAM’ is a supercomputer.

               Father of the Computer.. Charles Babbage

               What does CMOS stand for in a computer- Complimentary metal Oxide semi-conductor



               Parliament of Afghanistan is Loya Jirga.

               Parliament of Australia is Federal Parliament.

               Parliament of Bangladesh is Jatiya Saugsad.

               Parliament of Canada is Parliament.

               Parliament of China is National people’s congress.

               Parliament of Denmark is Folketing.

               Parliament of Egypt is People’s Assembly.

               Parliament of France is Parliament.

               Parliament of Germany is Baundesrat.

               Parliament of Greece is Parliment.

               Parliament of India is Parliment.

               Parliament of Iran is Majlis-e-Shoura-e-Islam.

               Parliament of Iraq is National Assembly.

               Parliament of Japan is Diet.

               Parliament of Morocco is Majlis al Nuwab.

               Parliament of Oman is Consultative Assembly.

               Parliament of Qatar is Advisory Council.

               Parliament of Russia is Duma.

               Parliament of Norway is the Storting.

               Parliament of Sweden is Riksdag.

               Oldest parliament in the world--- Althing (Iceland)



               What has 32 panels and 642 stitches-A football (soccer)

               First British open squash championship played in 1922.

               First world squash championship 1976.

               Jhangir khan has won world open 6 times.

               Wimbledon open tennis was instituted in 1877.

               A winner of four competitions (Wimbledon, French open, us open, and Australia open) is called Grand Slam.
               Most Wimbledon single (Men) title are won by Pete Sampras (USA).

               Most Wimbledon single (woman) title won by Martina Navratilova (USA).

               Common Wealth game are held every 4 years, they were started in 1931.

               First Asia games were played at New Delhi in 1951.

               15th Asian Games will be held in Qatar in 2006.

               Current World cup holder of hockey is Netherlands.

               FIFA established in Paris on May 21, 1904.

               Grand slam is the title associated with Pete Sampras.

               Michael Chang (USA) is the youngest to win the title of grand slam.

               Shahid Afridi has made century on 37 balls.

               The title “Oval Hero” is with Fazal Muhammad.

               The sports man Kasparvo is associated with Chess.

               Modern summer Olympic were held in Greece in 1896.

               Olympic held every 4 years.

               Hockey became Olympic event in 1908. Pakistan took part in 1948 in London.

               1st world cup hockey 1971 at Barcelona (Spain).

               Hockey world cup held every 4 year.

               First world cup cricket 1975, won by West Indies.

               India won world cup cricket in 1983 by beating West Indies.

               10 countries have test status.

               First test mach was played in 1877 between Australia and England.


               First One day match between Australia and England in Jan 5, 1971.

               First word cup football 1930, Uruguay, and won by Uruguay.

               1942 world cup football cup did not hold due to Second World War.

               Nigeria is current Olympic footfall champion.

               Geoff hunt is associated with Squash.

               South Africa was expelled from ICC in 1970 because of its apartheid policies.

               Current heavy weight championship is with L. Lewis.

               In cricket batsman can be out by 10 ways.

               Peter Marshal is associated with Squash.

               Pakistan had won 4 title of world cup hockey so far.

               First three work cup crickets were played with 60 over.

               Rocky Morciono only heavy weight boxer remained unbeaten throughout his career.

               Lowest test match inning is 26 by New Zealand.

               Highest no of one-days are played at Sharjah Cricket Ground.

               The champion trophy hockey tournament was introduced by Pakistan in year 1978.

               Davis cup is for tennis.

               Thomas cup badminton is for men only.

               Uber cup is for badminton.

               Each team in volleyball consists of 6 players.

               Antoly Karpov, the world chess player belongs to Russia.

               Modern Olympic Games were first held in Athens.

               ICC has 10 members and it was founded in 1965.

               Lowest total in cricket is 36 by Canada.

               Tennis player steffi graf belongs to Germany.

               Natwest trophy is for cricket.

               The Swythiling cup is related to Table Tennis.

               Morocco cup is for cricket.

               First modern Olympic games were held in 1896 in Athens.

               First women competed in Olympic games in 1912.


               France and which country contested first ever world cup match      Mexico

               The number of countries which participated in the first Olympic Games held at Athens was Nine

               Who owns The Oval cricket ground- Prince Charles

               Who among the following batsmen achieved the feat of hitting six 6s in one over for the first time in international cricket during the World Cup 2007 Herschelle Gibbs
               Where were the first winter Olympics held in 1924 -Charmonix France

               FINA is the governing body of what amateur sport-Swimming

               FITA are the governing body of what sport-Archery

               A Lady Paramount judges at what sport- Archery

               First cricket cup was played in England in 1974.

               First Asian Games were held in New Delhi in 1951. From 1954 they were held every four years.

               Baron Pierre de Coubertin was founder of the modern Olympic Games.

               Bunting is a term in the game of Baseball.

               Grand Master is a term in Chess.

               Grand Slam is a term in sports associated with Bridge as well as Lawn Tennis.

               Martina Hinges is the youngest woman tennis player to win three major singles titles in one season.

               Iron- a sports term is associated with Golf.

               McDowell Cup is associated with football.

               Olympic Games were held twice in Paris and London.

               Paralympics are the games for disabled.

               Uber cup is associated with Badminton.

               Yankee Stadium is associated with Boxing.

               World’s oldest sports daily is Gazetta dello Sport of Italy.

               Val Barker Cup is awarded in the Olympic Games in Boxing.

