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How many obligations (Farz) are there in the Hajj?

a. Three
b. Two
c. Four
d. Five

The second important step of Hajj after Waquf is ______

a. Say'ee
b. Tawaf
c. Rami
d. Sacrifice

The upright stones at some distance from one another called_____

a. Jamarat
b. Rami
c. Waquf
d. Say'ee

The most important step of Hajj after assuming Ahram is ______

a. Tawaf
b. Waquf
c. Rami
d. Jamarat 

The place from which the Hajjaj to Makkah assume the state of Ihraam.

a. Meeqat
b. Mina
c. Arafat
d. Muzdalfa

who build the first structure of the Holy Ka'ba?

a. Hazrat Adam AS
b. Hazrat Ismaeel AS
c. Hazrat Ibraheem AS
d. Hazrat Musa AS

what is the literal meaning of the word Hajj?

a. The will to visit
b. To wald briskly
c. The holy journey
d. To go round ka'ba

Name the fundamental pillar of Islam which is often mentioned in the Holy Quran alonwith Salat?

a. Jehad
b. Hajj
c. Salat
d. Zakat

From where the word "Zakat" is derived?

a. Zakariya
b. Tazkiya
c. Zaka
d. None of them

What is the meaining of Khums?

a. One sixth
b. One fifth
c. One fourth
d. One seventh

What is the rate of Zakat on silver, gold and currency?

a. 2%
b. 1 1/2%
c. 2 1/2%
d. 2.25 %

The Nisaab of Zakat is______

a. 52 1/2 tolas silver or 7 1/2 tolas gold
b. 53 1/2 tolas silver or 10 1/2 tolas gold
c. 51 1/2 tolas silver or 7 1/2 tolas gold
d. None of these

When the rate and method of distribution was determined of Madina?

a. 2nd AH
b. 3rd AH
c. 4th AH
d. 5th AH

How many times the word Zakat appears with Salat in the Holy Quran?

a. 30
b. 31
c. 32
d. 33

Hazrat Sara RA the wife of Hazrat Ibrahim AS and the mother of Hazrat Ishaq AS was the the sister of Prophet _____

a. Hazrat Hood ASA
b. Hazrat Loot AS
c. Hazrat Uzair AS
d. Hazrat Essa AS

What is the backbone of the economic system of Islam?

a. Tax
b. Jehad
c. Zakat
d. Ushr

Who was the wife of Hazrat Ibrahim AS and the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt?

a. Hazrat Sara
b. Hazrat Hajira
c. Hazrat Safia
d. Hazrat Mamoona

What is called third Ashra of Ramazan?

a. Ashra-e-Maghfirat
b. Ashra-e-Rehmat
c. Ashra-e-Najat-e-Jahannam
d. All of them