               The Paralympics Games 2008 were held in Beijing.

               Asafa Powell is 100 m sprinter.

               The term “Stalemate” is related to the game of Chess.

               With which sport is the term ‘butterfly’ associated? Swimming

               Next Football world Cup in 2010 is in..... South Africa


               How many rings on the Olympic flag: Five

               Who ran the first marathon: Phidipedes

               What colour is the cap given to an England cricket player-Blue

               What held up a Cricket test Match between England Pakistan-Mouse on pitch

               What is the first race in the Grand Prix season-Brazilian

               By Olympic rules what must have 14 feathers          Badminton Bird

               How is the Olympic torch lit- By the sun in Greece

               Martina Navratilova belongs to Czech Republic.

               Tour De France is French cycle race.

               National game of Switzerland is skiing.

               What has 32 panels and 642 stitches-A football (soccer)

               In Tennis where is the Australian Open played-Flinders Park

               What Olympic event was dropped in 1920-Tug of War -1900 to 1920

               FIDE govern what game        -Chess.

               Footballer Zaidane originally belongs to which country? Algeria


               VDU = video display unit

               CRT = cathode ray tube

               CRO Cathode Ray Oscillator

               SARS Severe Accute respitoratry syndrome

               BOT Built operate transfer

               AMU Atomic mass unit

               EMF Electromotive Force or Electromagnetic Field (Most apt is Electromotive Force)

               ADH Anti diuretic harmome

               STP Standard Temperature and Pressure

               NPT Network time protocol

               CRT Cathode ray tube


               SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

               BOT Built Operate transfer

               AMU Atomic Mass Unit

               EMF Electromotive force

               ADH Anti Diuretic Hormone

               STP Standard Temperature Pressure

               GeV Giga Electron Volt

               NTP Normal Temperature Pressure

               CRT Cathode Ray Tube

               The ore of mercury metal.--cyanabar

               SARS : severe acute respiratory syndrome

               NTP : network time protocol

               RQ : respiratory quotient

               PVC : polyvinyl chloride

               NPN : negative positive negative

               WAN : wide area network

               ECG: electro cardio gram

               CPU: central processing unit

               BCG : bacillus of calmette –Guerin

               STP standard temperature and pressure/ Shielded Twisted Pair

               ATP Adenosine Tri-Phosphate

               PNP proton – neutron – proton

               [Positive-Negative-Positive (transistor) ]

               LAN local area network

               KWh kilo watt hour

               BTU British Thermal Unit

               LDL Low-density lipoprotein

               [commonly referred to as bad cholesterol]

               ROM Read only memory


               MAF million acre feet

               SONAR Sound Navigation and Ranging


               HDL= HARDWARE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE/High-Density Lipoprotein





               DBS=DATA BASE SERVER

               V.L.C.C stands for Very large crude carrier.

               VTOL = vertical take off and landing

               SETI = Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence = a project to find Aliens

               Fax is the short form of Facsimile which means identical copy

               SETI => Search for Extraterrestrial intelligence.

               On the PH scale what does PH stand for-Potential Hydrogen

               ABM: Anti Ballistic Missiles


ABVP: Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad AC: Alternating Current; Ashoka Chakra ACU: Asian Currency Union
AD: anno Domini; in the year of Lord Christ ADB: Asian Development Bank
ADC: Aide-de-Camp; Access Deficit Charge ADF: Asian Development Fund
ADS: Air Defence Ship AJT: Advanced Jet Trainer
AG: Accountant General; Adjutant General AI: Air India
AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


AIIMS: All India Institute of Medical Sciences AIR: All India Radio; Annual Information Report AITUC: All India Trade Union Congress
AJT: Advanced Jet Trainer ALH: Advanced Light Helicopter AM: ante meridiem; before noon
AMC: Army Medical Corps; Asset Management Companies AME: Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers
APC: Agricultural Prices Commission APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
APPLE: Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment APPU: Asian Pacific Postal Union
ARC: Asset Reconstruction Company ARDR: Agricultural and Rural Debt Relief ASAT: Anti-Satellite weapon
ASC: Army Service Corps

ASCI: Advanced Strategic Computing Initiative ASCII: American Standard Code for Information ASEAN: Association of South-East Asian Nations ASEM: Asia-Europe Meeting
ASIMO: Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility ASLV: Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle ASMA: Antarctica Specially Managed Area
ASSOCHAM: Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry ATA: Air Time Authority; Allen Telescope Array
ATC: Air Traffic Controller ATM: Automatic Teller Machine ATR: Action Taken Report
ATV: Automatic Transfer Vehicle


AUM: Assets Under Management AVC: Army Veterinary Corps AVM: Additional Volatility Margin
AWACS: Airborne Warning and Control System


BARC: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation
BC: Before Christ; Board of Control; British Columbia; Battery Commander BCG: Bacillus Calmette Guerin—Anti-Tuberculosis Vaccine
BICP: Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices

BIFR: Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction BIOS: Basic Input Output System
BKU: Bharatiya Kisan Union

BMD: Ballistic Missile Defence System BOLT: BSE On-Line Trading (System) BOSS: Bharat Operating System Solutions BPO: Business Process Outsourcing
BPR: Bottom Pressure Records BRO: Border Road Organisation BSE: Bombay Stock Exchange BSF: Border Security Force BSNL: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd


CA: Chartered Accountant

CABE: Central Advisory Board of Education C & AG: Comptroller & Auditor General
CAIR: Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

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